Separate websocket manager to rabbitmq consumer, fixed bug in creating user function

This commit is contained in:
Noe 2023-11-27 16:43:42 +01:00
parent 9840e0c9f8
commit 30e4991032
17 changed files with 200 additions and 498 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ I'll reroute my emails to one of you for software updates.
MARIOS: Please make sure to patch out the vulnerable npm packages in the frontend.
And in my opinion, get started on React or Testcafe Integration tests ;)
Get started on React or Testcafe Integration tests ;)
You can add them into the Gitea Actions Pipeline, read the documentation on Github-actions and integration tests.

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@ -326,11 +326,20 @@ public class Controller : ControllerBase
public async Task<ActionResult<User>> CreateUser([FromBody] User newUser, Token authToken)
var create = Db.GetSession(authToken).Create(newUser);
return create && await Db.SendNewUserEmail(newUser)
? newUser.HidePassword()
: Unauthorized() ;
var create = Db.GetSession(authToken).Create(newUser);
if (create)
var mail_success= await Db.SendNewUserEmail(newUser);
if (!mail_success)
return mail_success ? newUser.HidePassword():Unauthorized();
return Unauthorized() ;

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@ -22,18 +22,10 @@ public static class Program
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
string vpnServerIp = "";
//string vpnServerIp = "";
WebsocketManager.Factory = new ConnectionFactory { HostName = vpnServerIp};
WebsocketManager.Connection = WebsocketManager.Factory.CreateConnection();
WebsocketManager.Channel = WebsocketManager.Connection.CreateModel();
Console.WriteLine("Middleware subscribed to RabbitMQ queue, ready for receiving messages");
WebsocketManager.Channel.QueueDeclare(queue: "statusQueue", durable: true, exclusive: false, autoDelete: false, arguments: null);
Console.WriteLine("Queue declared");

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@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using InnovEnergy.App.Backend.Database;
using InnovEnergy.App.Backend.DataTypes;
using RabbitMQ.Client;
using RabbitMQ.Client.Events;
namespace InnovEnergy.App.Backend.Websockets;
public static class RabbitMqManager
public static ConnectionFactory Factory = null!;
public static IConnection Connection = null!;
public static IModel Channel = null!;
public static void InitializeEnvironment()
string vpnServerIp = "";
Factory = new ConnectionFactory { HostName = vpnServerIp};
Connection = Factory.CreateConnection();
Channel = Connection.CreateModel();
Console.WriteLine("Middleware subscribed to RabbitMQ queue, ready for receiving messages");
Channel.QueueDeclare(queue: "statusQueue", durable: true, exclusive: false, autoDelete: false, arguments: null);
public static async Task StartRabbitMqConsumer()
var consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(Channel);
consumer.Received += (_, ea) =>
var body = ea.Body.ToArray();
var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);
StatusMessage? receivedStatusMessage = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<StatusMessage>(message);
var InstallationConnections = WebsocketManager.InstallationConnections;
lock (InstallationConnections)
//Consumer received a message
if (receivedStatusMessage != null)
Console.WriteLine("Received a message from installation: " + receivedStatusMessage.InstallationId + " and status is: " + receivedStatusMessage.Status);
var installationId = receivedStatusMessage.InstallationId;
//This is a heartbit message, just update the timestamp for this installation.
//There is no need to notify the corresponding front-ends.
if (receivedStatusMessage.Type == MessageType.Heartbit)
Console.WriteLine("This is a heartbit message from installation: " + installationId);
//Traverse the Warnings list, and store each of them to the database
if (receivedStatusMessage.Warnings != null)
foreach (var warning in receivedStatusMessage.Warnings)
Warning newWarning = new Warning
InstallationId = receivedStatusMessage.InstallationId,
Description = warning.Description,
Date = warning.Date,
Time = warning.Time,
DeviceCreatedTheMessage = warning.CreatedBy,
Seen = false
//Create a new warning and add it to the database
Db.HandleWarning(newWarning, receivedStatusMessage.InstallationId);
//Traverse the Alarm list, and store each of them to the database
if (receivedStatusMessage.Alarms != null)
foreach (var alarm in receivedStatusMessage.Alarms)
Error newError = new Error
InstallationId = receivedStatusMessage.InstallationId,
Description = alarm.Description,
Date = alarm.Date,
Time = alarm.Time,
DeviceCreatedTheMessage = alarm.CreatedBy,
Seen = false
//Create a new error and add it to the database
Db.HandleError(newError, receivedStatusMessage.InstallationId);
//This installation id does not exist in our data structure, add it.
if (!InstallationConnections.ContainsKey(installationId))
Console.WriteLine("Create new empty list for installation: " + installationId);
InstallationConnections[installationId] = new InstallationInfo
Status = receivedStatusMessage.Status,
Timestamp = DateTime.Now
InstallationConnections[installationId].Status = receivedStatusMessage.Status;
InstallationConnections[installationId].Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
//Update all the connected front-ends regarding this installation
if(InstallationConnections[installationId].Connections.Count > 0)
Channel.BasicConsume(queue: "statusQueue", autoAck: true, consumer: consumer);
public static void InformInstallationsToSubscribeToRabbitMq()
var installationIps = Db.Installations.Select(inst => inst.VpnIp).ToList();
Console.WriteLine("Count is "+installationIps.Count);
var maxRetransmissions = 2;
UdpClient udpClient = new UdpClient();
udpClient.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 2000;
int port = 9000;
//Send a message to each installation and tell it to subscribe to the queue
using (udpClient)
for (int i = 0; i < installationIps.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Trying to reach installation with IP: " + installationIps[i]);
//Try at most MAX_RETRANSMISSIONS times to reach an installation.
for (int j = 0; j < maxRetransmissions; j++)
string message = "This is a message from RabbitMQ server, you can subscribe to the RabbitMQ queue";
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);
udpClient.Send(data, data.Length, installationIps[i], port);
Console.WriteLine($"Sent UDP message to {installationIps[i]}:{port}: {message}");
IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(installationIps[i]), port);
byte[] replyData = udpClient.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint);
string replyMessage = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(replyData);
Console.WriteLine("Received " + replyMessage + " from installation " + installationIps[i]);
catch (SocketException ex)
if (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.TimedOut){Console.WriteLine("Timed out waiting for a response. Retry...");}
else{Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);}
Console.WriteLine("Start RabbitMQ Consumer");

