using static DecimalMath.DecimalEx; namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Units.Composite; public record AcPhase : IBus { private readonly Voltage _Voltage; public Voltage Voltage { get => _Voltage; init => _Voltage = value >= 0m ? value : throw new ArgumentException("RMS value cannot be negative"); } private readonly Current _Current; public Current Current { get => _Current; init => _Current = value >= 0m ? value : throw new ArgumentException("RMS value cannot be negative"); } public Angle Phi { get; init; } public ApparentPower ApparentPower => Voltage.Value * Current.Value ; public Power ActivePower => ApparentPower.Value * PowerFactor; public ReactivePower ReactivePower => ApparentPower.Value * Sin(Phi); public Decimal PowerFactor => Cos(Phi); // public static AcPhase operator |(AcPhase left, AcPhase right) // { // // the Voltages of two phases are expected to be in phase and equal // // var v = left.Voltage | right.Voltage; // // // currents (RMS) can be different and out of phase // // // // // IF // // left(t) = ILeft sin(ωt) // // right(t) = IRight sin(ωt + φ). // // sum(t) = left(t) + right(t) = ISum sin(ωt + ψ). // // // THEN // // ψ = arctan( IRight * sin(φ) / (ILeft + IRight cos(φ)) ). // // C = IRight * sin(φ) / sin(ψ). // // // in this calculation left(t) has zero phase shift. // // we can shift both waves by -left.Phi, so // // φ := right.phi - left.phi // // // var phi = right.Phi - left.Phi; // var phiSum = ATan2(right.Current * Sin(phi), left.Current + right.Current * Cos(phi)); // var iSum = right.Current * Sin(phi) / Sin(phiSum); // // return new AcPhase // { // Voltage = v, // Current = iSum, // Phi = phiSum // }; // } }