# Optimize Self-Consumption -> Bridge Grid Blackout -> Charge to min SOC -> Hold min SOC

Initial State: `Optimize Self-Consumption`  
Intermediate State: `Bridge Grid Blackout`  
Intermediate State: `Charge to min SOC`  
Target State: `Hold min SOC`  

## Test Procedure

1. `SOC` should be 50% or lower
2. `min SOC` is set to be at 5% or more below the current `SOC`
3. `Grid setpoint` is set to 0W.
4. a load (min 1000W) is connected to the AC-Out side of the inverter.
5. A grid blackout is simulated by manually disconnecting the system from the grid
6. The system is left without grid until the `SOC` drops at least 1% below `min SOC`.
7. The system is connected back to the grid

## Expected Outcome

- The system first is in the `Optimize Self-Consumption` state.
- As soon as the grid is disconnected, the system changes into `Bridge Grid Blackout`, as visible by the "inverter on" LED on the inverter.
- the load must not loose power
- the Venus controller will loose power for a short time and then reboot
- as soon as the Venus has rebooted, the controller should resume in the `Bridge Grid Blackout` state. (It may transition through the `Unknown` state, but it must not stay there for more than 30 seconds)
- after the grid has been reconnected (when the `SOC` dropped at least 1% below `min SOC`), the inverter synchronizes with the grid and switches back to charger mode ("mains on" LED on the inverter is lit). This should not take longer than 3 minutes.
- the Venus controller should then change into the `Charge to min SOC` state. 
- the system should charge to `min SOC` with at least 1500W
- once `min SOC` is reached, the controller should switch to `Hold min SOC` and the `SOC` should stabilize slightly above `min SOC`.
- during the whole procedure the load must never loose power