View File

@ -1,68 +1,12 @@
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
using InnovEnergy.App.Backend.Database;
using InnovEnergy.App.Backend.DataTypes;
using RabbitMQ.Client;
using RabbitMQ.Client.Events;
namespace InnovEnergy.App.Backend.Websockets;
public static class WebsocketManager
public static Dictionary<int, InstallationInfo> InstallationConnections = new Dictionary<int, InstallationInfo>();
public static ConnectionFactory Factory = null!;
public static IConnection Connection = null!;
public static IModel Channel = null!;
public static void InformInstallationsToSubscribeToRabbitMq()
var installationIps = Db.Installations.Select(inst => inst.VpnIp).ToList();
Console.WriteLine("Count is "+installationIps.Count);
var maxRetransmissions = 2;
UdpClient udpClient = new UdpClient();
udpClient.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 2000;
int port = 9000;
//Send a message to each installation and tell it to subscribe to the queue
using (udpClient)
for (int i = 0; i < installationIps.Count; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Trying to reach installation with IP: " + installationIps[i]);
//Try at most MAX_RETRANSMISSIONS times to reach an installation.
for (int j = 0; j < maxRetransmissions; j++)
string message = "This is a message from RabbitMQ server, you can subscribe to the RabbitMQ queue";
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);
udpClient.Send(data, data.Length, installationIps[i], port);
Console.WriteLine($"Sent UDP message to {installationIps[i]}:{port}: {message}");
IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(installationIps[i]), port);
byte[] replyData = udpClient.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint);
string replyMessage = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(replyData);
Console.WriteLine("Received " + replyMessage + " from installation " + installationIps[i]);
catch (SocketException ex)
if (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.TimedOut){Console.WriteLine("Timed out waiting for a response. Retry...");}
else{Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);}
Console.WriteLine("Start RabbitMQ Consumer");
//Every 1 minute, check the timestamp of the latest received message for every installation.
//If the difference between the two timestamps is more than one minute, we consider this installation unavailable.
@ -82,100 +26,6 @@ public static class WebsocketManager
public static async Task StartRabbitMqConsumer()
var consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(Channel);
consumer.Received += (_, ea) =>
var body = ea.Body.ToArray();
var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);
StatusMessage? receivedStatusMessage = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<StatusMessage>(message);
lock (InstallationConnections)
//Consumer received a message
if (receivedStatusMessage != null)
Console.WriteLine("Received a message from installation: " + receivedStatusMessage.InstallationId + " and status is: " + receivedStatusMessage.Status);
Console.WriteLine("Update installation connection table");
var installationId = receivedStatusMessage.InstallationId;
//This is a heartbit message, just update the timestamp for this installation.
//There is no need to notify the corresponding front-ends.
if (receivedStatusMessage.Type == MessageType.Heartbit)
InstallationConnections[installationId].Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
//Traverse the Warnings list, and store each of them to the database
if (receivedStatusMessage.Warnings != null)
foreach (var warning in receivedStatusMessage.Warnings)
Warning newWarning = new Warning
InstallationId = receivedStatusMessage.InstallationId,
Description = warning.Description,
Date = warning.Date,
Time = warning.Time,
DeviceCreatedTheMessage = warning.CreatedBy,
Seen = false
//Create a new warning and add it to the database
Db.HandleWarning(newWarning, receivedStatusMessage.InstallationId);
