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<i>WHATWG HTML5 specification-compliant, fast and ready for production HTML parsing/serialization toolset for Node.</i>
<b><i>parse5</i></b> contains nearly everything what you will need to deal with the HTML. It's the fastest spec-compliant HTML parser
for Node to the date and will parse HTML the way the latest version of your browser does. It's stable and used
by such projects as [jsdom](, [Angular2](,
[Polymer]( and many more.
# Table of contents
* [Install](#install)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [API Reference](#api-reference)
* [FAQ](#faq)
* [Version history](#version-history)
* [License](#license-and-author-information)
# Install
$ npm install parse5
# Usage
var parse5 = require('parse5');
var document = parse5.parse('<!DOCTYPE html><html><body>Hi there!</body></html>');
var documentHtml = parse5.serialize(document);
var fragment = parse5.parseFragment('<td>Yo!</td>');
var fragmentHtml = parse5.serialize(fragment);
For more advanced examples see [API reference](#api-reference) and [FAQ](#faq).
# API Reference
## Objects
<dt><a href="#parse5">parse5</a> : <code>object</code></dt>
## Typedefs
<dt><a href="#ElementLocationInfo">ElementLocationInfo</a> : <code>Object</code></dt>
<dt><a href="#LocationInfo">LocationInfo</a> : <code>Object</code></dt>
<dt><a href="#ParserOptions">ParserOptions</a> : <code>Object</code></dt>
<dt><a href="#SAXParserOptions">SAXParserOptions</a> : <code>Object</code></dt>
<dt><a href="#SerializerOptions">SerializerOptions</a> : <code>Object</code></dt>
<dt><a href="#TreeAdapter">TreeAdapter</a> : <code>Object</code></dt>
<a name="parse5"></a>
## parse5 : <code>object</code>
**Kind**: global namespace
* [parse5](#parse5) : <code>object</code>
* [.ParserStream](#parse5+ParserStream) ⇐ <code>stream.Writable</code>
* [new ParserStream(options)](#new_parse5+ParserStream_new)
* [.document](#parse5+ParserStream+document) : <code>ASTNode.&lt;document&gt;</code>
* ["script" (scriptElement, documentWrite(html), resume)](#parse5+ParserStream+event_script)
* [.SAXParser](#parse5+SAXParser) ⇐ <code>stream.Transform</code>
* [new SAXParser(options)](#new_parse5+SAXParser_new)
* [.stop()](#parse5+SAXParser+stop)
* ["startTag" (name, attributes, selfClosing, [location])](#parse5+SAXParser+event_startTag)
* ["endTag" (name, [location])](#parse5+SAXParser+event_endTag)
* ["comment" (text, [location])](#parse5+SAXParser+event_comment)
* ["doctype" (name, publicId, systemId, [location])](#parse5+SAXParser+event_doctype)
* ["text" (text, [location])](#parse5+SAXParser+event_text)
* [.SerializerStream](#parse5+SerializerStream) ⇐ <code>stream.Readable</code>
* [new SerializerStream(node, [options])](#new_parse5+SerializerStream_new)
* [.treeAdapters](#parse5+treeAdapters)
* [.parse(html, [options])](#parse5+parse) ⇒ <code>ASTNode.&lt;Document&gt;</code>
* [.parseFragment([fragmentContext], html, [options])](#parse5+parseFragment) ⇒ <code>ASTNode.&lt;DocumentFragment&gt;</code>
* [.serialize(node, [options])](#parse5+serialize) ⇒ <code>String</code>
<a name="parse5+ParserStream"></a>
### parse5.ParserStream ⇐ <code>stream.Writable</code>
**Kind**: instance class of <code>[parse5](#parse5)</code>
**Extends:** <code>stream.Writable</code>
* [.ParserStream](#parse5+ParserStream) ⇐ <code>stream.Writable</code>
* [new ParserStream(options)](#new_parse5+ParserStream_new)
* [.document](#parse5+ParserStream+document) : <code>ASTNode.&lt;document&gt;</code>
* ["script" (scriptElement, documentWrite(html), resume)](#parse5+ParserStream+event_script)
<a name="new_parse5+ParserStream_new"></a>
#### new ParserStream(options)
Streaming HTML parser with the scripting support.
