770 lines
23 KiB
Executable File
770 lines
23 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/python2 -u
# coding=utf-8
import logging
import re
import socket
import sys
import gobject
import signals
import config as cfg
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusSerialClient as Modbus
from pymodbus.exceptions import ModbusException, ModbusIOException
from pymodbus.other_message import ReportSlaveIdRequest
from pymodbus.pdu import ExceptionResponse
from pymodbus.register_read_message import ReadInputRegistersResponse
from data import BatteryStatus, BatterySignal, Battery, ServiceSignal
from python_libs.ie_dbus.dbus_service import DBusService
import time
import os
import csv
import pika
import zipfile
import hashlib
import base64
import hmac
import requests
from datetime import datetime
import io
import json
from convert import first
import shutil
CSV_DIR = "/data/csv_files/"
INSTALLATION_NAME_FILE = '/data/innovenergy/openvpn/installation-name'
# trick the pycharm type-checker into thinking Callable is in scope, not used at runtime
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if False:
from typing import Callable, List, Iterable, NoReturn
def compress_csv_data(csv_data, file_name="data.csv"):
memory_stream = io.BytesIO()
# Create a zip archive in the memory buffer
with zipfile.ZipFile(memory_stream, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) as archive:
# Add CSV data to the ZIP archive using writestr
archive.writestr(file_name, csv_data.encode('utf-8'))
# Get the compressed byte array from the memory buffer
compressed_bytes = memory_stream.getvalue()
# Encode the compressed byte array as a Base64 string
base64_string = base64.b64encode(compressed_bytes).decode('utf-8')
return base64_string
class S3config:
def __init__(self):
self.bucket = cfg.S3BUCKET
self.region = "sos-ch-dk-2"
self.provider = "exo.io"
self.key = cfg.S3KEY
self.secret = cfg.S3SECRET
self.content_type = "application/base64; charset=utf-8"
def host(self):
return "{}.{}.{}".format(self.bucket, self.region, self.provider)
def url(self):
return "https://{}".format(self.host)
def create_put_request(self, s3_path, data):
headers = self._create_request("PUT", s3_path)
url = "{}/{}".format(self.url, s3_path)
response = requests.put(url, headers=headers, data=data)
return response
def _create_request(self, method, s3_path):
date = datetime.utcnow().strftime('%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT')
auth = self._create_authorization(method, self.bucket, s3_path, date, self.key, self.secret, self.content_type)
headers = {
"Host": self.host,
"Date": date,
"Authorization": auth,
"Content-Type": self.content_type
return headers
def _create_authorization(method, bucket, s3_path, date, s3_key, s3_secret, content_type="", md5_hash=""):
payload = "{}\n{}\n{}\n{}\n/{}/{}".format(
method, md5_hash, content_type, date, bucket.strip('/'), s3_path.strip('/')
signature = base64.b64encode(
hmac.new(s3_secret.encode(), payload.encode(), hashlib.sha1).digest()
return "AWS {}:{}".format(s3_key, signature)
def SubscribeToQueue():
connection = pika.BlockingConnection(pika.ConnectionParameters(host="",
credentials=pika.PlainCredentials("producer", "b187ceaddb54d5485063ddc1d41af66f")))
channel = connection.channel()
channel.queue_declare(queue="statusQueue", durable=True)
print("Subscribed to queue")
except Exception as ex:
print("An error occurred while connecting to the RabbitMQ queue:", ex)
return channel
previous_warnings = {}
previous_alarms = {}
class MessageType:
ALARM_OR_WARNING = "AlarmOrWarning"
HEARTBEAT = "Heartbeat"
class AlarmOrWarning:
def __init__(self, description, created_by):
self.date = datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
self.time = datetime.now().strftime('%H:%M:%S')
self.description = description
self.created_by = created_by
def to_dict(self):
return {
"Date": self.date,
"Time": self.time,
"Description": self.description,
"CreatedBy": self.created_by
channel = SubscribeToQueue()
# Create an S3config instance
s3_config = S3config()
is_first_update = True
prev_status = 0
def update_state_from_dictionaries(current_warnings, current_alarms, node_numbers):
global previous_warnings, previous_alarms, INSTALLATION_ID, PRODUCT_ID, is_first_update, channel, prev_status
if is_first_update:
changed_warnings = current_warnings
changed_alarms = current_alarms
is_first_update = False
changed_alarms = {}
