diff --git a/csharp/App/SaliMax/SaliMax.csproj b/csharp/App/SaliMax/SaliMax.csproj
index e07e78437..c8e936464 100644
--- a/csharp/App/SaliMax/SaliMax.csproj
+++ b/csharp/App/SaliMax/SaliMax.csproj
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
diff --git a/firmware/opt/innovenergy/scripts/deployAllInstalllationsSalimax.ch b/firmware/opt/innovenergy/scripts/deployAllInstalllationsSalimax.ch
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b1c68296..000000000
--- a/firmware/opt/innovenergy/scripts/deployAllInstalllationsSalimax.ch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-echo -e "\n============================ Build ============================\n"
-dotnet publish \
- ./SaliMax.csproj \
- -p:PublishTrimmed=false \
- -c Release \
- -r linux-x64
-echo -e "\n============================ Deploy ============================\n"
-ip_addresses=("" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "")
-for ip_address in "${ip_addresses[@]}"; do
- rsync -v \
- --exclude '*.pdb' \
- ./bin/Release/$dotnet_version/linux-x64/publish/* \
- $username@"$ip_address":~/salimax
- ssh "$username"@"$ip_address" "cd salimax && echo '$root_password' | sudo -S ./restart"
-echo "Deployed and ran commands on $ip_address"
diff --git a/firmware/opt/innovenergy/scripts/deploySalimax.sh b/firmware/opt/innovenergy/scripts/deploySalimax.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 364c30a55..000000000
--- a/firmware/opt/innovenergy/scripts/deploySalimax.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-echo -e "\n============================ Build ============================\n"
-dotnet publish \
- ./SaliMax.csproj \
- -p:PublishTrimmed=false \
- -c Release \
- -r linux-x64
-echo -e "\n============================ Deploy ============================\n"
-rsync -v \
- --exclude '*.pdb' \
- ./bin/Release/$dotnet_version/linux-x64/publish/* \
- $username@"$salimax_ip":~/salimax
diff --git a/firmware/opt/innovenergy/scripts/upload-bms-firmware-Salimax b/firmware/opt/innovenergy/scripts/upload-bms-firmware-Salimax
deleted file mode 100755
index 58d2c804d..000000000
--- a/firmware/opt/innovenergy/scripts/upload-bms-firmware-Salimax
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,288 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python2 -u
-# coding=utf-8
-import os
-import struct
-from time import sleep
-import serial
-from os import system
-import logging
-from pymodbus.client import ModbusSerialClient as Modbus
-from pymodbus.exceptions import ModbusIOException
-from pymodbus.pdu import ModbusResponse
-from os.path import dirname, abspath
-from sys import path, argv, exit
-PAGE_SIZE = 0x100
-# trick the pycharm type-checker into thinking Callable is in scope, not used at runtime
-# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
-if False:
- from typing import List, NoReturn, Iterable, Optional
-def calc_stm32_crc_round(crc, data):
- # type: (int, int) -> int
- crc = crc ^ data
- for _ in range(32):
- xor = (crc & 0x80000000) != 0
- crc = (crc & 0x7FFFFFFF) << 1 # clear bit 31 because python ints have "infinite" bits
- if xor:
- crc = crc ^ 0x04C11DB7
- return crc
-def calc_stm32_crc(data):
- # type: (Iterable[int]) -> int
- crc = 0xFFFFFFFF
- for dw in data:
- crc = calc_stm32_crc_round(crc, dw)
- return crc
-def init_modbus(tty):
- # type: (str) -> Modbus
- return Modbus(
- port='/dev/' + tty,
- method='rtu',
- baudrate=115200,
- stopbits=1,
- bytesize=8,
- timeout=0.5, # seconds
- parity=serial.PARITY_ODD)
-def failed(response):
- # type: (ModbusResponse) -> bool
- # Todo 'ModbusIOException' object has no attribute 'function_code'
- return response.function_code > 0x80
-def clear_flash(modbus, slave_address):
- # type: (Modbus, int) -> bool
- print ('erasing flash...')
- write_response = modbus.write_registers(address=0x2084, values=[1], slave=slave_address)
- if failed(write_response):
- print('erasing flash FAILED')
- return False
- flash_countdown = 17
- while flash_countdown > 0:
- read_response = modbus.read_holding_registers(address=0x2085, count=1, slave=slave_address)
- if failed(read_response):
- print('erasing flash FAILED')
- return False
- if read_response.registers[0] != flash_countdown:
- flash_countdown = read_response.registers[0]
- msg = str(100 * (16 - flash_countdown) / 16) + '%'
- print('\r{0} '.format(msg), end=' ')
- print('done!')