[Writable stream](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| options | <code>[ParserOptions](#ParserOptions)</code> | Parsing options. |
var parse5 = require('parse5');
var http = require('http');
// Fetch content and obtain it's <body> node
http.get('', function(res) {
var parser = new parse5.ParserStream();
parser.on('finish', function() {
var body = parser.document.childNodes[0].childNodes[1];
<a name="parse5+ParserStream+document"></a>
#### parserStream.document : <code>ASTNode.&lt;document&gt;</code>
Resulting document node.
**Kind**: instance property of <code>[ParserStream](#parse5+ParserStream)</code>
<a name="parse5+ParserStream+event_script"></a>
#### "script" (scriptElement, documentWrite(html), resume)
Raised then parser encounters `<script>` element.
If event has listeners then parsing will be suspended on event emission.
So, if `<script>` has `src` attribute you can fetch it, execute and then
resume parser like browsers do.
**Kind**: event emitted by <code>[ParserStream](#parse5+ParserStream)</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| scriptElement | <code>ASTNode</code> | Script element that caused the event. |
| documentWrite(html) | <code>function</code> | Write additional `html` at the current parsing position. Suitable for the DOM `document.write` and `document.writeln` methods implementation. |
| resume | <code>function</code> | Resumes the parser. |
var parse = require('parse5');
var http = require('http');
var parser = new parse5.ParserStream();
parser.on('script', function(scriptElement, documentWrite, resume) {
var src = parse5.treeAdapters.default.getAttrList(scriptElement)[0].value;
http.get(src, function(res) {
// Fetch script content, execute it with DOM built around `parser.document` and
// `document.write` implemented using `documentWrite`
// Then resume the parser
parser.end('<script src=""></script>');
<a name="parse5+SAXParser"></a>
### parse5.SAXParser ⇐ <code>stream.Transform</code>
**Kind**: instance class of <code>[parse5](#parse5)</code>
**Extends:** <code>stream.Transform</code>
* [.SAXParser](#parse5+SAXParser) ⇐ <code>stream.Transform</code>
* [new SAXParser(options)](#new_parse5+SAXParser_new)
* [.stop()](#parse5+SAXParser+stop)
* ["startTag" (name, attributes, selfClosing, [location])](#parse5+SAXParser+event_startTag)
* ["endTag" (name, [location])](#parse5+SAXParser+event_endTag)
* ["comment" (text, [location])](#parse5+SAXParser+event_comment)
* ["doctype" (name, publicId, systemId, [location])](#parse5+SAXParser+event_doctype)
* ["text" (text, [location])](#parse5+SAXParser+event_text)
<a name="new_parse5+SAXParser_new"></a>
#### new SAXParser(options)
Streaming [SAX]( HTML parser.
[Transform stream](
(which means you can pipe *through* it, see example).
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| options | <code>[SAXParserOptions](#SAXParserOptions)</code> | Parsing options. |
var parse5 = require('parse5');
var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');
var file = fs.createWriteStream('/home/');
var parser = new SAXParser();
parser.on('text', function(text) {
// Handle page text content
http.get('', function(res) {
// SAXParser is the Transform stream, which means you can pipe
// through it. So you can analyze page content and e.g. save it
// to the file at the same time:
<a name="parse5+SAXParser+stop"></a>
#### saxParser.stop()
Stops parsing. Useful if you want parser to stop consume
CPU time once you've obtained desired info from input stream.
Doesn't prevents piping, so data will flow through parser as usual.
**Kind**: instance method of <code>[SAXParser](#parse5+SAXParser)</code>
var parse5 = require('parse5');
var http = require('http');
var fs = require('fs');
var file = fs.createWriteStream('/home/');
var parser = new parse5.SAXParser();
parser.on('doctype', function(name, publicId, systemId) {
// Process doctype info ans stop parsing
http.get('', function(res) {
// Despite the fact that parser.stop() was called whole
// content of the page will be written to the file
<a name="parse5+SAXParser+event_startTag"></a>
#### "startTag" (name, attributes, selfClosing, [location])
Raised then parser encounters start tag.
