"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.createRegExpFeaturePlugin = createRegExpFeaturePlugin; var _regexpuCore = require("regexpu-core"); var _features = require("./features"); var _util = require("./util"); var _core = require("@babel/core"); var _helperAnnotateAsPure = require("@babel/helper-annotate-as-pure"); const version = "7.20.5".split(".").reduce((v, x) => v * 1e5 + +x, 0); const versionKey = "@babel/plugin-regexp-features/version"; function createRegExpFeaturePlugin({ name, feature, options = {}, manipulateOptions = () => {} }) { return { name, manipulateOptions, pre() { var _file$get; const { file } = this; const features = (_file$get = file.get(_features.featuresKey)) != null ? _file$get : 0; let newFeatures = (0, _features.enableFeature)(features, _features.FEATURES[feature]); const { useUnicodeFlag, runtime } = options; if (useUnicodeFlag === false) { newFeatures = (0, _features.enableFeature)(newFeatures, _features.FEATURES.unicodeFlag); } if (newFeatures !== features) { file.set(_features.featuresKey, newFeatures); } if (runtime !== undefined) { if (file.has(_features.runtimeKey) && file.get(_features.runtimeKey) !== runtime && (0, _features.hasFeature)(newFeatures, _features.FEATURES.duplicateNamedCaptureGroups)) { throw new Error(`The 'runtime' option must be the same for ` + `'@babel/plugin-transform-named-capturing-groups-regex' and ` + `'@babel/plugin-proposal-duplicate-named-capturing-groups-regex'.`); } if (feature === "namedCaptureGroups") { if (!runtime || !file.has(_features.runtimeKey)) file.set(_features.runtimeKey, runtime); } else { file.set(_features.runtimeKey, runtime); } } if (!file.has(versionKey) || file.get(versionKey) < version) { file.set(versionKey, version); } }, visitor: { RegExpLiteral(path) { var _file$get2; const { node } = path; const { file } = this; const features = file.get(_features.featuresKey); const runtime = (_file$get2 = file.get(_features.runtimeKey)) != null ? _file$get2 : true; const regexpuOptions = (0, _util.generateRegexpuOptions)(node.pattern, features); if ((0, _util.canSkipRegexpu)(node, regexpuOptions)) { return; } const namedCaptureGroups = { __proto__: null }; if (regexpuOptions.namedGroups === "transform") { regexpuOptions.onNamedGroup = (name, index) => { const prev = namedCaptureGroups[name]; if (typeof prev === "number") { namedCaptureGroups[name] = [prev, index]; } else if (Array.isArray(prev)) { prev.push(index); } else { namedCaptureGroups[name] = index; } }; } node.pattern = _regexpuCore(node.pattern, node.flags, regexpuOptions); if (regexpuOptions.namedGroups === "transform" && Object.keys(namedCaptureGroups).length > 0 && runtime && !isRegExpTest(path)) { const call = _core.types.callExpression(this.addHelper("wrapRegExp"), [node, _core.types.valueToNode(namedCaptureGroups)]); (0, _helperAnnotateAsPure.default)(call); path.replaceWith(call); } node.flags = (0, _util.transformFlags)(regexpuOptions, node.flags); } } }; } function isRegExpTest(path) { return path.parentPath.isMemberExpression({ object: path.node, computed: false }) && path.parentPath.get("property").isIdentifier({ name: "test" }); } //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map