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* The `Eq` type class represents types which support decidable equality.
* Instances must satisfy the following laws:
* 1. Reflexivity: `E.equals(a, a) === true`
* 2. Symmetry: `E.equals(a, b) === E.equals(b, a)`
* 3. Transitivity: if `E.equals(a, b) === true` and `E.equals(b, c) === true`, then `E.equals(a, c) === true`
* @since 2.0.0
import { Contravariant1 } from './Contravariant'
import { Monoid } from './Monoid'
import { ReadonlyRecord } from './ReadonlyRecord'
import { Semigroup } from './Semigroup'
* @category model
* @since 2.0.0
export interface Eq<A> {
readonly equals: (x: A, y: A) => boolean
* @category constructors
* @since 2.0.0
export declare const fromEquals: <A>(equals: (x: A, y: A) => boolean) => Eq<A>
* @since 2.10.0
export declare const struct: <A>(eqs: { [K in keyof A]: Eq<A[K]> }) => Eq<{ readonly [K_1 in keyof A]: A[K_1] }>
* Given a tuple of `Eq`s returns a `Eq` for the tuple
* @example
* import { tuple } from 'fp-ts/Eq'
* import * as S from 'fp-ts/string'
* import * as N from 'fp-ts/number'
* import * as B from 'fp-ts/boolean'
* const E = tuple(S.Eq, N.Eq, B.Eq)
* assert.strictEqual(E.equals(['a', 1, true], ['a', 1, true]), true)
* assert.strictEqual(E.equals(['a', 1, true], ['b', 1, true]), false)
* assert.strictEqual(E.equals(['a', 1, true], ['a', 2, true]), false)
* assert.strictEqual(E.equals(['a', 1, true], ['a', 1, false]), false)
* @since 2.10.0
export declare const tuple: <A extends readonly unknown[]>(...eqs: { [K in keyof A]: Eq<A[K]> }) => Eq<Readonly<A>>
* A typical use case for `contramap` would be like, given some `User` type, to construct an `Eq<User>`.
* We can do so with a function from `User -> X` where `X` is some value that we know how to compare
* for equality (meaning we have an `Eq<X>`)
* For example, given the following `User` type, we want to construct an `Eq<User>` that just looks at the `key` field
* for each user (since it's known to be unique).
* If we have a way of comparing `UUID`s for equality (`eqUUID: Eq<UUID>`) and we know how to go from `User -> UUID`,
* using `contramap` we can do this
* @example
* import { contramap, Eq } from 'fp-ts/Eq'
* import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/function'
* import * as S from 'fp-ts/string'
* type UUID = string
* interface User {
* readonly key: UUID
* readonly firstName: string
* readonly lastName: string
* }
* const eqUUID: Eq<UUID> = S.Eq
* const eqUserByKey: Eq<User> = pipe(
* eqUUID,
* contramap((user) => user.key)
* )
* assert.deepStrictEqual(
* eqUserByKey.equals(
* { key: 'k1', firstName: 'a1', lastName: 'b1' },
* { key: 'k2', firstName: 'a1', lastName: 'b1' }
* ),
* false
* )
* assert.deepStrictEqual(
* eqUserByKey.equals(
* { key: 'k1', firstName: 'a1', lastName: 'b1' },
* { key: 'k1', firstName: 'a2', lastName: 'b1' }
* ),
* true
* )
* @since 2.0.0
export declare const contramap: <A, B>(f: (b: B) => A) => (fa: Eq<A>) => Eq<B>
* @category type lambdas
* @since 2.0.0
export declare const URI = 'Eq'
* @category type lambdas
* @since 2.0.0
export declare type URI = typeof URI
declare module './HKT' {
interface URItoKind<A> {
readonly [URI]: Eq<A>
* @category instances
* @since 2.5.0
export declare const eqStrict: Eq<unknown>
* @category instances
* @since 2.10.0
export declare const getSemigroup: <A>() => Semigroup<Eq<A>>
* @category instances
* @since 2.6.0
export declare const getMonoid: <A>() => Monoid<Eq<A>>
* @category instances
* @since 2.7.0
export declare const Contravariant: Contravariant1<URI>
* Use [`tuple`](#tuple) instead.
* @category zone of death
* @since 2.0.0
* @deprecated
export declare const getTupleEq: <T extends ReadonlyArray<Eq<any>>>(
...eqs: T
) => Eq<{
[K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Eq<infer A> ? A : never
* Use [`struct`](#struct) instead.
* @category zone of death
* @since 2.0.0
* @deprecated
export declare const getStructEq: <O extends ReadonlyRecord<string, any>>(eqs: {
[K in keyof O]: Eq<O[K]>
}) => Eq<O>
* Use [`eqStrict`](#eqstrict) instead
* @category zone of death
* @since 2.0.0
* @deprecated
export declare const strictEqual: <A>(a: A, b: A) => boolean
* This instance is deprecated, use small, specific instances instead.
* For example if a function needs a `Contravariant` instance, pass `E.Contravariant` instead of `E.eq`
* (where `E` is from `import E from 'fp-ts/Eq'`)
* @category zone of death
* @since 2.0.0
* @deprecated
export declare const eq: Contravariant1<URI>
* Use [`Eq`](./boolean.ts.html#eq) instead.
* @category zone of death
* @since 2.0.0
* @deprecated
export declare const eqBoolean: Eq<boolean>
* Use [`Eq`](./string.ts.html#eq) instead.
* @category zone of death
* @since 2.0.0
* @deprecated
export declare const eqString: Eq<string>
* Use [`Eq`](./number.ts.html#eq) instead.
* @category zone of death
* @since 2.0.0
* @deprecated
export declare const eqNumber: Eq<number>
* Use [`Eq`](./Date.ts.html#eq) instead.
* @category zone of death
* @since 2.0.0
* @deprecated
export declare const eqDate: Eq<Date>