 * Returns the reason phrase for the given status code.
 * If the given status code does not exist, an error is thrown.
 * @param {number|string} statusCode The HTTP status code
 * @returns {string} The associated reason phrase (e.g. "Bad Request", "OK")
 * */
export declare function getReasonPhrase(statusCode: (number | string)): (string);
 * Returns the status code for the given reason phrase.
 * If the given reason phrase does not exist, undefined is returned.
 * @param {string} reasonPhrase The HTTP reason phrase (e.g. "Bad Request", "OK")
 * @returns {string} The associated status code
 * */
export declare function getStatusCode(reasonPhrase: string): (number);
 * @deprecated
 * Returns the reason phrase for the given status code.
 * If the given status code does not exist, undefined is returned.
 * Deprecated in favor of getReasonPhrase
 * @param {number|string} statusCode The HTTP status code
 * @returns {string|undefined} The associated reason phrase (e.g. "Bad Request", "OK")
 * */
export declare const getStatusText: typeof getReasonPhrase;