
6725 lines
345 KiB

// NOTE: We should have the capability to initialize scripts with different contexts.
// This is required for iframes without the src attribute because Hammerhead does not
// inject scripts into such iframes. So, we wrap all scripts in initialization functions.
(function () {
function initTestCafeAutomation(window, isIFrameWithoutSrc) {
var document = window.document;
(function (hammerhead, Promise$e, testCafeCore, testCafeUI) {
var hammerhead__default = 'default' in hammerhead ? hammerhead['default'] : hammerhead;
Promise$e = Promise$e &&$e, 'default') ? Promise$e['default'] : Promise$e;
var testCafeCore__default = 'default' in testCafeCore ? testCafeCore['default'] : testCafeCore;
testCafeUI = testCafeUI &&, 'default') ? testCafeUI['default'] : testCafeUI;
var nativeMethods = hammerhead__default.nativeMethods;
var MOUSE_EVENT_NAME_RE = /^((mouse\w+)|((dbl)?click)|(contextmenu))$/;
var DRAG_EVENT_NAME_RE = /^((drag\w*)|(drop))$/;
var KEY_EVENT_NAME_RE = /^key\w+$/;
var INPUT_EVENT_NAME_RE = /^(before)?input$/;
var FOCUS_EVENT_NAME_RE = /^(blur|(focus(in|out)?))$/;
var POINTER_EVENT_NAME_RE = /^pointer\w+/;
click: 1,
dblclick: 2,
mousedown: 1,
mouseup: 1,
// NOTE: default e.buttons for left button pressed
MouseEvent: 'MouseEvent',
PointerEvent: 'PointerEvent',
KeyboardEvent: 'KeyboardEvent',
InputEvent: 'InputEvent',
FocusEvent: 'FocusEvent',
var DispatchEventAutomation = /** @class */ (function () {
function DispatchEventAutomation(element, eventName, options) {
this.element = element;
this.eventName = eventName;
this.options = options;
} = function () {
var _a = this.options, bubbles = _a.bubbles, cancelable = _a.cancelable, detail = _a.detail, view = _a.view, buttons = _a.buttons;
bubbles = bubbles !== false;
cancelable = cancelable !== false;
detail = detail || DEFAULT_MOUSE_EVENT_DETAIL_PROP_VALUE[this.eventName];
view = window;
buttons = buttons === void 0 ? DEFAULT_BUTTONS_PARAMETER : buttons;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-globals
Object.assign(this.options, { bubbles: bubbles, cancelable: cancelable, detail: detail, view: view, buttons: buttons });
var Ctor = DispatchEventAutomation._getEventCtorByEventType(this.eventName, this.options.eventConstructor);
if (Ctor) {
var event_1 = new Ctor(this.eventName, this.options);
DispatchEventAutomation._getEventCtorByEventType = function (eventName, eventConstructor) {
if (eventConstructor && typeof DispatchEventAutomation._getEventCtorFromWindow(eventConstructor) === 'function') {
var Ctor = DispatchEventAutomation._getEventCtorFromNativeMethods(eventConstructor);
if (Ctor && typeof Ctor === 'function')
return Ctor;
if (MOUSE_EVENT_NAME_RE.test(eventName))
return DispatchEventAutomation._getEventCtorFromNativeMethods(EVENT_CTORS.MouseEvent);
if (DRAG_EVENT_NAME_RE.test(eventName))
return DispatchEventAutomation._getEventCtorFromNativeMethods(EVENT_CTORS.MouseEvent);
if (POINTER_EVENT_NAME_RE.test(eventName))
return DispatchEventAutomation._getEventCtorFromNativeMethods(EVENT_CTORS.PointerEvent);
if (KEY_EVENT_NAME_RE.test(eventName))
return DispatchEventAutomation._getEventCtorFromNativeMethods(EVENT_CTORS.KeyboardEvent);
if (INPUT_EVENT_NAME_RE.test(eventName))
return DispatchEventAutomation._getEventCtorFromNativeMethods(EVENT_CTORS.InputEvent);
if (FOCUS_EVENT_NAME_RE.test(eventName))
return DispatchEventAutomation._getEventCtorFromNativeMethods(EVENT_CTORS.FocusEvent);
return DispatchEventAutomation._getEventCtorFromNativeMethods('CustomEvent');
DispatchEventAutomation._getEventCtorFromNativeMethods = function (eventCtor) {
var ctor = nativeMethods['Window' + eventCtor] || DispatchEventAutomation._getEventCtorFromWindow(eventCtor);
return ctor;
DispatchEventAutomation._getEventCtorFromWindow = function (eventCtor) {
// @ts-ignore
return window[eventCtor];
return DispatchEventAutomation;
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
purpose with or without fee is hereby granted.
***************************************************************************** */
/* global Reflect, Promise */
var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b)
if (, p))
d[p] = b[p]; };
return extendStatics(d, b);
function __extends(d, b) {
if (typeof b !== "function" && b !== null)
throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(b) + " is not a constructor or null");
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
return new (P || (P = Promise$e))(function (resolve, reject) {
function fulfilled(value) { try {
catch (e) {
} }
function rejected(value) { try {
catch (e) {
} }
function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
function __generator(thisArg, body) {
var _ = { label: 0, sent: function () { if (t[0] & 1)
throw t[1]; return t[1]; }, trys: [], ops: [] }, f, y, t, g;
return g = { next: verb(0), "throw": verb(1), "return": verb(2) }, typeof Symbol === "function" && (g[Symbol.iterator] = function () { return this; }), g;
function verb(n) { return function (v) { return step([n, v]); }; }
function step(op) {
if (f)
throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");
while (g && (g = 0, op[0] && (_ = 0)), _)
try {
if (f = 1, y && (t = op[0] & 2 ? y["return"] : op[0] ? y["throw"] || ((t = y["return"]) &&, 0) : && !(t =, op[1])).done)
return t;
if (y = 0, t)
op = [op[0] & 2, t.value];
switch (op[0]) {
case 0:
case 1:
t = op;
case 4:
return { value: op[1], done: false };
case 5:
y = op[1];
op = [0];
case 7:
op = _.ops.pop();
if (!(t = _.trys, t = t.length > 0 && t[t.length - 1]) && (op[0] === 6 || op[0] === 2)) {
_ = 0;
if (op[0] === 3 && (!t || (op[1] > t[0] && op[1] < t[3]))) {
_.label = op[1];
if (op[0] === 6 && _.label < t[1]) {
_.label = t[1];
t = op;
if (t && _.label < t[2]) {
_.label = t[2];
if (t[2])
op =, _);
catch (e) {
op = [6, e];
y = 0;
finally {
f = t = 0;
if (op[0] & 5)
throw op[1];
return { value: op[0] ? op[1] : void 0, done: true };
var AxisValues = /** @class */ (function () {
function AxisValues(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
AxisValues.create = function (a) {
if ('left' in a)
return new AxisValues(a.left,;
else if ('right' in a)
return new AxisValues(a.right, a.bottom);
return new AxisValues(a.x, a.y);
AxisValues.prototype.add = function (p) {
this.x += p.x;
this.y += p.y;
return this;
AxisValues.prototype.sub = function (p) {
this.x -= p.x;
this.y -= p.y;
return this;
AxisValues.prototype.round = function (fn) {
if (fn === void 0) { fn = Math.round; }
this.x = fn(this.x);
this.y = fn(this.y);
return this;
AxisValues.prototype.eql = function (p) {
return this.x === p.x && this.y === p.y;
AxisValues.prototype.mul = function (n) {
this.x *= n;
this.y *= n;
return this;
AxisValues.prototype.distance = function (p) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(this.x - p.x, 2) + Math.pow(this.y - p.y, 2));
return AxisValues;
function createNativeMethodWrapper(methodName) {
var nativeMethodName = ARRAY_METHODS_PREFIX + methodName.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + methodName.slice(1);
var nativeMethod = hammerhead.nativeMethods[nativeMethodName];
return function () {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i] = arguments[_i];
return, args);
var filter = createNativeMethodWrapper('filter');
var map = createNativeMethodWrapper('map');
var slice = createNativeMethodWrapper('slice');
var splice = createNativeMethodWrapper('splice');
var unshift = createNativeMethodWrapper('unshift');
var forEach = createNativeMethodWrapper('forEach');
var indexOf = createNativeMethodWrapper('indexOf');
var some = createNativeMethodWrapper('some');
var reverse = createNativeMethodWrapper('reverse');
var reduce = createNativeMethodWrapper('reduce');
var concat = createNativeMethodWrapper('concat');
var join = createNativeMethodWrapper('join');
var browserUtils = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var nativeMethods$1 = hammerhead__default.nativeMethods;
// NOTE: We have to retrieve styleUtils.get from hammerhead
// to avoid circular dependencies between domUtils and styleUtils
var getElementStyleProperty =;
var getActiveElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.getActiveElement;
var findDocument = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.findDocument;
var find = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.find;
var isElementInDocument = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isElementInDocument;
var isElementInIframe = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isElementInIframe;
var getIframeByElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.getIframeByElement;
var isCrossDomainWindows = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isCrossDomainWindows;
var getSelectParent = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.getSelectParent;
var getChildVisibleIndex = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.getChildVisibleIndex;
var getSelectVisibleChildren = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.getSelectVisibleChildren;
var isElementNode = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isElementNode;
var isTextNode = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isTextNode;
var isRenderedNode = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isRenderedNode;
var isIframeElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isIframeElement;
var isInputElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isInputElement;
var isButtonElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isButtonElement;
var isFileInput = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isFileInput;
var isTextAreaElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isTextAreaElement;
var isAnchorElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isAnchorElement;
var isImgElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isImgElement;
var isFormElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isFormElement;
var isLabelElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isLabelElement;
var isSelectElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isSelectElement;
var isRadioButtonElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isRadioButtonElement;
var isColorInputElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isColorInputElement;
var isCheckboxElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isCheckboxElement;
var isOptionElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isOptionElement;
var isSVGElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isSVGElement;
var isMapElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isMapElement;
var isBodyElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isBodyElement;
var isHtmlElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isHtmlElement;
var isDocument = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isDocument;
var isWindow = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isWindow;
var isTextEditableInput = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isTextEditableInput;
var isTextEditableElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isTextEditableElement;
var isTextEditableElementAndEditingAllowed = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isTextEditableElementAndEditingAllowed;
var isContentEditableElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isContentEditableElement;
var isDomElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isDomElement;
var isShadowUIElement = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isShadowUIElement;
var isShadowRoot = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isShadowRoot;
var isElementFocusable = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isElementFocusable;
var isHammerheadAttr = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isHammerheadAttr;
var isElementReadOnly = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.isElementReadOnly;
var getScrollbarSize = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.getScrollbarSize;
var getMapContainer = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.getMapContainer;
var getTagName = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.getTagName;
var closest = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.closest;
var getParents = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.getParents;
var findParent = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.findParent;
var getTopSameDomainWindow = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.getTopSameDomainWindow;
var getParentExceptShadowRoot = hammerhead__default.utils.dom.getParentExceptShadowRoot;
function containsElement(elements, element) {
if (elements.contains)
return elements.contains(element);
return some(elements, function (parent) { return parent.contains(element); });
function findIframeByWindow(iframeWindow) {
var iframes = [];
find(document, '*', function (elem) {
if (elem.tagName === 'IFRAME')
if (elem.shadowRoot)
find(elem.shadowRoot, 'iframe', function (iframe) { return iframes.push(iframe); });
for (var i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++) {
if (nativeMethods$[i]) === iframeWindow)
return iframes[i];
return null;
function isShadowElement(element) {
return element && element.getRootNode && findDocument(element) !== element.getRootNode();
function isNodeEqual(el1, el2) {
return el1 === el2;
function getNodeText(el) {
return nativeMethods$;
function getImgMapName(img) {
return img.useMap.substring(1);
function getDocumentElement(win) {
return win.document.documentElement;
function isDocumentElement(el) {
return el === document.documentElement;
var BoundaryValues = /** @class */ (function () {
function BoundaryValues(top, right, bottom, left) {
if (top === void 0) { top = 0; }
if (right === void 0) { right = 0; }
if (bottom === void 0) { bottom = 0; }
if (left === void 0) { left = 0; } = top;
this.right = right;
this.bottom = bottom;
this.left = left;
BoundaryValues.create = function (v) {
return new BoundaryValues(, v.right, v.bottom, v.left);
BoundaryValues.prototype.add = function (d) { +=;
this.right += d.right;
this.bottom += d.bottom;
this.left += d.left;
return this;
BoundaryValues.prototype.sub = function (d) {
if ('top' in d) { -=;
this.left -= d.left;
this.bottom -= d.bottom;
this.right -= d.right;
return this;
BoundaryValues.prototype.round = function (leftTopRound, rightBottomRound) {
if (leftTopRound === void 0) { leftTopRound = Math.round; }
if (rightBottomRound === void 0) { rightBottomRound = leftTopRound; } = leftTopRound(;
this.right = rightBottomRound(this.right);
this.bottom = rightBottomRound(this.bottom);
this.left = leftTopRound(this.left);
return this;
BoundaryValues.prototype.contains = function (point) {
return point.x >= this.left && point.x <= this.right && point.y >= && point.y <= this.bottom;
return BoundaryValues;
var styleUtils =;
var getBordersWidth =;
var getComputedStyle =;
var getElementMargin =;
var getElementPadding =;
var getElementScroll =;
var getOptionHeight =;
var getSelectElementSize =;
var isElementVisible =;
var isSelectVisibleChild =;
var getWidth =;
var getHeight =;
var getInnerWidth =;
var getInnerHeight =;
var getScrollLeft =;
var getScrollTop =;
var setScrollLeft =;
var setScrollTop =;
var get =;
var getBordersWidthFloat =;
var getElementPaddingFloat =;
function getWindowDimensions(window) {
return new BoundaryValues(0, getWidth(window), getHeight(window), 0);
function isFixedElement(node) {
return isElementNode(node) && styleUtils.get(node, 'position') === 'fixed';
var shadowUI = hammerhead__default.shadowUI;
var nativeMethods$2 = hammerhead__default.nativeMethods;
var Dimensions = /** @class */ (function () {
function Dimensions(width, height, position, borders, elScroll, scrollbar) {
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
this.left = position.x; = position.y;
this.right = position.x + width;
this.bottom = position.y + height;
this.border = borders;
this.scrollbar = scrollbar;
this.scroll = elScroll;
return Dimensions;
var hiddenReasons = {
notElementOrTextNode: function (targetType) { return "\n The ".concat(targetType, " is neither a DOM element nor a text node.\n "); },
elOutsideBounds: function (target, targetType) { return "\n The ".concat(targetType, " (").concat(target, ") is located outside the the layout viewport.\n "); },
elHasWidthOrHeightZero: function (target, targetType, width, height) { return "\n The ".concat(targetType, " (").concat(target, ") is too small to be visible: ").concat(width, "px x ").concat(height, "px.\n "); },
elHasDisplayNone: function (target, targetType) { return "\n The ".concat(targetType, " (").concat(target, ") is invisible. \n The value of its 'display' property is 'none'.\n "); },
parentHasDisplayNone: function (target, targetType, parent) { return "\n The ".concat(targetType, " (").concat(target, ") is invisible. \n It descends from an element that has the 'display: none' property (").concat(parent, ").\n "); },
elHasVisibilityHidden: function (target, targetType) { return "\n The ".concat(targetType, " (").concat(target, ") is invisible.\n The value of its 'visibility' property is 'hidden'.\n "); },
parentHasVisibilityHidden: function (target, targetType, parent) { return "\n The ".concat(targetType, " (").concat(target, ") is invisible.\n It descends from an element that has the 'visibility: hidden' property (").concat(parent, ").\n "); },
elHasVisibilityCollapse: function (target, targetType) { return "\n The ".concat(targetType, " (").concat(target, ") is invisible.\n The value of its 'visibility' property is 'collapse'.\n "); },
parentHasVisibilityCollapse: function (target, targetType, parent) { return "\n The ".concat(targetType, " (").concat(target, ") is invisible.\n It descends from an element that has the 'visibility: collapse' property (").concat(parent, ").\n "); },
elNotRendered: function (target, targetType) { return "\n The ".concat(targetType, " (").concat(target, ") has not been rendered.\n "); },
optionNotVisible: function (target, targetType, parent) { return "\n The ".concat(targetType, " (").concat(target, ") is invisible. \n The parent element (").concat(parent, ") is collapsed, and its length is shorter than 2.\n "); },
mapContainerNotVisible: function (target, containerHiddenReason) { return "\n The action target (".concat(target, ") is invisible because ").concat(containerHiddenReason, "\n "); },
var htmlUtils = hammerhead__default.utils.html;
var nativeMethods$3 = hammerhead__default.nativeMethods;
function truncateString(str, length, omission) {
if (omission === void 0) { omission = '...'; }
if (str.length < length)
return str;
return str.substring(0, length - omission.length) + omission;
function stringifyElement(element) {
if (!element)
return '';
var emptyElement = nativeMethods$;
var outerHtml = htmlUtils.cleanUpHtml(nativeMethods$;
var text = truncateString(nativeMethods$, MAX_TEXT_CONTENT_LENGTH);
var children = nativeMethods$;
if (nativeMethods$ > 0)
return outerHtml.replace('></', '>...</');
if (text)
return outerHtml.replace('></', ">".concat(text, "</"));
return outerHtml;
var getElementRectangle = hammerhead__default.utils.position.getElementRectangle;
var getOffsetPosition = hammerhead__default.utils.position.getOffsetPosition;
var offsetToClientCoords = hammerhead__default.utils.position.offsetToClientCoords;
function getClientDimensions(target) {
var isHtmlElement$1 = isHtmlElement(target);
var body = isHtmlElement$1 ? target.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] : null;
var elementRect = target.getBoundingClientRect();
var elBorders = BoundaryValues.create(getBordersWidth(target));
var elScroll = getElementScroll(target);
var isElementInIframe$1 = isElementInIframe(target);
var isCompatMode = target.ownerDocument.compatMode === 'BackCompat';
var elPosition = isHtmlElement$1 ? new AxisValues(0, 0) : AxisValues.create(elementRect);
var elHeight = elementRect.height;
var elWidth = elementRect.width;
if (isHtmlElement$1) {
if (body && isCompatMode) {
elHeight = body.clientHeight;
elWidth = body.clientWidth;
else {
elHeight = target.clientHeight;
elWidth = target.clientWidth;
if (isElementInIframe$1) {
var iframeElement = getIframeByElement(target);
if (iframeElement) {
var iframeOffset = getOffsetPosition(iframeElement);
var clientOffset = offsetToClientCoords(AxisValues.create(iframeOffset));
var iframeBorders = getBordersWidth(iframeElement);
if (isHtmlElement$1)
var hasRightScrollbar = !isHtmlElement$1 && getInnerWidth(target) !== target.clientWidth;
var hasBottomScrollbar = !isHtmlElement$1 && getInnerHeight(target) !== target.clientHeight;
var scrollbar = {
right: hasRightScrollbar ? getScrollbarSize() : 0,
