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"""Callback management class, common area for keeping track of all callbacks in
the Pika stack.
import functools
import logging
from pika import frame
from pika import amqp_object
from pika.compat import xrange, canonical_str
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def name_or_value(value):
"""Will take Frame objects, classes, etc and attempt to return a valid
string identifier for them.
:param value: The value to sanitize
:type value: pika.amqp_object.AMQPObject|pika.frame.Frame|int|unicode|str
:rtype: str
# Is it subclass of AMQPObject
if issubclass(value, amqp_object.AMQPObject):
return value.NAME
except TypeError:
# Is it a Pika frame object?
if isinstance(value, frame.Method):
return value.method.NAME
# Is it a Pika frame object (go after Method since Method extends this)
if isinstance(value, amqp_object.AMQPObject):
return value.NAME
# Cast the value to a str (python 2 and python 3); encoding as UTF-8 on Python 2
return canonical_str(value)
def sanitize_prefix(function):
"""Automatically call name_or_value on the prefix passed in."""
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
args = list(args)
offset = 1
if 'prefix' in kwargs:
kwargs['prefix'] = name_or_value(kwargs['prefix'])
elif len(args) - 1 >= offset:
args[offset] = name_or_value(args[offset])
offset += 1
if 'key' in kwargs:
kwargs['key'] = name_or_value(kwargs['key'])
elif len(args) - 1 >= offset:
args[offset] = name_or_value(args[offset])
return function(*tuple(args), **kwargs)
return wrapper
def check_for_prefix_and_key(function):
"""Automatically return false if the key or prefix is not in the callbacks
for the instance.
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
offset = 1
# Sanitize the prefix
if 'prefix' in kwargs:
prefix = name_or_value(kwargs['prefix'])
prefix = name_or_value(args[offset])
offset += 1
# Make sure to sanitize the key as well
if 'key' in kwargs:
key = name_or_value(kwargs['key'])
key = name_or_value(args[offset])
# Make sure prefix and key are in the stack
if prefix not in args[0]._stack or key not in args[0]._stack[prefix]:
return False
# Execute the method
return function(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
class CallbackManager(object):
"""CallbackManager is a global callback system designed to be a single place
where Pika can manage callbacks and process them. It should be referenced
by the CallbackManager.instance() method instead of constructing new
instances of it.
CALLS = 'calls'
ARGUMENTS = 'arguments'
DUPLICATE_WARNING = 'Duplicate callback found for "%s:%s"'
CALLBACK = 'callback'
ONE_SHOT = 'one_shot'
ONLY_CALLER = 'only'
def __init__(self):
"""Create an instance of the CallbackManager"""
self._stack = dict()
def add(self, prefix, key, callback,
"""Add a callback to the stack for the specified key. If the call is
specified as one_shot, it will be removed after being fired
The prefix is usually the channel number but the class is generic
and prefix and key may be any value. If you pass in only_caller
CallbackManager will restrict processing of the callback to only
the calling function/object that you specify.
:param prefix: Categorize the callback
:type prefix: str or int
:param key: The key for the callback
:type key: object or str or dict
:param method callback: The callback to call
:param bool one_shot: Remove this callback after it is called
:param object only_caller: Only allow one_caller value to call the
event that fires the callback.
:param dict arguments: Arguments to validate when processing
:rtype: tuple(prefix, key)
# Prep the stack
if prefix not in self._stack:
self._stack[prefix] = dict()
if key not in self._stack[prefix]:
self._stack[prefix][key] = list()
# Check for a duplicate
for callback_dict in self._stack[prefix][key]:
if (callback_dict[self.CALLBACK] == callback and
callback_dict[self.ARGUMENTS] == arguments and
callback_dict[self.ONLY_CALLER] == only_caller):
if callback_dict[self.ONE_SHOT] is True:
callback_dict[self.CALLS] += 1
LOGGER.debug('Incremented callback reference counter: %r',
LOGGER.warning(self.DUPLICATE_WARNING, prefix, key)
return prefix, key
# Create the callback dictionary
callback_dict = self._callback_dict(callback, one_shot, only_caller,
LOGGER.debug('Added: %r', callback_dict)
return prefix, key
def clear(self):
"""Clear all the callbacks if there are any defined."""
self._stack = dict()
LOGGER.debug('Callbacks cleared')
def cleanup(self, prefix):
"""Remove all callbacks from the stack by a prefix. Returns True
if keys were there to be removed
:param str or int prefix: The prefix for keeping track of callbacks with
:rtype: bool
LOGGER.debug('Clearing out %r from the stack', prefix)
if prefix not in self._stack or not self._stack[prefix]:
return False
del self._stack[prefix]
return True
def pending(self, prefix, key):
"""Return count of callbacks for a given prefix or key or None
:param prefix: Categorize the callback
:type prefix: str or int
:param key: The key for the callback
:type key: object or str or dict
:rtype: None or int
if not prefix in self._stack or not key in self._stack[prefix]:
return None
return len(self._stack[prefix][key])
def process(self, prefix, key, caller, *args, **keywords):
"""Run through and process all the callbacks for the specified keys.
Caller should be specified at all times so that callbacks which
require a specific function to call CallbackManager.process will
not be processed.
