
210 lines
6.0 KiB

import QtQuick 1.1
import "utils.js" as Utils
id: root
title: "Relay 2"
model: VisualItemModel
id: relay1Func
description: qsTr("Relay 2 function")
bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/Relay1/Relay1Function"
userHasWriteAccess: true
possibleValues: [
MbOption { description: qsTr("None"); value: "none" },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Alarm"); value: "alarm" },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Connect Load"); value: "load" }
text: qsTr("The alarm will trigger when the SOC drops below the configured minimum, or when the battery reports an alarm.")
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
show: relay1Func.value=="alarm"
style.fontPixelSize : 12
text: qsTr("The relay will trigger when the power surplus exceeds the configured value.")
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
show: relay1Func.value=="load"
style.fontPixelSize : 12
id: relay1polarity
description: qsTr("Relay 2 Polarity")
userHasWriteAccess: true
bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/Relay1/Relay1Polarity"
possibleValues: [
MbOption { description: qsTr("Normally Closed"); value: "nc" },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Normally Open"); value: "no" }
show: relay1Func.value!="none"
id: debounceTime
description: qsTr("Debounce time")
userHasWriteAccess: true
//bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/Relay1/DebounceFilterTime"
//numOfDecimals: 0
//unit: "s"
//min: 0
//max: 600
//stepSize: 5
show: relay1Func.value!="none"
text: qsTr("Use debounce to filter transitory effects. The relay will only trigger when its value has been constant for the configured timespan.")
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
style.fontPixelSize : 12
id: connectLoadThreshold
description: qsTr("Connected load threshold (excess power)")
userHasWriteAccess: true
//bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/Relay1/ConnectLoadThreshold"
//numOfDecimals: 0
//unit: "W"
//min: 0
//max: 50000
//stepSize: 100
show: relay1Func.value=="load"
id: nominalPowerOfLoad
description: qsTr("Nominal power of switched load")
userHasWriteAccess: true
//bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/Relay1/NominalPowerOfLoad"
//numOfDecimals: 0
//unit: "W"
//min: 0
//max: 50000
//stepSize: 100
show: relay1Func.value=="load"
text: "<b>WARNING!</b><br/>"+qsTr("If the value entered above is lower than the effective power of the load, the relay will switch incessantly. This will wear it, and possibly break it in a short time. It is adviced to leave 10% of margin.")
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
show: relay1Func.value=="load"
MbItemRow {
description: qsTr("Soc")
userHasWriteAccess: true
values: [
MbTextBlock { item.text: qsTr("Minimum"); color: "white"},
MbTextBlock { item.bind: "com.victronenergy.settings/Settings/CGwacs/BatteryLife/MinimumSocLimit"; item.unit: " %"},
MbTextBlock { item.text: qsTr("Current"); color: "white"},
MbTextBlock { item.bind: "com.victronenergy.system/Dc/Battery/Soc"}
show: relay1Func.value=="alarm"
description: qsTr("Alarm is currently")
userHasWriteAccess: true
bind: "com.victronenergy.relay1/LogicalState"
readonly: true
possibleValues: [
MbOption { description: qsTr("On"); value: true },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Off"); value: false }
show: relay1Func.value=="alarm"
description: qsTr("Load is currently")
userHasWriteAccess: true
bind: "com.victronenergy.relay1/LogicalState"
readonly: true
possibleValues: [
MbOption { description: qsTr("Connected"); value: true },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Disconnected"); value: false }
show: relay1Func.value=="load"
description: qsTr("Relay is currently")
userHasWriteAccess: true
bind: "com.victronenergy.system/Relay/1/State"
readonly: true
possibleValues: [
MbOption { description: qsTr("Energized"); value: 1 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("De-energized"); value: 0 }
description: qsTr("Test Alarm Relay")
userHasWriteAccess: true
bind: "com.victronenergy.relay1/TestRelay1"
possibleValues: [
MbOption { description: qsTr("Not Testing"); value: -1 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Test Alarm Active"); value: 1 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Test No Alarm Active"); value: 0 }
show: relay1Func.value=="alarm"
text: qsTr("Use this option to test the alarm relay state. Observe changes in |Alarm is currently| and |Relay is currently| options. After testing, set this back to |Not Testing|. This is just a test and will not affect the expected relay performance.")
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
show: relay1Func.value=="alarm"
style.fontPixelSize : 12
description: qsTr("Test Load Relay")
userHasWriteAccess: true
bind: "com.victronenergy.relay1/TestRelay1"
possibleValues: [
MbOption { description: qsTr("Not Testing"); value: -1 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Test Load Connected"); value: 1 },
MbOption { description: qsTr("Test Load Disconnected"); value: 0 }
show: relay1Func.value=="load"
text: qsTr("Use this option to test the load state. Observe changes in |Load is currently| and |Relay is currently| options. After testing, set this back to |Not Testing|. This is just a test and will not affect the expected relay performance.")
wrapMode: Text.WordWrap
horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft
show: relay1Func.value=="load"
style.fontPixelSize : 12