**Kind**: event emitted by <code>[SAXParser](#parse5+SAXParser)</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| name | <code>String</code> | Tag name. |
| attributes | <code>String</code> | List of attributes in `{ key: String, value: String }` form. |
| selfClosing | <code>Boolean</code> | Indicates if tag is self-closing. |
| [location] | <code>[LocationInfo](#LocationInfo)</code> | Start tag source code location info. Available if location info is enabled in [SAXParserOptions](#SAXParserOptions). |
<a name="parse5+SAXParser+event_endTag"></a>
#### "endTag" (name, [location])
Raised then parser encounters end tag.
**Kind**: event emitted by <code>[SAXParser](#parse5+SAXParser)</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| name | <code>String</code> | Tag name. |
| [location] | <code>[LocationInfo](#LocationInfo)</code> | End tag source code location info. Available if location info is enabled in [SAXParserOptions](#SAXParserOptions). |
<a name="parse5+SAXParser+event_comment"></a>
#### "comment" (text, [location])
Raised then parser encounters comment.
**Kind**: event emitted by <code>[SAXParser](#parse5+SAXParser)</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| text | <code>String</code> | Comment text. |
| [location] | <code>[LocationInfo](#LocationInfo)</code> | Comment source code location info. Available if location info is enabled in [SAXParserOptions](#SAXParserOptions). |
<a name="parse5+SAXParser+event_doctype"></a>
#### "doctype" (name, publicId, systemId, [location])
Raised then parser encounters [document type declaration](
**Kind**: event emitted by <code>[SAXParser](#parse5+SAXParser)</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| name | <code>String</code> | Document type name. |
| publicId | <code>String</code> | Document type public identifier. |
| systemId | <code>String</code> | Document type system identifier. |
| [location] | <code>[LocationInfo](#LocationInfo)</code> | Document type declaration source code location info. Available if location info is enabled in [SAXParserOptions](#SAXParserOptions). |
<a name="parse5+SAXParser+event_text"></a>
#### "text" (text, [location])
Raised then parser encounters text content.
**Kind**: event emitted by <code>[SAXParser](#parse5+SAXParser)</code>
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| text | <code>String</code> | Text content. |
| [location] | <code>[LocationInfo](#LocationInfo)</code> | Text content code location info. Available if location info is enabled in [SAXParserOptions](#SAXParserOptions). |
<a name="parse5+SerializerStream"></a>
### parse5.SerializerStream ⇐ <code>stream.Readable</code>
**Kind**: instance class of <code>[parse5](#parse5)</code>
**Extends:** <code>stream.Readable</code>
<a name="new_parse5+SerializerStream_new"></a>
#### new SerializerStream(node, [options])
Streaming AST node to HTML serializer.
[Readable stream](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| node | <code>ASTNode</code> | Node to serialize. |
| [options] | <code>[SerializerOptions](#SerializerOptions)</code> | Serialization options. |
var parse5 = require('parse5');
var fs = require('fs');
var file = fs.createWriteStream('/home/index.html');
// Serialize parsed document to the HTML and write it to file
var document = parse5.parse('<body>Who is John Galt?</body>');
var serializer = new parse5.SerializerStream(document);
<a name="parse5+treeAdapters"></a>
### parse5.treeAdapters
Provides built-in tree adapters which can be used for parsing and serialization.
**Kind**: instance property of <code>[parse5](#parse5)</code>
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| default | <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code> | Default tree format for parse5. |
| htmlparser2 | <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code> | Quite popular [htmlparser2]( tree format (e.g. used by [cheerio]( and [jsdom]( |
var parse5 = require('parse5');
// Use default tree adapter for parsing
var document = parse5.parse('<div></div>', { treeAdapter: parse5.treeAdapters.default });
// Use htmlparser2 tree adapter with SerializerStream
var serializer = new parse5.SerializerStream(node, { treeAdapter: parse5.treeAdapters.htmlparser2 });
<a name="parse5+parse"></a>
### parse5.parse(html, [options]) ⇒ <code>ASTNode.&lt;Document&gt;</code>
Parses HTML string.
