# Innovenergy Software Home

This is the source repository for InnovEnergy software.  

# InnovEnergy Documentation

- [Controller States](controller_states.md)
- [Controller Tests](./controller_tests/controller_tests.md)
- [Firmware Release Directory](https://salidomo.innovenergy.ch/firmware/venus/)

# Victron Documentation

- [ModbusTCP register list](https://github.com/victronenergy/dbus_modbustcp/blob/master/CCGX-Modbus-TCP-register-list.xlsx)
- [Firmware Release Directory](https://updates.victronenergy.com/feeds/venus/)


# Documentation How-To

To add a page, create a markdown (`.md`) or wiki (`.wiki`) file and add it to the `/doc/` folder.  
Make sure that it is reachable via this page (home.md)

- [markdown cheat sheet](../../../md_rules)
- [wiki cheat sheet](../../../wiki_rules)