import struct import config as cfg from data import LedState, BatteryStatus # trick the pycharm type-checker into thinking Callable is in scope, not used at runtime # noinspection PyUnreachableCode if False: from typing import Callable, List, Iterable, Union, AnyStr, Any def read_bool(base_register, bit): # type: (int, int) -> Callable[[BatteryStatus], bool] # TODO: explain base register offset register = base_register + int(bit/16) bit = bit % 16 def get_value(status): # type: (BatteryStatus) -> bool value = status.modbus_data[register - cfg.BASE_ADDRESS] return value & (1 << bit) > 0 return get_value def read_float(register, scale_factor=1.0, offset=0.0): # type: (int, float, float) -> Callable[[BatteryStatus], float] def get_value(status): # type: (BatteryStatus) -> float value = status.modbus_data[register - cfg.BASE_ADDRESS] if value >= 0x8000: # convert to signed int16 value -= 0x10000 # fiamm stores their integers signed AND with sign-offset @#%^&! return (value + offset) * scale_factor return get_value def read_registers(register, count): # type: (int, int) -> Callable[[BatteryStatus], List[int]] start = register - cfg.BASE_ADDRESS end = start + count def get_value(status): # type: (BatteryStatus) -> List[int] return [x for x in status.modbus_data[start:end]] return get_value def comma_separated(values): # type: (Iterable[str]) -> str return ", ".join(set(values)) def count_bits(base_register, nb_of_registers, nb_of_bits, first_bit=0): # type: (int, int, int, int) -> Callable[[BatteryStatus], int] get_registers = read_registers(base_register, nb_of_registers) end_bit = first_bit + nb_of_bits def get_value(status): # type: (BatteryStatus) -> int registers = get_registers(status) bin_registers = [bin(x)[-1:1:-1] for x in registers] # reverse the bits in each register so that bit0 is to the left str_registers = [str(x).ljust(16, "0") for x in bin_registers] # add leading zeroes, so all registers are 16 chars long bit_string = ''.join(str_registers) # join them, one long string of 0s and 1s filtered_bits = bit_string[first_bit:end_bit] # take the first nb_of_bits bits starting at first_bit return filtered_bits.count('1') # count 1s return get_value def read_led_state(register, led): # type: (int, int) -> Callable[[BatteryStatus], int] read_lo = read_bool(register, led * 2) read_hi = read_bool(register, led * 2 + 1) def get_value(status): # type: (BatteryStatus) -> int lo = read_lo(status) hi = read_hi(status) if hi: if lo: return LedState.blinking_fast else: return LedState.blinking_slow else: if lo: return LedState.on else: return return get_value # noinspection PyShadowingNames def unit(unit): # type: (unicode) -> Callable[[unicode], unicode] def get_text(v): # type: (unicode) -> unicode return "{0}{1}".format(str(v), unit) return get_text def const(constant): # type: (any) -> Callable[[any], any] def get(*args): return constant return get def mean(numbers): # type: (List[Union[float,int]]) -> float return float(sum(numbers)) / len(numbers) def first(ts, default=None): return next((t for t in ts), default) def bitfields_to_str(lists): # type: (List[List[int]]) -> str def or_lists(): # type: () -> Iterable[int] length = len(first(lists)) n_lists = len(lists) for i in range(0, length): e = 0 for l in range(0, n_lists): e = e | lists[l][i] yield e hexed = [ '{0:0>4X}'.format(x) for x in or_lists() ] return ' '.join(hexed) def pack_string(string): # type: (AnyStr) -> Any data = string.encode('UTF-8') return struct.pack('B', len(data)) + data def read_bitmap(register): # type: (int) -> Callable[[BatteryStatus], int] def get_value(status): # type: (BatteryStatus) -> int value = status.modbus_data[register - cfg.BASE_ADDRESS] return value return get_value def read_limb_string(register): # type: (int) -> Callable[[BatteryStatus], bitmap] def get_value(status): # type: (BatteryStatus) -> bitmap value = status.modbus_data[register - cfg.BASE_ADDRESS] string1_disabled = int((value & 0b00001) != 0) string2_disabled = int((value & 0b00010) != 0) string3_disabled = int((value & 0b00100) != 0) string4_disabled = int((value & 0b01000) != 0) string5_disabled = int((value & 0b10000) != 0) n_limb_strings = string1_disabled+string2_disabled+string3_disabled+string4_disabled+string5_disabled if n_limb_strings>=2: return True else: return False return get_value def return_in_list(ts): return ts def first(ts): return next(t for t in ts) def read_hex_string(register, count): # type: (int, int) -> Callable[[BatteryStatus], str] """ reads count consecutive modbus registers from start_address, and returns a hex representation of it: e.g. for count=4: DEAD BEEF DEAD BEEF. """ start = register - cfg.BASE_ADDRESS end = start + count def get_value(status): # type: (BatteryStatus) -> str return ' '.join(['{0:0>4X}'.format(x) for x in status.modbus_data[start:end]]) return get_value