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batteries\nEOCReached_list = global.get('EOCReached','file');\n\nif (EOCReached_list.every(item => item === true)){// all batteries reach EOC\n msg.payload=0; // stop calibration charge\n return msg;\n}\n\n// Get calibration charge time (hh:mm) from user setting via Node Red Dashboard\nif(global.get('calibration_charge_start_time','file')!= null){\n minutes_from_midnight_calibration_charge = Math.floor(global.get('calibration_charge_start_time','file'));\n}else{\n minutes_from_midnight_calibration_charge = 32400000;//default value from 09:00\n}\n\n// Get calibration charge weekday from user setting via Node Red Dashboard\nif(global.get('calibration_charge_start_weekday','file')!=null){\n weekday_calibration_charge = global.get('calibration_charge_start_weekday','file');\n}else{\n weekday_calibration_charge = 0;//default value from Sunday\n}\n\n// Cal next calibration time\nfunction nextScheduleDay(adate, w) {\n var daysToAdd = (w - adate.getDay() + 7) % 7;\n var nextDate = new Date(adate);\n nextDate.setDate(adate.getDate() + daysToAdd);\n nextDate.setHours(0);\n nextDate.setMinutes(0);\n nextDate.setSeconds(0);\n return nextDate;\n}\n\n// Main function\nfunction chargeWindows(currentTime, weekday, starttime, LastEOC) {\n var d1 = nextScheduleDay(currentTime, weekday);\n\n // Convert starttime to a Date object\n var startTime = new Date(starttime);\n\n // Calculate the next ScheduleDay considering if the sum of timeToTOC and timeLeftMinutes is less than 7 days\n var timeLeftMinutes = Math.floor(((d1.getTime() + starttime)/1000-LastEOC)/60);\n\n if ( timeLeftMinutes < 6* minutes_per_day) {\n // If the sum is less than 7 days and larger than 1 day, push next ScheduleDay to next week\n d1.setDate(d1.getDate() + 7);\n }\n\n var startDateTimeD1 = new Date(d1);\n startDateTimeD1.setHours(startTime.getUTCHours(), startTime.getUTCMinutes(), 0, 0);\n\n // Check if current time is within the charge window\n if (currentTime < startDateTimeD1) {\n // Calculate time left until the end of the window\n var timeLeftMillis = startDateTimeD1 - currentTime;\n var daysLeft = Math.floor(timeLeftMillis / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));\n var hoursLeft = Math.floor((timeLeftMillis % (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) / (1000 * 60 * 60));\n var minutesLeft = Math.ceil((timeLeftMillis % (1000 * 60 * 60)) / (1000 * 60));\n \n days_str = (daysLeft > 0) ? (daysLeft + \"d\") : \"\";\n hours_str = (hoursLeft > 0) ? (hoursLeft + \"h\") : \"\";\n minutes_str = (minutesLeft > 0) ? (minutesLeft + \"m\") : \"\";\n \n time_to_calibration_str = days_str+hours_str+minutes_str;\n\n return time_to_calibration_str; // still some time left to do calibration charge\n } else {\n return 1; // it's time to do calibration charge\n }\n}\n\nvar today = new Date(); // Assuming today's date\nvar timeLeft = chargeWindows(today, weekday_calibration_charge, minutes_from_midnight_calibration_charge, LastEOC);\n\nmsg.payload = timeLeft;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "timeout": "", "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 1280, "y": 200, "wires": [ [ "2f1db37da138e532", "f020fbc3bd8d0451" ] ] }, { "id": "68751648fdf25a8c", "type": "function", "z": "172866a9820f49e3", "name": "Turn off calibration charge now button when EOC", "func": "if(global.get('start_calibration_charge_now_button','file')==true)\n{\n msg.payload = false;\n}else{\n msg.payload = false;\n}\n\nreturn msg;\n\n", "outputs": 1, "timeout": "", "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], 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"name": "", "onlyChanges": false, "x": 3140, "y": 200, "wires": [] }, { "id": "376d4eea80df1146", "type": "debug", "z": "58aeeaac02a3a4c7", "name": "Debug for max inverter discharge power", "active": false, "tosidebar": true, "console": false, "tostatus": true, "complete": "payload", "targetType": "msg", "statusVal": "payload", "statusType": "auto", "x": 3060, "y": 260, "wires": [] }, { "id": "e121ac014fa242c5", "type": "function", "z": "58aeeaac02a3a4c7", "name": "Get max inverter discharge power", "func": "msg.payload = msg.payload.max_inverter_discharge_power;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "timeout": "", "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 2680, "y": 260, "wires": [ [ "2d500c6d04672fb7", "376d4eea80df1146" ] ] }, { "id": "d2d01224ca8ace19", "type": "comment", "z": "58aeeaac02a3a4c7", "name": "Max Discharge Power of Inverter(Battery+PV)", "info": "", "x": 3070, "y": 160, "wires": [] }, { "id": "9b93fb5a4717969a", "type": "function", "z": "58aeeaac02a3a4c7", "name": "Battery Controller", "func": "// get inverter num of phases\nif(msg.payload.num_phases == null){\n num_phases = 10000000000;// mimic to make power setpoint be 0 when there is no inverter phase there \n}else{\n num_phases = msg.payload.num_phases;\n}\n\n// get max charge power\nif(msg.payload.max_configured_charge_power == null ||msg.payload.max_configured_charge_power<0){\n max_charge_power=msg.payload.max_battery_charge_power;\n}else{\n max_charge_power=Math.min(msg.payload.max_configured_charge_power,msg.payload.max_battery_charge_power);\n}\n\n// get battery number\nif(msg.payload.num_batteries == null){\n n_batteries = 0;\n}else{\n n_batteries = msg.payload.num_batteries;\n}\n\n// get current battery power\nif(msg.payload.battery_power == null){\n battery_power = 0;\n}else{\n battery_power = msg.payload.battery_power;\n}\n\n// get current power setpoint\nif(msg.payload.L1_AcPowerSetpoint == null){\n L1_AcPowerSetpoint = 0;\n}else{\n L1_AcPowerSetpoint=msg.payload.L1_AcPowerSetpoint;\n}\n\nif(msg.payload.L2_AcPowerSetpoint == null){\n L2_AcPowerSetpoint = 0;\n}else{\n L2_AcPowerSetpoint=msg.payload.L2_AcPowerSetpoint;\n}\n\nif(msg.payload.L3_AcPowerSetpoint == null){\n L3_AcPowerSetpoint = 0;\n}else{\n L3_AcPowerSetpoint=msg.payload.L3_AcPowerSetpoint;\n}\n\ninverter_power_setpoint= L1_AcPowerSetpoint+L2_AcPowerSetpoint+L3_AcPowerSetpoint;\n\n// get AC Out whihc is critical loads\nif(msg.payload.L1_AC_Out == null ||msg.payload.L2_AC_Out == null || msg.payload.L3_AC_Out == null){\n AC_out=0;\n}else{\n AC_out = msg.payload.L1_AC_Out + msg.payload.L2_AC_Out+msg.payload.L3_AC_Out;\n}\n\n// get PV production\nif(msg.payload.PVs_Power == null){\n PV_production = 0;\n}else{\n PV_production = msg.payload.PVs_Power;\n}\n\n// cal calculated max inverter power based on limb strings<=1 and DC Bus voltage >=44V when discharging, further details in flow 3\nconfigured_max_inverter_power = num_phases*10000;//3000W for each phase\nmax_discharge_current_batteries = 15*(5*n_batteries-msg.payload.num_limb_string);\nDC_BUS_Voltage = msg.payload.DC_BUS_Voltage;\n\nif(44.1<DC_BUS_Voltage && DC_BUS_Voltage <=45){\n max_discharge_current_batteries -=(45-DC_BUS_Voltage)*20*n_batteries;\n}\n\nif(DC_BUS_Voltage <=44.1){\n max_discharge_current_batteries = 0;\n}\n \nmax_discharge_power_inverter = Math.floor(msg.payload.DC_BUS_Voltage*max_discharge_current_batteries+PV_production);\ncal_max_inverter_discharge_power = Math.min(max_discharge_power_inverter,configured_max_inverter_power);\n\n// variables for hold_min_soc controller\nBatterySelfDischargePower=150;//W\nHoldSocZone=3;\nP_CONST = 0.2;\nsoc = msg.payload.lowest_soc;\nmin_soc = msg.payload.min_soc;\na=-2*BatterySelfDischargePower*n_batteries/HoldSocZone;\nb=-a*(min_soc+HoldSocZone);\ntarget_dc_power_to_hold_min_soc=soc*a+b;\n\n// set batterylife state\nbatterylife_state = msg.payload.batterylife_state;\nif(soc <= min_soc -5){\n batterylife_state = 12;\n}else if(min_soc -5 < soc && soc < min_soc){\n batterylife_state = 11;\n}else{\n batterylife_state = 10;\n}\n\n// calibration charge\nif(global.get('start_calibration_charge_now_button','file') == true || global.get('start_calibration_charge_now','file')==1){\n inverter_setpower = AC_out+max_charge_power;\n msg.payload.inverter_setpower = Math.floor(inverter_setpower/num_phases);\n msg.payload.max_inverter_discharge_power = PV_production;\n msg.payload.ess_mode = 3;\n msg.payload.batterylife_state = batterylife_state;\n msg.payload.controller_info = \"Calibration charge\";\n return msg;\n}\n\ntest = target_dc_power_to_hold_min_soc;\nif(min_soc<=soc&&soc<=min_soc+HoldSocZone){// hold min SOC controller\n inverter_setpower = inverter_power_setpoint+P_CONST*target_dc_power_to_hold_min_soc;\n max_inverter_discharge_power = PV_production;\n ess_mode =1;\n controller_info = \"Hold min SOC\";\n}else if(soc<min_soc){// charge to min SOC controller\n inverter_setpower = AC_out+max_charge_power;\n max_inverter_discharge_power = PV_production;\n ess_mode =3;\n controller_info = \"Charge to min SOC\";\n}else if(msg.payload.BatteryCold.some(value => value === true)){ // heat battery controller\n inverter_setpower = AC_out+max_charge_power;\n max_inverter_discharge_power = PV_production;\n ess_mode =3;\n controller_info = \"Heat Battery\";\n}else{// ESS self-consumption controller\n inverter_setpower = inverter_power_setpoint;\n max_inverter_discharge_power = cal_max_inverter_discharge_power;\n ess_mode =1;\n controller_info = \"ESS self-consumption\";\n}\n\npowerperphase = Math.floor(inverter_setpower/num_phases);\n\nmsg.payload.inverter_setpower = powerperphase;\nmsg.payload.ess_mode = ess_mode;\nmsg.payload.controller_info = controller_info;\nmsg.payload.max_inverter_discharge_power = max_inverter_discharge_power;\nmsg.payload.batterylife_state = batterylife_state;\nmsg.payload.test = test;\n\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "timeout": 0, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", 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msg.payload.battery_health = \"BMS connection lost!\";\n msg.payload.num_limb_string = -1\n return msg;\n}\n\nfor (let i = 0; i < limb_string_list.length; i++) {\n num_limb_string = limb_string_list[i][1][0];\n \n if(num_limb_string>1){\n total_num_limb_string = -1;//if there are more than 1 limb string in a battery, should give alarm to stop use this battery\n battery_health.push(\"Battery \"+(i+2)+\" has more than 1 limb string!\");\n }\n \n if(num_limb_string<=1){\n total_num_limb_string+=num_limb_string;\n battery_health.push(\"Battery \"+(i+2)+\" has \" + num_limb_string+ \" limb strings.