//Traverse the Alarm list, and store each of them to the database
if (receivedStatusMessage.Alarms != null)
foreach (var alarm in receivedStatusMessage.Alarms)
Error newError = new Error
InstallationId = receivedStatusMessage.InstallationId,
Description = alarm.Description,
Date = alarm.Date,
Time = alarm.Time,
DeviceCreatedTheMessage = alarm.CreatedBy,
Seen = false
//Create a new error and add it to the database
Db.HandleError(newError, receivedStatusMessage.InstallationId);
//This installation id does not exist in our data structure, add it.
if (!InstallationConnections.ContainsKey(installationId))
Console.WriteLine("Create new empty list for installation: " + installationId);
InstallationConnections[installationId] = new InstallationInfo
Status = receivedStatusMessage.Status,
Timestamp = DateTime.Now
InstallationConnections[installationId].Status = receivedStatusMessage.Status;
InstallationConnections[installationId].Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
//Update all the connected front-ends regarding this installation
if(InstallationConnections[installationId].Connections.Count > 0)
Channel.BasicConsume(queue: "statusQueue", autoAck: true, consumer: consumer);
//Inform all the connected websockets regarding installation "installationId"
public static void InformWebsocketsForInstallation(int installationId)

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
using System.Net.WebSockets;
namespace InnovEnergy.App.Middleware;
public class InstallationInfo
public int Status { get; set; }
public List<WebSocket> Connections { get; } = new List<WebSocket>();

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@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">
<Import Project="../InnovEnergy.App.props" />
<PackageReference Include="RabbitMQ.Client" Version="6.6.0" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\Lib\Utils\Utils.csproj" />

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@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
using InnovEnergy.App.Middleware;
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using System.Text;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
internal class Program
public static readonly object SharedDataLock = new object();
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
//For each installation id, we maintain a list of the connected clients
var installationConnections = new Dictionary<int, InstallationInfo>();
var installationsIds = new List<int> {1};
var installationIps = new List<string> {""};
UdpClient udpClient = new UdpClient();
udpClient.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 2000;
int port = 9000;
//Send a message to each installation and tell it to subscribe to the queue
for (int i = 0; i < installationsIds.Count; i++)
using (udpClient)
//Try at most MAX_RETRANSMISSIONS times to reach an installation.
for (int j = 0; j < MAX_RETRANSMISSIONS; j++)
string message = "This is a message from RabbitMQ server, you can subscribe to the RabbitMQ queue";
byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message);
udpClient.Send(data, data.Length, installationIps[i], port);
Console.WriteLine($"Sent UDP message to {installationIps[i]}:{port}: {message}");
IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(installationIps[i]), port);
byte[] replyData = udpClient.Receive(ref remoteEndPoint);
string replyMessage = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(replyData);
Console.WriteLine("Received message from installation " + installationsIds[i]);
catch (SocketException ex)
if (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.TimedOut)
Console.WriteLine("Timed out waiting for a response. Retry...");
Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.Message);
Console.WriteLine("WebSocket server is running. Press Enter to exit.");
await WebSocketListener.StartServerAsync(installationConnections,SharedDataLock);

