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# jsesc [![Build status](]( [![Code coverage status](]( [![Dependency status](](
Given some data, _jsesc_ returns a stringified representation of that data. jsesc is similar to `JSON.stringify()` except:
1. it outputs JavaScript instead of JSON [by default](#json), enabling support for data structures like ES6 maps and sets;
2. it offers [many options](#api) to customize the output;
3. its output is ASCII-safe [by default](#minimal), thanks to its use of [escape sequences]( where needed.
For any input, jsesc generates the shortest possible valid printable-ASCII-only output. [Heres an online demo.](
jsescs output can be used instead of `JSON.stringify`s to avoid [mojibake]( and other encoding issues, or even to [avoid errors]( when passing JSON-formatted data (which may contain U+2028 LINE SEPARATOR, U+2029 PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR, or [lone surrogates]( to a JavaScript parser or an UTF-8 encoder.
## Installation
Via [npm](
npm install jsesc
In [Node.js](
const jsesc = require('jsesc');
## API
### `jsesc(value, options)`
This function takes a value and returns an escaped version of the value where any characters that are not printable ASCII symbols are escaped using the shortest possible (but valid) [escape sequences for use in JavaScript strings]( The first supported value type is strings:
jsesc('Ich ♥ Bücher');
// → 'Ich \\u2665 B\\xFCcher'
jsesc('foo 𝌆 bar');
// → 'foo \\uD834\\uDF06 bar'
Instead of a string, the `value` can also be an array, an object, a map, a set, or a buffer. In such cases, `jsesc` returns a stringified version of the value where any characters that are not printable ASCII symbols are escaped in the same way.
// Escaping an array
'Ich ♥ Bücher', 'foo 𝌆 bar'
// → '[\'Ich \\u2665 B\\xFCcher\',\'foo \\uD834\\uDF06 bar\']'
// Escaping an object
'Ich ♥ Bücher': 'foo 𝌆 bar'
// → '{\'Ich \\u2665 B\\xFCcher\':\'foo \\uD834\\uDF06 bar\'}'
The optional `options` argument accepts an object with the following options:
#### `quotes`
The default value for the `quotes` option is `'single'`. This means that any occurrences of `'` in the input string are escaped as `\'`, so that the output can be used in a string literal wrapped in single quotes.
jsesc('`Lorem` ipsum "dolor" sit \'amet\' etc.');
// → 'Lorem ipsum "dolor" sit \\\'amet\\\' etc.'
jsesc('`Lorem` ipsum "dolor" sit \'amet\' etc.', {
'quotes': 'single'
// → '`Lorem` ipsum "dolor" sit \\\'amet\\\' etc.'
// → "`Lorem` ipsum \"dolor\" sit \\'amet\\' etc."
If you want to use the output as part of a string literal wrapped in double quotes, set the `quotes` option to `'double'`.
jsesc('`Lorem` ipsum "dolor" sit \'amet\' etc.', {
'quotes': 'double'
// → '`Lorem` ipsum \\"dolor\\" sit \'amet\' etc.'
// → "`Lorem` ipsum \\\"dolor\\\" sit 'amet' etc."
If you want to use the output as part of a template literal (i.e. wrapped in backticks), set the `quotes` option to `'backtick'`.
jsesc('`Lorem` ipsum "dolor" sit \'amet\' etc.', {
'quotes': 'backtick'
// → '\\`Lorem\\` ipsum "dolor" sit \'amet\' etc.'
// → "\\`Lorem\\` ipsum \"dolor\" sit 'amet' etc."