**Kind**: instance method of <code>[parse5](#parse5)</code>
**Returns**: <code>ASTNode.&lt;Document&gt;</code> - document
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| html | <code>string</code> | Input HTML string. |
| [options] | <code>[ParserOptions](#ParserOptions)</code> | Parsing options. |
var parse5 = require('parse5');
var document = parse5.parse('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body>Hi there!</body></html>');
<a name="parse5+parseFragment"></a>
### parse5.parseFragment([fragmentContext], html, [options]) ⇒ <code>ASTNode.&lt;DocumentFragment&gt;</code>
Parses HTML fragment.
**Kind**: instance method of <code>[parse5](#parse5)</code>
**Returns**: <code>ASTNode.&lt;DocumentFragment&gt;</code> - documentFragment
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| [fragmentContext] | <code>ASTNode</code> | Parsing context element. If specified, given fragment will be parsed as if it was set to the context element's `innerHTML` property. |
| html | <code>string</code> | Input HTML fragment string. |
| [options] | <code>[ParserOptions](#ParserOptions)</code> | Parsing options. |
var parse5 = require('parse5');
var documentFragment = parse5.parseFragment('<table></table>');
//Parse html fragment in context of the parsed <table> element
var trFragment = parser.parseFragment(documentFragment.childNodes[0], '<tr><td>Shake it, baby</td></tr>');
<a name="parse5+serialize"></a>
### parse5.serialize(node, [options]) ⇒ <code>String</code>
Serializes AST node to HTML string.
**Kind**: instance method of <code>[parse5](#parse5)</code>
**Returns**: <code>String</code> - html
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| node | <code>ASTNode</code> | Node to serialize. |
| [options] | <code>[SerializerOptions](#SerializerOptions)</code> | Serialization options. |
var parse5 = require('parse5');
var document = parse5.parse('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head></head><body>Hi there!</body></html>');
//Serialize document
var html = parse5.serialize(document);
//Serialize <body> element content
var bodyInnerHtml = parse5.serialize(document.childNodes[0].childNodes[1]);
<a name="ElementLocationInfo"></a>
## ElementLocationInfo : <code>Object</code>
**Kind**: global typedef
**Extends:** <code>[LocationInfo](#LocationInfo)</code>
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| startTag | <code>[LocationInfo](#LocationInfo)</code> | Element's start tag [LocationInfo](#LocationInfo). |
| endTag | <code>[LocationInfo](#LocationInfo)</code> | Element's end tag [LocationInfo](#LocationInfo). |
<a name="LocationInfo"></a>
## LocationInfo : <code>Object</code>
**Kind**: global typedef
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| line | <code>Number</code> | One-based line index |
| col | <code>Number</code> | One-based column index |
| startOffset | <code>Number</code> | Zero-based first character index |
| endOffset | <code>Number</code> | Zero-based last character index |
<a name="ParserOptions"></a>
## ParserOptions : <code>Object</code>
**Kind**: global typedef
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| locationInfo | <code>Boolean</code> | <code>false</code> | Enables source code location information for the nodes. When enabled, each node (except root node) has `__location` property. In case the node is not an empty element, `__location` will be [ElementLocationInfo](#ElementLocationInfo) object, otherwise it's [LocationInfo](#LocationInfo). If element was implicitly created by the parser it's `__location` property will be `null`. |
| treeAdapter | <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code> | <code>parse5.treeAdapters.default</code> | Specifies resulting tree format. |
<a name="SAXParserOptions"></a>
## SAXParserOptions : <code>Object</code>
**Kind**: global typedef
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| locationInfo | <code>Boolean</code> | <code>false</code> | Enables source code location information for the tokens. When enabled, each token event handler will receive [LocationInfo](#LocationInfo) object as the last argument. |
<a name="SerializerOptions"></a>
## SerializerOptions : <code>Object</code>
**Kind**: global typedef
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| treeAdapter | <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code> | <code>parse5.treeAdapters.default</code> | Specifies input tree format. |
