# Optimize Self-Consumption -> Limit Discharge Power

Initial State: `Optimize Self-Consumption`  
Target State:  `Limit Discharge Power`  

## Test Procedure

1. The system is brought to the `Optimize Self-Consumption` state by setting `Min SOC` lower than the current SOC.
2. `Grid setpoint` is set to 0W.
3. The `Limit Discharge Power` option is activated and the `Maximum Discharge Power` is set to 1000W.
4. A load of 2000W or more is connected to the system.

## Expected Outcome

As soon as the load is connected, the battery state changes into the `Limit Discharge Power` state and discharges with a maximum power of 1000W(+/-50W).  
The rest of the load is supplied by the grid.

## Tested Outcome

The systen reacted as expected.