# Forced EOC -> Optimize Self-Consumption (charging) Initial State: `Forced EOC` Target State: `Optimize Self-Consumption` ## Test Procedure 1. `SOC` should be 98% or below 2. A production surplus is simulated by setting the `Grid setpoint` to a positive value: 2000W 3. The system is brought to the `Forced EOC` state using `Force charge now` in the gui. 4. Wait until the system changes to `Optimize Self-Consumption` ## Expected Outcome - The system charges the battery to EOC in the `Forced EOC` state. - charging power decreases as SOC approaches 100% - the system changes into `Optimize Self-Consumption` - the system continues to charge with very low power <100W or discharges with very low power <100W - `Time to forced full charge` displayed on the gui is 6d 18h +-1h ## Tested Outcome The system reacted as expected and switched to `Optimize Self-Consumption` when the battery is fully charged and having 100% SOC. The system is continuously charging with a power of ~3W. `Time to forced full charge` is correctly displayed and gets restarted or stays the same (6d 18h) as long as the battery is in charge mode. ![Charge to mind SOC -> Optimize Self-Consumption](Test7.png)