
63 lines
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using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace InnovEnergy.App.SaliMax;
public class CustomLogger : ILogger
private readonly String _LogFilePath;
private readonly Int64 _MaxFileSizeBytes;
private readonly Int32 _MaxLogFileCount;
private Int64 _CurrentFileSizeBytes;
public CustomLogger(String logFilePath, Int64 maxFileSizeBytes, Int32 maxLogFileCount)
_LogFilePath = logFilePath;
_MaxFileSizeBytes = maxFileSizeBytes;
_MaxLogFileCount = maxLogFileCount;
_CurrentFileSizeBytes = File.Exists(logFilePath) ? new FileInfo(logFilePath).Length : 0;
public IDisposable? BeginScope<TState>(TState state) where TState : notnull => throw new NotImplementedException();
public Boolean IsEnabled(LogLevel logLevel) => true; // Enable logging for all levels
public void Log<TState>(LogLevel logLevel, EventId eventId, TState state, Exception? exception, Func<TState, Exception, String> formatter)
var logMessage = formatter(state, exception!);
// Check the file size and rotate the log file if necessary
if (_CurrentFileSizeBytes + logMessage.Length >= _MaxFileSizeBytes)
_CurrentFileSizeBytes = 0;
// Write the log message to the file
File.AppendAllText(_LogFilePath, logMessage + Environment.NewLine);
_CurrentFileSizeBytes += logMessage.Length;
private void RotateLogFile()
// Check the log file count and delete the oldest file if necessary
var logFileDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(_LogFilePath)!;
var logFileExt = Path.GetExtension(_LogFilePath);
var logFileBaseName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_LogFilePath);
var logFiles = Directory
.GetFiles(logFileDir, $"{logFileBaseName}_*{logFileExt}")
.OrderBy(file => file)
if (logFiles.Count >= _MaxLogFileCount)
// Rename the current log file with a timestamp
var logFileBackupPath = Path.Combine(logFileDir, $"{logFileBaseName}_{DateTime.Now.ToUnixTime()}{logFileExt}");
File.Move(_LogFilePath, logFileBackupPath);