stackframe ========== ## JS Object representation of a stack frame []( []( []( []( []( []( []( Underlies functionality of other modules within [stacktrace.js]( Written to closely resemble StackFrame representations in [Gecko]( and [V8]( ## Usage ```js // Create StackFrame and set properties var stackFrame = new StackFrame({ functionName: 'funName', args: ['args'], fileName: 'http://localhost:3000/file.js', lineNumber: 1, columnNumber: 3288, isEval: true, isNative: false, source: 'ORIGINAL_STACK_LINE' evalOrigin: new StackFrame({functionName: 'withinEval', lineNumber: 2, columnNumber: 43}) }); stackFrame.functionName // => "funName" stackFrame.setFunctionName('newName') stackFrame.getFunctionName() // => "newName" stackFrame.args // => ["args"] stackFrame.setArgs([]) stackFrame.getArgs() // => [] stackFrame.fileName // => 'http://localhost:3000/file.min.js' stackFrame.setFileName('http://localhost:3000/file.js') stackFrame.getFileName() // => 'http://localhost:3000/file.js' stackFrame.lineNumber // => 1 stackFrame.setLineNumber(325) stackFrame.getLineNumber() // => 325 stackFrame.columnNumber // => 3288 stackFrame.setColumnNumber(20) stackFrame.getColumnNumber() // => 20 stackFrame.source // => 'ORIGINAL_STACK_LINE' stackFrame.setSource('NEW_SOURCE') stackFrame.getSource() // => 'NEW_SOURCE' stackFrame.isEval // => true stackFrame.setIsEval(false) stackFrame.getIsEval() // => false stackFrame.isNative // => false stackFrame.setIsNative(true) stackFrame.getIsNative() // => true stackFrame.evalOrigin // => StackFrame({functionName: 'withinEval', lineNumber: ...}) stackFrame.setEvalOrigin({functionName: 'evalFn', fileName: 'anonymous'}) stackFrame.getEvalOrigin().getFunctionName() // => 'evalFn' stackFrame.toString() // => 'funName(args)@http://localhost:3000/file.js:325:20' ``` ## Browser Support []( ## Installation ``` npm install stackframe bower install stackframe ```