bottom: hasBottomScrollbar ? getScrollbarSize() : 0,
return new Dimensions(elWidth, elHeight, elPosition, elBorders, elScroll, scrollbar);
function getElementFromPoint(_a) {
var x = _a.x, y = _a.y;
// @ts-ignore
var ieFn = document.getElementFromPoint;
var func = ieFn || document.elementFromPoint;
var el = null;
try {
// Permission denied to access property 'getElementFromPoint' error in iframe
el =, x, y);
catch (_b) {
return null;
//NOTE: elementFromPoint returns null when is's a border of an iframe
if (el === null)
el =, x - 1, y - 1);
while (el && el.shadowRoot && el.shadowRoot.elementFromPoint) {
var shadowEl = el.shadowRoot.elementFromPoint(x, y);
if (!shadowEl || el === shadowEl)
el = shadowEl;
return el;
function calcRelativePosition(dimensions, toDimensions) {
var pos = BoundaryValues.create({
top: -,
left: dimensions.left - toDimensions.left,
right: toDimensions.right - dimensions.right,
bottom: toDimensions.bottom - dimensions.bottom,
return pos.sub(toDimensions.border).sub(toDimensions.scrollbar).round(Math.ceil, Math.floor);
function getIframeClientCoordinates(iframe) {
var _a = getOffsetPosition(iframe), left = _a.left, top =;
var clientPosition = offsetToClientCoords({ x: left, y: top });
var iframeBorders = getBordersWidth(iframe);
var iframePadding = getElementPadding(iframe);
var iframeRectangleLeft = clientPosition.x + iframeBorders.left + iframePadding.left;
var iframeRectangleTop = clientPosition.y + +;
return new BoundaryValues(iframeRectangleTop, iframeRectangleLeft + getWidth(iframe), iframeRectangleTop + getHeight(iframe), iframeRectangleLeft);
function containsOffset(el, offsetX, offsetY) {
var dimensions = getClientDimensions(el);
var width = Math.max(el.scrollWidth, dimensions.width);
var height = Math.max(el.scrollHeight, dimensions.height);
var maxX = dimensions.scrollbar.right + dimensions.border.left + dimensions.border.right + width;
var maxY = dimensions.scrollbar.bottom + + dimensions.border.bottom + height;
return (typeof offsetX === 'undefined' || offsetX >= 0 && maxX >= offsetX) &&
(typeof offsetY === 'undefined' || offsetY >= 0 && maxY >= offsetY);
function getClientPosition(el) {
var _a = getOffsetPosition(el), left = _a.left, top =;
var clientCoords = offsetToClientCoords({ x: left, y: top });
clientCoords.x = Math.round(clientCoords.x);
clientCoords.y = Math.round(clientCoords.y);
return clientCoords;
function getWindowPosition() {
var x = window.screenLeft || window.screenX;
var y = window.screenTop || window.screenY;
return new AxisValues(x, y);
function getSubHiddenReason(reason) {
return reason.replace(/.*The/, 'its');
function getElOutsideBoundsReason(el, targetType) {
if (targetType === void 0) { targetType = 'action target'; }
var strEl = stringifyElement(el);
if (isMapElement(el)) {
var mapContainer = getMapContainer(closest(el, 'map'));
var containerHiddenReason = getElOutsideBoundsReason(mapContainer, 'container') || '';
var containerError = getSubHiddenReason(containerHiddenReason);
return hiddenReasons.mapContainerNotVisible(strEl, containerError);
return hiddenReasons.elOutsideBounds(strEl, targetType);
function getAutomationPoint(element, offset) {
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve(isDocumentElement(element))
.then(function (isDocEl) {
if (isDocEl)
return new AxisValues(0, 0);
var roundFn = hammerhead.utils.browser.isFirefox ? Math.ceil : Math.round;
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve(getOffsetPosition(element, roundFn))
.then(function (elementOffset) { return AxisValues.create(elementOffset); });
.then(function (point) { return point.add(offset); });
var SCROLLABLE_OVERFLOW_STYLE_RE = /auto|scroll|hidden/i;
function getScrollable(el) {
var overflowX = get(el, 'overflowX');
var overflowY = get(el, 'overflowY');
var scrollableHorizontally = SCROLLABLE_OVERFLOW_STYLE_RE.test(overflowX);
var scrollableVertically = SCROLLABLE_OVERFLOW_STYLE_RE.test(overflowY);
// IE11 and MS Edge bug: There are two properties: overflow-x and overflow-y.
// If one property is set so that the browser may show scrollbars (`auto` or `scroll`) and the second one is set to 'visible',
// then the second one will work as if it had the 'auto' value.
if (hammerhead.utils.browser.isIE) {
scrollableHorizontally = scrollableHorizontally || scrollableVertically && overflowX === DEFAULT_IE_SCROLLABLE_OVERFLOW_STYLE_VALUE;
scrollableVertically = scrollableVertically || scrollableHorizontally && overflowY === DEFAULT_IE_SCROLLABLE_OVERFLOW_STYLE_VALUE;
return new AxisValues(scrollableHorizontally, scrollableVertically);
function hasBodyScroll(el) {
var overflowX = get(el, 'overflowX');
var overflowY = get(el, 'overflowY');
var scrollableHorizontally = SCROLLABLE_OVERFLOW_STYLE_RE.test(overflowX);
var scrollableVertically = SCROLLABLE_OVERFLOW_STYLE_RE.test(overflowY);
var documentElement = findDocument(el).documentElement;
var bodyScrollHeight = el.scrollHeight;
if (hammerhead.utils.browser.isChrome || hammerhead.utils.browser.isFirefox || hammerhead.utils.browser.isSafari) {
var bodyTop = el.getBoundingClientRect().top;
var documentTop = documentElement.getBoundingClientRect().top;
bodyScrollHeight = bodyScrollHeight - documentTop + bodyTop;
return (scrollableHorizontally || scrollableVertically) &&
bodyScrollHeight > documentElement.scrollHeight;
function hasHTMLElementScroll(el) {
var overflowX = get(el, 'overflowX');
var overflowY = get(el, 'overflowY');
if (overflowX === 'hidden' && overflowY === 'hidden')
return false;
var hasHorizontalScroll = el.scrollHeight > el.clientHeight;
var hasVerticalScroll = el.scrollWidth > el.clientWidth;
if (hasHorizontalScroll || hasVerticalScroll)
return true;
//T174562 - wrong scrolling in iframes without src and others iframes
var body = el.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
if (!body)
return false;
if (hasBodyScroll(body))
return false;
var clientWidth = Math.min(el.clientWidth, body.clientWidth);
var clientHeight = Math.min(el.clientHeight, body.clientHeight);
return body.scrollHeight > clientHeight || body.scrollWidth > clientWidth;
function hasScroll(el) {
if (isBodyElement(el))
return hasBodyScroll(el);
if (isHtmlElement(el))
return hasHTMLElementScroll(el);
var scrollable = getScrollable(el);
if (!scrollable.x && !scrollable.y)
return false;
var hasVerticalScroll = scrollable.y && el.scrollHeight > el.clientHeight;
var hasHorizontalScroll = scrollable.x && el.scrollWidth > el.clientWidth;
return hasHorizontalScroll || hasVerticalScroll;
function getScrollableParents(element) {
var parentsArray = getParents(element);
if (isElementInIframe(element)) {
var iframe = getIframeByElement(element);
if (iframe) {
var iFrameParents = getParents(iframe);
return, hasScroll);
function convertToClient(element, point) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var elementScroll, hasScroll$1;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, getElementScroll(element)];
case 1:
elementScroll = _a.sent();
hasScroll$1 = hasScroll(element);
if (!/html/i.test(element.tagName) && hasScroll$1) {
point.x -= elementScroll.left;
point.y -=;
return [2 /*return*/, offsetToClientCoords(point)];
function getDevicePoint(clientPoint) {
if (!clientPoint)
return null;
var windowPosition = getWindowPosition();
var screenLeft = windowPosition.x;
var screenTop = windowPosition.y;
var x = screenLeft + clientPoint.x;
var y = screenTop + clientPoint.y;
return new AxisValues(x, y);
function calcOffset(size) {
var offset = size / 2;
return offset < 1 ? 0 : Math.round(offset);
function getDefaultAutomationOffsets(element) {
var rect = getElementRectangle(element);
var offsetX = calcOffset(rect.width);
var offsetY = calcOffset(rect.height);
return { offsetX: offsetX, offsetY: offsetY };
function getOffsetOptions(element, offsetX, offsetY) {
var defaultOffsets = getDefaultAutomationOffsets(element);
offsetX = typeof offsetX === 'number' ? Math.round(offsetX) : defaultOffsets.offsetX;
offsetY = typeof offsetY === 'number' ? Math.round(offsetY) : defaultOffsets.offsetY;
if (offsetX > 0 && offsetY > 0)
return { offsetX: offsetX, offsetY: offsetY };
var dimensions = getClientDimensions(element);
var width = Math.round(Math.max(element.scrollWidth, dimensions.width));
var height = Math.round(Math.max(element.scrollHeight, dimensions.height));
var maxX = dimensions.scrollbar.right + dimensions.border.left + dimensions.border.right + width;
var maxY = dimensions.scrollbar.bottom + + dimensions.border.bottom + height;
return {
offsetX: offsetX < 0 ? maxX + offsetX : offsetX,
offsetY: offsetY < 0 ? maxY + offsetY : offsetY,
var positionUtils = testCafeCore__default.positionUtils;
function getElementFromPoint$1(point, underTopShadowUIElement) {
if (underTopShadowUIElement === void 0) { underTopShadowUIElement = false; }
return testCafeUI.hide(underTopShadowUIElement)
.then(function () {
var topElement = positionUtils.getElementFromPoint(point);
.then(function () { return topElement; });
// @ts-ignore
function ensureImageMap(imgElement, areaElement) {
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve(closest(areaElement, 'map'))
.then(function (mapElement) {
return mapElement && === getImgMapName(imgElement) ? areaElement : imgElement;
function findElementOrNonEmptyChildFromPoint(point, element) {
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve(getElementFromPoint(point))
.then(function (topElement) {
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve(containsElement(element, topElement))
.then(function (containsEl) { return containsEl && getNodeText(topElement); })
.then(function (isNonEmptyChild) { return isNonEmptyChild || topElement && isNodeEqual(topElement, element) ? topElement : null; });
function correctTopElementByExpectedElement(topElement, expectedElement) {
if (!expectedElement || !topElement || isNodeEqual(topElement, expectedElement))
return topElement;
var isTREFElement = getTagName(expectedElement) === 'tref';
// NOTE: 'document.elementFromPoint' can't find these types of elements
if (isTREFElement)
return expectedElement;
// NOTE: T299665 - Incorrect click automation for images with an associated map element in Firefox
// All browsers return the <area> element from document.getElementFromPoint, but
// Firefox returns the <img> element. We should accomplish this for Firefox as well.