<a name="TreeAdapter"></a>
## TreeAdapter : <code>Object</code>
**Kind**: global typedef
* [TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter) : <code>Object</code>
* [.createDocument()](#TreeAdapter.createDocument) ⇒ <code>ASTNode.&lt;Document&gt;</code>
* [.createDocumentFragment()](#TreeAdapter.createDocumentFragment) ⇒ <code>ASTNode.&lt;DocumentFragment&gt;</code>
* [.createElement(tagName, namespaceURI, attrs)](#TreeAdapter.createElement) ⇒ <code>ASTNode.&lt;Element&gt;</code>
* [.createElement(data)](#TreeAdapter.createElement) ⇒ <code>ASTNode.&lt;CommentNode&gt;</code>
* [.setDocumentType(document, name, publicId, systemId)](#TreeAdapter.setDocumentType)
* [.setQuirksMode(document)](#TreeAdapter.setQuirksMode)
* [.setQuirksMode(document)](#TreeAdapter.setQuirksMode) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
* [.detachNode(node)](#TreeAdapter.detachNode)
* [.insertText(parentNode, text)](#TreeAdapter.insertText)
* [.insertTextBefore(parentNode, text, referenceNode)](#TreeAdapter.insertTextBefore)
* [.adoptAttributes(recipientNode, attrs)](#TreeAdapter.adoptAttributes)
* [.getFirstChild(node)](#TreeAdapter.getFirstChild) ⇒ <code>ASTNode</code>
* [.getChildNodes(node)](#TreeAdapter.getChildNodes) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
* [.getParentNode(node)](#TreeAdapter.getParentNode) ⇒ <code>ASTNode</code>
* [.getAttrList(node)](#TreeAdapter.getAttrList) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
* [.getTagName(element)](#TreeAdapter.getTagName) ⇒ <code>String</code>
* [.getNamespaceURI(element)](#TreeAdapter.getNamespaceURI) ⇒ <code>String</code>
* [.getTextNodeContent(textNode)](#TreeAdapter.getTextNodeContent) ⇒ <code>String</code>
* [.getTextNodeContent(commentNode)](#TreeAdapter.getTextNodeContent) ⇒ <code>String</code>
* [.getDocumentTypeNodeName(doctypeNode)](#TreeAdapter.getDocumentTypeNodeName) ⇒ <code>String</code>
* [.getDocumentTypeNodePublicId(doctypeNode)](#TreeAdapter.getDocumentTypeNodePublicId) ⇒ <code>String</code>
* [.getDocumentTypeNodeSystemId(doctypeNode)](#TreeAdapter.getDocumentTypeNodeSystemId) ⇒ <code>String</code>
* [.isTextNode(node)](#TreeAdapter.isTextNode) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
* [.isCommentNode(node)](#TreeAdapter.isCommentNode) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
* [.isDocumentTypeNode(node)](#TreeAdapter.isDocumentTypeNode) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
* [.isElementNode(node)](#TreeAdapter.isElementNode) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
<a name="TreeAdapter.createDocument"></a>
### TreeAdapter.createDocument() ⇒ <code>ASTNode.&lt;Document&gt;</code>
Creates document node
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**Returns**: <code>ASTNode.&lt;Document&gt;</code> - document
**See**: [default implementation.](
<a name="TreeAdapter.createDocumentFragment"></a>
### TreeAdapter.createDocumentFragment() ⇒ <code>ASTNode.&lt;DocumentFragment&gt;</code>
Creates document fragment node
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**Returns**: <code>ASTNode.&lt;DocumentFragment&gt;</code> - fragment
**See**: [default implementation.](
<a name="TreeAdapter.createElement"></a>
### TreeAdapter.createElement(tagName, namespaceURI, attrs) ⇒ <code>ASTNode.&lt;Element&gt;</code>
Creates element node
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**Returns**: <code>ASTNode.&lt;Element&gt;</code> - element
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| tagName | <code>String</code> | Tag name of the element. |
| namespaceURI | <code>String</code> | Namespace of the element. |
| attrs | <code>Array</code> | Attribute name-value pair array. Foreign attributes may contain `namespace` and `prefix` fields as well. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.createElement"></a>
### TreeAdapter.createElement(data) ⇒ <code>ASTNode.&lt;CommentNode&gt;</code>
Creates comment node
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**Returns**: <code>ASTNode.&lt;CommentNode&gt;</code> - comment
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| data | <code>String</code> | Comment text. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.setDocumentType"></a>
