import QtQuick 1.1 import Qt.labs.components.native 1.0 import com.victron.velib 1.0 /* Displays a setting and provides a submenu to select an different option */ MbItem { id: root cornerMark: !readonly property alias description: description.text property string iconId property list possibleValues property alias bind: vItem.bind property alias valid: vItem.valid property variant localValue: "" property variant value: root.valid ? vItem.value : root.localValue property bool showOldSelection; property Page childPage; property bool readonly: !userHasWriteAccess property bool greyed: false property bool magicKeys: false property int upCount: 0 property int downCount: 0 property alias text: valueText.text property string unknownOptionText: qsTr("Unknown") property alias item: vItem // This signal can be used when using local values // and want to have a default option pre-selected // when opening the option list. We can't use // "onValueChanged" on such situation because value // doesn't change when the default option is selected. signal optionSelected(variant newValue) states: [ State { name: "" }, State { name: "closing" } ] MbStyle { id: styleItem } MbTextDescription { id: description anchors { left: parent.left; leftMargin: styleItem.marginDefault verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } opacity: greyed ? styleItem.opacityDisabled : styleItem.opacityEnabled } MbBackgroundRect { id: tag color: style.backgroundColorComponent height: valueText.height + 6 width: valueText.width + 10 anchors { right: parent.right; rightMargin: style.marginDefault verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } visible: valueText.text != "" && valueText.text != " " } MbTextValue { id: valueText anchors { right: root.right; rightMargin: styleItem.marginDefault + 5 verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } text: getText(root.value) opacity: greyed ? styleItem.opacityDisabled : styleItem.opacityEnabled } MbIcon { id: statusIcon iconId: root.iconId anchors { right: root.right; rightMargin: styleItem.marginDefault verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } } Component { id: mbPageFactory MbPage { id: optionPage title: root.description leftIcon: "icon-toolbar-cancel" leftText: "" rightIcon: "icon-toolbar-ok" rightText: "" model: VisualItemModel {} } } Component { id: mbCheckBoxFactory MbCheckBox { property variant value property bool readonly property variant parentPage; property bool editPassword: false property string password: "" property bool isCurrentItem: ListView.isCurrentItem property bool isMouse height: editPassword ? passwordBox.height : defaultHeight onIsCurrentItemChanged: if (!isCurrentItem) editPassword = false writeAccessLevel: root.writeAccessLevel show: !readonly || parentPage.value === value checked: parentPage.value === value onEditPasswordChanged: { if (editPassword) return if (passwordBox._editText == password) { state = 'animate' valueSelected(value) } else { toast.createToast(qsTr("Incorrect password")) pageStack.pop() } } function cancel() { if (root.state != "closing") pageStack.pop() } function leftAction() { cancel() } function rightAction() { if (editPassword) { editPassword = false; } else { isMouse = true select(); } } Keys.onSpacePressed: { isMouse = false; selected() } Keys.onReturnPressed: { isMouse = false; selected() } Keys.onEscapePressed: cancel() Keys.onUpPressed: { if (magicKeys) { if (upCount < 5) ++upCount; if (downCount > 0) upCount = 0 downCount = 0; } event.accepted = false } Keys.onDownPressed: { if (magicKeys) { if (downCount < 5) ++downCount; if (upCount == 5 && downCount == 5) { valueSelected(User.AccessService) upCount = 0; } } event.accepted = false } function selected() { if (password == "") { state = 'animate'; valueSelected(value); } else { editPassword = true; passwordBox.edit(isMouse) } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: { isMouse = true; select(); } } MbEditBox { id: passwordBox description: qsTr("Password") anchors.bottom: parent.bottom matchString: "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[]{}\;:|/.,<>?" show: editPassword onEditModeChanged: editPassword = editMode writeAccessLevel: root.writeAccessLevel } } } VBusItem { id: vItem } function getText(value) { for (var i = 0; i < possibleValues.length; i++) { var option = possibleValues[i]; if (option.value === value) return option.description; } return root.value } function valueSelected(value) { // this is animation -> ignore spurious events if (state != "") return; // the pagestack is animation -> ignore spurious events if (pageStack.currentPage != root.childPage || childPage.status !== PageStatus.Active) return state = "closing" if (root.valid) { if (vItem.value !== value) { vItem.setValue(value) root.showOldSelection = false } } else { if (root.localValue !== value) { root.localValue = value root.showOldSelection = false } } optionSelected(value) } function edit() { if (root.readonly || ! return root.childPage = pageStack.push(mbPageFactory); for (var i = 0; i < possibleValues.length; i++) { var option = possibleValues[i]; var mbCheckbox = mbCheckBoxFactory.createObject(this, { "description": option.description, "value": option.value, "parentPage": root, "readonly" : option.readonly, "password" : option.password} ) mbCheckbox.toolbarHandler = mbCheckbox childPage.model.append(mbCheckbox) if (root.value === option.value) { childPage.currentIndex = i; childPage.listview.positionViewAtIndex(i, ListView.Contain) } } } transitions: [ Transition { to: "closing" SequentialAnimation { PauseAnimation { duration: 1000 } ScriptAction { script: { pageStack.pop(); state = "" } } } } ] }