var isImageMapArea = getTagName(expectedElement) === 'area' && isImgElement(topElement);
if (hammerhead.utils.browser.isFirefox && isImageMapArea)
return ensureImageMap(topElement, expectedElement);
// NOTE: try to find a multi-line link by its rectangle (T163678)
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve(closest(expectedElement, 'a'))
.then(function (anchor) { return !!anchor; })
.then(function (isLinkOrChildExpected) {
if (!isLinkOrChildExpected)
return false;
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve(containsElement(expectedElement, topElement))
.then(function (containsElement) { return containsElement && getNodeText(topElement); })
.then(function (isTopElementChildOfLink) { return !isTopElementChildOfLink && getNodeText(expectedElement); });
.then(function (shouldSearchForMultilineLink) {
if (!shouldSearchForMultilineLink)
return topElement;
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve(getClientDimensions(expectedElement))
.then(function (linkRect) { return findElementOrNonEmptyChildFromPoint({ x: linkRect.right - 1, y: + 1 }, expectedElement)
.then(function (el) { return el || findElementOrNonEmptyChildFromPoint({ x: linkRect.left + 1, y: linkRect.bottom - 1 }, expectedElement); })
.then(function (el) { return el || topElement; }); });
function getElementFromPoint$2(point, win, expectedEl) {
return getElementFromPoint$1(point)
.then(function (topElement) {
// NOTE: when trying to get an element by elementFromPoint in iframe and the target
// element is under any of shadow-ui elements, you will get null (only in IE).
// In this case, you should hide a top window's shadow-ui root to obtain an element.
var resChain = hammerhead.Promise.resolve(topElement);
if (!topElement && hammerhead.utils.dom.isIframeWindow(win || window) && point.x > 0 && point.y > 0)
resChain = resChain.then(function () { return getElementFromPoint$1(point, true); });
return resChain.then(function (element) { return correctTopElementByExpectedElement(element, expectedEl); });
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// WARNING: this file is used by both the client and the server.
// Do not use any browser or node-specific API!
// -------------------------------------------------------------
uncaughtErrorOnPage: 'E1',
uncaughtErrorInTestCode: 'E2',
uncaughtNonErrorObjectInTestCode: 'E3',
uncaughtErrorInClientFunctionCode: 'E4',
uncaughtErrorInCustomDOMPropertyCode: 'E5',
unhandledPromiseRejection: 'E6',
uncaughtException: 'E7',
missingAwaitError: 'E8',
actionIntegerOptionError: 'E9',
actionPositiveIntegerOptionError: 'E10',
actionBooleanOptionError: 'E11',
actionSpeedOptionError: 'E12',
actionOptionsTypeError: 'E14',
actionBooleanArgumentError: 'E15',
actionStringArgumentError: 'E16',
actionNullableStringArgumentError: 'E17',
actionStringOrStringArrayArgumentError: 'E18',
actionStringArrayElementError: 'E19',
actionIntegerArgumentError: 'E20',
actionRoleArgumentError: 'E21',
actionPositiveIntegerArgumentError: 'E22',
actionSelectorError: 'E23',
actionElementNotFoundError: 'E24',
actionElementIsInvisibleError: 'E26',
actionSelectorMatchesWrongNodeTypeError: 'E27',
actionAdditionalElementNotFoundError: 'E28',
actionAdditionalElementIsInvisibleError: 'E29',
actionAdditionalSelectorMatchesWrongNodeTypeError: 'E30',
actionElementNonEditableError: 'E31',
actionElementNotTextAreaError: 'E32',
actionElementNonContentEditableError: 'E33',
actionElementIsNotFileInputError: 'E34',
actionRootContainerNotFoundError: 'E35',
actionIncorrectKeysError: 'E36',
actionCannotFindFileToUploadError: 'E37',
actionUnsupportedDeviceTypeError: 'E38',
actionIframeIsNotLoadedError: 'E39',
actionElementNotIframeError: 'E40',
actionInvalidScrollTargetError: 'E41',
currentIframeIsNotLoadedError: 'E42',
currentIframeNotFoundError: 'E43',
currentIframeIsInvisibleError: 'E44',
nativeDialogNotHandledError: 'E45',
uncaughtErrorInNativeDialogHandler: 'E46',
setTestSpeedArgumentError: 'E47',
setNativeDialogHandlerCodeWrongTypeError: 'E48',
clientFunctionExecutionInterruptionError: 'E49',
domNodeClientFunctionResultError: 'E50',
invalidSelectorResultError: 'E51',
cannotObtainInfoForElementSpecifiedBySelectorError: 'E52',
externalAssertionLibraryError: 'E53',
pageLoadError: 'E54',
windowDimensionsOverflowError: 'E55',
forbiddenCharactersInScreenshotPathError: 'E56',
invalidElementScreenshotDimensionsError: 'E57',
roleSwitchInRoleInitializerError: 'E58',
assertionExecutableArgumentError: 'E59',
assertionWithoutMethodCallError: 'E60',
assertionUnawaitedPromiseError: 'E61',
requestHookNotImplementedError: 'E62',
requestHookUnhandledError: 'E63',
uncaughtErrorInCustomClientScriptCode: 'E64',
uncaughtErrorInCustomClientScriptCodeLoadedFromModule: 'E65',
uncaughtErrorInCustomScript: 'E66',
uncaughtTestCafeErrorInCustomScript: 'E67',
childWindowIsNotLoadedError: 'E68',
childWindowNotFoundError: 'E69',
cannotSwitchToWindowError: 'E70',
closeChildWindowError: 'E71',
childWindowClosedBeforeSwitchingError: 'E72',
cannotCloseWindowWithChildrenError: 'E73',
targetWindowNotFoundError: 'E74',
parentWindowNotFoundError: 'E76',
previousWindowNotFoundError: 'E77',
switchToWindowPredicateError: 'E78',
actionFunctionArgumentError: 'E79',
multipleWindowsModeIsDisabledError: 'E80',
multipleWindowsModeIsNotSupportedInRemoteBrowserError: 'E81',
cannotCloseWindowWithoutParent: 'E82',
cannotRestoreChildWindowError: 'E83',
executionTimeoutExceeded: 'E84',
actionRequiredCookieArguments: 'E85',
actionCookieArgumentError: 'E86',
actionCookieArgumentsError: 'E87',
actionUrlCookieArgumentError: 'E88',
actionUrlsCookieArgumentError: 'E89',
actionStringOptionError: 'E90',
actionDateOptionError: 'E91',
actionNumberOptionError: 'E92',
actionUrlOptionError: 'E93',
actionUrlSearchParamsOptionError: 'E94',
actionObjectOptionError: 'E95',
actionUrlArgumentError: 'E96',
actionStringOrRegexOptionError: 'E97',
actionSkipJsErrorsArgumentError: 'E98',
actionFunctionOptionError: 'E99',
actionInvalidObjectPropertyError: 'E100',
actionElementIsNotTargetError: 'E101',
// Base
var TestRunErrorBase = /** @class */ (function () {
function TestRunErrorBase(code, callsite) {
this.code = code;
this.isTestCafeError = true;
this.callsite = callsite || null;
return TestRunErrorBase;
var ActionOptionErrorBase = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionOptionErrorBase, _super);
function ActionOptionErrorBase(code, optionName, actualValue) {
var _this =, code) || this;
_this.optionName = optionName;
_this.actualValue = actualValue;
return _this;
return ActionOptionErrorBase;
// Client function errors
var ClientFunctionExecutionInterruptionError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ClientFunctionExecutionInterruptionError, _super);
function ClientFunctionExecutionInterruptionError(instantiationCallsiteName, callsite) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.clientFunctionExecutionInterruptionError, callsite) || this;
_this.instantiationCallsiteName = instantiationCallsiteName;
return _this;
return ClientFunctionExecutionInterruptionError;
var DomNodeClientFunctionResultError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(DomNodeClientFunctionResultError, _super);
function DomNodeClientFunctionResultError(instantiationCallsiteName, callsite) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.domNodeClientFunctionResultError, callsite) || this;
_this.instantiationCallsiteName = instantiationCallsiteName;
return _this;
return DomNodeClientFunctionResultError;
// Selector errors
var SelectorErrorBase = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(SelectorErrorBase, _super);
function SelectorErrorBase(code, _a, callsite) {
var _b = _a === void 0 ? {} : _a, apiFnChain = _b.apiFnChain, apiFnIndex = _b.apiFnIndex, reason = _b.reason;
var _this =, code, callsite) || this;
_this.apiFnChain = apiFnChain;
_this.apiFnIndex = apiFnIndex;
_this.reason = reason;
return _this;
return SelectorErrorBase;
var InvalidSelectorResultError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(InvalidSelectorResultError, _super);
function InvalidSelectorResultError(callsite) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.invalidSelectorResultError, callsite) || this;
return InvalidSelectorResultError;
var CannotObtainInfoForElementSpecifiedBySelectorError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(CannotObtainInfoForElementSpecifiedBySelectorError, _super);
function CannotObtainInfoForElementSpecifiedBySelectorError(callsite, apiFnArgs) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.cannotObtainInfoForElementSpecifiedBySelectorError, apiFnArgs, callsite) || this;
return CannotObtainInfoForElementSpecifiedBySelectorError;
// Uncaught errors
var UncaughtErrorOnPage = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(UncaughtErrorOnPage, _super);
function UncaughtErrorOnPage(errStack, pageDestUrl) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.uncaughtErrorOnPage) || this;
_this.errStack = errStack;
_this.pageDestUrl = pageDestUrl;
return _this;
return UncaughtErrorOnPage;
var UncaughtErrorInClientFunctionCode = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(UncaughtErrorInClientFunctionCode, _super);
function UncaughtErrorInClientFunctionCode(instantiationCallsiteName, err, callsite) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.uncaughtErrorInClientFunctionCode, callsite) || this;
_this.errMsg = String(err);
_this.instantiationCallsiteName = instantiationCallsiteName;
return _this;
return UncaughtErrorInClientFunctionCode;
var UncaughtErrorInCustomDOMPropertyCode = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(UncaughtErrorInCustomDOMPropertyCode, _super);
function UncaughtErrorInCustomDOMPropertyCode(instantiationCallsiteName, err, prop, callsite) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.uncaughtErrorInCustomDOMPropertyCode, callsite) || this;
_this.errMsg = String(err); = prop;
_this.instantiationCallsiteName = instantiationCallsiteName;
return _this;
return UncaughtErrorInCustomDOMPropertyCode;
var UncaughtErrorInCustomClientScriptCode = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(UncaughtErrorInCustomClientScriptCode, _super);
function UncaughtErrorInCustomClientScriptCode(err) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.uncaughtErrorInCustomClientScriptCode) || this;
_this.errMsg = String(err);
return _this;
return UncaughtErrorInCustomClientScriptCode;
var UncaughtErrorInCustomClientScriptLoadedFromModule = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(UncaughtErrorInCustomClientScriptLoadedFromModule, _super);
