modify Topology.cs to properly display missing/unreachable devices (mayor rewrite)

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ig 2023-08-25 17:22:02 +02:00
parent 9a400d992d
commit 41ccc63175
1 changed files with 322 additions and 155 deletions

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@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using InnovEnergy.App.SaliMax.Ess;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Devices.Battery48TL;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.StatusApi.Connections;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Units;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Units.Power;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
@ -10,185 +8,351 @@ using Ac3Bus = InnovEnergy.Lib.Units.Composite.Ac3Bus;
namespace InnovEnergy.App.SaliMax;
// ┌────┐ ┌────┐
// │ Pv │ │ Pv │ ┌────┐
// └────┘ └────┘ │ Pv │
// V V └────┘
// V V V
// (b) 0 W (e) 0 W V
// V V (i) 13.2 kW ┌────────────┐
// V V V │ Battery │
// ┌─────────┐ ┌──────────┐ ┌────────────┐ ┌─────────┐ V ├────────────┤
// │ Grid │ │ Grid Bus │ │ Island Bus │ │ AC/DC │ ┌────────┐ ┌───────┐ │ 52.3 V │
// ├─────────┤ -10.3 kW ├──────────┤ -11.7 kW ├────────────┤ -11.7 kW ├─────────┤ -11.7 kW │ Dc Bus │ 1008 W │ DC/DC │ 1008 W │ 99.1 % │
// │ -3205 W │<<<<<<<<<<│ 244 V │<<<<<<<<<<│ 244 V │<<<<<<<<<<│ -6646 W │<<<<<<<<<<├────────┤>>>>>>>>>>├───────┤>>>>>>>>>>│ 490 mA │
// │ -3507 W │ (a) │ 244 V │ (d) │ 244 V │ (g) │ -5071 W │ (h) │ 776 V │ (k) │ 56 V │ (l) │ 250 °C │
// │ -3605 W │ K1 │ 246 V │ K2 │ 246 V │ K3 └─────────┘ └────────┘ └───────┘ │ 445 A │
// └─────────┘ └──────────┘ └────────────┘ V │ 0 Warnings │
// V V V │ 0 Alarms │
// V V (j) 0 W └────────────┘
// (c) 1400 W (f) 0 W V
// V V V
// V V ┌──────┐
// ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐ │ Load │
// │ Load │ │ Load │ └──────┘
// └──────┘ └──────┘
public static class Topology
public static TextBlock CreateTopology(this StatusRecord status)
var islandTopology = status.CreateIslandTopology();
// AC side
// a + b - c - d = 0 [eq1]
// d + e - f - g = 0 [eq2]
// c & d are not measured!
// d = f + g - e [eq2]
// c = a + b - d [eq1]
// DC side
// h + i - j - k = 0 [eq3]
// g = h assuming no losses in ACDC
// k = l assuming no losses in DCDC
// j = h + i - k [eq3]
var a = status.GridMeter?.Ac.Power.Active;
var b = status.PvOnAcGrid?.Power.Active;
var e = status.PvOnAcIsland?.Power.Active;
var f = status.LoadOnAcIsland?.Ac.Power.Active;
var g = status.AcDc.Ac.Power.Active;
var h = g;
var i = status.PvOnDc?.Dc.Power;
var k = status.DcDc.Dc.Link.Power;
var l = k;
var j = Sum(h, i, -k);
var d = Sum(f, g, -e);
var c = Sum(a, b, -d);
// TODO: check ACDCs if AC is available and synced to find out if grid meter OR grid is unavailable
var grid = status.CreateGridColumn(a);
var gridBus = status.CreateGridBusColumn(b, c, d);
var islandBus = status.CreateIslandBusColumn(e, f, g);
var inverter = status.CreateInverterColumn(h);
var dcBus = status.CreateDcBusColumn(i, j, k);
var dcDc = status.CreateDcDcColumn(l);
var batteries = status.CreateBatteryColumn();
if (status.GridMeter is null) // no grid meter?
