(function () { var act = null, ok = null, notOk = null, eq = null, notEq = null, handleAlert = null, handleConfirm = null, handlePrompt = null, handleBeforeUnload = null, __set$ = null, __get$ = null, __get$Loc = null, __set$Loc = null, __call$ = null, __proc$Script = null, $ = null, jQuery = null, __waitFor = null; function onTestRunnerInitialized (testRunner, callback) { delete onTestRunnerInitialized; act = testRunner.act; ok = testRunner.ok; notOk = testRunner.notOk; eq = testRunner.eq; notEq = testRunner.notEq; handleAlert = testRunner.handleAlert; handleConfirm = testRunner.handleConfirm; handlePrompt = testRunner.handlePrompt; handleBeforeUnload = testRunner.handleBeforeUnload; __set$ = window.__set$; __get$ = window.__get$; __set$Loc = window.__set$Loc; __get$Loc = window.__get$Loc; __call$ = window.__call$; __proc$Script = window.__proc$Script; __waitFor = function () { testRunner.setGlobalWaitFor.apply(testRunner, arguments); }; try { //!----------------------------------BEGIN HELPERS AND REQUIRES CODE---------------------------------- {{{sharedJs}}}; //!------------------------------------END HELPERS AND REQUIRES CODE---------------------------------- } catch (err) { act._onJSError(err); return; } function runInContext (stepName, step, runner) { runner([stepName], [function () { eval('(' + step + ').call(this)'); }]); } callback(runInContext); } (function () { var testCafeLegacyRunner = window['%testCafeLegacyRunner%']; var sandboxedJQuery = testCafeLegacyRunner.sandboxedJQuery; var extendJQuerySelectors = testCafeLegacyRunner.extendJQuerySelectors; var jQueryDataMethodProxy = testCafeLegacyRunner.jQueryDataMethodProxy; var iframeDispatcher = testCafeLegacyRunner.iframeDispatcher; var documentAddEventListener = window['%hammerhead%'].nativeMethods.documentAddEventListener; function initJQuery () { sandboxedJQuery.init(window, undefined); extendJQuerySelectors(sandboxedJQuery.jQuery); $ = jQuery = sandboxedJQuery.jQuery; jQueryDataMethodProxy.setup($); } testCafeLegacyRunner.SETTINGS.set({ TAKE_SCREENSHOTS_ON_FAILS: {{{takeScreenshotsOnFails}}}, SKIP_JS_ERRORS: {{{skipJsErrors}}}, SELECTOR_TIMEOUT: {{{selectorTimeout}}}, ENABLE_SOURCE_INDEX: true, NATIVE_DIALOGS_INFO: {{{nativeDialogsInfo}}}, PAGE_UNLOAD_BARRIER_TIMEOUT: 500, REQUESTS_COLLECTION_DELAY: 300, ADDITIONAL_REQUESTS_COLLECTION_DELAY: 100 }); if (!document.documentElement) documentAddEventListener.call(document, "DOMContentLoaded", initJQuery); else initJQuery(); //NOTE: Override these methods to suppress native dialogs until the test runner in the iFrame gets initialized. (T188994) window.alert = window.confirm = window.prompt = new Function(); iframeDispatcher.init(onTestRunnerInitialized); })(); })();