changed_warnings = {}
for key in current_alarms:
current_value = current_alarms[key]
prev_value = previous_alarms.get(key, False) # Use False if the key doesn't exist
if current_value != prev_value:
changed_alarms[key] = True
changed_alarms[key] = False
for key in current_warnings:
current_value = current_warnings[key]
prev_value = previous_warnings.get(key, False)
if current_value != prev_value:
changed_warnings[key] = True
changed_warnings[key] = False
status_message = {
"InstallationId": INSTALLATION_ID,
"Product": PRODUCT_ID,
"Status": 0,
"Type": 1,
"Warnings": [],
"Alarms": []
alarms_number_list = []
for node_number in node_numbers:
cnt = 0
for i, alarm_value in enumerate(current_alarms.values()):
if int(list(current_alarms.keys())[i].split("/")[3]) == int(node_number):
if alarm_value:
warnings_number_list = []
for node_number in node_numbers:
cnt = 0
for i, warning_value in enumerate(current_warnings.values()):
if int(list(current_warnings.keys())[i].split("/")[3]) == int(node_number):
if warning_value:
# Evaluate alarms
if any(changed_alarms.values()):
for i, changed_alarm in enumerate(changed_alarms.values()):
if changed_alarm and list(current_alarms.values())[i]:
description = list(current_alarms.keys())[i].split("/")[-1]
device_created = "Battery node " + list(current_alarms.keys())[i].split("/")[3]
status_message["Alarms"].append(AlarmOrWarning(description, device_created).to_dict())
if any(changed_warnings.values()):
for i, changed_warning in enumerate(changed_warnings.values()):
if changed_warning and list(current_warnings.values())[i]:
description = list(current_warnings.keys())[i].split("/")[-1]
device_created = "Battery node " + list(current_warnings.keys())[i].split("/")[3]
status_message["Warnings"].append(AlarmOrWarning(description, device_created).to_dict())
if any(current_alarms.values()):
if not any(current_alarms.values()) and any(current_warnings.values()):
if not any(current_alarms.values()) and not any(current_warnings.values()):
if status_message["Status"]!=prev_status or len(status_message["Warnings"])>0 or len(status_message["Alarms"])>0:
status_message = json.dumps(status_message)
channel.basic_publish(exchange="", routing_key="statusQueue", body=status_message)
print("Message sent successfully")
previous_warnings = current_warnings.copy()
previous_alarms = current_alarms.copy()
return status_message, alarms_number_list, warnings_number_list
def read_csv_as_string(file_path):
Reads a CSV file from the given path and returns its content as a single string.
# Note: 'encoding' is not available in open() in Python 2.7, so we'll use 'codecs' module.
import codecs
with codecs.open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
return file.read()
except IOError as e:
if e.errno == 2: # errno 2 corresponds to "No such file or directory"
print("Error: The file {} does not exist.".format(file_path))
print("IO error occurred: {}".format(str(e)))
return None
def init_modbus(tty):
# type: (str) -> Modbus
logging.debug('initializing Modbus')
return Modbus(
port='/dev/' + tty,
def init_udp_socket():
# type: () -> socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
return s
def report_slave_id(modbus, slave_address):
# type: (Modbus, int) -> str
slave = str(slave_address)
logging.debug('requesting slave id from node ' + slave)
with modbus:
request = ReportSlaveIdRequest(unit=slave_address)
response = modbus.execute(request)
if response is ExceptionResponse or issubclass(type(response), ModbusException):
raise Exception('failed to get slave id from ' + slave + ' : ' + str(response))
return response.identifier
def identify_battery(modbus, slave_address):
# type: (Modbus, int) -> Battery
logging.info('identifying battery...')
hardware_version, bms_version, ampere_hours = parse_slave_id(modbus, slave_address)
firmware_version = read_firmware_version(modbus, slave_address)
specs = Battery(
logging.info('battery identified:\n{0}'.format(str(specs)))
return specs
def identify_batteries(modbus):
# type: (Modbus) -> List[Battery]
def _identify_batteries():
slave_address = 0
n_missing = -255
while n_missing < 3:
slave_address += 1
yield identify_battery(modbus, slave_address)
n_missing = 0
except Exception as e:
logging.info('failed to identify battery at {0} : {1}'.format(str(slave_address), str(e)))
n_missing += 1
logging.info('giving up searching for further batteries')
batteries = list(_identify_batteries()) # dont be lazy!
