using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis; namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Devices.Trumpf.TruConvertAc; [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "IdentifierTypo")] [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "UnusedMember.Global")] [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "CommentTypo")] public enum AlarmMessage { NoAlarm = 0, BmsCommunicationTimeoutHasOccured = 40302, // BMS communication timeout has occured. Rs485CommunicationAlarm1 = 40303, // RS-485 communication alarm. SoftwareVersionsOfSystemControlAndModulesDoNotMatch1 = 40412, // Software versions of system control and module(s) do not match. SoftwareVersionsOfSystemControlAndModulesDoNotMatch2 = 40413, // Software versions of system control and module(s) do not match. SoftwareVersionsOfSystemControlAndModulesDoNotMatch3 = 40414, // Software versions of system control and module(s) do not match. SoftwareVersionsOfSystemControlAndModulesDoNotMatch4 = 40415, // Software versions of system control and module(s) do not match. SoftwareVersionsOfSystemControlAndModulesDoNotMatch5 = 40416, // Software versions of system control and module(s) do not match. NoSlaveModuleWasFoundPleaseCheckRs485Connection = 40304, // No slave module was found, please check RS-485 connection(s). NumberOfOrCombinationOfConnectedSlaveTypesNotSupported = 40305, // Number of or combination of connected slave types not supported. OvertemperatureIgbtBridge1 = 50000, // Overtemperature IGBT bridge 1. OvertemperatureIgbtBridge2 = 50001, // Overtemperature IGBT bridge 2. OvertemperatureIgbtBridge3 = 50002, // Overtemperature IGBT bridge 3. OvertemperatureBalancer = 50003, // Overtemperature balancer. AmbientTemperatureOverAllowedRange1 = 50004, // Ambient temperature over allowed range. OvercurrentL1 = 50005, // Overcurrent L1. OvercurrentL2 = 50006, // Overcurrent L2. OvercurrentL3 = 50007, // Overcurrent L3. OvercurrentBalancer = 50008, // Overcurrent balancer. OvervoltageGridL1 = 50009, // Overvoltage grid L1. OvervoltageGridL2 = 50010, // Overvoltage grid L2. OvervoltageGridL3 = 50011, // Overvoltage grid L3. OvervoltageFilterCapacitorL1 = 50012, // Overvoltage filter capacitor L1. OvervoltageFilterCapacitorL2 = 50013, // Overvoltage filter capacitor L2. OvervoltageFilterCapacitorL3 = 50014, // Overvoltage filter capacitor L3. OvervoltageDcLinkPositivePart = 50015, // Overvoltage DC link positive part. OvervoltageDcLinkNegativePart = 50016, // Overvoltage DC link negative part. OvervoltageGridNToPe = 50080, // Overvoltage grid N to PE. OvervoltageInternalDcLink = 50081, // Overvoltage internal DC link. OvervoltageInternalNToPe = 50082, // Overvoltage internal N to PE. OvervoltageExternalDcLinkPositivePart = 50083, // Overvoltage external DC link positive part. OvervoltageExternalDcLinkNegativePart = 50084, // Overvoltage external DC link negative part. OvervoltageExternalDcLink = 50085, // Overvoltage external DC link. OvervoltageExternalDcLinkStarPointToPe = 50086, // Overvoltage external DC link star point to PE. WrongPolarityOnDcLinkDetected = 50087, // Wrong polarity on DC link detected. OvervoltageExternalAuxiliarySupply24V = 50088, // Overvoltage external auxiliary supply 24 V. UndervoltageExternalAuxiliarySupply24V = 50089, // Undervoltage external auxiliary supply 24 V. OvercurrentL1Hardware = 50018, // Overcurrent L1 hardware. OvercurrentL2Hardware = 50019, // Overcurrent L2 hardware. OvercurrentL3Hardware = 50020, // Overcurrent L3 hardware. OvercurrentBalancerHardware = 50021, // Overcurrent balancer hardware. AcDcModuleHardwareProtectionAlarm = 50095, // AC-DC