import { Semigroup } from './Semigroup'
 * Return a semigroup which works like `Object.assign`.
 * @example
 * import { getAssignSemigroup } from 'fp-ts/struct'
 * interface Person {
 *   readonly name: string
 *   readonly age: number
 * }
 * const S = getAssignSemigroup<Person>()
 * assert.deepStrictEqual(S.concat({ name: 'name', age: 23 }, { name: 'name', age: 24 }), { name: 'name', age: 24 })
 * @category instances
 * @since 2.10.0
export declare const getAssignSemigroup: <A extends object = never>() => Semigroup<A>
 * Creates a new object by recursively evolving a shallow copy of `a`, according to the `transformation` functions.
 * @example
 * import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function'
 * import { evolve } from 'fp-ts/struct'
 * assert.deepStrictEqual(
 *   pipe(
 *     { a: 'a', b: 1 },
 *     evolve({
 *       a: (a) => a.length,
 *       b: (b) => b * 2
 *     })
 *   ),
 *   { a: 1, b: 2 }
 * )
 * @since 2.11.0
export declare const evolve: <A, F extends { [K in keyof A]: (a: A[K]) => unknown }>(
  transformations: F
) => (a: A) => { [K_1 in keyof F]: ReturnType<F[K_1]> }