133 lines
4.2 KiB
133 lines
4.2 KiB
import serial
def parse_start_code(frame):
soi = frame[0:2]
if soi == "~":
return "ok!"
raise ValueError(f"Invalid start identifier! ({soi})")
def parse_version_code(frame):
ver = frame[2:6]
return f"Protocol Version V{ver[0]}.{ver[1]}"
def parse_address_code(frame):
adr = frame[6:10]
if 0 <= int(adr) <= 15:
return adr
raise ValueError(f"Invalid address: {adr} (out of range 0-15)")
def parse_device_code(frame):
cid1 = frame[10:14]
return bms.CID1_DEVICE_CODES.get(cid1, "Unknown!")
def parse_function_code(frame):
cid2 = frame[14:18]
if cid2 in bms.CID2_COMMAND_CODES:
return f"Command -> {bms.CID2_COMMAND_CODES.get(cid2)}"
elif cid2 in bms.CID2_RETURN_CODES:
return f"Return -> {bms.CID2_RETURN_CODES.get(cid2)}"
return f"Unknown CID2: {cid2}"
def parse_lchksum(length_code):
# implements chapter 3.2.2 of the Protocol Specification
lchksum = int(length_code[0], 16)
# Compute lchksum
d11d10d09d08 = int(length_code[1])
d07d06d05d04 = int(length_code[2])
d03d0ld01d00 = int(length_code[3])
sum = d11d10d09d08 + d07d06d05d04 + d03d0ld01d00
remainder = sum % 16
inverted = ~remainder & 0xF
computed_lchksum = (inverted + 1) & 0xF
if computed_lchksum == lchksum:
return "ok!"
raise ValueError(f"Invalid LCHKSUM: {lchksum} (computed: {computed_lchksum})")
def parse_lenid(length_code):
# implements chapter 3.2.1 of the Protocol Specification
d11d10d09d08 = int(length_code[1])
d07d06d05d04 = int(length_code[2])
d03d0ld01d00 = int(length_code[3])
lenid = d11d10d09d08 << 8 | d07d06d05d04 << 4 | d03d0ld01d00
return lenid>>1
def parse_length_code(frame):
# implements chapter 3.2 of the Protocol Specification
length_code = frame[18:26]
lchksum = parse_lchksum(length_code)
lenid = parse_lenid(length_code)
return { "LCHKSUM": lchksum, "LENID": lenid }
def parse_info(frame):
cid2 = frame[14:18]
lenid = parse_lenid(frame[18:26])
info = frame[26:26+lenid*2]
if cid2 == '00' and lenid == 49:
return parse_telecommand_return(info)
elif cid2 == '00' and lenid == 75:
return parse_telemetry_return(info)
return info
def parse_telecommand_return(info_raw, info={}, index=0):
info["DATA FLAG"] = info_raw[index:index+4]
index += 4
info["COMMAND GROUP"] = info_raw[index:index+4]
index += 4
def parse_modbus_ascii_frame(frame, parsed_data = {}):
frame = bytes.fromhex(frame).decode('ascii')
parsed_data["SOI"] = parse_start_code(frame)
parsed_data["VER"] = parse_version_code(frame)
parsed_data["ADR"] = parse_address_code(frame)
parsed_data["CID1"] = parse_device_code(frame)
parsed_data["CID2"] = parse_function_code(frame)
parsed_data["LENGTH"] = parse_length_code(frame)
parsed_data["INFO"] = parse_info(frame)
parsed_data["CHKSUM"] = parse_checksum(frame)
parsed_data["EOI"] = parse_end_code(frame)
return parsed_data
def send_command():
# Define the serial port and baud rate
port = 'COM9' # Replace with your actual port
baudrate = 19200 # Replace with the correct baud rate for your BMS
# Create the serial connection
with serial.Serial(port, baudrate, timeout=1) as ser:
# Convert the hex string to bytes
command = bytes.fromhex("7E3230303034363434453030323030464433350D")
# Send the command
print("Command sent successfully.")
# Wait for and read the response
response = ser.read(200) # Adjust the number of bytes to read as needed
if response:
hex_response = response.hex()
print("Response received:", hex_response)
# Process the response to check details
print("No response received.")
except serial.SerialException as e:
print(f"Error opening serial port: {e}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An unexpected error occurred: {e}")
if __name__ == "__main__":