#!/usr/bin/python2 -u # coding=utf-8 import os import struct from time import sleep import serial from os import system from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusSerialClient as Modbus from pymodbus.exceptions import ModbusIOException from pymodbus.pdu import ModbusResponse from os.path import dirname, abspath from sys import path, argv, exit path.append(dirname(dirname(abspath(__file__)))) PAGE_SIZE = 0x100 HALF_PAGE = PAGE_SIZE / 2 WRITE_ENABLE = [1] SERIAL_STARTER_DIR = '/opt/victronenergy/serial-starter/' FIRMWARE_VERSION_REGISTER = 1054 ERASE_FLASH_REGISTER = 0x2084 RESET_REGISTER = 0x2087 # trick the pycharm type-checker into thinking Callable is in scope, not used at runtime # noinspection PyUnreachableCode if False: from typing import List, NoReturn, Iterable, Optional class LockTTY(object): def __init__(self, tty): # type: (str) -> None self.tty = tty def __enter__(self): system(SERIAL_STARTER_DIR + 'stop-tty.sh ' + self.tty) return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): system(SERIAL_STARTER_DIR + 'start-tty.sh ' + self.tty) def calc_stm32_crc_round(crc, data): # type: (int, int) -> int crc = crc ^ data for _ in range(32): xor = (crc & 0x80000000) != 0 crc = (crc & 0x7FFFFFFF) << 1 # clear bit 31 because python ints have "infinite" bits if xor: crc = crc ^ 0x04C11DB7 return crc def calc_stm32_crc(data): # type: (Iterable[int]) -> int crc = 0xFFFFFFFF for dw in data: crc = calc_stm32_crc_round(crc, dw) return crc def init_modbus(tty): # type: (str) -> Modbus return Modbus( port='/dev/' + tty, method='rtu', baudrate=115200, stopbits=1, bytesize=8, timeout=0.15, # seconds parity=serial.PARITY_ODD) def failed(response): # type: (ModbusResponse) -> bool # Todo 'ModbusIOException' object has no attribute 'function_code' return response.function_code > 0x80 def clear_flash(modbus, slave_address): # type: (Modbus, int) -> bool print ('erasing flash...') write_response = modbus.write_registers(address=0x2084, values=[1], unit=slave_address) if failed(write_response): print('erasing flash FAILED') return False flash_countdown = 17 while flash_countdown > 0: read_response = modbus.read_holding_registers(address=0x2085, count=1, unit=slave_address) if failed(read_response): print('erasing flash FAILED') return False if read_response.registers[0] != flash_countdown: flash_countdown = read_response.registers[0] msg = str(100 * (16 - flash_countdown) / 16) + '%' print('\r{0} '.format(msg), end=' ') print('done!') return True # noinspection PyShadowingBuiltins def bytes_to_words(bytes): # type: (str) -> List[int] return list(struct.unpack('>' + len(bytes)/2 * 'H', bytes)) def send_half_page_1(modbus, slave_address, data, page): # type: (Modbus, int, str, int) -> NoReturn first_half = [page] + bytes_to_words(data[:HALF_PAGE]) write_first_half = modbus.write_registers(0x2000, first_half, unit=slave_address) if failed(write_first_half): raise Exception("Failed to write page " + str(page)) def send_half_page_2(modbus, slave_address, data, page): # type: (Modbus, int, str, int) -> NoReturn registers = bytes_to_words(data[HALF_PAGE:]) + calc_crc(page, data) + WRITE_ENABLE result = modbus.write_registers(0x2041, registers, unit=slave_address) if failed(result): raise Exception("Failed to write page " + str(page)) def get_fw_name(fw_path): # type: (str) -> str return fw_path.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0] def upload_fw(modbus, slave_id, fw_path, fw_name): # type: (Modbus, int, str, str) -> NoReturn with open(fw_path, "rb") as f: size = os.fstat(f.fileno()).st_size n_pages = size / PAGE_SIZE print('uploading firmware ' + fw_name + ' to BMS ...') for page in range(0, n_pages): page_data = f.read(PAGE_SIZE) msg = "page " + str(page + 1) + '/' + str(n_pages) + ' ' + str(100 * page / n_pages + 1) + '%' print('\r{0} '.format(msg), end=' ') if is_page_empty(page_data): continue send_half_page_1(modbus, slave_id, page_data, page) send_half_page_2(modbus, slave_id, page_data, page) def is_page_empty(page): # type: (str) -> bool return page.count('\xff') == len(page) def reset_bms(modbus, slave_id): # type: (Modbus, int) -> bool print ('resetting BMS...') result = modbus.write_registers(RESET_REGISTER, [1], unit=slave_id) # expecting a ModbusIOException (timeout) # BMS can no longer reply because it is already reset success = isinstance(result, ModbusIOException) if success: print('done') else: print('FAILED to reset battery!') return success def calc_crc(page, data): # type: (int, str) -> List[int] crc = calc_stm32_crc([page] + bytes_to_words(data)) crc_bytes = struct.pack('>L', crc) return bytes_to_words(crc_bytes) def identify_battery(modbus, slave_id): # type: (Modbus, int) -> Optional[str] target = 'battery #' + str(slave_id) + ' at ' + modbus.port try: print(('contacting ' + target + ' ...')) response = modbus.read_input_registers(address=FIRMWARE_VERSION_REGISTER, count=1, unit=slave_id) fw = '{0:0>4X}'.format(response.registers[0]) print(('found battery with firmware ' + fw)) return fw except: print(('failed to communicate with ' + target + ' !')) return None def print_usage(): print(('Usage: ' + __file__ + ' ')) print(('Example: ' + __file__ + ' ttyUSB0 2 A08C.bin')) def parse_cmdline_args(argv): # type: (List[str]) -> (str, str, str, str) def fail_with(msg): print(msg) print_usage() exit(1) if len(argv) < 1: fail_with('missing argument for tty device') if len(argv) < 2: fail_with('missing argument for battery ID') if len(argv) < 3: fail_with('missing argument for firmware') return argv[0], int(argv[1]), argv[2], get_fw_name(argv[2]) def verify_firmware(modbus, battery_id, fw_name): # type: (Modbus, int, str) -> NoReturn fw_verify = identify_battery(modbus, battery_id) if fw_verify == fw_name: print('SUCCESS') else: print('FAILED to verify uploaded firmware!') if fw_verify is not None: print('expected firmware version ' + fw_name + ' but got ' + fw_verify) def wait_for_bms_reboot(): # type: () -> NoReturn # wait 20s for the battery to reboot print('waiting for BMS to reboot...') for t in range(20, 0, -1): print('\r{0} '.format(t), end=' ') sleep(1) print('0') def main(argv): # type: (List[str]) -> NoReturn tty, battery_id, fw_path, fw_name = parse_cmdline_args(argv) with LockTTY(tty), init_modbus(tty) as modbus: if identify_battery(modbus, battery_id) is None: return clear_flash(modbus, battery_id) upload_fw(modbus, battery_id, fw_path, fw_name) if not reset_bms(modbus, battery_id): return wait_for_bms_reboot() verify_firmware(modbus, battery_id, fw_name) main(argv[1:])