# Controller Tests

![Controller States](../controller_states.svg)

The aim of these tests it to make sure that all transitions pictured in graph above work as expected.  
Unless noted otherwise, these procedures assume a test system with a single battery and no load (consumers) or PV (producers) connected.

1. [Charge to min SOC -> Forced EOC](Charge to min SOC -> Forced EOC.md)
2. [Charge to min SOC -> Hold min SOC](Charge to min SOC -> Hold min SOC.md)
3. [Charge to min SOC -> Optimize Self-Consumption](Charge to min SOC -> Optimize Self-Consumption.md)
4. [Optimize Self-Consumption -> Forced EOC](Optimize Self-Consumption -> Forced EOC.md)
5. [Optimize Self-Consumption -> Hold min SOC](Optimize Self-Consumption -> Hold min SOC.md)
6. [Hold min SOC -> Forced EOC](Hold min SOC -> Forced EOC.md)
7. [Forced EOC -> Optimize Self-Consumption (charging)](Forced EOC -> Optimize Self-Consumption \(charging\).md)
8. [Forced EOC -> Optimize Self-Consumption (discharging)](Forced EOC -> Optimize Self-Consumption \(discharging\).md)
9. [Hold min SOC -> Optimize Self-Consumption](Hold min SOC -> Optimize Self-Consumption.md)
10. [Forced EOC -> Bridge Grid Blackout -> Forced EOC](Forced EOC -> Bridge Grid Blackout -> Forced EOC.md)
11. [Optimize Self-Consumption -> Bridge Grid Blackout -> Charge to min SOC -> Hold min SOC](Optimize Self-Consumption -> Bridge Grid Blackout -> Charge to min SOC -> Hold min SOC.md)
12. [Disconnect Grid Meter](DisconnectGridMeter.md)
13. [Optimize Self-Consumption -> Limit Discharge Power](Optimize Self-Consumption -> Limit Discharge Power.md)
14. [Limit Charge Power -> Optimize Self-Consumption](Limit Charge Power -> Optimize Self-Consumption.md)