\");\n }\n}\nmsg.payload.num_limb_string = total_num_limb_string;\nmsg.payload.battery_health = battery_health;\n\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "timeout": 0, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 1240, "y": 420, "wires": [ [ "fe54eaf69a7fe10f", "933a8eed519beb7a", "fcb98057e9e5a076" ] ] }, { "id": "c40f347a74b9ef10", "type": "ui_text", "z": "58aeeaac02a3a4c7", "group": 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}, "pathObj": { "path": "/AlarmFlags/IDM2", "name": "/AlarmFlags/IDM2", "type": "object" }, "name": "", "onlyChanges": false, "x": 310, "y": 500, "wires": [ [ "5da7a58078b2d992" ] ] }, { "id": "d60a6034a1e15ff7", "type": "victron-input-custom", "z": "449f3115316b1767", "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "path": "/AlarmFlags/ISOB", "serviceObj": { "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "name": "FZS 48TL200 x2 (1)" }, "pathObj": { "path": "/AlarmFlags/ISOB", "name": "/AlarmFlags/ISOB", "type": "object" }, "name": "", "onlyChanges": false, "x": 310, "y": 560, "wires": [ [ "145932ec555401dd" ] ] }, { "id": "1617808449c51a48", "type": "victron-input-custom", "z": "449f3115316b1767", "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "path": "/AlarmFlags/LMPA", "serviceObj": { "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "name": "FZS 48TL200 x2 (1)" }, "pathObj": { "path": "/AlarmFlags/LMPA", "name": "/AlarmFlags/LMPA", "type": "object" }, "name": "", "onlyChanges": false, "x": 320, "y": 1540, "wires": [ [ "47401c80b95f2d5f" ] ] }, { "id": "211ea82f9826409d", "type": "victron-input-custom", "z": "449f3115316b1767", "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "path": "/AlarmFlags/MID2", "serviceObj": { "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "name": "FZS 48TL200 x2 (1)" }, "pathObj": { "path": "/AlarmFlags/MID2", "name": "/AlarmFlags/MID2", "type": "object" }, "name": "", "onlyChanges": false, "x": 310, "y": 1380, "wires": [ [ "52aa4d1b9994d41f" ] ] }, { "id": "324aea697f08ab86", "type": "victron-input-custom", "z": "449f3115316b1767", "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "path": "/AlarmFlags/MSWE", "serviceObj": { "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "name": "FZS 48TL200 x2 (1)" }, "pathObj": { "path": "/AlarmFlags/MSWE", "name": "/AlarmFlags/MSWE", "type": "object" }, "name": "", "onlyChanges": false, "x": 320, "y": 620, "wires": [ [ "7020aeefc2b065f7" ] ] }, { "id": "2aef1941d39c2783", "type": "victron-input-custom", "z": "449f3115316b1767", "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "path": "/AlarmFlags/STRE", "serviceObj": { "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "name": "FZS 48TL200 x2 (1)" }, "pathObj": { "path": "/AlarmFlags/STRE", "name": "/AlarmFlags/STRE", "type": "object" }, "name": "", "onlyChanges": false, "x": 320, "y": 860, "wires": [ [ "ea1c84dce431e761" ] ] }, { "id": "73fde116548e1d39", "type": "victron-input-custom", "z": "449f3115316b1767", "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "path": "/AlarmFlags/TCPE", "serviceObj": { "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "name": "FZS 48TL200 x2 (1)" }, "pathObj": { "path": "/AlarmFlags/TCPE", "name": "/AlarmFlags/TCPE", "type": "object" }, "name": "", "onlyChanges": false, "x": 320, "y": 800, "wires": [ [ "f5dd3b77cf306c42" ] ] }, { "id": "c5eaf605d4d54f6d", "type": "victron-input-custom", "z": "449f3115316b1767", "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "path": "/AlarmFlags/TaM2", "serviceObj": { "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "name": "FZS 