'use strict'; var UNICODE = require('../common/unicode'); //Aliases var $ = UNICODE.CODE_POINTS; //Utils //OPTIMIZATION: these utility functions should not be moved out of this module. V8 Crankshaft will not inline //this functions if they will be situated in another module due to context switch. //Always perform inlining check before modifying this functions ('node --trace-inlining'). function isReservedCodePoint(cp) { return cp >= 0xD800 && cp <= 0xDFFF || cp > 0x10FFFF; } function isSurrogatePair(cp1, cp2) { return cp1 >= 0xD800 && cp1 <= 0xDBFF && cp2 >= 0xDC00 && cp2 <= 0xDFFF; } function getSurrogatePairCodePoint(cp1, cp2) { return (cp1 - 0xD800) * 0x400 + 0x2400 + cp2; } //Preprocessor //NOTE: HTML input preprocessing //(see: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/parsing.html#preprocessing-the-input-stream) var Preprocessor = module.exports = function (html) { this.write(html); //NOTE: one leading U+FEFF BYTE ORDER MARK character must be ignored if any are present in the input stream. this.pos = this.html.charCodeAt(0) === $.BOM ? 0 : -1; this.gapStack = []; this.lastGapPos = -1; this.skipNextNewLine = false; }; Preprocessor.prototype.write = function (html) { if (this.html) { this.html = this.html.substring(0, this.pos + 1) + html + this.html.substring(this.pos + 1, this.html.length); } else this.html = html; this.lastCharPos = this.html.length - 1; }; Preprocessor.prototype.advanceAndPeekCodePoint = function () { this.pos++; if (this.pos > this.lastCharPos) return $.EOF; var cp = this.html.charCodeAt(this.pos); //NOTE: any U+000A LINE FEED (LF) characters that immediately follow a U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) character //must be ignored. if (this.skipNextNewLine && cp === $.LINE_FEED) { this.skipNextNewLine = false; this._addGap(); return this.advanceAndPeekCodePoint(); } //NOTE: all U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters must be converted to U+000A LINE FEED (LF) characters if (cp === $.CARRIAGE_RETURN) { this.skipNextNewLine = true; return $.LINE_FEED; } this.skipNextNewLine = false; //OPTIMIZATION: first perform check if the code point in the allowed range that covers most common //HTML input (e.g. ASCII codes) to avoid performance-cost operations for high-range code points. return cp >= 0xD800 ? this._processHighRangeCodePoint(cp) : cp; }; Preprocessor.prototype._processHighRangeCodePoint = function (cp) { //NOTE: try to peek a surrogate pair if (this.pos !== this.lastCharPos) { var nextCp = this.html.charCodeAt(this.pos + 1); if (isSurrogatePair(cp, nextCp)) { //NOTE: we have a surrogate pair. Peek pair character and recalculate code point. this.pos++; cp = getSurrogatePairCodePoint(cp, nextCp); //NOTE: add gap that should be avoided during retreat this._addGap(); } } if (isReservedCodePoint(cp)) cp = $.REPLACEMENT_CHARACTER; return cp; }; Preprocessor.prototype._addGap = function () { this.gapStack.push(this.lastGapPos); this.lastGapPos = this.pos; }; Preprocessor.prototype.retreat = function () { if (this.pos === this.lastGapPos) { this.lastGapPos = this.gapStack.pop(); this.pos--; } this.pos--; };