
336 lines
10 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import QtQuick 1.1
import com.victron.velib 1.0
import "utils.js" as Utils
MbPage {
property string cgwacsPath: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/CGwacs"
property string settingsPrefix: "com.victronenergy.settings"
property string batteryLifePath: cgwacsPath + "/BatteryLife"
// Hub4Mode
property int hub4PhaseCompensation: 1
property int hub4PhaseSplit: 2
property int hub4Disabled: 3
property bool initialized: false
property VBusItem lastEoc: VBusItem { bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/Controller/LastEOC" }
property int previousEocValue: lastEoc.value
title: qsTr("Charging Strategy")
Component.onCompleted: {
initialized = true
VBusItem {
id: controllerState
bind: "com.victronenergy.controller/State"
property bool isCalibrationActive: controllerState.value == 3 ? true : false
VBusItem {
id: systemType
bind: "com.victronenergy.system/SystemType"
VBusItem {
id: gridSetpoint
bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/CGwacs/AcPowerSetPoint"
VBusItem {
id: maxChargePowerItem
bind: Utils.path(cgwacsPath, "/MaxChargePower")
VBusItem {
id: maxDischargePowerItem
bind: Utils.path(cgwacsPath, "/MaxDischargePower")
VBusItem {
id: socLimitItem
bind: Utils.path(batteryLifePath, "/SocLimit")
VBusItem {
id: minSocLimitItem
bind: Utils.path(batteryLifePath, "/MinimumSocLimit")
VBusItem {
id: stateItem
bind: Utils.path(batteryLifePath, "/State")
model: hub4Settings
VisualItemModel {
id: hub4Settings
MbItemOptions {
id: chargingState
description: qsTr("Charging state")
readonly: true
bind: "com.victronenergy.controller/State"
MbOption { description: qsTr("Unknown"); value: 0 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Heating"); value: 1 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Optimize self-consumption"); value: 2 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Calibration charge"); value: 3 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Hold min SOC"); value: 4 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Charge to min SOC"); value: 5 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Bridge grid blackout"); value: 6 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Limit discharge power"); value: 7 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Scheduled charge"); value: 8 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Limit charge power"); value: 9 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("No grid meter available"); value: 10 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("No battery available"); value: 11 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("No inverter available"); value: 12 }
MbItemOptionsKnown {
id: timeToEoc
description: qsTr("Time to calibration charge")
readonly: true
bind: "com.victronenergy.controller/TimeToCalibrationCharge"
MbOption { description: qsTr("Now"); value: "now" }
MbEditBoxTime {
id: startTime
description: qsTr("Calibration charge start time (hh:mm)")
item.bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/Controller/CalibrationChargeStartTime"
writeAccessLevel: User.AccessUser
MbOK {
id: eoctime
description: qsTr("Start calibration charge now?")
writeAccessLevel: User.AccessUser
value: isCalibrationActive ? qsTr("Calibration charge started") : qsTr("Press here")
show: true
onClicked: {
console.log("Button clicked. Current controllerState: " + controllerState.value);
console.log("Button clicked. Current isCalibrationAction: " + isCalibrationActive);
console.log("Button clicked. Previous LastEOC: " + previousEocValue);
if (controllerState.value !== 3 && controllerState.value !== 11 && !isCalibrationActive) {
console.log("Starting manual calibration charge...");
previousEocValue = lastEoc.value;
console.log("Previous EOC Value saved: " + previousEocValue);
2024-07-18 07:16:10 +00:00
console.log("Set lastEoc to 0");
isCalibrationActive = true;
} else if (controllerState.value === 3 && isCalibrationActive) {
console.log("Stopping manual calibration charge...");
2024-07-31 13:30:54 +00:00
console.log("Reverted lastEoc to previous value: " + previousEocValue);
isCalibrationActive = false;
} else if (controllerState.value === 3 && !isCalibrationActive) {
console.log("Stopping automatic calibration charge...");
console.log("Postpone automatic calibration charge to 1 day later.");
lastEoc.setValue((new Date().getTime() - 24*60*60*1000)/1000);
console.log("Reverted lastEoc to previous value: " + previousEocValue);
isCalibrationActive = false;
2024-07-31 13:30:54 +00:00
} else {
isCalibrationActive = false;
eoctime.value = isCalibrationActive ? qsTr("Calibration charge started") : qsTr("Press here");
2024-07-18 07:16:10 +00:00
2024-07-18 07:16:10 +00:00