### TreeAdapter.setDocumentType(document, name, publicId, systemId)
Sets document type. If `document` already have document type node in it then
`name`, `publicId` and `systemId` properties of the node will be updated with
the provided values. Otherwise, creates new document type node with the given
properties and inserts it into `document`.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| document | <code>ASTNode.&lt;Document&gt;</code> | Document node. |
| name | <code>String</code> | Document type name. |
| publicId | <code>String</code> | Document type public identifier. |
| systemId | <code>String</code> | Document type system identifier. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.setQuirksMode"></a>
### TreeAdapter.setQuirksMode(document)
Sets document quirks mode flag.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| document | <code>ASTNode.&lt;Document&gt;</code> | Document node. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.setQuirksMode"></a>
### TreeAdapter.setQuirksMode(document) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
Determines if document quirks mode flag is set.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| document | <code>ASTNode.&lt;Document&gt;</code> | Document node. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.detachNode"></a>
### TreeAdapter.detachNode(node)
Removes node from it's parent.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| node | <code>ASTNode</code> | Node. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.insertText"></a>
### TreeAdapter.insertText(parentNode, text)
Inserts text into node. If the last child of the node is the text node then
provided text will be appended to the text node content. Otherwise, inserts
new text node with the given text.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| parentNode | <code>ASTNode</code> | Node to insert text into. |
| text | <code>String</code> | Text to insert. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.insertTextBefore"></a>
### TreeAdapter.insertTextBefore(parentNode, text, referenceNode)
Inserts text into node before the referenced child node. If node before the
referenced child node is the text node then provided text will be appended
to the text node content. Otherwise, inserts new text node with the given text
before the referenced child node.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| parentNode | <code>ASTNode</code> | Node to insert text into. |
| text | <code>String</code> | Text to insert. |
| referenceNode | <code>ASTNode</code> | Node to insert text before. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.adoptAttributes"></a>
### TreeAdapter.adoptAttributes(recipientNode, attrs)
Copies attributes to the given node. Only those nodes
which are not yet present in the node are copied.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| recipientNode | <code>ASTNode</code> | Node to copy attributes into. |
| attrs | <code>Array</code> | Attributes to copy. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.getFirstChild"></a>
### TreeAdapter.getFirstChild(node) ⇒ <code>ASTNode</code>
Returns first child of the given node.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**Returns**: <code>ASTNode</code> - firstChild
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| node | <code>ASTNode</code> | Node. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.getChildNodes"></a>
### TreeAdapter.getChildNodes(node) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
Returns array of the given node's children.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**Returns**: <code>Array</code> - children
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| node | <code>ASTNode</code> | Node. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.getParentNode"></a>
### TreeAdapter.getParentNode(node) ⇒ <code>ASTNode</code>
Returns given node's parent.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**Returns**: <code>ASTNode</code> - parent
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| node | <code>ASTNode</code> | Node. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.getAttrList"></a>
### TreeAdapter.getAttrList(node) ⇒ <code>Array</code>
Returns array of the given node's attributes in form of the name-value pair.