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@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using System.Text.Json;
namespace InnovEnergy.App.Middleware;
using System.Text;
using RabbitMQ.Client;
using RabbitMQ.Client.Events;
public static class RabbitMqConsumer
private static ConnectionFactory _factory = null!;
private static IConnection _connection = null!;
private static IModel _channel= null!;
public static void StartRabbitMqConsumer(Dictionary<Int32, InstallationInfo> installationConnections, Object sharedDataLock)
string vpnServerIp = "";
_factory = new ConnectionFactory { HostName = "localhost" };
_connection = _factory.CreateConnection();
_channel = _connection.CreateModel();
Console.WriteLine("Middleware subscribed to RabbitMQ queue, ready for receiving messages");
_channel.QueueDeclare(queue: "statusQueue", durable: false, exclusive: false, autoDelete: false, arguments: null);
var consumer = new EventingBasicConsumer(_channel);
consumer.Received += (_, ea) => Callback(installationConnections, sharedDataLock, ea);
_channel.BasicConsume(queue: "statusQueue", autoAck: true, consumer: consumer);
private static void Callback(Dictionary<Int32, InstallationInfo> installationConnections, Object sharedDataLock, BasicDeliverEventArgs ea)
var body = ea.Body.ToArray();
var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(body);
StatusMessage? receivedStatusMessage = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<StatusMessage>(message);
lock (sharedDataLock)
// Process the received message
if (receivedStatusMessage != null)
Console.WriteLine("Received a message from installation: " + receivedStatusMessage.InstallationId + " and status is: " + receivedStatusMessage.Status);
Console.WriteLine("Update installation connection table");
var installationId = receivedStatusMessage.InstallationId;
if (!installationConnections.ContainsKey(installationId))
Console.WriteLine("Create new empty list for installation: " + installationId);
installationConnections[installationId] = new InstallationInfo
Status = receivedStatusMessage.Status
foreach (var installationConnection in installationConnections)
if (installationConnection.Key == installationId && installationConnection.Value.Connections.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine("Update all the connected websockets for installation " + installationId);
installationConnection.Value.Status = receivedStatusMessage.Status;
var jsonObject = new
id = installationId,
status = receivedStatusMessage.Status
string jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonObject);
byte[] dataToSend = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString);
foreach (var connection in installationConnection.Value.Connections)
new ArraySegment<byte>(dataToSend, 0, dataToSend.Length),
true, // Indicates that this is the end of the message

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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
namespace InnovEnergy.App.Middleware;
public class StatusMessage
public required int InstallationId { get; init; }
public required int Status { get; init; }

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@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
using System.Net;
using System.Net.WebSockets;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json;
namespace InnovEnergy.App.Middleware;
public static class WebSocketListener
public static async Task StartServerAsync(Dictionary<Int32, InstallationInfo> installationConnections, Object sharedDataLock)
var listener = new HttpListener();
//Http listener listens for connections. When it accepts a new connection, it creates a new Task to handle this connection
while (true)
var context = await listener.GetContextAsync();
if (context.Request.IsWebSocketRequest)
var webSocketContext = await context.AcceptWebSocketAsync(null);
var webSocket = webSocketContext.WebSocket;
// Add the connected WebSocket to the collection
Console.WriteLine("Accepted a new websocket connection");
HandleWebSocketConnection(webSocket, installationConnections);
context.Response.StatusCode = 400;
//We have a task per websocket connection
async Task HandleWebSocketConnection(WebSocket currentWebSocket, Dictionary<Int32, InstallationInfo> installationConnections)
var buffer = new byte[4096];
while (currentWebSocket.State == WebSocketState.Open)
//Listen for incoming messages on this WebSocket
var result = await currentWebSocket.ReceiveAsync(buffer, CancellationToken.None);
Console.WriteLine("Received a new message from websocket");
if (result.MessageType != WebSocketMessageType.Text)
var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer, 0, result.Count);
var installationIds = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<int[]>(message);
lock (sharedDataLock)
//Each front-end will send the list of the installations it wants to access
//If this is a new key (installation id), initialize the list for this key and then add the websocket object for this client
//Then, report the status of each requested installation to the front-end that created the websocket connection
foreach (var installationId in installationIds)
if (!installationConnections.ContainsKey(installationId))
Console.WriteLine("Create new empty list for installation id "+installationId);
installationConnections[installationId] = new InstallationInfo
Status = -2
var jsonObject = new
id = installationId,
status = installationConnections[installationId].Status
var jsonString = JsonSerializer.Serialize(jsonObject);
var dataToSend = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString);
true, // Indicates that this is the end of the message
Console.WriteLine("Printing installation connection list");
foreach (var installationConnection in installationConnections)
Console.WriteLine("Installation ID: " + installationConnection.Key + " Number of Connections: " + installationConnection.Value.Connections.Count);
//When the front-end terminates the connection, the following code will be executed
Console.WriteLine("The connection has been terminated");
foreach (var installationConnection in installationConnections)
if (installationConnection.Value.Connections.Contains(currentWebSocket))
await currentWebSocket.CloseAsync(WebSocketCloseStatus.NormalClosure, "Connection closed by server", CancellationToken.None);
//Print the installationConnections dictionary after deleting a websocket
Console.WriteLine("Print the installation connections list after deleting a websocket");
foreach (var installationConnection in installationConnections)
Console.WriteLine("Installation ID: "+ installationConnection.Key+" Number of Connections: "+installationConnection.Value.Connections.Count);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("WebSocket error: " + ex.Message);