n = len(batteries)
logging.info('found ' + str(n) + (' battery' if n == 1 else ' batteries'))
return batteries
def parse_slave_id(modbus, slave_address):
# type: (Modbus, int) -> (str, str, int)
slave_id = report_slave_id(modbus, slave_address)
sid = re.sub(r'[^\x20-\x7E]', '', slave_id) # remove weird special chars
match = re.match('(?P<hw>48TL(?P<ah>[0-9]+)) *(?P<bms>.*)', sid)
if match is None:
raise Exception('no known battery found')
return match.group('hw').strip(), match.group('bms').strip(), int(match.group('ah').strip())
def read_firmware_version(modbus, slave_address):
# type: (Modbus, int) -> str
logging.debug('reading firmware version')
with modbus:
response = read_modbus_registers(modbus, slave_address, base_address=1054, count=1)
register = response.registers[0]
return '{0:0>4X}'.format(register)
def read_modbus_registers(modbus, slave_address, base_address=cfg.BASE_ADDRESS, count=cfg.NO_OF_REGISTERS):
# type: (Modbus, int, int, int) -> ReadInputRegistersResponse
logging.debug('requesting modbus registers {0}-{1}'.format(base_address, base_address + count))
return modbus.read_input_registers(
def read_battery_status(modbus, battery):
# type: (Modbus, Battery) -> BatteryStatus
Read the modbus registers containing the battery's status info.
logging.debug('reading battery status')
with modbus:
data = read_modbus_registers(modbus, battery.slave_address)
return BatteryStatus(battery, data.registers)
def publish_values_on_dbus(service, battery_signals, battery_statuses):
# type: (DBusService, Iterable[BatterySignal], Iterable[BatteryStatus]) -> ()
publish_individuals(service, battery_signals, battery_statuses)
publish_aggregates(service, battery_signals, battery_statuses)
def publish_aggregates(service, signals, battery_statuses):
# type: (DBusService, Iterable[BatterySignal], Iterable[BatteryStatus]) -> ()
for s in signals:
if s.aggregate is None:
values = [s.get_value(battery_status) for battery_status in battery_statuses]
value = s.aggregate(values)
service.own_properties.set(s.dbus_path, value, s.unit)
def publish_individuals(service, signals, battery_statuses):
# type: (DBusService, Iterable[BatterySignal], Iterable[BatteryStatus]) -> ()
for signal in signals:
for battery_status in battery_statuses:
address = battery_status.battery.slave_address
dbus_path = '/_Battery/' + str(address) + signal.dbus_path
value = signal.get_value(battery_status)
service.own_properties.set(dbus_path, value, signal.unit)
def publish_service_signals(service, signals):
# type: (DBusService, Iterable[ServiceSignal]) -> NoReturn
for signal in signals:
service.own_properties.set(signal.dbus_path, signal.value, signal.unit)
def upload_status_to_innovenergy(sock, statuses):
# type: (socket, Iterable[BatteryStatus]) -> bool
logging.debug('upload status')
for s in statuses:
sock.sendto(s.serialize(), (cfg.INNOVENERGY_SERVER_IP, cfg.INNOVENERGY_SERVER_PORT))
return False
return True
def print_usage():
print ('Usage: ' + __file__ + ' <serial device>')
print ('Example: ' + __file__ + ' ttyUSB0')
def parse_cmdline_args(argv):
# type: (List[str]) -> str
if len(argv) == 0:
logging.info('missing command line argument for tty device')
return argv[0]
def reset_batteries(modbus, batteries):
# type: (Modbus, Iterable[Battery]) -> NoReturn
logging.info('Resetting batteries...')