:param prefix: Categorize the callback
:type prefix: str or int
:param key: The key for the callback
:type key: object or str or dict
:param object caller: Who is firing the event
:param list args: Any optional arguments
:param dict keywords: Optional keyword arguments
:rtype: bool
LOGGER.debug('Processing %s:%s', prefix, key)
if prefix not in self._stack or key not in self._stack[prefix]:
return False
callbacks = list()
# Check each callback, append it to the list if it should be called
for callback_dict in list(self._stack[prefix][key]):
if self._should_process_callback(callback_dict, caller, list(args)):
if callback_dict[self.ONE_SHOT]:
self._use_one_shot_callback(prefix, key, callback_dict)
# Call each callback
for callback in callbacks:
LOGGER.debug('Calling %s for "%s:%s"', callback, prefix, key)
callback(*args, **keywords)
LOGGER.exception('Calling %s for "%s:%s" failed', callback,
prefix, key)
return True
def remove(self, prefix, key, callback_value=None, arguments=None):
"""Remove a callback from the stack by prefix, key and optionally
the callback itself. If you only pass in prefix and key, all
callbacks for that prefix and key will be removed.
:param str or int prefix: The prefix for keeping track of callbacks with
:param str key: The callback key
:param method callback_value: The method defined to call on callback
:param dict arguments: Optional arguments to check
:rtype: bool
if callback_value:
offsets_to_remove = list()
for offset in xrange(len(self._stack[prefix][key]), 0, -1):
callback_dict = self._stack[prefix][key][offset - 1]
if (callback_dict[self.CALLBACK] == callback_value and
self._arguments_match(callback_dict, [arguments])):
offsets_to_remove.append(offset - 1)
for offset in offsets_to_remove:
LOGGER.debug('Removing callback #%i: %r', offset,
del self._stack[prefix][key][offset]
except KeyError:
self._cleanup_callback_dict(prefix, key)
return True
def remove_all(self, prefix, key):
"""Remove all callbacks for the specified prefix and key.
:param str prefix: The prefix for keeping track of callbacks with
:param str key: The callback key
del self._stack[prefix][key]
self._cleanup_callback_dict(prefix, key)
def _arguments_match(self, callback_dict, args):
"""Validate if the arguments passed in match the expected arguments in
the callback_dict. We expect this to be a frame passed in to *args for
process or passed in as a list from remove.
:param dict callback_dict: The callback dictionary to evaluate against
:param list args: The arguments passed in as a list
if callback_dict[self.ARGUMENTS] is None:
return True
if not args:
return False
if isinstance(args[0], dict):
return self._dict_arguments_match(args[0],
return self._obj_arguments_match(args[0].method
if hasattr(args[0], 'method') else
args[0], callback_dict[self.ARGUMENTS])
def _callback_dict(self, callback, one_shot, only_caller, arguments):
"""Return the callback dictionary.
:param method callback: The callback to call
:param bool one_shot: Remove this callback after it is called
:param object only_caller: Only allow one_caller value to call the
event that fires the callback.
:rtype: dict
value = {
self.CALLBACK: callback,
self.ONE_SHOT: one_shot,
self.ONLY_CALLER: only_caller,
self.ARGUMENTS: arguments
if one_shot:
value[self.CALLS] = 1
return value
def _cleanup_callback_dict(self, prefix, key=None):
"""Remove empty dict nodes in the callback stack.
:param str or int prefix: The prefix for keeping track of callbacks with
:param str key: The callback key
if key and key in self._stack[prefix] and not self._stack[prefix][key]:
del self._stack[prefix][key]
if prefix in self._stack and not self._stack[prefix]:
del self._stack[prefix]
def _dict_arguments_match(value, expectation):
"""Checks an dict to see if it has attributes that meet the expectation.
:param dict value: The dict to evaluate
:param dict expectation: The values to check against
:rtype: bool
LOGGER.debug('Comparing %r to %r', value, expectation)
for key in expectation:
if value.get(key) != expectation[key]:
LOGGER.debug('Values in dict do not match for %s', key)
return False
return True
def _obj_arguments_match(value, expectation):
"""Checks an object to see if it has attributes that meet the
:param object value: The object to evaluate
:param dict expectation: The values to check against
:rtype: bool
for key in expectation:
if not hasattr(value, key):
LOGGER.debug('%r does not have required attribute: %s',
type(value), key)
return False
if getattr(value, key) != expectation[key]:
LOGGER.debug('Values in %s do not match for %s', type(value),
return False
return True
def _should_process_callback(self, callback_dict, caller, args):
"""Returns True if the callback should be processed.
:param dict callback_dict: The callback configuration
:param object caller: Who is firing the event
:param list args: Any optional arguments
:rtype: bool
if not self._arguments_match(callback_dict, args):
LOGGER.debug('Arguments do not match for %r, %r', callback_dict,
return False
return (callback_dict[self.ONLY_CALLER] is None or
(callback_dict[self.ONLY_CALLER] and
callback_dict[self.ONLY_CALLER] == caller))
def _use_one_shot_callback(self, prefix, key, callback_dict):
"""Process the one-shot callback, decrementing the use counter and
removing it from the stack if it's now been fully used.
:param str or int prefix: The prefix for keeping track of callbacks with
:param str key: The callback key
:param dict callback_dict: The callback dict to process
LOGGER.debug('Processing use of oneshot callback')
callback_dict[self.CALLS] -= 1
LOGGER.debug('%i registered uses left', callback_dict[self.CALLS])
if callback_dict[self.CALLS] <= 0:
self.remove(prefix, key, callback_dict[self.CALLBACK],