// dotnet publish BmsTunnel.csproj -c Release -r linux-arm -p:PublishSingleFile=true --self-contained true && \ // rsync -av bin/Release/net6.0/linux-arm/publish/ root@ && clear && \ // ssh root@ /home/root/tunnel/BmsTunnel using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils; using static System.String; namespace InnovEnergy.App.BmsTunnel; public static class Program { private const Byte DefaultNode = 2; public static async Task Main(String[] args) { var connection = await ConnectToBms(args.FirstOrDefault()); if (connection is null) return 2; Console.WriteLine("\nstarting BMS tunnel\n"); // var path = $"/dev/{tty}"; // if (host != null) // path = $"root@{host}" + path; // // var node = connection.Nodes.Any() // ? connection.Nodes.First() // : DefaultNode; // // TODO: Fixme var path = ""; Byte node = 2; var nodes = new Byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }; // TODO: Fixme using var tunnel = new BmsTunnel(path, node); ExplainNode(); ExplainNodes(); ExplainExit(); Console.WriteLine(""); ListNodes(); while (true) { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write($"node{tunnel.Node}> "); var cmd = Console.ReadLine()?.ToUpper().Trim(); if (IsNullOrEmpty(cmd)) continue; if (cmd.StartsWith("/")) { var exit = ProcessLocalCommand(cmd); if (exit) break; continue; } tunnel.SendCommand(cmd).Skip(1).ForEach(Console.WriteLine); } Boolean ProcessLocalCommand(String cmd) { cmd = cmd.TrimStart('/').Trim(); if (cmd == "EXIT") return true; if (cmd == "NODES") ListNodes(); else if (cmd.StartsWith("NODE ")) ChangeNode(cmd); else Console.WriteLine("unrecognized command"); return false; } return 0; void ListNodes() { if(nodes.Length >= 250) return; nodes.Aggregate("available nodes:", (a, b) => $"{a} {b}") .Apply(Console.WriteLine); } void ChangeNode(String cmd) { var ndStr = cmd[5..].Trim(); if (!Byte.TryParse(ndStr, out var newNode)) { ExplainNode(); return; } if (!nodes.Contains(newNode)) { Console.WriteLine(newNode + " is not available"); ListNodes(); return; } tunnel.Node = newNode; } } private static async Task ConnectToBms(String? hostName) { if (hostName is null) return new BatteryConnection(); var host = new SshHost(hostName); if (await host.Ping()) return await BatteryConnection.Connect(host); $"Cannot connect to {hostName}".WriteLine(ConsoleColor.Red); return null; } private static void ExplainExit() => Console.WriteLine("/exit exit bms cli"); private static void ExplainNodes() => Console.WriteLine("/nodes list available nodes"); private static void ExplainNode() => Console.WriteLine("/node change to node number "); }