// → `\\\`Lorem\\\` ipsum "dolor" sit 'amet' etc.`
This setting also affects the output for arrays and objects:
jsesc({ 'Ich ♥ Bücher': 'foo 𝌆 bar' }, {
'quotes': 'double'
// → '{"Ich \\u2665 B\\xFCcher":"foo \\uD834\\uDF06 bar"}'
jsesc([ 'Ich ♥ Bücher', 'foo 𝌆 bar' ], {
'quotes': 'double'
// → '["Ich \\u2665 B\\xFCcher","foo \\uD834\\uDF06 bar"]'
#### `numbers`
The default value for the `numbers` option is `'decimal'`. This means that any numeric values are represented using decimal integer literals. Other valid options are `binary`, `octal`, and `hexadecimal`, which result in binary integer literals, octal integer literals, and hexadecimal integer literals, respectively.
jsesc(42, {
'numbers': 'binary'
// → '0b101010'
jsesc(42, {
'numbers': 'octal'
// → '0o52'
jsesc(42, {
'numbers': 'decimal'
// → '42'
jsesc(42, {
'numbers': 'hexadecimal'
// → '0x2A'
#### `wrap`
The `wrap` option takes a boolean value (`true` or `false`), and defaults to `false` (disabled). When enabled, the output is a valid JavaScript string literal wrapped in quotes. The type of quotes can be specified through the `quotes` setting.
jsesc('Lorem ipsum "dolor" sit \'amet\' etc.', {
'quotes': 'single',
'wrap': true
// → '\'Lorem ipsum "dolor" sit \\\'amet\\\' etc.\''
// → "\'Lorem ipsum \"dolor\" sit \\\'amet\\\' etc.\'"
jsesc('Lorem ipsum "dolor" sit \'amet\' etc.', {
'quotes': 'double',
'wrap': true
// → '"Lorem ipsum \\"dolor\\" sit \'amet\' etc."'
// → "\"Lorem ipsum \\\"dolor\\\" sit \'amet\' etc.\""
#### `es6`
The `es6` option takes a boolean value (`true` or `false`), and defaults to `false` (disabled). When enabled, any astral Unicode symbols in the input are escaped using [ECMAScript 6 Unicode code point escape sequences]( instead of using separate escape sequences for each surrogate half. If backwards compatibility with ES5 environments is a concern, dont enable this setting. If the `json` setting is enabled, the value for the `es6` setting is ignored (as if it was `false`).
// By default, the `es6` option is disabled:
jsesc('foo 𝌆 bar 💩 baz');
// → 'foo \\uD834\\uDF06 bar \\uD83D\\uDCA9 baz'
// To explicitly disable it:
jsesc('foo 𝌆 bar 💩 baz', {
'es6': false
// → 'foo \\uD834\\uDF06 bar \\uD83D\\uDCA9 baz'
// To enable it:
jsesc('foo 𝌆 bar 💩 baz', {
'es6': true
// → 'foo \\u{1D306} bar \\u{1F4A9} baz'
#### `escapeEverything`
The `escapeEverything` option takes a boolean value (`true` or `false`), and defaults to `false` (disabled). When enabled, all the symbols in the output are escaped — even printable ASCII symbols.
jsesc('lolwat"foo\'bar', {
'escapeEverything': true
// → '\\x6C\\x6F\\x6C\\x77\\x61\\x74\\"\\x66\\x6F\\x6F\\\'\\x62\\x61\\x72'
// → "\\x6C\\x6F\\x6C\\x77\\x61\\x74\\\"\\x66\\x6F\\x6F\\'\\x62\\x61\\x72"
This setting also affects the output for string literals within arrays and objects.
#### `minimal`
The `minimal` option takes a boolean value (`true` or `false`), and defaults to `false` (disabled). When enabled, only a limited set of symbols in the output are escaped:
* U+0000 `\0`
* U+0008 `\b`
* U+0009 `\t`
* U+000A `\n`
* U+000C `\f`
* U+000D `\r`
* U+005C `\\`
* U+2028 `\u2028`
* U+2029 `\u2029`
* whatever symbol is being used for wrapping string literals (based on [the `quotes` option](#quotes))
Note: with this option enabled, jsesc output is no longer guaranteed to be ASCII-safe.