return islandTopology; // we're done
var gridTopology = status.CreateGridTopology();
return status.ConnectGridToIslandTopology(gridTopology, islandTopology);
return TextBlock.AlignCenterVertical
// 730 V
private static TextBlock ConnectGridToIslandTopology(this StatusRecord status, TextBlock gridTopology, TextBlock islandTopology)
private static TextBlock CreateGridColumn(this StatusRecord status, ActivePower? a)
var inverterPower = status.AcDc.Ac.Power.Active;
var islandLoadPower = status.LoadOnAcIsland is not null
? status.LoadOnAcIsland.Ac.Power.Active
: 0; // TODO
// ┌─────────┐
// │ Grid │
// ├─────────┤ -10.3 kW
// │ -3205 W │<<<<<<<<<<
// │ -3507 W │ (a)
// │ -3605 W │ K1
// └─────────┘
ActivePower islandToGridBusPower = inverterPower + islandLoadPower;
var gridMeterAc = status.GridMeter?.Ac;
var k1 = status.Relays?.K1GridBusIsConnectedToGrid;
var gridBox = PhasePowersActive(gridMeterAc).TitleBox("Grid");
var gridFlow = SwitchedFlow(k1, a);
return TextBlock.AlignCenterVertical(gridBox, gridFlow);
private static TextBlock CreateGridBusColumn(this StatusRecord status,
ActivePower? b,
ActivePower? c,
ActivePower? d)
// ┌────┐
// │ Pv │
// └────┘
// V
// V
// (b) 0 W
// V
// V
// ┌──────────┐
// │ Grid Bus │
// ├──────────┤ -11.7 kW
// │ 244 V │<<<<<<<<<<
// │ 244 V │ (d)
// │ 246 V │ K2
// └──────────┘
// V
// V
// (c) 1400 W
// V
// V
// ┌──────┐
// │ Load │
// └──────┘
////////////// top //////////////
var pvBox = TextBlock.FromString("PV").Box();
var pvFlow = Flow.Vertical(b);
////////////// center //////////////
// on IslandBus show voltages measured by inverter
// on GridBus show voltages measured by grid meter
// ought to be approx the same
var gridMeterAc = status.GridMeter?.Ac;
var k2 = status.Relays?.K2IslandBusIsConnectedToGridBus;
var gridToIslandConnection = SwitchedFlow(k2, islandToGridBusPower);
var busBox = PhaseVoltages(gridMeterAc).TitleBox("Grid Bus");
var busFlow = SwitchedFlow(k2, d);
////////////// bottom //////////////
var loadFlow = Flow.Vertical(c);
var loadBox = TextBlock.FromString("Load").Box();
////////////// assemble //////////////
return TextBlock.AlignCenterVertical
TextBlock.AlignCenterHorizontal(pvBox, pvFlow, busBox, loadFlow, loadBox),
private static TextBlock CreateGridTopology(this StatusRecord status)
Debug.Assert(status.GridMeter is not null);
var gridBusColumn = status.CreateGridBusColumn();
var gridBox = status.GridMeter.CreateGridBox();
var k1 = status.Relays?.K1GridBusIsConnectedToGrid;
var gridPower = status.GridMeter.Ac.Power.Active;
var gridFlow = SwitchedFlow(k1, gridPower);
return TextBlock
private static TextBlock SwitchedFlow(Boolean? switchClosed, ActivePower power)
private static TextBlock CreateIslandBusColumn(this StatusRecord status,
ActivePower? e,
ActivePower? f,
ActivePower? g)
return switchClosed is null ? TextBlock.FromString("??????????")