function UncaughtErrorInCustomClientScriptLoadedFromModule(err, moduleName) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.uncaughtErrorInCustomClientScriptCodeLoadedFromModule) || this;
_this.errMsg = String(err);
_this.moduleName = moduleName;
return _this;
return UncaughtErrorInCustomClientScriptLoadedFromModule;
// Action parameters errors
// Options errors
var ActionIntegerOptionError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionIntegerOptionError, _super);
function ActionIntegerOptionError(optionName, actualValue) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionIntegerOptionError, optionName, actualValue) || this;
return ActionIntegerOptionError;
var ActionPositiveIntegerOptionError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionPositiveIntegerOptionError, _super);
function ActionPositiveIntegerOptionError(optionName, actualValue) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionPositiveIntegerOptionError, optionName, actualValue) || this;
return ActionPositiveIntegerOptionError;
var ActionBooleanOptionError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionBooleanOptionError, _super);
function ActionBooleanOptionError(optionName, actualValue) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionBooleanOptionError, optionName, actualValue) || this;
return ActionBooleanOptionError;
var ActionSpeedOptionError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionSpeedOptionError, _super);
function ActionSpeedOptionError(optionName, actualValue) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionSpeedOptionError, optionName, actualValue) || this;
return ActionSpeedOptionError;
var ActionStringOptionError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionStringOptionError, _super);
function ActionStringOptionError(optionName, actualValue) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionStringOptionError, optionName, actualValue) || this;
return ActionStringOptionError;
var ActionStringOrRegexOptionError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionStringOrRegexOptionError, _super);
function ActionStringOrRegexOptionError(optionName, actualValue) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionStringOrRegexOptionError, optionName, actualValue) || this;
return ActionStringOrRegexOptionError;
var ActionDateOptionError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionDateOptionError, _super);
function ActionDateOptionError(optionName, actualValue) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionDateOptionError, optionName, actualValue) || this;
return ActionDateOptionError;
var ActionNumberOptionError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionNumberOptionError, _super);
function ActionNumberOptionError(optionName, actualValue) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionNumberOptionError, optionName, actualValue) || this;
return ActionNumberOptionError;
var ActionUrlOptionError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionUrlOptionError, _super);
function ActionUrlOptionError(optionName, actualValue) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionUrlOptionError, optionName, actualValue) || this;
return ActionUrlOptionError;
var ActionUrlSearchParamsOptionError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionUrlSearchParamsOptionError, _super);
function ActionUrlSearchParamsOptionError(optionName, actualValue) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionUrlSearchParamsOptionError, optionName, actualValue) || this;
return ActionUrlSearchParamsOptionError;
var ActionObjectOptionError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionObjectOptionError, _super);
function ActionObjectOptionError(optionName, actualValue) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionObjectOptionError, optionName, actualValue) || this;
return ActionObjectOptionError;
var ActionFunctionOptionError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionFunctionOptionError, _super);
function ActionFunctionOptionError(optionName, actualValue) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionFunctionOptionError, optionName, actualValue) || this;
return ActionFunctionOptionError;
var ActionInvalidObjectPropertyError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionInvalidObjectPropertyError, _super);
function ActionInvalidObjectPropertyError(objectName, propertyName, availableProperties) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionInvalidObjectPropertyError) || this;
_this.objectName = objectName;
_this.propertyName = propertyName;
_this.availableProperties = availableProperties;
return _this;
return ActionInvalidObjectPropertyError;
// Action execution errors
var ActionElementNotFoundError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionElementNotFoundError, _super);
function ActionElementNotFoundError(callsite, apiFnArgs) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionElementNotFoundError, apiFnArgs, callsite) || this;
return ActionElementNotFoundError;
var ActionElementIsInvisibleError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionElementIsInvisibleError, _super);
function ActionElementIsInvisibleError(callsite, apiFnArgs) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionElementIsInvisibleError, apiFnArgs, callsite) || this;
return ActionElementIsInvisibleError;
var ActionSelectorMatchesWrongNodeTypeError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionSelectorMatchesWrongNodeTypeError, _super);
function ActionSelectorMatchesWrongNodeTypeError(nodeDescription) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionSelectorMatchesWrongNodeTypeError) || this;
_this.nodeDescription = nodeDescription;
return _this;
return ActionSelectorMatchesWrongNodeTypeError;
var ActionAdditionalElementNotFoundError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionAdditionalElementNotFoundError, _super);
function ActionAdditionalElementNotFoundError(argumentName, apiFnArgs) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionAdditionalElementNotFoundError, apiFnArgs) || this;
_this.argumentName = argumentName;
return _this;
return ActionAdditionalElementNotFoundError;
var ActionElementIsNotTargetError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionElementIsNotTargetError, _super);
function ActionElementIsNotTargetError(callsite) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionElementIsNotTargetError, callsite) || this;
return ActionElementIsNotTargetError;
var ActionAdditionalElementIsInvisibleError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionAdditionalElementIsInvisibleError, _super);
function ActionAdditionalElementIsInvisibleError(argumentName, apiFnArgs) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionAdditionalElementIsInvisibleError, apiFnArgs) || this;
_this.argumentName = argumentName;
return _this;
return ActionAdditionalElementIsInvisibleError;
var ActionAdditionalSelectorMatchesWrongNodeTypeError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionAdditionalSelectorMatchesWrongNodeTypeError, _super);
function ActionAdditionalSelectorMatchesWrongNodeTypeError(argumentName, nodeDescription) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionAdditionalSelectorMatchesWrongNodeTypeError) || this;
_this.argumentName = argumentName;
_this.nodeDescription = nodeDescription;
return _this;
return ActionAdditionalSelectorMatchesWrongNodeTypeError;
var ActionElementNonEditableError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionElementNonEditableError, _super);
function ActionElementNonEditableError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionElementNonEditableError) || this;
return ActionElementNonEditableError;
var ActionElementNotTextAreaError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionElementNotTextAreaError, _super);
function ActionElementNotTextAreaError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionElementNotTextAreaError) || this;
return ActionElementNotTextAreaError;
var ActionElementNonContentEditableError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionElementNonContentEditableError, _super);
function ActionElementNonContentEditableError(argumentName) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionElementNonContentEditableError) || this;
_this.argumentName = argumentName;
return _this;
return ActionElementNonContentEditableError;
var ActionRootContainerNotFoundError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionRootContainerNotFoundError, _super);
function ActionRootContainerNotFoundError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionRootContainerNotFoundError) || this;
return ActionRootContainerNotFoundError;
var ActionIncorrectKeysError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionIncorrectKeysError, _super);
function ActionIncorrectKeysError(argumentName) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionIncorrectKeysError) || this;
_this.argumentName = argumentName;
return _this;
return ActionIncorrectKeysError;
var ActionCannotFindFileToUploadError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionCannotFindFileToUploadError, _super);
function ActionCannotFindFileToUploadError(filePaths, scannedFilePaths) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionCannotFindFileToUploadError) || this;
_this.filePaths = filePaths;
_this.scannedFilePaths = scannedFilePaths;
return _this;
return ActionCannotFindFileToUploadError;
var ActionElementIsNotFileInputError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionElementIsNotFileInputError, _super);
function ActionElementIsNotFileInputError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionElementIsNotFileInputError) || this;
return ActionElementIsNotFileInputError;
var ActionInvalidScrollTargetError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionInvalidScrollTargetError, _super);
function ActionInvalidScrollTargetError(scrollTargetXValid, scrollTargetYValid) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionInvalidScrollTargetError) || this;
if (!scrollTargetXValid) {
if (!scrollTargetYValid) = 'scrollTargetX and scrollTargetY properties';
else = 'scrollTargetX property';
else = 'scrollTargetY property';
return _this;
return ActionInvalidScrollTargetError;
var InvalidElementScreenshotDimensionsError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(InvalidElementScreenshotDimensionsError, _super);
function InvalidElementScreenshotDimensionsError(width, height) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.invalidElementScreenshotDimensionsError) || this;
var widthIsInvalid = width <= 0;
var heightIsInvalid = height <= 0;