Foreign attributes may contain `namespace` and `prefix` fields as well.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**Returns**: <code>Array</code> - attributes
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| node | <code>ASTNode</code> | Node. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.getTagName"></a>
### TreeAdapter.getTagName(element) ⇒ <code>String</code>
Returns given element's tag name.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**Returns**: <code>String</code> - tagName
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| element | <code>ASTNode.&lt;Element&gt;</code> | Element. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.getNamespaceURI"></a>
### TreeAdapter.getNamespaceURI(element) ⇒ <code>String</code>
Returns given element's namespace.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**Returns**: <code>String</code> - namespaceURI
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| element | <code>ASTNode.&lt;Element&gt;</code> | Element. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.getTextNodeContent"></a>
### TreeAdapter.getTextNodeContent(textNode) ⇒ <code>String</code>
Returns given text node's content.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**Returns**: <code>String</code> - text
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| textNode | <code>ASTNode.&lt;Text&gt;</code> | Text node. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.getTextNodeContent"></a>
### TreeAdapter.getTextNodeContent(commentNode) ⇒ <code>String</code>
Returns given comment node's content.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**Returns**: <code>String</code> - commentText
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| commentNode | <code>ASTNode.&lt;Comment&gt;</code> | Comment node. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.getDocumentTypeNodeName"></a>
### TreeAdapter.getDocumentTypeNodeName(doctypeNode) ⇒ <code>String</code>
Returns given document type node's name.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**Returns**: <code>String</code> - name
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| doctypeNode | <code>ASTNode.&lt;DocumentType&gt;</code> | Document type node. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.getDocumentTypeNodePublicId"></a>
### TreeAdapter.getDocumentTypeNodePublicId(doctypeNode) ⇒ <code>String</code>
Returns given document type node's public identifier.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**Returns**: <code>String</code> - publicId
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| doctypeNode | <code>ASTNode.&lt;DocumentType&gt;</code> | Document type node. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.getDocumentTypeNodeSystemId"></a>
### TreeAdapter.getDocumentTypeNodeSystemId(doctypeNode) ⇒ <code>String</code>
Returns given document type node's system identifier.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**Returns**: <code>String</code> - systemId
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| doctypeNode | <code>ASTNode.&lt;DocumentType&gt;</code> | Document type node. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.isTextNode"></a>
### TreeAdapter.isTextNode(node) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
Determines if given node is a text node.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| node | <code>ASTNode</code> | Node. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.isCommentNode"></a>
### TreeAdapter.isCommentNode(node) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
Determines if given node is a comment node.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| node | <code>ASTNode</code> | Node. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.isDocumentTypeNode"></a>
### TreeAdapter.isDocumentTypeNode(node) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
Determines if given node is a document type node.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| node | <code>ASTNode</code> | Node. |
<a name="TreeAdapter.isElementNode"></a>
### TreeAdapter.isElementNode(node) ⇒ <code>Boolean</code>
Determines if given node is an element.
**Kind**: static method of <code>[TreeAdapter](#TreeAdapter)</code>
**See**: [default implementation.](
| Param | Type | Description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| node | <code>ASTNode</code> | Node. |
## Q: I want to work with my own document tree format. How can I achieve this?
You can create a custom tree adapter so parse5 can work with your own DOM-tree implementation.
Then just pass it to the parser or serializer via option:
var parse5 = require('parse5');
var myTreeAdapter = {
//Adapter methods...
var document = parse5.parse('<div></div>', { treeAdapter: myTreeAdapter });
var html = parse5.serialize(document, { treeAdapter: myTreeAdapter });
You can find description of the methods which should be exposed by tree adapter and links to their
default implementation in the [API reference](#TreeAdapter).
## Q: How can I use parse5 in the browser?
Just compile it with [browserify]( and you're set.
## Q: I'm parsing `<img src="foo">` with the `SAXParser` and I expect `selfClosing` flag to be `true` for the `<img>` tag. But it's not. Is there something wrong with parser?
No. Self-closing tag is the tag that has `/` before the closing bracket. E.g: `<br/>`, `<meta/>`.