48TL200 x2 (1)" }, "pathObj": { "path": "/AlarmFlags/TaM2", "name": "/AlarmFlags/TaM2", "type": "object" }, "name": "", "onlyChanges": false, "x": 310, "y": 200, "wires": [ [ "f0bd6424378e6521" ] ] }, { "id": "3e3a5c9dae5a45c8", "type": "victron-input-custom", "z": "449f3115316b1767", "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "path": "/AlarmFlags/Tam", "serviceObj": { "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "name": "FZS 48TL200 x2 (1)" }, "pathObj": { "path": "/AlarmFlags/Tam", "name": "/AlarmFlags/Tam", "type": "object" }, "name": "", "onlyChanges": false, "x": 310, "y": 140, "wires": [ [ "651cbb5a7a3b7c86" ] ] }, { "id": "42e7c69a41b04403", "type": "victron-input-custom", "z": "449f3115316b1767", "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "path": "/AlarmFlags/TbM2", "serviceObj": { "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "name": "FZS 48TL200 x2 (1)" }, "pathObj": { "path": "/AlarmFlags/TbM2", "name": "/AlarmFlags/TbM2", "type": "object" }, "name": "", "onlyChanges": false, "x": 320, "y": 320, "wires": [ [ "940370b80f41928c" ] ] }, { "id": "5e766a107066d90e", "type": "victron-input-custom", "z": "449f3115316b1767", "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "path": "/AlarmFlags/Tbm", "serviceObj": { "service": "com.victronenergy.battery/1", "name": "FZS 48TL200 x2 (1)" }, "pathObj": { "path": "/AlarmFlags/Tbm", "name": "/AlarmFlags/Tbm", "type": "object" }, "name": "", "onlyChanges": false, "x": 310, "y": 260, "wires": [ [ "fccbcd60339ffc71" ] ] }, { "id": "5d32609a7b711e03", "type": "function", "z": "449f3115316b1767", "name": "Parse_alarms_and_warnings", "func": "//battery health list\nbattery_health = [];\n\n//alarm list initialization\nTam_list = [];\nTaM2_list=[];\nTbm_list=[];\nTbM2_list=[];\nVBm2_list=[];\nVBM2_list=[];\nIDM2_list=[];\nISOB_list=[];\nMSWE_list=[];\nFUSE_list=[];\nHTRE_list=[];\nTCPE_list=[];\nSTRE_list=[];\nCME_list=[];\nHWFL_list=[];\nHWEM_list=[];\nThM_list=[];\nvsm2_list=[];\nvsM2_list=[];\niCM2_list=[];\niDM2_list=[];\nMID2_list=[];\nHTFS_list=[];\nDATA_list=[];\nLMPA_list=[];\nHEBT_list=[];\n\n//warning list initialization\nTaM1_list=[];\nTbM1_list=[];\nVBm1_list=[];\nVBM1_list=[];\nIDM1_list=[];\nvsm1_list=[];\nvsM1_list=[];\niCM1_list=[];\niDM1_list=[];\nMID1_list=[];\nBLPW_list=[];\nCCBF_list=[];\nAh_W_list=[];\nMPMM_list=[];\nTCdi_list=[];\nLMPW_list=[];\nTOCW_list=[];\n\n//read alarm data\nalarm_Tam = msg.payload.Tam;\nalarm_TaM2 = msg.payload.TaM2;\nalarm_Tbm = msg.payload.Tbm;\nalarm_TbM2 = msg.payload.TbM2;\nalarm_VBm2 = msg.payload.VBm2;\nalarm_VBM2 = msg.payload.VBM2;\nalarm_IDM2 = msg.payload.IDM2;\nalarm_ISOB = msg.payload.ISOB;\nalarm_MSWE = msg.payload.MSWE;\nalarm_FUSE = msg.payload.FUSE;\nalarm_HTRE = msg.payload.HTRE;\nalarm_TCPE = msg.payload.TCPE;\nalarm_STRE = msg.payload.STRE;\nalarm_CME = msg.payload.CME;\nalarm_HWFL = msg.payload.HWFL;\nalarm_HWEM = msg.payload.HWEM;\nalarm_ThM = msg.payload.ThM;\nalarm_vsm2 = msg.payload.vsm2;\nalarm_vsM2 = msg.payload.vsM2;\nalarm_iCM2 = msg.payload.iCM2;\nalarm_iDM2 = msg.payload.iDM2;\nalarm_MID2 = msg.payload.MID2;\nalarm_HTFS = msg.payload.HTFS;\nalarm_DATA = msg.payload.DATA;\nalarm_LMPA = msg.payload.LMPA;\nalarm_HEBT = msg.payload.HEBT;\n\n//read warning data\nwar_TaM1=msg.payload.TaM1;\nwar_TbM1=msg.payload.TbM1;\nwar_VBm1=msg.payload.VBm1;\nwar_VBM1=msg.payload.VBM1;\nwar_IDM1=msg.payload.IDM1;\nwar_vsm1=msg.payload.vsm1;\nwar_vsM1=msg.payload.vsM1;\nwar_iCM1=msg.payload.iCM1;\nwar_iDM1=msg.payload.iDM1;\nwar_MID1=msg.payload.MID1;\nwar_BLPW=msg.payload.BLPW;\nwar_CCBF=msg.payload.CCBF;\nwar_Ah_W=msg.payload.Ah_W;\nwar_MPMM=msg.payload.MPMM;\nwar_TCdi=msg.payload.TCdi;\nwar_LMPW=msg.payload.LMPW;\nwar_TOCW=msg.payload.TOCW;\n\n//equals to the number of battery\nif(alarm_Tam == null){\n msg.payload = \"Battery lost!