if (widthIsInvalid) {
if (heightIsInvalid) {
_this.verb = 'are';
_this.dimensions = 'width and height';
else {
_this.verb = 'is';
_this.dimensions = 'width';
else {
_this.verb = 'is';
_this.dimensions = 'height';
return _this;
return InvalidElementScreenshotDimensionsError;
// Iframe errors
var ActionElementNotIframeError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionElementNotIframeError, _super);
function ActionElementNotIframeError(callsite) {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionElementNotIframeError, callsite) || this;
return ActionElementNotIframeError;
var ActionIframeIsNotLoadedError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionIframeIsNotLoadedError, _super);
function ActionIframeIsNotLoadedError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.actionIframeIsNotLoadedError) || this;
return ActionIframeIsNotLoadedError;
var CurrentIframeIsNotLoadedError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(CurrentIframeIsNotLoadedError, _super);
function CurrentIframeIsNotLoadedError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.currentIframeIsNotLoadedError) || this;
return CurrentIframeIsNotLoadedError;
var ChildWindowNotFoundError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ChildWindowNotFoundError, _super);
function ChildWindowNotFoundError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.childWindowNotFoundError) || this;
return ChildWindowNotFoundError;
var ChildWindowIsNotLoadedError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ChildWindowIsNotLoadedError, _super);
function ChildWindowIsNotLoadedError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.childWindowIsNotLoadedError) || this;
return ChildWindowIsNotLoadedError;
var CannotSwitchToWindowError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(CannotSwitchToWindowError, _super);
function CannotSwitchToWindowError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.cannotSwitchToWindowError) || this;
return CannotSwitchToWindowError;
var CloseChildWindowError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(CloseChildWindowError, _super);
function CloseChildWindowError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.closeChildWindowError) || this;
return CloseChildWindowError;
var CannotCloseWindowWithChildrenError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(CannotCloseWindowWithChildrenError, _super);
function CannotCloseWindowWithChildrenError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.cannotCloseWindowWithChildrenError) || this;
return CannotCloseWindowWithChildrenError;
var CannotCloseWindowWithoutParentError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(CannotCloseWindowWithoutParentError, _super);
function CannotCloseWindowWithoutParentError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.cannotCloseWindowWithoutParent) || this;
return CannotCloseWindowWithoutParentError;
var SwitchToWindowPredicateError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(SwitchToWindowPredicateError, _super);
function SwitchToWindowPredicateError(errMsg) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.switchToWindowPredicateError) || this;
_this.errMsg = errMsg;
return _this;
return SwitchToWindowPredicateError;
var WindowNotFoundError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(WindowNotFoundError, _super);
function WindowNotFoundError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.targetWindowNotFoundError) || this;
return WindowNotFoundError;
var ParentWindowNotFoundError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ParentWindowNotFoundError, _super);
function ParentWindowNotFoundError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.parentWindowNotFoundError) || this;
return ParentWindowNotFoundError;
var PreviousWindowNotFoundError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(PreviousWindowNotFoundError, _super);
function PreviousWindowNotFoundError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.previousWindowNotFoundError) || this;
return PreviousWindowNotFoundError;
var ChildWindowClosedBeforeSwitchingError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ChildWindowClosedBeforeSwitchingError, _super);
function ChildWindowClosedBeforeSwitchingError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.childWindowClosedBeforeSwitchingError) || this;
return ChildWindowClosedBeforeSwitchingError;
var CannotRestoreChildWindowError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(CannotRestoreChildWindowError, _super);
function CannotRestoreChildWindowError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.cannotRestoreChildWindowError) || this;
return CannotRestoreChildWindowError;
var CurrentIframeNotFoundError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(CurrentIframeNotFoundError, _super);
function CurrentIframeNotFoundError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.currentIframeNotFoundError) || this;
return CurrentIframeNotFoundError;
var CurrentIframeIsInvisibleError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(CurrentIframeIsInvisibleError, _super);
function CurrentIframeIsInvisibleError() {
return, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.currentIframeIsInvisibleError) || this;
return CurrentIframeIsInvisibleError;
// Native dialog errors
var NativeDialogNotHandledError = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(NativeDialogNotHandledError, _super);
function NativeDialogNotHandledError(dialogType, url) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.nativeDialogNotHandledError) || this;
_this.dialogType = dialogType;
_this.pageUrl = url;
return _this;
return NativeDialogNotHandledError;
var UncaughtErrorInNativeDialogHandler = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(UncaughtErrorInNativeDialogHandler, _super);
function UncaughtErrorInNativeDialogHandler(dialogType, errMsg, url) {
var _this =, TEST_RUN_ERRORS.uncaughtErrorInNativeDialogHandler) || this;
_this.dialogType = dialogType;
_this.errMsg = errMsg;
_this.pageUrl = url;
return _this;
return UncaughtErrorInNativeDialogHandler;
// We use an exponential function to calculate the cursor
// speed according to general test speed
// cursorSpeed = (maxSpeed * k) ^ speed / k
var MAX_CURSOR_SPEED = 100; // pixels/ms
var MAX_DRAGGING_SPEED = 4; // pixels/ms
var AutomationSettings = /** @class */ (function () {
function AutomationSettings(speed) {
this._speedFactor = speed || 1;
Object.defineProperty(AutomationSettings.prototype, "mouseActionStepDelay", {
get: function () {
return this._speedFactor === 1 ? ACTION_STEP_DELAY_DEFAULT : (1 - this._speedFactor) * MAX_MOUSE_ACTION_STEP_DELAY;
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(AutomationSettings.prototype, "keyActionStepDelay", {
get: function () {
return this._speedFactor === 1 ? ACTION_STEP_DELAY_DEFAULT : (1 - this._speedFactor) * MAX_KEY_ACTION_STEP_DELAY;
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(AutomationSettings.prototype, "cursorSpeed", {
get: function () {
return Math.pow(MAX_CURSOR_SPEED * CURSOR_FACTOR, this._speedFactor) / CURSOR_FACTOR;
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(AutomationSettings.prototype, "draggingSpeed", {
get: function () {
return Math.pow(MAX_DRAGGING_SPEED * CURSOR_FACTOR, this._speedFactor) / CURSOR_FACTOR;
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
return AutomationSettings;
var Promise = hammerhead__default.Promise;
var nativeMethods$4 = hammerhead__default.nativeMethods;
function delay (ms) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) { return nativeMethods$, resolve, ms); });
function nextTick() {
return delay(0);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// WARNING: this file is used by both the client and the server.
// Do not use any browser or node-specific API!
// -------------------------------------------------------------
var objectToString = Object.prototype.toString;
var stringIndexOf = String.prototype.indexOf;
var stringEndsWith = String.prototype.endsWith
|| function (searchString, position) {
var subjectString =;
if (position === void 0 || position > subjectString.length)
position = subjectString.length;
position -= searchString.length;
var lastIndex =, searchString, position);
return lastIndex !== -1 && lastIndex === position;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
var arrayIndexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf;
var arrayMap =;
var arraySort = Array.prototype.sort;
var arrayFilter = Array.prototype.filter;
var arrayConcat = Array.prototype.concat;
var COMMAND_NAME_SUFFIX = 'Command';
function validateObjectProps(obj, dest) {
var objectName =;
var validKeys =, function (p) { return; });
var reportedProperties =;
for (var key in obj) {
if (!(, key) > -1 || key in dest))
throw new ActionInvalidObjectPropertyError(objectName, key, reportedProperties);
function getDisplayTypeName(constructorName, propName) {
return propName;
return "".concat(constructorName, ".").concat(propName);
var Assignable = /** @class */ (function () {
function Assignable() {
Assignable.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [];
Assignable.prototype.getAllAssignableProperties = function () {
var parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(this);
var result = [];
while (parent && parent.getAssignableProperties) {
result =, parent.getAssignableProperties());
parent = Object.getPrototypeOf(parent);
return result;
Assignable.prototype.getNonReportedProperties = function () {
return [];
Assignable.prototype.getReportedProperties = function () {
var props =, function (prop) { return; });
var nonReportedProps = this.getNonReportedProperties();
return, function (name) { return !(, name) > -1); });
Assignable.prototype._assignFrom = function (obj, validate, initOptions) {
if (initOptions === void 0) { initOptions = {}; }
if (!obj)
if (validate)
validateObjectProps(obj, this);
var props = this.getAllAssignableProperties();
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
var _a = props[i], name_1 =, type = _a.type, required = _a.required, init = _a.init, defaultValue = _a.defaultValue;
if (defaultValue !== void 0)
this[name_1] = defaultValue;
var srcVal = obj[name_1];
if (srcVal === void 0 && !required)
if (validate && type) {
var typeName = getDisplayTypeName(, name_1);
type(typeName, srcVal);
this[name_1] = init ? init(name_1, srcVal, initOptions, validate) : srcVal;
return Assignable;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// WARNING: this file is used by both the client and the server.
// Do not use any browser or node-specific API!