: !switchClosed.Value ? Switch.Open("K1")
: Flow.Horizontal(power);
private static TextBlock CreateIslandTopology(this StatusRecord status)
var dcBatteryPower = status.DcDc.Dc.Battery.Power;
var dcdcPower = status.DcDc.Dc.Link.Power;
var inverterPower = status.AcDc.Ac.Power.Active;
var islandLoadPower = status.LoadOnAcIsland is not null
? status.LoadOnAcIsland.Ac.Power.Active
: 0; // TODO
var batteries = status.CreateBatteryColumn();
var dcBusColumn = status.CreateDcBusColumn();
var islandBusColumn = status.CreateIslandBusColumn(islandLoadPower);
var inverterBox = status.CreateInverterBox();
var dcDcBox = status.CreateDcDcBox();
return TextBlock
islandBusColumn, status.InverterToIslandBusConnection(),
inverterBox , Flow.Horizontal(inverterPower), // inverter to DC bus
dcBusColumn , Flow.Horizontal(dcdcPower),
dcDcBox , Flow.Horizontal(dcBatteryPower),
// ┌────┐
// │ Pv │
// └────┘
// V
// V
// (e) 0 W
// V
// V
// ┌────────────┐
// │ Island Bus │
// ├────────────┤ -11.7 kW
// │ 244 V │<<<<<<<<<<
// │ 244 V │ (g)
// │ 246 V │ K3
// └────────────┘
// V
// V
// (f) 0 W
// V
// V
// ┌──────┐
// │ Load │
// └──────┘
////////////// top //////////////
var pvBox = TextBlock.FromString("PV").Box();
var pvFlow = Flow.Vertical(e);
////////////// center //////////////
// on IslandBus show voltages measured by inverter
// on GridBus show voltages measured by grid meter
// ought to be approx the same
var inverterAc = status.AcDc.Ac;
var busBox = PhaseVoltages(inverterAc).TitleBox("Island Bus");
var busFlow = status.IslandBusToInverterConnection(g);
////////////// bottom //////////////
var loadFlow = Flow.Vertical(f);
var loadBox = TextBlock.FromString("Load").Box();
////////////// assemble //////////////
return TextBlock.AlignCenterVertical
TextBlock.AlignCenterHorizontal(pvBox, pvFlow, busBox, loadFlow, loadBox),
private static TextBlock CreateInverterColumn(this StatusRecord status, ActivePower? h)
// ┌─────────┐
// │ AC/DC │
// ├─────────┤ -11.7 kW
// │ -6646 W │<<<<<<<<<<
// │ -5071 W │ (h)
// └─────────┘
var inverterBox = status
.Select(d => d.Status.Ac.Power)
var gridFlow = Flow.Horizontal(h);
return TextBlock.AlignCenterVertical(inverterBox, gridFlow);
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "PossibleMultipleEnumeration")]
private static TextBlock InverterToIslandBusConnection(this StatusRecord status)
private static TextBlock IslandBusToInverterConnection(this StatusRecord status, ActivePower? g)
if (status.Relays is null)
return TextBlock.FromString("????????");
var nInverters = status.AcDc.Devices.Count;
var k3S = status
if (k3S.All(s => s))
var inverterPower = status.AcDc.Ac.Power.Active;
return Flow.Horizontal(inverterPower);
if (k3S.Prepend(true).All(s => s)) // TODO: display when no ACDC present
return Flow.Horizontal(g);
return Switch.Open("K3");
private static TextBlock CreateGridBox(this IAc3Connection gridMeter)
return gridMeter
private static TextBlock CreateDcDcBox(this StatusRecord status)
private static TextBlock CreateDcDcColumn(this StatusRecord status, ActivePower? l)
var dc48Voltage = status.DcDc.Dc.Battery.Voltage.ToDisplayString();
var busBox = TextBlock
var busFlow = Flow.Horizontal(l);
return TextBlock
return TextBlock.AlignCenterVertical(busBox, busFlow);
private static TextBlock CreateInverterBox(this StatusRecord status)
private static TextBlock CreateDcBusColumn(this StatusRecord status,
ActivePower? i,
ActivePower? j,
ActivePower? k)
var inverterAcPhases = status
.Select(d => d.Status.Ac.Power)
return TextBlock
private static TextBlock CreateGridBusColumn(this StatusRecord status)
Debug.Assert(status.GridMeter is not null);
var gridLoadPower = status.LoadOnAcGrid is not null
? status.LoadOnAcGrid.Power.Active
: 0; // TODO: show that LoadOnAcGrid is actually not available and not 0
return CreateTopologyColumn
"PV" , 0,
"Grid Bus", status.GridMeter.Ac.PhaseVoltages(),
"Load" , gridLoadPower
private static TextBlock CreateIslandBusColumn(this StatusRecord status, ActivePower islandLoadPower)
var islandBusPv = 0.W(); // TODO
// ┌────┐
// │ Pv │
// └────┘
// V
// V
// (i) 13.2 kW
// V
// V
// ┌────────┐
// │ Dc Bus │ 1008 W
// ├────────┤>>>>>>>>>>
// │ 776 V │ (k)
// └────────┘
// V
// V
// (j) 0 W
// V
// V
// ┌──────┐
// │ Load │
// └──────┘
return CreateTopologyColumn
"PV" , islandBusPv,
"Island Bus", status.AcDc.Ac.PhaseVoltages(),
"Load" , islandLoadPower
/////////////////// top ///////////////////
private static TextBlock CreateDcBusColumn(this StatusRecord status)
var dcBusLoad = 0.W(); // TODO
var pvOnDcPower = status.PvOnDc.Dc!.Power; // TODO !