for battery in batteries:
result = modbus.write_registers(RESET_REGISTER, [1], unit=battery.slave_address)
# expecting a ModbusIOException (timeout)
# BMS can no longer reply because it is already reset
success = isinstance(result, ModbusIOException)
outcome = 'successfully' if success else 'FAILED to'
logging.info('Battery {0} {1} reset'.format(str(battery.slave_address), outcome))
logging.info('Shutting down fz-sonick driver')
alive = True # global alive flag, watchdog_task clears it, update_task sets it
start_time = time.time()
def count_files_in_folder(folder_path):
# List all files in the folder
files = os.listdir(folder_path)
# Filter out directories, only count files
num_files = sum(1 for f in files if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(folder_path, f)))
return num_files
except FileNotFoundError:
return "Folder not found"
except Exception as e:
return str(e)
def create_update_task(modbus, service, batteries):
# type: (Modbus, DBusService, Iterable[Battery]) -> Callable[[],bool]
Creates an update task which runs the main update function
and resets the alive flag
global start_time
_socket = init_udp_socket()
_signals = signals.init_battery_signals()
csv_signals = signals.create_csv_signals()
node_numbers = [battery.slave_address for battery in batteries]
warnings_signals, alarm_signals = signals.read_warning_and_alarm_flags()
current_warnings = {}
current_alarms = {}
def update_task():
# type: () -> bool
global alive, start_time
logging.debug('starting update cycle')
if service.own_properties.get('/ResetBatteries').value == 1:
reset_batteries(modbus, batteries)
statuses = [read_battery_status(modbus, battery) for battery in batteries]
# Iterate over each node and signal to create rows in the new format
for i, node in enumerate(node_numbers):
for s in warnings_signals:
signal_name = insert_id(s.name, node)
value = s.get_value(statuses[i])
current_warnings[signal_name] = value
for s in alarm_signals:
signal_name = insert_id(s.name, node)
value = s.get_value(statuses[i])
current_alarms[signal_name] = value
status_message, alarms_number_list, warnings_number_list = update_state_from_dictionaries(current_warnings,
publish_values_on_dbus(service, _signals, statuses)
elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
create_csv_files(csv_signals, statuses, node_numbers, alarms_number_list, warnings_number_list)
num_files_in_csv_dir = count_files_in_folder(CSV_DIR)
if elapsed_time >= 60:
start_time = time.time()
upload_status_to_innovenergy(_socket, statuses)
logging.debug('finished update cycle\n')
alive = True
return True
return update_task
def manage_csv_files(directory_path, max_files=20):
csv_files = [f for f in os.listdir(directory_path) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(directory_path, f))]
csv_files.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.getctime(os.path.join(directory_path, x)))
# Remove oldest files if exceeds maximum
while len(csv_files) > max_files:
file_to_delete = os.path.join(directory_path, csv_files.pop(0))
def insert_id(path, id_number):
parts = path.split("/")
insert_position = parts.index("Devices") + 1
parts.insert(insert_position, str(id_number))
return "/".join(parts)
def create_batch_of_csv_files():
global prev_status
# list all files in the directory
files = os.listdir(CSV_DIR)
# filter out only csv files
csv_files = [file for file in files if file.endswith('.csv')]
# sort csv files by creation time
csv_files.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.getctime(os.path.join(CSV_DIR, x)))
# keep the 30 MOST RECENT FILES
recent_csv_files = csv_files[-30:] if len(csv_files) > 30 else csv_files
# get the name of the first csv file
if not csv_files:
print("No csv files found in the directory.")
