"use strict"; var __createBinding = (this && this.__createBinding) || (Object.create ? (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(m, k); if (!desc || ("get" in desc ? !m.__esModule : desc.writable || desc.configurable)) { desc = { enumerable: true, get: function() { return m[k]; } }; } Object.defineProperty(o, k2, desc); }) : (function(o, m, k, k2) { if (k2 === undefined) k2 = k; o[k2] = m[k]; })); var __setModuleDefault = (this && this.__setModuleDefault) || (Object.create ? (function(o, v) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: true, value: v }); }) : function(o, v) { o["default"] = v; }); var __importStar = (this && this.__importStar) || function (mod) { if (mod && mod.__esModule) return mod; var result = {}; if (mod != null) for (var k in mod) if (k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(mod, k)) __createBinding(result, mod, k); __setModuleDefault(result, mod); return result; }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Monad = exports.Alternative = exports.guard = exports.Zero = exports.Alt = exports.chainFirst = exports.Chain = exports.Applicative = exports.apSecond = exports.apFirst = exports.Apply = exports.Pointed = exports.flap = exports.Functor = exports.URI = exports.partitionMap = exports.partition = exports.filterMap = exports.filter = exports.separate = exports.compact = exports.none = exports.zero = exports.altW = exports.alt = exports.flatten = exports.chain = exports.of = exports.ap = exports.map = exports.chainOptionK = exports.fromOptionK = exports.chainNullableK = exports.fromNullableK = exports.fromNullable = exports.toNullable = exports.toUndefined = exports.getOrElseW = exports.getOrElse = exports.matchEW = exports.fold = exports.matchE = exports.matchW = exports.match = exports.fromIOEither = exports.fromIO = exports.fromEither = exports.fromOption = exports.fromPredicate = exports.some = void 0; exports.traverseReadonlyArrayWithIndex = exports.traverseReadonlyNonEmptyArrayWithIndex = exports.ApT = exports.apS = exports.bind = exports.let = exports.bindTo = exports.Do = exports.chainFirstEitherK = exports.chainEitherK = exports.fromEitherK = exports.FromEither = exports.chainFirstIOK = exports.chainIOK = exports.fromIOK = exports.FromIO = exports.Filterable = exports.Compactable = exports.MonadIO = void 0; var Apply_1 = require("./Apply"); var Chain_1 = require("./Chain"); var Compactable_1 = require("./Compactable"); var Filterable_1 = require("./Filterable"); var FromEither_1 = require("./FromEither"); var FromIO_1 = require("./FromIO"); var function_1 = require("./function"); var Functor_1 = require("./Functor"); var _ = __importStar(require("./internal")); var O = __importStar(require("./Option")); var OT = __importStar(require("./OptionT")); var I = __importStar(require("./IO")); var Zero_1 = require("./Zero"); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // constructors // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @category constructors * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.some = OT.some(I.Pointed); /** * @category lifting * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.fromPredicate = OT.fromPredicate(I.Pointed); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // conversions // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @category conversions * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.fromOption = I.of; /** * @category conversions * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.fromEither = OT.fromEither(I.Pointed); /** * @category conversions * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.fromIO = OT.fromF(I.Functor); /** * @category conversions * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.fromIOEither = I.map(O.fromEither); /** * @category pattern matching * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.match = OT.match(I.Functor); /** * Less strict version of [`match`](#match). * * The `W` suffix (short for **W**idening) means that the handler return types will be merged. * * @category pattern matching * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.matchW = exports.match; /** * The `E` suffix (short for **E**ffect) means that the handlers return an effect (`IO`). * * @category pattern matching * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.matchE = /*#__PURE__*/ OT.matchE(I.Chain); /** * Alias of [`matchE`](#matche). * * @category pattern matching * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.fold = exports.matchE; /** * Less strict version of [`matchE`](#matche). * * The `W` suffix (short for **W**idening) means that the handler return types will be merged. * * @category pattern matching * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.matchEW = exports.matchE; /** * @category error handling * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.getOrElse = OT.getOrElse(I.Monad); /** * Less strict version of [`getOrElse`](#getorelse). * * The `W` suffix (short for **W**idening) means that the handler return type will be merged. * * @category error handling * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.getOrElseW = exports.getOrElse; /** * @category conversions * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.toUndefined = I.map(O.toUndefined); /** * @category conversions * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.toNullable = I.map(O.toNullable); /** * @category conversions * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.fromNullable = OT.fromNullable(I.Pointed); /** * @category lifting * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.fromNullableK = OT.fromNullableK(I.Pointed); /** * @category sequencing * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.chainNullableK = OT.chainNullableK(I.Monad); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // combinators // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @category lifting * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.fromOptionK = /*#__PURE__*/ OT.fromOptionK(I.Pointed); /** * @category sequencing * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.chainOptionK = /*#__PURE__*/ OT.chainOptionK(I.Monad); /** * `map` can be used to turn functions `(a: A) => B` into functions `(fa: F<A>) => F<B>` whose argument and return types * use the type constructor `F` to represent some computational context. * * @category mapping * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.map = OT.map(I.Functor); /** * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.ap = OT.ap(I.Apply); /** * @category constructors * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.of = exports.some; /** * @category sequencing * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.chain = OT.chain(I.Monad); /** * @category sequencing * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.flatten = (0, exports.chain)(function_1.identity); /** * @category error handling * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.alt = OT.alt(I.Monad); /** * Less strict version of [`alt`](#alt). * * The `W` suffix (short for **W**idening) means that the return types will be merged. * * @category error handling * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.altW = exports.alt; /** * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.zero = OT.zero(I.Pointed); /** * @category constructors * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.none = (0, exports.zero)(); /** * @category filtering * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.compact = (0, Compactable_1.compact)(I.Functor, O.Compactable); /** * @category filtering * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.separate = (0, Compactable_1.separate)(I.Functor, O.Compactable, O.Functor); /** * @category filtering * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.filter = (0, Filterable_1.filter)(I.Functor, O.Filterable); /** * @category filtering * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.filterMap = (0, Filterable_1.filterMap)(I.Functor, O.Filterable); /** * @category filtering * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.partition = (0, Filterable_1.partition)(I.Functor, O.Filterable); /** * @category filtering * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.partitionMap = (0, Filterable_1.partitionMap)(I.Functor, O.Filterable); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // instances // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- var _map = function (fa, f) { return (0, function_1.pipe)(fa, (0, exports.map)(f)); }; /* istanbul ignore next */ var _ap = function (fab, fa) { return (0, function_1.pipe)(fab, (0, exports.ap)(fa)); }; /* istanbul ignore next */ var _chain = function (ma, f) { return (0, function_1.pipe)(ma, (0, exports.chain)(f)); }; /* istanbul ignore next */ var _alt = function (fa, that) { return (0, function_1.pipe)(fa, (0, exports.alt)(that)); }; /* istanbul ignore next */ var _filter = function (fa, predicate) { return (0, function_1.pipe)(fa, (0, exports.filter)(predicate)); }; /* istanbul ignore next */ var _filterMap = function (fa, f) { return (0, function_1.pipe)(fa, (0, exports.filterMap)(f)); }; /* istanbul ignore next */ var _partition = function (fa, predicate) { return (0, function_1.pipe)(fa, (0, exports.partition)(predicate)); }; /* istanbul ignore next */ var _partitionMap = function (fa, f) { return (0, function_1.pipe)(fa, (0, exports.partitionMap)(f)); }; /** * @category type lambdas * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.URI = 'IOOption'; /** * @category instances * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.Functor = { URI: exports.URI, map: _map }; /** * @category mapping * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.flap = (0, Functor_1.flap)(exports.Functor); /** * @category instances * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.Pointed = { URI: exports.URI, of: exports.of }; /** * @category instances * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.Apply = { URI: exports.URI, map: _map, ap: _ap }; /** * Combine two effectful actions, keeping only the result of the first. * * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.apFirst = (0, Apply_1.apFirst)(exports.Apply); /** * Combine