Connections {
target: lastEoc
onValueChanged: {
if (lastEoc.value !== 0 && isCalibrationActive) {
console.log("Calibration charge completed, resetting button to 'Press here'.");
isCalibrationActive = false;
previousEocValue = lastEoc.value;
2024-07-18 07:16:10 +00:00
eoctime.value = qsTr("Press here");
MbSpinBox {
description: qsTr("Grid setpoint")
//show: hub4Mode.value !== hub4Disabled && stateItem.value !== batteryKeepCharged #we don't depend on hub4Mode anymore
show: true
userHasWriteAccess: true
bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/CGwacs/AcPowerSetPoint"
numOfDecimals: 0
unit: "W"
stepSize: 100
MbSpinBox {
id: minSocLimit
description: qsTr("Minimum SOC (unless grid fails)")
userHasWriteAccess: true
//show: hub4Mode.value !== hub4Disabled && stateItem.value !== batteryKeepCharged #we don't depend on hub4Mode anymore
show: true
bind: Utils.path(batteryLifePath, "/MinimumSocLimit")
numOfDecimals: 0
unit: "%"
min: 0
max: 100
stepSize: 5
MbSwitch {
id: withoutGridMeter
name: qsTr("Grid meter installed")
userHasWriteAccess: true
enabled: true
bind: Utils.path(cgwacsPath, '/RunWithoutGridMeter')
//show: hub4Mode.value !== hub4Disabled #we don't depend on hub4Mode anymore
show: true
invertSense: true
MbSwitch {
bind: Utils.path(settingsPrefix, "/Settings/SystemSetup/HasAcOutSystem")
name: qsTr("Inverter AC output in use")
show: withoutGridMeter.checked
userHasWriteAccess: true
enabled: true
/* MbSwitch { //auskommentiert for possible future use
VBusItem {
id: vebusPath
bind: "com.victronenergy.system/VebusService"
VBusItem {
id: doNotFeedInvOvervoltage
bind: Utils.path(vebusPath.value, "/Hub4/DoNotFeedInOvervoltage")
name: qsTr("Feed-in excess solarcharger power")
bind: Utils.path(settingsPrefix, "/Settings/CGwacs/OvervoltageFeedIn")
show: hub4Mode.value !== hub4Disabled && doNotFeedInvOvervoltage.valid
userHasWriteAccess: true
enabled: true
MbSwitch {
id: maxChargePowerSwitch
name: qsTr("Limit the charge power")
checked: maxChargePowerItem.value >= 0
userHasWriteAccess: true
enabled: true
//show: hub4Mode.value !== hub4Disabled && !(maxChargeCurrentControl.valid && maxChargeCurrentControl.value) #we don't depend on hub4Mode anymore
show: true
onCheckedChanged: {
if (checked && maxChargePowerItem.value < 0)
else if (!checked && maxChargePowerItem.value >= 0)
MbSpinBox {
id: maxChargePower
description: qsTr("Maximum charge power")
userHasWriteAccess: true
show: && maxChargePowerSwitch.checked
bind: Utils.path(cgwacsPath, "/MaxChargePower")
numOfDecimals: 0
unit: "W"
min: 0
max: 200000
stepSize: 50
MbSwitch {
id: maxInverterPowerSwitch
name: qsTr("Limit the discharge power")
checked: maxDischargePowerItem.value >= 0
userHasWriteAccess: true
enabled: true
//show: hub4Mode.value !== hub4Disabled && stateItem.value !== batteryKeepCharged #we don't depend on hub4Mode anymore
show: true
onCheckedChanged: {
if (checked && maxDischargePowerItem.value < 0)
else if (!checked && maxDischargePowerItem.value >= 0)
MbSpinBox {
id: maxDischargePower
description: qsTr("Maximum discharge power")
userHasWriteAccess: true
show: && maxInverterPowerSwitch.checked
bind: Utils.path(cgwacsPath, "/MaxDischargePower")
numOfDecimals: 0
unit: "W"
min: 0
max: 300000
stepSize: 50
MbSwitch {
name: qsTr("Fronius Zero feed-in")
bind: Utils.path(cgwacsPath, "/PreventFeedback")
//show: hub4Mode.value !== hub4Disabled #we don't depend on hub4Mode anymore
show: true
userHasWriteAccess: true
MbItemValue {
VBusItem {
id: pvPowerLimiterActive
bind: "com.victronenergy.hub4/PvPowerLimiterActive"
description: qsTr("Fronius Zero feed-in active")
//show: hub4Mode.value !== hub4Disabled && pvPowerLimiterActive.valid #we don't depend on hub4Mode anymore
show: pvPowerLimiterActive.valid
item.value: pvPowerLimiterActive.value === 0 ? qsTr("No") : qsTr("Yes")
// TODO, support scheduled charging
MbSubMenu {
id: scheduleSettings
property string bindPrefix: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/Schedule/Charge/"
description: qsTr("Scheduled charging")
//show: hub4Mode.value !== hub4Disabled #we don't depend on hub4Mode anymore
show: true
subpage: Component {
MbPage {
title: scheduleSettings.description
model: VisualItemModel {
ChargeScheduleItem { bindPrefix: scheduleSettings.bindPrefix; scheduleNumber: 0 }
ChargeScheduleItem { bindPrefix: scheduleSettings.bindPrefix; scheduleNumber: 1 }
ChargeScheduleItem { bindPrefix: scheduleSettings.bindPrefix; scheduleNumber: 2 }
ChargeScheduleItem { bindPrefix: scheduleSettings.bindPrefix; scheduleNumber: 3 }
ChargeScheduleItem { bindPrefix: scheduleSettings.bindPrefix; scheduleNumber: 4 }
MbSubMenu {
id: deviceItem
description: qsTr("Debug")
show: user.accessLevel >= User.AccessService
subpage: Component {
PageHub4Debug { }