var dcLinkVoltage = status.DcDc.Dc.Link.Voltage.ToDisplayString();
var mppt = status.PvOnDc;
return CreateTopologyColumn
var nStrings = mppt is not null
? "x" + mppt.Strings.Count
: "?";
var pvBox = TextBlock.FromString($"PV {nStrings}").Box();
var pvToBus = Flow.Vertical(i);
/////////////////// center ///////////////////
var dcBusVoltage = status.DcDc.Dc.Link.Voltage;
var dcBusBox = dcBusVoltage
.TitleBox("DC Bus ");
var busFlow = Flow.Horizontal(k);
/////////////////// bottom ///////////////////
var busToLoad = Flow.Vertical(j);
var loadBox = TextBlock.FromString("DC Load").Box();
////////////// assemble //////////////
return TextBlock.AlignCenterVertical
"PV" , pvOnDcPower,
"DC Bus ", dcLinkVoltage,
"DC Load", dcBusLoad
TextBlock.AlignCenterHorizontal(pvBox, pvToBus, dcBusBox, busToLoad, loadBox),
@ -242,23 +406,23 @@ public static class Topology
.TitleBox($"Battery x{nBatteries}");
private static TextBlock PhaseVoltages(this Ac3Bus ac)
private static TextBlock PhaseVoltages(Ac3Bus? ac)
return TextBlock.AlignLeft
ac?.L1.Voltage.ToDisplayString() ?? "???",
ac?.L2.Voltage.ToDisplayString() ?? "???",
ac?.L3.Voltage.ToDisplayString() ?? "???"
private static TextBlock PhasePowersActive(this Ac3Bus ac)
private static TextBlock PhasePowersActive(Ac3Bus? ac)
return TextBlock.AlignLeft
ac?.L1.Power.Active.ToDisplayString() ?? "???",
ac?.L2.Power.Active.ToDisplayString() ?? "???",
ac?.L3.Power.Active.ToDisplayString() ?? "???"
@ -285,17 +449,20 @@ public static class Topology
return TextBlock.AlignCenterVertical(flow, box);
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "SuggestBaseTypeForParameter")]
private static TextBlock CreateTopologyColumn(String pvTitle , ActivePower pvPower,
String busTitle , Object busData,
String loadTitle, ActivePower loadPower)
private static ActivePower? Sum(ActivePower? e, ActivePower? f, ActivePower? g)
var pvBox = TextBlock.FromString(pvTitle).Box();
var pvToBus = Flow.Vertical(pvPower);
var busBox = TextBlock.AlignLeft(busData).TitleBox(busTitle);
var busToLoad = Flow.Vertical(loadPower);
var loadBox = TextBlock.FromString(loadTitle).Box();
return TextBlock.AlignCenterHorizontal(pvBox, pvToBus, busBox, busToLoad, loadBox);
if (e is null || f is null || g is null)
return null;
return f + g + e;
private static TextBlock SwitchedFlow(Boolean? switchClosed, ActivePower? power)
return switchClosed is null ? TextBlock.FromString("??????????")
: !switchClosed.Value ? Switch.Open("K1")
: power is null ? TextBlock.FromString("??????????")
: Flow.Horizontal(power);