\"\n return msg;\n}else{\n n=alarm_Tam.length;\n}\n\nfor (i = 0; i < n; i++) {\n Tam_list.push(alarm_Tam[i][1][0]);\n TaM2_list.push(alarm_TaM2[i][1][0]);\n Tbm_list.push(alarm_Tbm[i][1][0]);\n TbM2_list.push(alarm_TbM2[i][1][0]);\n VBm2_list.push(alarm_VBm2[i][1][0]);\n VBM2_list.push(alarm_VBM2[i][1][0]);\n IDM2_list.push(alarm_IDM2[i][1][0]);\n ISOB_list.push(alarm_ISOB[i][1][0]);\n MSWE_list.push(alarm_MSWE[i][1][0]);\n FUSE_list.push(alarm_FUSE[i][1][0]);\n HTRE_list.push(alarm_HTRE[i][1][0]);\n TCPE_list.push(alarm_TCPE[i][1][0]);\n STRE_list.push(alarm_STRE[i][1][0]);\n CME_list.push(alarm_CME[i][1][0]);\n HWFL_list.push(alarm_HWFL[i][1][0]);\n HWEM_list.push(alarm_HWEM[i][1][0]);\n ThM_list.push(alarm_ThM[i][1][0]);\n vsm2_list.push(alarm_vsm2[i][1][0]);\n vsM2_list.push(alarm_vsM2[i][1][0]);\n iCM2_list.push(alarm_iCM2[i][1][0]);\n iDM2_list.push(alarm_iDM2[i][1][0]);\n MID2_list.push(alarm_MID2[i][1][0]);\n HTFS_list.push(alarm_HTFS[i][1][0]);\n DATA_list.push(alarm_DATA[i][1][0]);\n LMPA_list.push(alarm_LMPA[i][1][0]);\n HEBT_list.push(alarm_HEBT[i][1][0]);\n \n TaM1_list.push(war_TaM1[i][1][0]);\n TbM1_list.push(war_TbM1[i][1][0]);\n VBm1_list.push(war_VBm1[i][1][0]);\n VBM1_list.push(war_VBM1[i][1][0]);\n IDM1_list.push(war_IDM1[i][1][0]);\n vsm1_list.push(war_vsm1[i][1][0]);\n vsM1_list.push(war_vsM1[i][1][0]);\n iCM1_list.push(war_iCM1[i][1][0]);\n iDM1_list.push(war_iDM1[i][1][0]);\n MID1_list.push(war_TaM1[i][1][0]);\n BLPW_list.push(war_BLPW[i][1][0]);\n CCBF_list.push(war_CCBF[i][1][0]);\n Ah_W_list.push(war_Ah_W[i][1][0]);\n MPMM_list.push(war_MPMM[i][1][0]);\n TCdi_list.push(war_TCdi[i][1][0]);\n LMPW_list.push(war_LMPW[i][1][0]);\n TOCW_list.push(war_TOCW[i][1][0]);\n}\n\nif(Tam_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: BMS temperature too low\");\n}\n\nif(TaM2_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: BMS temperature too high\");\n}\n\nif(Tbm_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: Battery temperature too low\");\n}\n\nif(TbM2_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: Battery temperature too high\");\n}\n\nif(VBm2_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: Bus voltage too low\");\n}\n\nif(VBM2_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: Bus voltage too high\");\n}\n\nif(IDM2_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: Discharge current too high\");\n}\n\nif(ISOB_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Unrecoverable: Electrical insulation failure\");\n}\n\nif(MSWE_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Unrecoverable: Main switch failure\");\n}\n\nif(FUSE_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Unrecoverable: Main fuse blown\");\n}\n\nif(HTRE_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: Battery failed to warm up\");\n}\n\nif(TCPE_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Unrecoverable: Temperature sensor