first_csv_file = os.path.join(CSV_DIR, recent_csv_files.pop(0))
first_csv_filename = os.path.basename(first_csv_file)
temp_file_path = os.path.join(CSV_DIR, 'temp_batch_file.csv')
# create a temporary file and write the timestamp and the original content of the first file
with open(temp_file_path, 'wb') as temp_file:
# Write the timestamp (filename) at the beginning
# write the original content of the first csv file
with open(first_csv_file, 'rb') as f:
for csv_file in recent_csv_files:
file_path = os.path.join(CSV_DIR, csv_file)
# write an empty line
# write the timestamp (filename)
# write the content of the file
with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
# replace the original first csv file with the temporary file
os.rename(temp_file_path, first_csv_file)
# create a loggin directory that contains at max 20 batch files for logging info
logging_dir = os.path.join(CSV_DIR, 'logging_batch_files')
if not os.path.exists(logging_dir):
shutil.copy(first_csv_file, logging_dir)
# keep at most 1900 files at CSV_DIR for logging and aggregation
manage_csv_files(CSV_DIR, 1900)
# print("The batch csv file is: {}".format(recent_csv_files[-1]))
# prepare for compression
csv_data = read_csv_as_string(first_csv_file)
if csv_data is None:
print("error while reading csv as string")
# zip-comp additions
compressed_csv = compress_csv_data(csv_data)
# Use the name of the last (most recent) CSV file in sorted csv_files as the name for the compressed file
last_csv_file_name = os.path.basename(recent_csv_files[-1]) if recent_csv_files else first_csv_filename
# we send the csv files every 30 seconds and the timestamp is adjusted to be a multiple of 30
numeric_part = int(last_csv_file_name.split('.')[0])
# compressed_filename = "{}.csv".format(new_numeric_part)
compressed_filename = "{}.csv".format(numeric_part)
response = s3_config.create_put_request(compressed_filename, compressed_csv)
# response = s3_config.create_put_request(first_csv_filename, csv_data)
if response.status_code == 200:
print("Successfully uploaded the compresseed batch of files in s3")
status_message = {
"InstallationId": INSTALLATION_ID,
"Product": PRODUCT_ID,
"Status": prev_status,
"Type": 1,
"Warnings": [],
"Alarms": [],
"Timestamp": numeric_part
status_message = json.dumps(status_message)
channel.basic_publish(exchange="", routing_key="statusQueue", body=status_message)
print("Successfully sent the heartbit with timestamp")
# we save data that were not successfully uploaded in s3 in a failed directory inside the CSV_DIR for logging
failed_dir = os.path.join(CSV_DIR, "failed")
if not os.path.exists(failed_dir):
failed_path = os.path.join(failed_dir, first_csv_filename)
os.rename(first_csv_file, failed_path)
print("Uploading failed")
manage_csv_files(failed_dir, 100)
def create_csv_files(signals, statuses, node_numbers, alarms_number_list, warnings_number_list):
timestamp = int(time.time())
if timestamp % 2 != 0:
if not os.path.exists(CSV_DIR):
csv_filename = "{}.csv".format(timestamp)
csv_path = os.path.join(CSV_DIR, csv_filename)
with open(csv_path, 'ab') as csvfile:
csv_writer = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=';')
nodes_config_path = "/Config/Devices/BatteryNodes"
nodes_list = ",".join(str(node) for node in node_numbers)
config_row = [nodes_config_path, nodes_list, ""]
for i, node in enumerate(node_numbers):
csv_writer.writerow(["/Battery/Devices/{}/Alarms".format(str(i+1)), alarms_number_list[i], ""])
csv_writer.writerow(["/Battery/Devices/{}/Warnings".format(str(i+1)), warnings_number_list[i], ""])
for s in signals:
signal_name = insert_id(s.name, i+1)
value = s.get_value(statuses[i])
row_values = [signal_name, value, s.get_text]
def create_watchdog_task(main_loop):
# type: (DBusGMainLoop) -> Callable[[],bool]
Creates a Watchdog task that monitors the alive flag.
The watchdog kills the main loop if the alive flag is not periodically reset by the update task.
Who watches the watchdog?
def watchdog_task():
# type: () -> bool
global alive
if alive:
logging.debug('watchdog_task: update_task is alive')
alive = False
return True
logging.info('watchdog_task: killing main loop because update_task is no longer alive')
return False
return watchdog_task
def main(argv):
# type: (List[str]) -> ()
logging.info('starting ' + __file__)
tty = parse_cmdline_args(argv)
modbus = init_modbus(tty)
batteries = identify_batteries(modbus)
if len(batteries) <= 0:
service = DBusService(service_name=cfg.SERVICE_NAME_PREFIX + tty)
service.own_properties.set('/ResetBatteries', value=False, writable=True) # initial value = False
main_loop = gobject.MainLoop()
service_signals = signals.init_service_signals(batteries)
publish_service_signals(service, service_signals)
update_task = create_update_task(modbus, service, batteries)
update_task() # run it right away, so that all props are initialized before anyone can ask
watchdog_task = create_watchdog_task(main_loop)
gobject.timeout_add(cfg.UPDATE_INTERVAL * 2, watchdog_task, priority = gobject.PRIORITY_LOW) # add watchdog first
gobject.timeout_add(cfg.UPDATE_INTERVAL, update_task, priority = gobject.PRIORITY_LOW) # call update once every update_interval
logging.info('starting gobject.MainLoop')
logging.info('gobject.MainLoop was shut down')
sys.exit(0xFF) # reaches this only on error