remove stale file

This commit is contained in:
ig 2023-09-01 11:12:32 +02:00
parent 7fc5f80e8c
commit 006ea0e1ee
1 changed files with 0 additions and 123 deletions

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@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
// using InnovEnergy.App.SaliMax.SaliMaxRelays;
// namespace InnovEnergy.App.SaliMax.SystemConfig;
// public static class Defaults
// {
// public static readonly TruConvertAcControl TruConvertAcControl = new()
// {
// Date = default, // TODO
// Time = default, // TODO,
// IpAddress = default, // 0x C0A80102;
// Subnet = default, //= 0x FFFFFF00;
// Gateway = default, //= 0x C0A80102;
// ResetParamToDefault = false, // Coil
// CommunicationTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20),
// CpuReset = false,
// ConnectedSystemConfig = Lib.Devices.Trumpf.TruConvert.SystemConfig.AcDcAndDcDc,
// UpdateSwTrigger = 0,
// AutomaticSwUpdate = 0,
// CustomerValuesSaveReset = 0,
// // SerialNumberSystemControl = 0,
// // SerialNumberAcDc = 0,
// IntegrationLevel = 16,
// // IlBuildnumber = 0,
// PowerStageEnable = true,
// SetValueConfig = SymmetricAcOperationMode.Symmetric, // Asymmetric = 0, // this is can not be seen in UI
// ResetsAlarmAndWarning = false,
// PreChargeDcLinkConfig = PreChargeDcLinkConfig.Internal, // 1 = internal
// PowerFactorConvention = PowerFactorConvention.Producer, // 0 = producer
// SlaveAddress = 1,
// ErrorHandlingPolicy = AcErrorPolicy.Relaxed, // 0 = relaxed
// GridType = AcDcGridType.GridTied400V50Hz,
// // SubSlaveAddress = 0, // Broadcast
// UseModbusSlaveIdForAddressing = false,
// SubSlaveErrorPolicy = 0,
// SignedPowerNominalValue = 0, //signedPowerValue
// SignedPowerSetValueL1 = 0,
// SignedPowerSetValueL2 = 0,
// SignedPowerSetValueL3 = 0,
// // PowerSetValue = 0,
// // PowerSetValueL1 = 0,
// // PowerSetValueL2 = 0,
// // PowerSetValueL3 = 0,
// MaximumGridCurrentRmsL1 = 80, // update to the default one
// MaximumGridCurrentRmsL2 = 80, // update to the default one
// MaximumGridCurrentRmsL3 = 80, // update to the default one
// CosPhiSetValueL1 = 0,
// CosPhiSetValueL2 = 0,
// CosPhiSetValueL3 = 0,
// PhaseL1IsCapacitive = false,
// PhaseL2IsCapacitive = false,
// PhaseL3IsCapacitive = false,
// PhasesAreCapacitive = false,
// SetPointCosPhi = 1,
// SetPointSinPhi = 0,
// SetPointSinPhiL1 = 0,
// SetPointSinPhiL2 = 0,
// SetPointSinPhiL3 = 0,
// FrequencyOffsetIm = 0,
// VoltageAdjustmentFactorIm = 100,
// PreChargeDcLinkVoltage = 10,
// MaxPeakCurrentVoltageControlL1 = 0,
// MaxPeakCurrentVoltageControlL2 = 0,
// MaxPeakCurrentVoltageControlL3 = 0,
// GridFormingMode = 1.ConvertTo<AcGridFormingMode>(), // 0 = not grid-forming (grid-tied) ,1 = grid-forming TODO enum
// DcLinkRefVoltage = 720,
// DcLinkMinVoltage = 690,
// DcLinkMaxVoltage = 780,
// DcVoltageRefUs = 870,
// DcMinVoltageUs = 880,
// DcMaxVoltageUs = 920,
// //AcDcGcBypassMode = 0,
// //AcDcGcPMaxThresholdPercent = 150,
// //AcDcGcStartupRampEnable = 0,
// DcConfigModule = DcStageConfiguration.Off,
// DcDcPowerDistribution = 100,
// AcDcDistributionMode = AcDcDistributionMode.Auto,
// };
// public static readonly TruConvertDcControl TruConvertDcControl = new()
// {
// Date = default,
// Time = default,
// IpAddress = default,
// Subnet = default,
// Gateway = default,
// ResetParamToDefault = false ,
// TimeoutForCommunication = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20) ,
// RestartFlag = false ,
// ConnectedSystemConfig = Lib.Devices.Trumpf.TruConvert.SystemConfig.DcDcOnly,
// UpdateSwTrigger = 0,
// AutomaticSwUpdate = 0,
// CustomerValuesSaveReset = 0,
// SerialNumberSystemControl = 0,
// SerialNumberDcDc = 0,
// MaterialNumberDcDc = 0,
// PowerStageEnable = true,
// ResetsAlarmAndWarning = false,
// SlaveAddress = 1,
// SubSlaveAddress = 0,
// ModbusSlaveId = false,
// MaximumBatteryVoltage = 57m,
// MinimumBatteryVoltage = 42,
// MaximumBatteryChargingCurrent = 210,
// MaximumBatteryDischargingCurrent = 210,
// MaximumVoltageAlarmThreshold = 60,
// MinimumVoltageAlarmThreshold = 0,
// MaximalPowerAtDc = 10000,
// BatteryCurrentSet = 0,
// DynamicCurrentPerMillisecond = 100,
// DcLinkControlMode = 1,
// ReferenceVoltage = 720,
// UpperVoltageWindow = 55,
// LowerVoltageWindow = 55,
// VoltageDeadBand = 0,
// };
// public static readonly SaliMaxRelayControl SaliMaxRelayControl = new()
// {
// K2Control = HighActivePinState.Closed
// };
// }