- return True
-# noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins
-def bytes_to_words(bytes):
- # type: (str) -> List[int]
- return list(struct.unpack('>' + int(len(bytes)/2) * 'H', bytes))
-def send_half_page_1(modbus, slave_address, data, page):
- # type: (Modbus, int, str, int) -> NoReturn
- first_half = [page] + bytes_to_words(data[:HALF_PAGE])
- write_first_half = modbus.write_registers(0x2000, first_half, slave=slave_address)
- if failed(write_first_half):
- raise Exception("Failed to write page " + str(page))
-def send_half_page_2(modbus, slave_address, data, page):
- # type: (Modbus, int, str, int) -> NoReturn
- registers = bytes_to_words(data[HALF_PAGE:]) + calc_crc(page, data) + WRITE_ENABLE
- result = modbus.write_registers(0x2041, registers, slave=slave_address)
- if failed(result):
- raise Exception("Failed to write page " + str(page))
-def get_fw_name(fw_path):
- # type: (str) -> str
- return fw_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
-def upload_fw(modbus, slave_id, fw_path, fw_name):
- # type: (Modbus, int, str, str) -> NoReturn
- with open(fw_path, "rb") as f:
- size = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size
- n_pages = int(size / PAGE_SIZE)
- print('uploading firmware ' + fw_name + ' to BMS ...')
- for page in range(0, n_pages):
- page_data = f.read(PAGE_SIZE)
- msg = "page " + str(page + 1) + '/' + str(n_pages) + ' ' + str(100 * page / n_pages + 1) + '%'
- print('\r{0} '.format(msg), end=' ')
- if is_page_empty(page_data):
- continue
- sleep(0.01)
- send_half_page_1(modbus, slave_id, page_data, page)
- sleep(0.01)
- send_half_page_2(modbus, slave_id, page_data, page)
-def is_page_empty(page):
- # type: (str) -> bool
- return page.count(b'\xff') == len(page)
-def reset_bms(modbus, slave_id):
- # type: (Modbus, int) -> bool
- print ('resetting BMS...')
- result = modbus.write_registers(RESET_REGISTER, [1], slave=slave_id)
- # expecting a ModbusIOException (timeout)
- # BMS can no longer reply because it is already reset
- success = isinstance(result, ModbusIOException)
- if success:
- print('done')
- else:
- print('FAILED to reset battery!')
- return success
-def calc_crc(page, data):
- # type: (int, str) -> List[int]
- crc = calc_stm32_crc([page] + bytes_to_words(data))
- crc_bytes = struct.pack('>L', crc)
- return bytes_to_words(crc_bytes)
-def identify_battery(modbus, slave_id):
- # type: (Modbus, int) -> Optional[str]
- print("slave id=",slave_id)
- target = 'battery ' + str(slave_id) + ' at ' + '502'
- try:
- print(('contacting ...'))
- response = modbus.read_input_registers(address=FIRMWARE_VERSION_REGISTER, count=1, slave=slave_id)
- fw = '{0:0>4X}'.format(response.registers[0])
- print(('found battery with firmware ' + fw))
- return fw
- except:
- print(('failed to communicate with '))
- return None
-def print_usage():
- print(('Usage: ' + __file__ + ' '))
- print(('Example: ' + __file__ + ' ttyUSB0 2 A08C.bin'))
-def parse_cmdline_args(argv):
- # type: (List[str]) -> (str, str, str, str)
- def fail_with(msg):
- print(msg)
- print_usage()
- exit(1)
- if len(argv) < 1:
- fail_with('missing argument for tty device')
- if len(argv) < 2:
- fail_with('missing argument for battery ID')
- if len(argv) < 3:
- fail_with('missing argument for firmware')
- return argv[0], int(argv[1]), argv[2], get_fw_name(argv[2])
-def verify_firmware(modbus, battery_id, fw_name):
- # type: (Modbus, int, str) -> NoReturn
- fw_verify = identify_battery(modbus, battery_id)
- if fw_verify == fw_name:
- print('SUCCESS')
- else:
- print('FAILED to verify uploaded firmware!')
- if fw_verify is not None:
- print('expected firmware version ' + fw_name + ' but got ' + fw_verify)
-def wait_for_bms_reboot():
- # type: () -> NoReturn
- # wait 20s for the battery to reboot
- print('waiting for BMS to reboot...')
- for t in range(20, 0, -1):
- print('\r{0} '.format(t), end=' ')
- sleep(1)
- print('0')
-def main(argv):
- # type: (List[str]) -> NoReturn
- tty, battery_id, fw_path, fw_name = parse_cmdline_args(argv)
- with init_modbus(tty) as modbus:
- if identify_battery(modbus, battery_id) is None:
- return
- clear_flash(modbus, battery_id)
- upload_fw(modbus, battery_id, fw_path, fw_name)
- if not reset_bms(modbus, battery_id):
- return
- wait_for_bms_reboot()
- verify_firmware(modbus, battery_id, fw_name)