remove node detection from BmsTunnel, did more harm than good.
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,39 +7,26 @@ namespace InnovEnergy.App.BmsTunnel;
using Nodes = IReadOnlyList<Byte>;
public readonly struct BatteryConnection
public static class BatteryTty
public String Tty { get; }
public Nodes Nodes { get; }
private BatteryConnection(String tty, Nodes nodes)
Tty = tty;
Nodes = nodes;
const String DevDir = "/dev";
private BatteryConnection(String tty, params Byte[] nodes) : this(tty, (Nodes) nodes)
public static async Task<BatteryConnection?> Connect(SshHost? host = null)
public static async Task<String?> GetTty()
Console.WriteLine("searching battery connection...");
return await GetConnectionFromDBus(host)
?? await GetConnectionFromDevTty(host);
return await GetTtyFromDBus()
?? await GetTtyFromDev();
private static async Task<BatteryConnection?> GetConnectionFromDevTty(SshHost? host)
private static async Task<String?> GetTtyFromDev()
var fs = FileSystem.OnHost(host);
var ttys = await FileSystem
.GetFiles(DevDir, FileType.CharacterDevice);
var ttys = await fs.GetFiles("/dev", FileType.CharacterDevice);
var candidateTtys = ttys
.Where(f => f.Contains("ttyUSB"))
.Select(t => t.Split("/").LastOrDefault())
.Where(f => f.StartsWith(DevDir + "/ttyUSB"))
@ -49,17 +36,15 @@ public readonly struct BatteryConnection
return null;
var userSelectedTty = "Select TTY:".ChooseFrom(candidateTtys);
if (candidateTtys.Count == 1)
return candidateTtys[0];
return userSelectedTty != null
? new BatteryConnection(userSelectedTty)
: null;
return "Select TTY:".ChooseFrom(candidateTtys);
private static async Task<BatteryConnection?> GetConnectionFromDBus(SshHost? host)
private static async Task<String?> GetTtyFromDBus()
var tty = await LsDBus
@ -67,17 +52,15 @@ public readonly struct BatteryConnection
return null;
Console.WriteLine("found battery on DBus");
var availableNodes = await GetNodes(tty, host);
return new BatteryConnection(tty, availableNodes);
return $"{DevDir}/{tty}";
private static CommandTask<Nodes> GetNodes(String tty, SshHost? host = null)
private static CommandTask<Nodes> GetNodes(String tty)
const String defaultArgs = "--system --print-reply --type=method_call / com.victronenergy.BusItem.GetValue";
return DBusSend
@ -13,41 +13,19 @@ public static class Program
public static async Task<Int32> Main(String[] args)
var hostName = args.FirstOrDefault();
BatteryConnection? connection = hostName is not null ? await ConnectToBms(hostName, new SshHost(hostName)): new BatteryConnection();
var tty = await BatteryTty.GetTty();
if (connection is null)
if (tty is null)
return 2;
// connection.Tty;
Console.WriteLine("\nstarting BMS tunnel\n");
var path = $"/dev/{connection.Value.Tty}";
// if (hostName != null)
// path = $"root@{hostName}:" + path;
// var node = connection.Nodes.Any()
// ? connection.Nodes.First()
// : DefaultNode;
// TODO: Fixme
// var path = "";
Byte node = 2;
var nodes = new Byte[] { 1, 2, 3 };
// TODO: Fixme
using var tunnel = new BmsTunnel(path, node, hostName is not null ? new SshHost(hostName): null);
using var tunnel = new BmsTunnel(tty, 2);
while (true)
@ -73,14 +51,11 @@ public static class Program
Boolean ProcessLocalCommand(String cmd)
cmd = cmd.TrimStart('/').Trim();
cmd = cmd.TrimStart('/').Trim().ToUpper();
if (cmd == "EXIT")
return true;
if (cmd == "NODES")
else if (cmd.StartsWith("NODE "))
if (cmd.StartsWith("NODE "))
Console.WriteLine("unrecognized command");
@ -90,14 +65,6 @@ public static class Program
return 0;
void ListNodes()
if(nodes.Length >= 250)
nodes.Aggregate("available nodes:", (a, b) => $"{a} {b}")
void ChangeNode(String cmd)
@ -109,32 +76,10 @@ public static class Program
if (!nodes.Contains(newNode))
Console.WriteLine(newNode + " is not available");
tunnel.Node = newNode;
private static async Task<BatteryConnection?> ConnectToBms(String? hostName, SshHost host)
if (await host.Ping())
return await BatteryConnection.Connect(host);
$"Cannot connect to {hostName}".WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red);
return null;
private static void ExplainExit() => Console.WriteLine("/exit exit bms cli");
private static void ExplainNodes() => Console.WriteLine("/nodes list available nodes");
private static void ExplainNode() => Console.WriteLine("/node <nb> change to node number <nb>");
Reference in New Issue