'use strict';

var hooks = [];
var errHooks = [];
var called = false;
var waitingFor = 0;
var asyncTimeoutMs = 10000;

var events = {};
var filters = {};

function exit(exit, code, err) {
	// Only execute hooks once
	if (called) {

	called = true;

	// Run hooks
	if (err) {
		// Uncaught exception, run error hooks
		errHooks.map(runHook.bind(null, 1, err));
	hooks.map(runHook.bind(null, 0, null));

	if (waitingFor) {
		// Force exit after x ms (10000 by default), even if async hooks in progress
		setTimeout(function () {
		}, asyncTimeoutMs);
	} else {
		// No asynchronous hooks, exit immediately

	// Runs a single hook
	function runHook(syncArgCount, err, hook) {
		// cannot perform async hooks in `exit` event
		if (exit && hook.length > syncArgCount) {
			// hook is async, expects a finish callback

			if (err) {
				// Pass error, calling uncaught exception handlers
				return hook(err, stepTowardExit);
			return hook(stepTowardExit);

		// hook is synchronous
		if (err) {
			// Pass error, calling uncaught exception handlers
			return hook(err);
		return hook();

	// Async hook callback, decrements waiting counter
	function stepTowardExit() {
		process.nextTick(function () {
			if (--waitingFor === 0) {

	var doExitDone = false;

	function doExit() {
		if (doExitDone) {
		doExitDone = true;

		if (exit === true) {
			// All handlers should be called even if the exit-hook handler was registered first
			process.nextTick(process.exit.bind(null, code));

// Add a hook
function add(hook) {

	if (hooks.length === 1) {
		add.hookEvent('beforeExit', 0);
		add.hookEvent('SIGHUP', 128 + 1);
		add.hookEvent('SIGINT', 128 + 2);
		add.hookEvent('SIGTERM', 128 + 15);
		add.hookEvent('SIGBREAK', 128 + 21);

		// PM2 Cluster shutdown message. Caught to support async handlers with pm2, needed because
		// explicitly calling process.exit() doesn't trigger the beforeExit event, and the exit
		// event cannot support async handlers, since the event loop is never called after it.
		add.hookEvent('message', 0, function (msg) {
			if (msg !== 'shutdown') {
				return true;

// New signal / event to hook
add.hookEvent = function (event, code, filter) {
	events[event] = function () {
		const eventFilters = filters[event];
		for (var i = 0; i < eventFilters.length; i++) {
			if (eventFilters[i].apply(this, arguments)) {
		exit(code !== undefined && code !== null, code);

	if (!filters[event]) {
		filters[event] = [];

	if (filter) {
	process.on(event, events[event]);

// Unhook signal / event
add.unhookEvent = function (event) {
	process.removeListener(event, events[event]);
	delete events[event];
	delete filters[event];

// List hooked events
add.hookedEvents = function () {
	var ret = [];
	for (var name in events) {
		if ({}.hasOwnProperty.call(events, name)) {
	return ret;

// Add an uncaught exception handler
add.uncaughtExceptionHandler = function (hook) {

	if (errHooks.length === 1) {
		process.once('uncaughtException', exit.bind(null, true, 1));
		process.once('unhandledRejection', exit.bind(null, true, 1));

// Configure async force exit timeout
add.forceExitTimeout = function (ms) {
	asyncTimeoutMs = ms;

// Export
module.exports = add;