isomorphic-fetch [![Build Status](]( ================ Fetch for node and Browserify. Built on top of [GitHub's WHATWG Fetch polyfill]( ## Warnings - This adds `fetch` as a global so that its API is consistent between client and server. For [ease-of-maintenance and backward-compatibility reasons][why polyfill], this library will always be a polyfill. As a "safe" alternative, which does not modify the global, consider [fetch-ponyfill][]. [why polyfill]: [fetch-ponyfill]: ## Why Use Isomorphic Fetch The Fetch API is currently [not implemented consistently]( across browsers. This module will enable you to use `fetch` in your Node code in a cross-browser compliant fashion. The Fetch API is part of the Web platform API defined by the standards bodies WHATWG and W3C. ## Installation ### NPM ```sh npm install --save isomorphic-fetch ``` ### Bower ```sh bower install --save isomorphic-fetch ``` ## Usage ```js require('isomorphic-fetch'); fetch('//') .then(function(response) { if (response.status >= 400) { throw new Error("Bad response from server"); } return response.json(); }) .then(function(stories) { console.log(stories); }); ``` ## License All open source code released by FT Labs is licenced under the MIT licence. Based on [the fine work by]( **[jxck](**. ## Alternatives - [cross-fetch]( - Using [node-fetch]( and the [Fetch polyfill]( directly (or from [](, or relying on [the browser's implementation of the Fetch API](