"use strict"; exports.__esModule = true; exports.default = void 0; var _fs = _interopRequireDefault(require("fs")); var _path = _interopRequireDefault(require("path")); var _reselect = require("reselect"); var _findBabelConfig = _interopRequireDefault(require("find-babel-config")); var _glob = _interopRequireDefault(require("glob")); var _pkgUp = _interopRequireDefault(require("pkg-up")); var _utils = require("./utils"); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } const defaultExtensions = ['.js', '.jsx', '.es', '.es6', '.mjs']; const defaultTransformedFunctions = ['require', 'require.resolve', 'System.import', // Jest methods 'jest.genMockFromModule', 'jest.mock', 'jest.unmock', 'jest.doMock', 'jest.dontMock', 'jest.setMock', 'jest.requireActual', 'jest.requireMock', // Older Jest methods 'require.requireActual', 'require.requireMock']; function isRegExp(string) { return string.startsWith('^') || string.endsWith('$'); } const specialCwd = { babelrc: startPath => _findBabelConfig.default.sync(startPath).file, packagejson: startPath => _pkgUp.default.sync({ cwd: startPath }) }; function normalizeCwd(optsCwd, currentFile) { let cwd; if (optsCwd in specialCwd) { const startPath = currentFile === 'unknown' ? './' : currentFile; const computedCwd = specialCwd[optsCwd](startPath); cwd = computedCwd ? _path.default.dirname(computedCwd) : null; } else { cwd = optsCwd; } return cwd || process.cwd(); } function normalizeRoot(optsRoot, cwd) { if (!optsRoot) { return []; } const rootArray = Array.isArray(optsRoot) ? optsRoot : [optsRoot]; return rootArray.map(dirPath => _path.default.resolve(cwd, dirPath)).reduce((resolvedDirs, absDirPath) => { if (_glob.default.hasMagic(absDirPath)) { const roots = _glob.default.sync(absDirPath).filter(resolvedPath => _fs.default.lstatSync(resolvedPath).isDirectory()); return [...resolvedDirs, ...roots]; } return [...resolvedDirs, absDirPath]; }, []); } function getAliasTarget(key, isKeyRegExp) { const regExpPattern = isKeyRegExp ? key : `^${(0, _utils.escapeRegExp)(key)}(/.*|)$`; return new RegExp(regExpPattern); } function getAliasSubstitute(value, isKeyRegExp) { if (typeof value === 'function') { return value; } if (!isKeyRegExp) { return ([, match]) => { // Alias with array of paths if (Array.isArray(value)) { return value.map(v => `${v}${match}`); } return `${value}${match}`; }; } const parts = value.split('\\\\'); return execResult => parts.map(part => part.replace(/\\\d+/g, number => execResult[number.slice(1)] || '')).join('\\'); } function normalizeAlias(optsAlias) { if (!optsAlias) { return []; } const aliasArray = Array.isArray(optsAlias) ? optsAlias : [optsAlias]; return aliasArray.reduce((aliasPairs, alias) => { const aliasKeys = Object.keys(alias); aliasKeys.forEach(key => { const isKeyRegExp = isRegExp(key); aliasPairs.push([getAliasTarget(key, isKeyRegExp), getAliasSubstitute(alias[key], isKeyRegExp)]); }); return aliasPairs; }, []); } function normalizeTransformedFunctions(optsTransformFunctions) { if (!optsTransformFunctions) { return defaultTransformedFunctions; } return [...defaultTransformedFunctions, ...optsTransformFunctions]; } function normalizeLoglevel(optsLoglevel) { return optsLoglevel || 'warn'; } var _default = (0, _reselect.createSelector)( // The currentFile should have an extension; otherwise it's considered a special value currentFile => currentFile.includes('.') ? _path.default.dirname(currentFile) : currentFile, (_, opts) => opts, (currentFile, opts) => { const cwd = normalizeCwd(opts.cwd, currentFile); const root = normalizeRoot(opts.root, cwd); const alias = normalizeAlias(opts.alias); const loglevel = normalizeLoglevel(opts.loglevel); const transformFunctions = normalizeTransformedFunctions(opts.transformFunctions); const extensions = opts.extensions || defaultExtensions; const stripExtensions = opts.stripExtensions || extensions; return { cwd, root, alias, loglevel, transformFunctions, extensions, stripExtensions, customResolvePath: opts.resolvePath }; }); exports.default = _default;