using InnovEnergy.App.Backend.Database; using InnovEnergy.App.Backend.DataTypes; using InnovEnergy.App.Backend.DataTypes.Methods; using SQLite; namespace InnovEnergy.App.Backend.Relations; public class Session : Relation { public static TimeSpan MaxAge { get; } = TimeSpan.FromDays(1); [Unique ] public String Token { get => Left ; init => Left = value;} [Indexed] public Int64 UserId { get => Right; init => Right = value;} [Indexed] public DateTime LastSeen { get; set; } public Boolean AccessToSalimax { get; set; } = false; public Boolean AccessToSalidomo { get; set; } = false; [Ignore] public Boolean Valid => DateTime.Now - LastSeen <=MaxAge ; // Private backing field private User? _User; [Ignore] public User User { get => _User ??= Db.GetUserById(UserId)!; set => _User =value; } [Obsolete("To be used only by deserializer")] public Session() {} //We need to return a session object to the frontend. Only the public fields can be included. //For this reason, we use the public User User. It is a public field but ignored, so it can be included to the object returned //to the frontend but it will not get inserted to the database. //When we initialize it like that: User = Db.GetUserById(user.Id)!, the set will be called and the private member will be initialized as well. //What if the getSession method is called from another function of the controller? //GetSession will retrieve a session object from the database, but this does not have the metadata included (the private fields and the ignored public fields) //Thus, the get will be called and the private field _User will be initialized on the fly. public Session(User user) { User = Db.GetUserById(user.Id)!; Token = CreateToken(); UserId = user.Id; LastSeen = DateTime.Now; AccessToSalimax = user.AccessibleInstallations(product: (int)ProductType.Salimax).ToList().Count > 0; AccessToSalidomo = user.AccessibleInstallations(product: (int)ProductType.Salidomo).ToList().Count > 0; } private static String CreateToken() { return Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); } }