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using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Text;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Devices.Battery250Up.DataTypes;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Units;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Units.Power;
using static InnovEnergy.Lib.Devices.Battery250Up.DataTypes.LedState;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Devices.Battery250Up;
using Strings = IReadOnlyList<String>;
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "InconsistentNaming")]
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "ConvertToAutoProperty")]
public partial class Battery250UpRecord
public Dc_ Dc => new Dc_(this);
public Leds_ Leds => new Leds_(this);
public Temperatures_ Temperatures => new Temperatures_(this);
public AuxBitInformation_ AuxBitInformation => new AuxBitInformation_(this);
public Boolean Eoc => ParseEocReached();//Leds is { Green: On, Amber: Off, Blue : Off }; // ParseEocReached(); //
public String BatteryState => ParseBatteryState();
public String SerialNumber => $"{_SerialNum1:X4}{_SerialNum2:X4}{_SerialNum3:X4}{_SerialNum4:X4}".TrimEnd('0');
public String FwVersion => _FwVersion.ToString("X4");
public Strings Warnings => ParseWarnings().OrderBy(w => w).ToList();
public Strings Alarms => ParseAlarms() .OrderBy(w => w).ToList();
public Percent Soc => _Soc;
public Double SOCAh => _SOCAh;
public Current BusCurrent => _BusCurrent;
public Current CellsCurrent => _CellsCurrent;
public Current HeatingCurrent => _BusCurrent - _CellsCurrent;
public DcPower HeatingPower => HeatingCurrent * Dc.Voltage;
// Time since TOC is a counter from the last moment when the battery reached EOC
// When The battery is full charged (reached EOC) the Time Since TOC is set to 0
public TimeSpan TimeSinceTOC => TimeSpan.FromMinutes(_TimeSinceToc);
public Boolean CalibrationChargeRequested => TimeSinceTOC > TimeSpan.FromDays(7); // From AF0A (Fw Version) Each 14 days , But Max and Peter asked for 7 days.
public readonly struct Leds_
public LedState Blue => Self.ParseLed(LedColor.Blue);
public LedState Red => Self.ParseLed(LedColor.Red);
public LedState Green => Self.ParseLed(LedColor.Green);
public LedState Amber => Self.ParseLed(LedColor.Amber);
private Battery250UpRecord Self { get; }
internal Leds_(Battery250UpRecord self) => this.Self = self;
public readonly struct AuxBitInformation_
public Boolean DischargeEnabled => ((Self._AuxBitInformation >> 0) & 1) == 1;
public Boolean ChargeEnabled => ((Self._AuxBitInformation >> 1) & 1) == 1;
public Boolean WarmUpActive => ((Self._AuxBitInformation >> 2) & 1) == 1;
public Boolean TOCRequested => ((Self._AuxBitInformation >> 3) & 1) == 1;
public Boolean EOCReached => ((Self._AuxBitInformation >> 4) & 1) == 1;
internal AuxBitInformation_(Battery250UpRecord self) => Self = self;
private Battery250UpRecord Self { get; }
public readonly struct Temperatures_
public Boolean Heating => (Self._IoStates & 64) != 0;
public Temperature Board => Self._TemperaturesBoard;
public Cells_ Cells => new Cells_(Self);
public TemperatureState State => Self.Leds switch
{ Green: >= Blinking, Blue: >= Blinking } => TemperatureState.Cold,
_ => TemperatureState.Operation,
// TODO: overheated
internal Temperatures_(Battery250UpRecord self) => Self = self;
private Battery250UpRecord Self { get; }
public readonly struct Cells_
public Temperature Center => Self._TemperaturesCellsCenter;
public Temperature Left => Self._TemperaturesCellsLeft;
public Temperature Right => Self._TemperaturesCellsRight;
public Temperature Average => Self._TemperaturesCellsAverage;
internal Cells_(Battery250UpRecord self) => Self = self;
private Battery250UpRecord Self { get; }
public readonly struct Dc_
public Voltage Voltage => Self._CellsVoltage;
public Current Current => Self._CellsCurrent;
public ActivePower Power => Self._CellsVoltage * Self._CellsCurrent;
internal Dc_(Battery250UpRecord self) => Self = self;
