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{"version":3,"names":["VISITOR_KEYS","removeProperties","traverseFast","traverse","parent","opts","scope","state","parentPath","noScope","type","Error","visitors","explode","traverseNode","verify","cheap","node","enter","path","skipKeys","clearNode","cache","delete","tree","hasDenylistedType","has","stop","hasType","denylistTypes","includes","denylist"],"sources":["../src/index.ts"],"sourcesContent":["import * as visitors from \"./visitors\";\nimport {\n VISITOR_KEYS,\n removeProperties,\n type RemovePropertiesOptions,\n traverseFast,\n} from \"@babel/types\";\nimport type * as t from \"@babel/types\";\nimport * as cache from \"./cache\";\nimport type NodePath from \"./path\";\nimport type { default as Scope, Binding } from \"./scope\";\nimport type { Visitor } from \"./types\";\nimport { traverseNode } from \"./traverse-node\";\n\nexport type { Visitor, Binding };\nexport { default as NodePath } from \"./path\";\nexport { default as Scope } from \"./scope\";\nexport { default as Hub } from \"./hub\";\nexport type { HubInterface } from \"./hub\";\n\nexport { visitors };\n\nexport type TraverseOptions<S = t.Node> = {\n scope?: Scope;\n noScope?: boolean;\n denylist?: string[];\n} & Visitor<S>;\n\nfunction traverse<S>(\n parent: t.Node,\n opts: TraverseOptions<S>,\n scope: Scope | undefined,\n state: S,\n parentPath?: NodePath,\n): void;\n\nfunction traverse(\n parent: t.Node,\n opts: TraverseOptions,\n scope?: Scope,\n state?: any,\n parentPath?: NodePath,\n): void;\n\nfunction traverse<Options extends TraverseOptions>(\n parent: t.Node,\n // @ts-expect-error provide {} as default value for Options\n opts: Options = {},\n scope?: Scope,\n state?: any,\n parentPath?: NodePath,\n) {\n if (!parent) return;\n\n if (!opts.noScope && !scope) {\n if (parent.type !== \"Program\" && parent.type !== \"File\") {\n throw new Error(\n \"You must pass a scope and parentPath unless traversing a Program/File. \" +\n `Instead of that you tried to traverse a ${parent.type} node without ` +\n \"passing scope and parentPath.\",\n );\n }\n }\n\n if (!VISITOR_KEYS[parent.type]) {\n return;\n }\n\n visitors.explode(opts as Visitor);\n\n traverseNode(parent, opts, scope, state, parentPath);\n}\n\nexport default traverse;\n\ntraverse.visitors = visitors;\ntraverse.verify = visitors.verify;\ntraverse.explode = visitors.explode;\n\ = function (node: t.Node, enter: (node: t.Node) => void) {\n return traverseFast(node, enter);\n};\n\ntraverse.node = function (\n node: t.Node,\n opts: TraverseOptions,\n scope?: Scope,\n state?: any,\n path?: NodePath,\n skipKeys?: Record<string, boolean>,\n) {\n traverseNode(node, opts, scope, state, path, skipKeys);\n // traverse.node always returns undefined\n};\n\ntraverse.clearNode = function (node: t.Node, opts?: RemovePropertiesOptions) {\n removeProperties(node, opts);\n\n cache.path.delete(node);\n};\n\ntraverse.removeProperties = function (\n tree: t.Node,\n opts?: RemovePropertiesOptions,\n) {\n traverseFast(tree, traverse.clearNode, opts);\n return tree;\n};\n\ntype HasDenylistedTypeState = {\n has: boolean;\n type: t.Node[\"type\"];\n};\nfunction hasDenylistedType(path: NodePath, state: HasDenylistedTypeState) {\n if (path.node.type === state.type) {\n state.has = true;\n path.stop();\n }\n}\n\ntraverse.hasType = function (\n tree: t.Node,\n type: t.Node[\"type\"],\n denylistTypes?: Array<string>,\n): boolean {\n // the node we're searching in is denylisted\n if (denylistTypes?.includes(tree.type)) return false;\n\n // the type we're looking for is the same as the passed node\n if (tree.type === type) return true;\n\n const state: HasDenylistedTypeState = {\n has: false,\n type: type,\n };\n\n traverse(\n tree,\n {\n noScope: true,\n denylist: denylistTypes,\n enter: hasDenylistedType,\n },\n null,\n state,\n );\n\n return state.has;\n};\n\ntraverse.cache = cache;\n"],"mappings":";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AAAA;AAAuC;AACvC;AAOA;AAIA;AAGA;AACA;AACA;A