jsesc('foo\u2029bar\nbaz©qux𝌆flops', {
'minimal': false
// → 'foo\\u2029bar\\nbaz©qux𝌆flops'
#### `isScriptContext`
The `isScriptContext` option takes a boolean value (`true` or `false`), and defaults to `false` (disabled). When enabled, occurrences of [`</script` and `</style`]( in the output are escaped as `<\/script` and `<\/style`, and [`<!--`]( is escaped as `\x3C!--` (or `\u003C!--` when the `json` option is enabled). This setting is useful when jsescs output ends up as part of a `<script>` or `<style>` element in an HTML document.
jsesc('foo</script>bar', {
'isScriptContext': true
// → 'foo<\\/script>bar'
#### `compact`
The `compact` option takes a boolean value (`true` or `false`), and defaults to `true` (enabled). When enabled, the output for arrays and objects is as compact as possible; its not formatted nicely.
jsesc({ 'Ich ♥ Bücher': 'foo 𝌆 bar' }, {
'compact': true // this is the default
// → '{\'Ich \u2665 B\xFCcher\':\'foo \uD834\uDF06 bar\'}'
jsesc({ 'Ich ♥ Bücher': 'foo 𝌆 bar' }, {
'compact': false
// → '{\n\t\'Ich \u2665 B\xFCcher\': \'foo \uD834\uDF06 bar\'\n}'
jsesc([ 'Ich ♥ Bücher', 'foo 𝌆 bar' ], {
'compact': false
// → '[\n\t\'Ich \u2665 B\xFCcher\',\n\t\'foo \uD834\uDF06 bar\'\n]'
This setting has no effect on the output for strings.
#### `indent`
The `indent` option takes a string value, and defaults to `'\t'`. When the `compact` setting is enabled (`true`), the value of the `indent` option is used to format the output for arrays and objects.
jsesc({ 'Ich ♥ Bücher': 'foo 𝌆 bar' }, {
'compact': false,
'indent': '\t' // this is the default
// → '{\n\t\'Ich \u2665 B\xFCcher\': \'foo \uD834\uDF06 bar\'\n}'
jsesc({ 'Ich ♥ Bücher': 'foo 𝌆 bar' }, {
'compact': false,
'indent': ' '
// → '{\n \'Ich \u2665 B\xFCcher\': \'foo \uD834\uDF06 bar\'\n}'
jsesc([ 'Ich ♥ Bücher', 'foo 𝌆 bar' ], {
'compact': false,
'indent': ' '
// → '[\n \'Ich \u2665 B\xFCcher\',\n\ t\'foo \uD834\uDF06 bar\'\n]'
This setting has no effect on the output for strings.
#### `indentLevel`
The `indentLevel` option takes a numeric value, and defaults to `0`. It represents the current indentation level, i.e. the number of times the value of [the `indent` option](#indent) is repeated.
jsesc(['a', 'b', 'c'], {
'compact': false,
'indentLevel': 1
// → '[\n\t\t\'a\',\n\t\t\'b\',\n\t\t\'c\'\n\t]'
jsesc(['a', 'b', 'c'], {
'compact': false,
'indentLevel': 2
// → '[\n\t\t\t\'a\',\n\t\t\t\'b\',\n\t\t\t\'c\'\n\t\t]'
#### `json`
The `json` option takes a boolean value (`true` or `false`), and defaults to `false` (disabled). When enabled, the output is valid JSON. [Hexadecimal character escape sequences]( and [the `\v` or `\0` escape sequences]( are not used. Setting `json: true` implies `quotes: 'double', wrap: true, es6: false`, although these values can still be overridden if needed — but in such cases, the output wont be valid JSON anymore.