In the provided example tag just doesn't have end tag. Self-closing tags and tags without end tags are differently treated by the
parser: in case of self-closing tag parser will not lookup for the appropriate closing tag and expects element to not have any content.
But if start tag is not self-closing parser will treat everything after it (with the few exceptions) as the element content.
However, if the start tag is in the list of [void elements]( parser expects corresponding
element to not have content and behaves the same way as the if element is self-closing. So, semantically if element is the
void element self-closing tags and tags without closing tags are equivalent, but it's not true for all other tags.
**TL;DR**: `selfClosing` is the part of the lexical information and will be set only if the tag in source code has `/` before the closing bracket.
## Q: I have some weird output from the parser, seems like it's a bug.
More likely, it's not. There are a lot of weird edge cases in HTML5 parsing algorithm, e.g.:
will be parsed as
Just try it in the latest version of your browser before submitting the issue.
# Version history
## 2.0.0
* Add: [ParserStream]( with the scripting support.
* Add: [SerializerStream](
* Add: Line/column location info.
* Update (**breaking**): `SimpleApiParser` was renamed to [SAXParser](
* Update (**breaking**): [SAXParser]( is the [transform stream](
* Update (**breaking**): [SAXParser]( handler subscription is done via events now.
* Add: [SAXParser.stop()](
* Add (**breaking**): [parse5.parse()]( and [parse5.parseFragment()](
methods as replacement for the `Parser` class.
* Add (**breaking**): [parse5.serialize()]( method as replacement for the `Serializer` class.
* Update: parsing algorithm was updated with the latest [HTML spec]( changes.
* Remove (**breaking**): `decodeHtmlEntities` and `encodeHtmlEntities` options. [Discussion](
## 1.5.0
* Add: Location info for the element start and end tags (by @sakagg).
## 1.4.2
* Fix: htmlparser2 tree adapter `` property rendering (GH [#45](
## 1.4.1
* Fix: Location info handling for the implicitly generated `<html>` and `<body>` elements (GH [#44](
## 1.4.0
* Add: Parser [decodeHtmlEntities]( option.
* Add: SimpleApiParser [decodeHtmlEntities]( option.
* Add: Parser [locationInfo]( option.
* Add: SimpleApiParser [locationInfo]( option.
## 1.3.2
* Fix: `<form>` processing in `<template>` (GH [#40](
## 1.3.1
* Fix: text node in `<template>` serialization problem with custom tree adapter (GH [#38](
## 1.3.0
* Add: Serializer `encodeHtmlEntities` option.
## 1.2.0
* Add: `<template>` support
* `parseFragment` now uses `<template>` as default `contextElement`. This leads to the more "forgiving" parsing manner.
* `TreeSerializer` was renamed to `Serializer`. However, serializer is accessible as `parse5.TreeSerializer` for backward compatibility .
## 1.1.6
* Fix: apply latest changes to the `htmlparser2` tree format (DOM Level1 node emulation).
## 1.1.5
* Add: [jsdom]( parser with scripting support. Undocumented for `jsdom` internal use only.
## 1.1.4
* Add: logo
* Fix: use fake `document` element for fragment parsing (required by [jsdom](
## 1.1.3
* Development files (e.g. `.travis.yml`, `.editorconfig`) are removed from NPM package.
## 1.1.2
* Fix: crash on Linux due to upper-case leading character in module name used in `require()`.
## 1.1.1
* Add: [SimpleApiParser](
* Fix: new line serialization in `<pre>`.
* Fix: `SYSTEM`-only `DOCTYPE` serialization.
* Fix: quotes serialization in `DOCTYPE` IDs.
## 1.0.0
* First stable release, switch to semantic versioning.
## 0.8.3
* Fix: siblings calculation bug in `appendChild` in `htmlparser2` tree adapter.
## 0.8.1
* Add: [TreeSerializer](
* Add: [htmlparser2 tree adapter](
## 0.6.1
* Fix: incorrect `<menuitem>` handling in `<body>`.
## 0.6.0
* Initial release.
# License
Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Ivan Nikulin (,
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.