// -------------------------------------------------------------
function createIntegerValidator(ErrorCtor) {
return function (name, val) {
var valType = typeof val;
if (valType !== 'number')
throw new ErrorCtor(name, valType);
var isInteger = !isNaN(val) &&
isFinite(val) &&
val === Math.floor(val);
if (!isInteger)
throw new ErrorCtor(name, val);
function createPositiveIntegerValidator(ErrorCtor) {
var integerValidator = createIntegerValidator(ErrorCtor);
return function (name, val) {
integerValidator(name, val);
if (val < 0)
throw new ErrorCtor(name, val);
function createBooleanValidator(ErrorCtor) {
return function (name, val) {
var valType = typeof val;
if (valType !== 'boolean')
throw new ErrorCtor(name, valType);
function createSpeedValidator(ErrorCtor) {
return function (name, val) {
var valType = typeof val;
if (valType !== 'number')
throw new ErrorCtor(name, valType);
if (isNaN(val) || val < 0.01 || val > 1)
throw new ErrorCtor(name, val);
function createStringValidator(ErrorCtor) {
return function (name, val) {
var valType = typeof val;
if (valType !== 'string')
throw new ErrorCtor(name, valType);
function createStringOrRegexValidator(ErrorCtor) {
return function (name, val) {
var valType = typeof val;
if (valType !== 'string' && !(val instanceof RegExp))
throw new ErrorCtor(name, valType);
function createDateValidator(ErrorCtor) {
return function (name, val) {
if (!(val instanceof Date))
throw new ErrorCtor(name, val);
function createNumberValidator(ErrorCtor) {
return function (name, val) {
if (isNaN(Number(val)))
throw new ErrorCtor(name, typeof val);
function createUrlValidator(ErrorCtor) {
return function (name, val) {
var valType = typeof val;
if (valType !== 'string' && !(val instanceof URL))
throw new ErrorCtor(name, valType);
function createUrlSearchParamsValidator(ErrorCtor) {
return function (name, val) {
var valType = typeof val;
if (valType !== 'object' && !(val instanceof URLSearchParams))
throw new ErrorCtor(name, valType);
function createObjectValidator(ErrorCtor) {
return function (name, val) {
var valType = typeof val;
if (valType !== 'object')
throw new ErrorCtor(name, valType);
function createFunctionValidator(ErrorCtor) {
return function (name, val) {
var valType = typeof val;
if (valType !== 'function')
throw new ErrorCtor(name, valType);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
var integerOption = createIntegerValidator(ActionIntegerOptionError);
var positiveIntegerOption = createPositiveIntegerValidator(ActionPositiveIntegerOptionError);
var booleanOption = createBooleanValidator(ActionBooleanOptionError);
var speedOption = createSpeedValidator(ActionSpeedOptionError);
var stringOption = createStringValidator(ActionStringOptionError);
var stringOrRegexOption = createStringOrRegexValidator(ActionStringOrRegexOptionError);
var dateOption = createDateValidator(ActionDateOptionError);
var numberOption = createNumberValidator(ActionNumberOptionError);
var urlOption = createUrlValidator(ActionUrlOptionError);
var urlSearchParamsOption = createUrlSearchParamsValidator(ActionUrlSearchParamsOptionError);
var objectOption = createObjectValidator(ActionObjectOptionError);
var functionOption = createFunctionValidator(ActionFunctionOptionError);
// Actions
var ActionOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ActionOptions, _super);
function ActionOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this.speed = null;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
ActionOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'speed', type: speedOption },
return ActionOptions;
// Offset
var OffsetOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(OffsetOptions, _super);
function OffsetOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this.offsetX = null;
_this.offsetY = null;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
OffsetOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'offsetX', type: integerOption },
{ name: 'offsetY', type: integerOption },
{ name: 'isDefaultOffset', type: booleanOption },
return OffsetOptions;
var ScrollOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ScrollOptions, _super);
function ScrollOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this.scrollToCenter = false;
_this.skipParentFrames = false;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
ScrollOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'scrollToCenter', type: booleanOption },
{ name: 'skipParentFrames', type: booleanOption },
return ScrollOptions;
var CropOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(CropOptions, _super);
function CropOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
CropOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'left', type: integerOption, defaultValue: null },
{ name: 'right', type: integerOption, defaultValue: null },
{ name: 'top', type: integerOption, defaultValue: null },
{ name: 'bottom', type: integerOption, defaultValue: null },
return CropOptions;
// Element Screenshot
var ElementScreenshotOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ElementScreenshotOptions, _super);
function ElementScreenshotOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this.scrollTargetX = null;
_this.scrollTargetY = null;
_this.includeMargins = false;
_this.includeBorders = true;
_this.includePaddings = true;
_this.crop = {
left: null,
right: null,
top: null,
bottom: null,
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
ElementScreenshotOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'scrollTargetX', type: integerOption },
{ name: 'scrollTargetY', type: integerOption },
{ name: 'crop', type: objectOption, init: initCropOptions },
{ name: 'includeMargins', type: booleanOption },
{ name: 'includeBorders', type: booleanOption },
{ name: 'includePaddings', type: booleanOption },
return ElementScreenshotOptions;
var ModifiersOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ModifiersOptions, _super);
function ModifiersOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
ModifiersOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'ctrl', type: booleanOption, defaultValue: false },
{ name: 'alt', type: booleanOption, defaultValue: false },
{ name: 'shift', type: booleanOption, defaultValue: false },
{ name: 'meta', type: booleanOption, defaultValue: false },
return ModifiersOptions;
// Mouse
var MouseOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(MouseOptions, _super);
function MouseOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this.modifiers = {
ctrl: false,
alt: false,
shift: false,
meta: false,
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
MouseOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'modifiers', type: objectOption, init: initModifiersOptions },
return MouseOptions;
// Click
var ClickOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ClickOptions, _super);
function ClickOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this.caretPos = null;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
ClickOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'caretPos', type: positiveIntegerOption },
return ClickOptions;
// Move
var MoveOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(MoveOptions, _super);
function MoveOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this.speed = null;
_this.minMovingTime = null;
_this.holdLeftButton = false;
_this.skipScrolling = false;
_this.skipDefaultDragBehavior = false;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
MoveOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'speed' },
{ name: 'minMovingTime' },
{ name: 'holdLeftButton' },
{ name: 'skipScrolling', type: booleanOption },
{ name: 'skipDefaultDragBehavior', type: booleanOption },
return MoveOptions;
// Type
var TypeOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(TypeOptions, _super);
function TypeOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this.replace = false;
_this.paste = false;
_this.confidential = void 0;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
TypeOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'replace', type: booleanOption },
{ name: 'paste', type: booleanOption },
{ name: 'confidential', type: booleanOption },
return TypeOptions;
// DragToElement
var DragToElementOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(DragToElementOptions, _super);
function DragToElementOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this =, obj, validate) || this;
_this.destinationOffsetX = null;
_this.destinationOffsetY = null;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
DragToElementOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'destinationOffsetX', type: integerOption },
{ name: 'destinationOffsetY', type: integerOption },
return DragToElementOptions;
var ResizeToFitDeviceOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ResizeToFitDeviceOptions, _super);
function ResizeToFitDeviceOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this.portraitOrientation = false;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
ResizeToFitDeviceOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'portraitOrientation', type: booleanOption },
return ResizeToFitDeviceOptions;
var AssertionOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(AssertionOptions, _super);
function AssertionOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this.timeout = void 0;
_this.allowUnawaitedPromise = false;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
AssertionOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'timeout', type: positiveIntegerOption },
{ name: 'allowUnawaitedPromise', type: booleanOption },
return AssertionOptions;
// Press
var PressOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(PressOptions, _super);
function PressOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this.confidential = void 0;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
PressOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'confidential', type: booleanOption },
return PressOptions;
// Cookie
var CookieOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(CookieOptions, _super);
function CookieOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
CookieOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'name', type: stringOption },
{ name: 'value', type: stringOption },
{ name: 'domain', type: stringOption },
{ name: 'path', type: stringOption },
{ name: 'expires', type: dateOption },
{ name: 'maxAge', type: numberOption },
{ name: 'secure', type: booleanOption },
{ name: 'httpOnly', type: booleanOption },
{ name: 'sameSite', type: stringOption },
return CookieOptions;
var RequestAuthOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(RequestAuthOptions, _super);
function RequestAuthOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
RequestAuthOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'username', type: stringOption, required: true },
{ name: 'password', type: stringOption },
return RequestAuthOptions;
var RequestProxyOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(RequestProxyOptions, _super);
function RequestProxyOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
RequestProxyOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'protocol', type: stringOption },
{ name: 'host', type: stringOption, required: true },
{ name: 'port', type: numberOption, required: true },
{ name: 'auth', type: objectOption, init: initRequestAuthOption },
return RequestProxyOptions;
var RequestOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(RequestOptions, _super);
function RequestOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
RequestOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'url', type: urlOption },
{ name: 'method', type: stringOption },
{ name: 'headers', type: objectOption },