jsesc('foo\x00bar\xFF\uFFFDbaz', {
'json': true
// → '"foo\\u0000bar\\u00FF\\uFFFDbaz"'
jsesc({ 'foo\x00bar\xFF\uFFFDbaz': 'foo\x00bar\xFF\uFFFDbaz' }, {
'json': true
// → '{"foo\\u0000bar\\u00FF\\uFFFDbaz":"foo\\u0000bar\\u00FF\\uFFFDbaz"}'
jsesc([ 'foo\x00bar\xFF\uFFFDbaz', 'foo\x00bar\xFF\uFFFDbaz' ], {
'json': true
// → '["foo\\u0000bar\\u00FF\\uFFFDbaz","foo\\u0000bar\\u00FF\\uFFFDbaz"]'
// Values that are acceptable in JSON but arent strings, arrays, or object
// literals cant be escaped, so theyll just be preserved:
jsesc([ 'foo\x00bar', [1, '©', { 'foo': true, 'qux': null }], 42 ], {
'json': true
// → '["foo\\u0000bar",[1,"\\u00A9",{"foo":true,"qux":null}],42]'
// Values that arent allowed in JSON are run through `JSON.stringify()`:
jsesc([ undefined, -Infinity ], {
'json': true
// → '[null,null]'
**Note:** Using this option on objects or arrays that contain non-string values relies on `JSON.stringify()`. For legacy environments like IE ≤ 7, use [a `JSON` polyfill](
#### `lowercaseHex`
The `lowercaseHex` option takes a boolean value (`true` or `false`), and defaults to `false` (disabled). When enabled, any alphabetical hexadecimal digits in escape sequences as well as any hexadecimal integer literals (see [the `numbers` option](#numbers)) in the output are in lowercase.
jsesc('Ich ♥ Bücher', {
'lowercaseHex': true
// → 'Ich \\u2665 B\\xfccher'
// ^^
jsesc(42, {
'numbers': 'hexadecimal',
'lowercaseHex': true
// → '0x2a'
// ^^
### `jsesc.version`
A string representing the semantic version number.
### Using the `jsesc` binary
To use the `jsesc` binary in your shell, simply install jsesc globally using npm:
npm install -g jsesc
After that youre able to escape strings from the command line:
$ jsesc 'föo ♥ bår 𝌆 baz'
f\xF6o \u2665 b\xE5r \uD834\uDF06 baz
To escape arrays or objects containing string values, use the `-o`/`--object` option:
$ jsesc --object '{ "föo": "♥", "bår": "𝌆 baz" }'
{'f\xF6o':'\u2665','b\xE5r':'\uD834\uDF06 baz'}
To prettify the output in such cases, use the `-p`/`--pretty` option:
$ jsesc --pretty '{ "föo": "♥", "bår": "𝌆 baz" }'
'f\xF6o': '\u2665',
'b\xE5r': '\uD834\uDF06 baz'
For valid JSON output, use the `-j`/`--json` option:
$ jsesc --json --pretty '{ "föo": "♥", "bår": "𝌆 baz" }'
"f\u00F6o": "\u2665",
"b\u00E5r": "\uD834\uDF06 baz"
Read a local JSON file, escape any non-ASCII symbols, and save the result to a new file:
$ jsesc --json --object < data-raw.json > data-escaped.json
Or do the same with an online JSON file:
$ curl -sL "" | jsesc --json --object > data-escaped.json
See `jsesc --help` for the full list of options.
## Support
As of v2.0.0, jsesc supports Node.js v4+ only.
Older versions (up to jsesc v1.3.0) support Chrome 27, Firefox 3, Safari 4, Opera 10, IE 6, Node.js v6.0.0, Narwhal 0.3.2, RingoJS 0.8-0.11, PhantomJS 1.9.0, and Rhino 1.7RC4. **Note:** Using the `json` option on objects or arrays that contain non-string values relies on `JSON.parse()`. For legacy environments like IE ≤ 7, use [a `JSON` polyfill](
## Author
| [![twitter/mathias](]( "Follow @mathias on Twitter") |
| [Mathias Bynens]( |
## License
This library is available under the [MIT]( license.