two effectful actions, keeping only the result of the second. * * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.apSecond = (0, Apply_1.apSecond)(exports.Apply); /** * @category instances * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.Applicative = { URI: exports.URI, map: _map, ap: _ap, of: exports.of }; /** * @category instances * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.Chain = { URI: exports.URI, map: _map, ap: _ap, chain: _chain }; /** * Composes computations in sequence, using the return value of one computation to determine the next computation and * keeping only the result of the first. * * @category sequencing * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.chainFirst = /*#__PURE__*/ (0, Chain_1.chainFirst)(exports.Chain); /** * @category instances * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.Alt = { URI: exports.URI, map: _map, alt: _alt }; /** * @category instances * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.Zero = { URI: exports.URI, zero: exports.zero }; /** * @category do notation * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.guard = (0, Zero_1.guard)(exports.Zero, exports.Pointed); /** * @category instances * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.Alternative = { URI: exports.URI, map: _map, ap: _ap, of: exports.of, alt: _alt, zero: exports.zero }; /** * @category instances * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.Monad = { URI: exports.URI, map: _map, ap: _ap, of: exports.of, chain: _chain }; /** * @category instances * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.MonadIO = { URI: exports.URI, map: _map, ap: _ap, of: exports.of, chain: _chain, fromIO: exports.fromIO }; /** * @category instances * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.Compactable = { URI: exports.URI, compact: exports.compact, separate: exports.separate }; /** * @category instances * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.Filterable = { URI: exports.URI, map: _map, compact: exports.compact, separate: exports.separate, filter: _filter, filterMap: _filterMap, partition: _partition, partitionMap: _partitionMap }; /** * @category instances * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.FromIO = { URI: exports.URI, fromIO: exports.fromIO }; /** * @category lifting * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.fromIOK = /*#__PURE__*/ (0, FromIO_1.fromIOK)(exports.FromIO); /** * @category sequencing * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.chainIOK = (0, FromIO_1.chainIOK)(exports.FromIO, exports.Chain); /** * @category sequencing * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.chainFirstIOK = /*#__PURE__*/ (0, FromIO_1.chainFirstIOK)(exports.FromIO, exports.Chain); /** * @category instances * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.FromEither = { URI: exports.URI, fromEither: exports.fromEither }; /** * @category lifting * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.fromEitherK = (0, FromEither_1.fromEitherK)(exports.FromEither); /** * @category sequencing * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.chainEitherK = /*#__PURE__*/ (0, FromEither_1.chainEitherK)(exports.FromEither, exports.Chain); /** * @category sequencing * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.chainFirstEitherK = /*#__PURE__*/ (0, FromEither_1.chainFirstEitherK)(exports.FromEither, exports.Chain); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // do notation // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * @category do notation * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.Do = (0, exports.of)(_.emptyRecord); /** * @category do notation * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.bindTo = (0, Functor_1.bindTo)(exports.Functor); var let_ = /*#__PURE__*/ (0, Functor_1.let)(exports.Functor); exports.let = let_; /** * @category do notation * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.bind = (0, Chain_1.bind)(exports.Chain); /** * @category do notation * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.apS = (0, Apply_1.apS)(exports.Apply); /** * @since 2.12.0 */ exports.ApT = (0, exports.of)(_.emptyReadonlyArray); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // array utils // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Equivalent to `ReadonlyNonEmptyArray#traverseWithIndex(Applicative)`. * * @category traversing * @since 2.12.0 */ var traverseReadonlyNonEmptyArrayWithIndex = function (f) { return (0, function_1.flow)(I.traverseReadonlyNonEmptyArrayWithIndex(f), I.map(O.traverseReadonlyNonEmptyArrayWithIndex(function_1.SK))); }; exports.traverseReadonlyNonEmptyArrayWithIndex = traverseReadonlyNonEmptyArrayWithIndex; /** * Equivalent to `ReadonlyArray#traverseWithIndex(Applicative)`. * * @category traversing * @since 2.12.0 */ var traverseReadonlyArrayWithIndex = function (f) { var g = (0, exports.traverseReadonlyNonEmptyArrayWithIndex)(f); return function (as) { return (_.isNonEmpty(as) ? g(as) : exports.ApT); }; }; exports.traverseReadonlyArrayWithIndex = traverseReadonlyArrayWithIndex;