using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Time.Unix;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;

// ReSharper disable StringLiteralTypo

namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Victron.VictronVRM;

public readonly partial record struct Installation(VrmAccount VrmAccount, JsonNode Json)

    public UInt64   IdSite      => Json.GetUInt64("idSite");
    public UnixTime Created     => Json.GetUInt32("syscreated").Apply(UnixTime.FromTicks);
    // Settings

    public String   Name        => Json.GetString("name"); 
    public String   Notes       => Json.GetString("notes"); 
    public String   PhoneNumber => Json.GetString("phonenumber"); 
    public String   Identifier  => Json.TryGetString("identifier");
    // TODO: alternative way to handle settings? make them writeable here and have an UpdateInstallation function?
    // public String   Name
    // {
    //     get => Json.GetString("name");
    //     set => Json["name"] = value;
    // }
    // UniqueId is encoded as json number when its hex value contains no letters !!!
    public String UniqueId => Json.TryGetString("identifier") ?? 
                              Json.TryGetUInt64("identifier")?.ToString() ??
                              Json.TryGetUInt32("identifier")?.ToString() ??
    public async Task<IReadOnlyList<Detail>> GetDetails(Int32 nDetails = 1000)
        var reply = await VrmAccount.DetailsRequest(IdSite, nDetails).TryGetJson();
        var vrmReply = new Reply(reply);
        if (!vrmReply.Success)
            throw new Exception(nameof(GetDetails) + " failed");

        var records = vrmReply.Records;
        return records
              .Select(d => new Detail(d!))
    public async Task<IReadOnlyList<Device>> GetDevices()
        var reply = await VrmAccount.DevicesRequest(IdSite).TryGetJson();
        var vrmReply = new Reply(reply);
        if (!vrmReply.Success)
            throw new Exception(nameof(GetDevices) + " failed");
        return vrmReply.Devices;