module hardware protection alarm. DcLinkPrechargeUnitAlarm = 50096, // DC link precharge unit alarm. DcLinkDischargeUnitAlarm = 50097, // DC link discharge unit alarm. DcLinkCouldNotBeCharged = 50098, // DC link could not be charged. DcLinkControlAlarm = 50099, // DC link control alarm. DcLinkRelayCouldNotBeClosed = 50100, // DC link relay could not be closed. DcLinkRelayWasForcedToDisconnect = 50101, // DC link relay was forced to disconnect. FanAlarm = 50102, // Fan alarm. DcCurrentComponentL1TooHigh = 50030, // DC current component L1 too high. DcCurrentComponentL2TooHigh = 50031, // DC current component L2 too high. DcCurrentComponentL3TooHigh = 50032, // DC current component L3 too high. GridFrequencyTooHigh = 50033, // Grid frequency too high. GridFrequencyTooLow = 50034, // Grid frequency too low. SynchronizationToGridFailed = 50036, // Synchronization to grid failed. DcLinkVoltageTooLowForOperation = 50037, // DC link voltage too low for operation. DcLinkUnbalanced = 50038, // DC link unbalanced. OvercurrentL1Rms = 50041, // Overcurrent L1 RMS. OvercurrentL2Rms = 50042, // Overcurrent L2 RMS. OvercurrentL3Rms = 50043, // Overcurrent L3 RMS. OvercurrentBalancerRms = 50044, // Overcurrent balancer RMS. OvervoltageL1Rms = 50047, // Overvoltage L1 RMS. OvervoltageL2Rms = 50048, // Overvoltage L2 RMS. OvervoltageL3Rms = 50049, // Overvoltage L3 RMS. UndervoltageL1Rms = 50050, // Undervoltage L1 RMS. UndervoltageL2Rms = 50051, // Undervoltage L2 RMS. UndervoltageL3Rms = 50052, // Undervoltage L3 RMS. GridContactorCouldNotBeClosed = 50053, // Grid contactor could not be closed. OvervoltageFilterCapacitorL1Rms = 50115, // Overvoltage filter capacitor L1 RMS. OvervoltageFilterCapacitorL2Rms = 50116, // Overvoltage filter capacitor L2 RMS. OvervoltageFilterCapacitorL3Rms = 50117, // Overvoltage filter capacitor L3 RMS. AntiIslandDetectionAlarmL1 = 50118, // Anti-island detection alarm L1. AntiIslandDetectionAlarmL2 = 50119, // Anti-island detection alarm L2. AntiIslandDetectionAlarmL3 = 50120, // Anti-island detection alarm L3. MissmatchOfInternalAndExternalN = 50121, // Missmatch of internal and external N. GridCodeRideThroughTimeExceeded = 50131, // Grid code ride through time exceeded. GridDoesNotMatchGridCodeRequirements = 50132, // Grid does not match grid code requirements. SubslaveCommunicationAlarm = 50068, // Subslave communication alarm. MasterCommunicationAlarm = 50069, // Master communication alarm. DcLinkRelayDisconnectNotAllowedDcLinkVoltageUnstable = 50068, // DC link relay disconnect not allowed - DC link voltage unstable. BatteryOvervoltage = 60090, // Battery overvoltage. DcLinkOvervoltage = 60093, // DC link overvoltage. DcLinkVoltageToLowForOperation = 60102, // DC link voltage to low for operation. AuxiliarySupplyOvervoltage = 60700, // Auxiliary supply overvoltage. BatteryUndervoltage = 60142, // Battery undervoltage. AuxiliarySupplyUndervoltage = 60703, // Auxiliary supply undervoltage. WrongPolarityOnDcTerminalDetected = 60145, // Wrong polarity on DC terminal detected. Rs485CommunicationAlarm2 = 60132, // RS485 communication alarm. BatteryVoltageUnderThresholdSetting = 60129, // Battery voltage under threshold setting. BatteryVoltageOverThresholdSetting = 60150, // Battery voltage over threshold setting. AmbientTemperatureOverAllowedRange2 = 60168, // Ambient temperature over allowed range. AmbientTemperatureUnderAllowedRange = 60186, // Ambient temperature under allowed range. FanDefectiveOrStuck = 60192, // Fan defective or stuck. PowerFailureOf24VAuxiliaryPowerSupply = 10016, // Power failure of 24-V auxiliary power supply has been detected. }