failure\");\n}\n\nif(STRE_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: Voltage measurement circuit fails\");\n}\n\nif(CME_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: Current sensor failure\");\n} \n\nif(HWFL_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: BMS hardware failure\");\n} \n\nif(HWEM_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: Hardware protection tripped\");\n}\n\nif(ThM_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: Heatsink temperature too high\");\n}\n\nif(vsm2_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Unrecoverable: Low string voltage failure\");\n}\n\nif(vsM2_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: String voltage too high\");\n}\n\nif(iCM2_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Unrecoverable: Charge current too high\");\n}\n\nif(iDM2_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: Discharge current too high\");\n} \n\nif(MID2_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: String voltage unbalance too high\");\n} \n\nif(HTFS_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Unrecoverable: Heater Fuse Blown\");\n} \n\nif(DATA_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Unrecoverable: Parameters out of range\");\n} \n\nif(LMPA_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Unrecoverable: String voltages unbalance alarm\");\n} \n\nif(HEBT_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Recoverable: Loss of heartbeat\");\n} \n\nif(TaM1_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: BMS temperature high\");\n} \n\nif(TbM1_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: Battery temperature high\");\n} \n\nif(VBm1_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: Bus voltage low\");\n} \n\nif(VBM1_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: Bus voltage high\");\n} \n\nif(IDM1_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: Discharge current high\");\n} \n\nif(vsm1_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: String voltage too low\");\n} \n\nif(vsM1_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: String voltage high\");\n}\n\nif(iCM1_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: Charge current high\");\n} \n\nif(iDM1_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: Discharge current high\");\n} \n\nif(MID1_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: String voltages unbalanced\");\n} \n\nif(BLPW_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: Not enough charging power on bus\");\n} \n\nif(CCBF_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: Internal charger hardware failure\");\n} \n\nif(Ah_W_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: String SOC low\");\n} \n\nif(MPMM_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: Midpoint wiring problem\");\n} \n\nif(TCdi_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: Temperature difference between strings high\");\n} \n\nif(LMPW_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: String voltages unbalance warning\");\n} \n\nif(TOCW_list.includes(true)){\n battery_health.push(\"Warning: Top of Charge requested\");\n}\n\nif(battery_health.length === 0){\n battery_health.push(\"No warning and no alarm\");\n}\n\nmsg.payload = battery_health;\nreturn msg;", "outputs": 1, "timeout": 0, "noerr": 0, "initialize": "", "finalize": "", "libs": [], "x": 1120, "y": 1700, "wires": [ [ 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