View File

@ -1 +0,0 @@
dotnet publish Middleware.csproj -c Release -r linux-x64 --self-contained true -p:PublishTrimmed=false && rsync -av bin/Release/net6.0/linux-x64/publish/ ubuntu@

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@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ internal static class Program
var s3Bucket = Config.Load().S3?.Bucket;
//Every 15 iterations(30 seconds), the installation sends a heartbit message to the queue
//When the controller boots, it tries to subscribe to the queue
@ -269,14 +270,9 @@ internal static class Program
_subscribeToQueueForTheFirstTime = true;
SubscribeToQueue(currentSalimaxState, s3Bucket);
if (_subscribedToQueue && currentSalimaxState.Status != _prevSalimaxState)
_prevSalimaxState = currentSalimaxState.Status;
//If already subscribed to the queue and the status has been changed, update the queue
else if (_subscribedToQueue && currentSalimaxState.Status != _prevSalimaxState)
if (_subscribedToQueue && currentSalimaxState.Status != _prevSalimaxState)
_prevSalimaxState = currentSalimaxState.Status;
if (s3Bucket != null)
@ -284,6 +280,7 @@ internal static class Program
else if (_subscribedToQueue && _heartBitInterval>=15)
//Send a heartbit to the backend
Console.WriteLine("----------------------------------------Sending Heartbit----------------------------------------");
_heartBitInterval = 0;
currentSalimaxState.Type = MessageType.Heartbit;
@ -320,11 +317,9 @@ internal static class Program
_factory = new ConnectionFactory { HostName = VpnServerIp };
_connection = _factory.CreateConnection();
_channel = _connection.CreateModel();
_channel.QueueDeclare(queue: "statusQueue", durable: true, exclusive: false, autoDelete: false, arguments: null);
Console.WriteLine("The controller sends its status to the middleware for the first time");
if (s3Bucket != null) InformMiddleware(currentSalimaxState);
_subscribedToQueue = true;

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@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ function Configuration(props: ConfigurationProps) {
defaultMessage="Calibration Charge forced"
defaultMessage="Forced Calibration Charge"

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@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ function installationForm(props: installationFormProps) {
position: 'absolute',
top: isMobile ? '50%' : '30%',
top: isMobile ? '50%' : '40%',
left: '50%',
transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
width: 500,
@ -152,10 +152,11 @@ function installationForm(props: installationFormProps) {
error={ === ''}
label={<FormattedMessage id="VpnIp" defaultMessage="VpnIp" />}

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@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ function UsersSearch() {
defaultMessage="Successfully Updated User"
defaultMessage="Successfully Created User"

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@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ function userForm(props: userFormProps) {
position: 'absolute',
top: isMobile ? '50%' : '30%',
top: isMobile ? '50%' : '40%',
left: '50%',
transform: 'translate(-50%, -50%)',
width: 500,