const { InvalidArgumentError } = require('./error.js'); // @ts-check class Option { /** * Initialize a new `Option` with the given `flags` and `description`. * * @param {string} flags * @param {string} [description] */ constructor(flags, description) { this.flags = flags; this.description = description || ''; this.required = flags.includes('<'); // A value must be supplied when the option is specified. this.optional = flags.includes('['); // A value is optional when the option is specified. // variadic test ignores <value,...> et al which might be used to describe custom splitting of single argument this.variadic = /\w\.\.\.[>\]]$/.test(flags); // The option can take multiple values. this.mandatory = false; // The option must have a value after parsing, which usually means it must be specified on command line. const optionFlags = splitOptionFlags(flags); this.short = optionFlags.shortFlag; this.long = optionFlags.longFlag; this.negate = false; if (this.long) { this.negate = this.long.startsWith('--no-'); } this.defaultValue = undefined; this.defaultValueDescription = undefined; this.envVar = undefined; this.parseArg = undefined; this.hidden = false; this.argChoices = undefined; } /** * Set the default value, and optionally supply the description to be displayed in the help. * * @param {any} value * @param {string} [description] * @return {Option} */ default(value, description) { this.defaultValue = value; this.defaultValueDescription = description; return this; }; /** * Set environment variable to check for option value. * Priority order of option values is default < env < cli * * @param {string} name * @return {Option} */ env(name) { this.envVar = name; return this; }; /** * Set the custom handler for processing CLI option arguments into option values. * * @param {Function} [fn] * @return {Option} */ argParser(fn) { this.parseArg = fn; return this; }; /** * Whether the option is mandatory and must have a value after parsing. * * @param {boolean} [mandatory=true] * @return {Option} */ makeOptionMandatory(mandatory = true) { this.mandatory = !!mandatory; return this; }; /** * Hide option in help. * * @param {boolean} [hide=true] * @return {Option} */ hideHelp(hide = true) { this.hidden = !!hide; return this; }; /** * @api private */ _concatValue(value, previous) { if (previous === this.defaultValue || !Array.isArray(previous)) { return [value]; } return previous.concat(value); } /** * Only allow option value to be one of choices. * * @param {string[]} values * @return {Option} */ choices(values) { this.argChoices = values; this.parseArg = (arg, previous) => { if (!values.includes(arg)) { throw new InvalidArgumentError(`Allowed choices are ${values.join(', ')}.`); } if (this.variadic) { return this._concatValue(arg, previous); } return arg; }; return this; }; /** * Return option name. * * @return {string} */ name() { if (this.long) { return this.long.replace(/^--/, ''); } return this.short.replace(/^-/, ''); }; /** * Return option name, in a camelcase format that can be used * as a object attribute key. * * @return {string} * @api private */ attributeName() { return camelcase(^no-/, '')); }; /** * Check if `arg` matches the short or long flag. * * @param {string} arg * @return {boolean} * @api private */ is(arg) { return this.short === arg || this.long === arg; }; } /** * Convert string from kebab-case to camelCase. * * @param {string} str * @return {string} * @api private */ function camelcase(str) { return str.split('-').reduce((str, word) => { return str + word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1); }); } /** * Split the short and long flag out of something like '-m,--mixed <value>' * * @api private */ function splitOptionFlags(flags) { let shortFlag; let longFlag; // Use original very loose parsing to maintain backwards compatibility for now, // which allowed for example unintended `-sw, --short-word` [sic]. const flagParts = flags.split(/[ |,]+/); if (flagParts.length > 1 && !/^[[<]/.test(flagParts[1])) shortFlag = flagParts.shift(); longFlag = flagParts.shift(); // Add support for lone short flag without significantly changing parsing! if (!shortFlag && /^-[^-]$/.test(longFlag)) { shortFlag = longFlag; longFlag = undefined; } return { shortFlag, longFlag }; } exports.Option = Option; exports.splitOptionFlags = splitOptionFlags;