private Battery250UpRecord Self { get; }
private String ParseBatteryState()
var s1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(BitConverter.GetBytes(_BatteryState1).Reverse().ToArray()); // endian swap
var s2 = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(BitConverter.GetBytes(_BatteryState2).Reverse().ToArray()); // endian swap
return s1 + s2;
private Boolean ParseEocReached()
return "EOC_" == ParseBatteryState();
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "StringLiteralTypo")]
private IEnumerable<String> ParseAlarms()
Boolean HasBit(Int16 bit) => (_AlarmFlags & 1uL << bit) > 0;
if (HasBit(0)) yield return "Tam : Ambient Temperature too low";
if (HasBit(2)) yield return "TaM2 : Ambient Temperature too high";
if (HasBit(3) ) yield return "Tbm : Battery temperature too low";
if (HasBit(5) ) yield return "TbM2 : Battery temperature too high";
if (HasBit(7) ) yield return "VBm2 : Bus voltage too low";
if (HasBit(9) ) yield return "VBM2 : Bus voltage too high";
if (HasBit(11)) yield return "IDM2 : Discharge current too high";
if (HasBit(15)) yield return "HTRE : Battery failed to warm up";
if (HasBit(16)) yield return "TCPE : Temperature sensor failure";
if (HasBit(17)) yield return "STRE : Voltage measurement circuit fails";
if (HasBit(18)) yield return "CME : Current sensor failure";
if (HasBit(19)) yield return "HWFL : BMS hardware failure";
if (HasBit(20)) yield return "HWEM : Hardware protection tripped";
if (HasBit(21)) yield return "ThM : Heatsink temperature too high";
if (HasBit(23)) yield return "vsm2 : Low string voltage failure";
if (HasBit(25)) yield return "vsM2 : String voltage too high";
if (HasBit(27)) yield return "iCM2 : Charge current too high";
if (HasBit(29)) yield return "iDM2 : Discharge current too high";
if (HasBit(31)) yield return "MID2 : String voltage unbalance too high";
if (HasBit(33)) yield return "CCBF : Charger Circuit not working";
if (HasBit(42)) yield return "HTFS : Heater Fuse Blown";
if (HasBit(43)) yield return "DATA : Parameters out of range";
if (HasBit(45)) yield return "LMPA : Unbalance string voltages";
if (HasBit(54)) yield return "ULAL : The safety microprocessor intervened";
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "StringLiteralTypo")]
private IEnumerable<String> ParseWarnings()
Boolean HasBit(Int16 bit) => (_WarningFlags & 1uL << bit) > 0;
if (HasBit(4) ) yield return "TbM1: Battery temperature high";
if (HasBit(22)) yield return "vsm1: String voltage too low";
if (HasBit(28)) yield return "iDM1: String discharge current high";
if (HasBit(30)) yield return "MID1: String voltages unbalanced";
if (HasBit(32)) yield return "BLPW: Charging power is not available. Bus voltage low";
if (HasBit(49)) yield return "TOCW : TOC is less than 100% from 14 days";
private Double CalcPowerLimitImposedByVoltageLimit(Double vLimit, Double rInt)
var v = Dc.Voltage;
var i = Dc.Current;
var dv = vLimit - v;
var di = dv / rInt;
return vLimit * (i + di);
private Double CalcPowerLimitImposedByCurrentLimit(Double iLimit, Double rInt)
var v = Dc.Voltage;
var i = Dc.Current;
var di = iLimit - i;
var dv = di * rInt;
return iLimit * (v + dv);
public DcPower MaxChargePower
var pLimits = new[]
CalcPowerLimitImposedByVoltageLimit(Constants.VMax, Constants.RIntMin),
CalcPowerLimitImposedByVoltageLimit(Constants.VMax, Constants.RIntMax),
CalcPowerLimitImposedByCurrentLimit(Constants.IMax, Constants.RIntMin),
CalcPowerLimitImposedByCurrentLimit(Constants.IMax, Constants.RIntMax)
var pLimit = pLimits.Min();
return Math.Max(pLimit, 0);
public DcPower MaxDischargePower
var pLimits = new[]
CalcPowerLimitImposedByVoltageLimit(Constants.VMin, Constants.RIntMin),
CalcPowerLimitImposedByVoltageLimit(Constants.VMin, Constants.RIntMax),
CalcPowerLimitImposedByCurrentLimit(-Constants.IMax, Constants.RIntMin),
CalcPowerLimitImposedByCurrentLimit(-Constants.IMax, Constants.RIntMax),
var pLimit = pLimits.Max();
return Math.Min(pLimit, 0);