{ name: 'params', type: urlSearchParamsOption },
{ name: 'body' },
{ name: 'timeout', type: numberOption },
{ name: 'withCredentials', type: booleanOption },
{ name: 'auth', type: objectOption, init: initRequestAuthOption },
{ name: 'proxy', type: objectOption, init: initRequestProxyOptions },
{ name: 'rawResponse', type: booleanOption },
return RequestOptions;
var GetProxyUrlOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(GetProxyUrlOptions, _super);
function GetProxyUrlOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
GetProxyUrlOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'credentials', type: numberOption },
return GetProxyUrlOptions;
var SkipJsErrorsOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(SkipJsErrorsOptions, _super);
function SkipJsErrorsOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
SkipJsErrorsOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'stack', type: stringOrRegexOption, required: false },
{ name: 'message', type: stringOrRegexOption, required: false },
{ name: 'pageUrl', type: stringOrRegexOption, required: false },
return SkipJsErrorsOptions;
var SkipJsErrorsCallbackWithOptions = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(SkipJsErrorsCallbackWithOptions, _super);
function SkipJsErrorsCallbackWithOptions(obj, validate) {
var _this = || this;
_this._assignFrom(obj, validate);
return _this;
SkipJsErrorsCallbackWithOptions.prototype.getAssignableProperties = function () {
return [
{ name: 'fn', type: functionOption, required: true },
{ name: 'dependencies', type: objectOption, required: false },
return SkipJsErrorsCallbackWithOptions;
// Initializers
function initRequestAuthOption(name, val, initOptions, validate) {
if (validate === void 0) { validate = true; }
return new RequestAuthOptions(val, validate);
function initRequestProxyOptions(name, val, initOptions, validate) {
if (validate === void 0) { validate = true; }
return new RequestProxyOptions(val, validate);
function initCropOptions(name, val, initOptions, validate) {
if (validate === void 0) { validate = true; }
return new CropOptions(val, validate);
function initModifiersOptions(name, val, initOptions, validate) {
if (validate === void 0) { validate = true; }
return new ModifiersOptions(val, validate);
var lastHoveredElement = null;
var lastHoveredElementHolder = {
get: function () {
return lastHoveredElement;
set: function (element) {
lastHoveredElement = element;
var Promise$1 = hammerhead__default.Promise;
var nativeMethods$5 = hammerhead__default.nativeMethods;
var listeners = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.listeners;
var browserUtils$1 = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
// Imported form the hammerhead
var BUTTON = hammerhead__default.utils.event.BUTTON;
var BUTTONS_PARAMETER = hammerhead__default.utils.event.BUTTONS_PARAMETER;
var DOM_EVENTS = hammerhead__default.utils.event.DOM_EVENTS;
var WHICH_PARAMETER = hammerhead__default.utils.event.WHICH_PARAMETER;
var preventDefault = hammerhead__default.utils.event.preventDefault;
function whilst(condition, iterator) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
if (!condition()) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
return [4 /*yield*/, iterator()];
case 1:
return [3 /*break*/, 0];
case 2: return [2 /*return*/];
function times(n, iterator) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var i;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
i = 0;
_a.label = 1;
case 1:
if (!(i < n)) return [3 /*break*/, 4];
return [4 /*yield*/, iterator(i)];
case 2:
_a.label = 3;
case 3:
return [3 /*break*/, 1];
case 4: return [2 /*return*/];
function isIframeWindow(window) {
return !== window;
var Promise$2 = hammerhead__default.Promise;
var messageSandbox = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.message;
function sendRequestToFrame(msg, responseCmd, receiverWindow) {
return new Promise$2(function (resolve) {
function onMessage(e) {
if (e.message.cmd === responseCmd) {, onMessage);
messageSandbox.on(messageSandbox.SERVICE_MSG_RECEIVED_EVENT, onMessage);
messageSandbox.sendServiceMsg(msg, receiverWindow);
// @ts-ignore
var EventEmitter = /** @class */ (function () {
function EventEmitter() {
this._eventsListeners = {};
EventEmitter.prototype.on = function (evt, listener) {
if (!this._eventsListeners[evt])
this._eventsListeners[evt] = [];
EventEmitter.prototype.once = function (evt, listener) {
var _this = this;
this.on(evt, function () {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i] = arguments[_i];
}, listener);
return listener.apply(void 0, args);
}; = function (evt, listener) {
var listeners = this._eventsListeners[evt];
if (listeners)
this._eventsListeners[evt] =, function (item) { return item !== listener; });
EventEmitter.prototype.offAll = function (evt) {
if (evt)
this._eventsListeners[evt] = [];
this._eventsListeners = {};
EventEmitter.prototype.emit = function (evt) {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
var listeners = this._eventsListeners[evt];
if (!listeners)
for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
try {
listeners[i].apply(this, args);
catch (e) {
// Hack for IE: after document.write calling IFrameSandbox event handlers
// rises 'Can't execute code from a freed script' exception because document has been
// recreated
if (e.message && e.message.indexOf('freed script') > -1), listeners[i]);
throw e;
return EventEmitter;
var EventEmitter$1 = EventEmitter;
var listeners$1 = hammerhead.eventSandbox.listeners;
var ScrollController = /** @class */ (function () {
function ScrollController() {
this.initialized = false;
this.stopPropagationFlag = false; = new EventEmitter$1();
ScrollController.prototype._internalListener = function (event, dispatched, preventEvent, cancelHandlers, stopPropagation) {'scroll', event);
if (this.stopPropagationFlag) {
ScrollController.prototype.init = function () {
var _this = this;
if (this.initialized)
this.initialized = true;
listeners$1.initElementListening(window, ['scroll']);
listeners$1.addFirstInternalEventBeforeListener(window, ['scroll'], function () {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i] = arguments[_i];
return _this._internalListener.apply(_this, args);
ScrollController.prototype.waitForScroll = function (scrollElement) {
var _this = this;
var promiseResolver = null;
var promise = new hammerhead.Promise(function (resolve) {
promiseResolver = resolve;
promise.cancel = function () { return'scroll', promiseResolver); };
if (this.initialized)
this.handleScrollEvents(scrollElement, promiseResolver);
return promise;
ScrollController.prototype.handleScrollEvents = function (el, handler) {
var _this = this;'scroll', handler);
if (isShadowElement(el)) {
listeners$1.initElementListening(el, ['scroll']);
listeners$1.addFirstInternalEventBeforeListener(el, ['scroll'], function () {
var args = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
args[_i] = arguments[_i];
_this._internalListener.apply(_this, args);
ScrollController.prototype.stopPropagation = function () {
this.stopPropagationFlag = true;
ScrollController.prototype.enablePropagation = function () {
this.stopPropagationFlag = false;
return ScrollController;
var scrollController = new ScrollController();
var ScrollAutomation = /** @class */ (function () {
function ScrollAutomation(element, scrollOptions, maxScrollMargin) {
this._element = element;
this._offsets = new AxisValues(scrollOptions.offsetX, scrollOptions.offsetY);
this._scrollToCenter = !!scrollOptions.scrollToCenter;
this._skipParentFrames = !!scrollOptions.skipParentFrames;
this._maxScrollMargin = maxScrollMargin || { left: DEFAULT_MAX_SCROLL_MARGIN, top: DEFAULT_MAX_SCROLL_MARGIN };
this._scrollWasPerformed = false;
ScrollAutomation._isScrollValuesChanged = function (scrollElement, originalScroll) {
return getScrollLeft(scrollElement) !== originalScroll.left ||
getScrollTop(scrollElement) !==;
ScrollAutomation.prototype._setScroll = function (element, _a) {
var _this = this;
var left = _a.left, top =;
var scrollElement = isHtmlElement(element) ? findDocument(element) : element;
var originalScroll = {
left: getScrollLeft(scrollElement),
top: getScrollTop(scrollElement),
left = Math.max(left, 0);
top = Math.max(top, 0);
var scrollPromise = scrollController.waitForScroll(scrollElement);
setScrollLeft(scrollElement, left);
setScrollTop(scrollElement, top);
if (!ScrollAutomation._isScrollValuesChanged(scrollElement, originalScroll)) {
// @ts-ignore
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve();
scrollPromise = scrollPromise.then(function () {
if (!_this._scrollWasPerformed)
_this._scrollWasPerformed = ScrollAutomation._isScrollValuesChanged(scrollElement, originalScroll);
return scrollPromise;
ScrollAutomation.prototype._getScrollToPoint = function (dimensions, point, maxScrollMargin) {
var horizontalCenter = Math.floor(dimensions.width / 2);
var verticalCenter = Math.floor(dimensions.height / 2);
var leftScrollMargin = this._scrollToCenter ? horizontalCenter : Math.min(maxScrollMargin.left, horizontalCenter);
var topScrollMargin = this._scrollToCenter ? verticalCenter : Math.min(, verticalCenter);
var _a = dimensions.scroll, left = _a.left, top =;
var needForwardScrollLeft = point.x >= left + dimensions.width - leftScrollMargin;
var needBackwardScrollLeft = point.x <= left + leftScrollMargin;
var needForwardScrollTop = point.y >= top + dimensions.height - topScrollMargin;
var needBackwardScrollTop = point.y <= top + topScrollMargin;
if (needForwardScrollLeft)
left = point.x - dimensions.width + leftScrollMargin;
else if (needBackwardScrollLeft)
left = point.x - leftScrollMargin;
if (needForwardScrollTop)
top = point.y - dimensions.height + topScrollMargin;
else if (needBackwardScrollTop)
top = point.y - topScrollMargin;
return { left: left, top: top };
ScrollAutomation.prototype._getScrollToFullChildView = function (parentDimensions, childDimensions, maxScrollMargin) {
var fullViewScroll = { left: null, top: null };
var canShowFullElementWidth = parentDimensions.width >= childDimensions.width;
var canShowFullElementHeight = parentDimensions.height >= childDimensions.height;
var relativePosition = calcRelativePosition(childDimensions, parentDimensions);
if (canShowFullElementWidth) {
var availableLeftScrollMargin = parentDimensions.width - childDimensions.width;
var leftScrollMargin = Math.min(maxScrollMargin.left, availableLeftScrollMargin);
if (this._scrollToCenter)
leftScrollMargin = availableLeftScrollMargin / 2;
if (relativePosition.left < leftScrollMargin)
fullViewScroll.left = Math.round(parentDimensions.scroll.left + relativePosition.left - leftScrollMargin);
else if (relativePosition.right < leftScrollMargin) {
fullViewScroll.left = Math.round(parentDimensions.scroll.left +
Math.min(relativePosition.left, -relativePosition.right) +
if (canShowFullElementHeight) {
var availableTopScrollMargin = parentDimensions.height - childDimensions.height;
var topScrollMargin = Math.min(, availableTopScrollMargin);
if (this._scrollToCenter)
topScrollMargin = availableTopScrollMargin / 2;
if ( < topScrollMargin) = Math.round( + - topScrollMargin);
else if (relativePosition.bottom < topScrollMargin) { = Math.round( +
Math.min(, -relativePosition.bottom) +
return fullViewScroll;
ScrollAutomation._getChildPoint = function (parentDimensions, childDimensions, offsets) {
return AxisValues.create(childDimensions)
ScrollAutomation.prototype._getScrollPosition = function (parentDimensions, childDimensions, offsets, maxScrollMargin) {
var childPoint = ScrollAutomation._getChildPoint(parentDimensions, childDimensions, offsets);
var scrollToPoint = this._getScrollToPoint(parentDimensions, childPoint, maxScrollMargin);
var scrollToFullView = this._getScrollToFullChildView(parentDimensions, childDimensions, maxScrollMargin);
return {
left: Math.max(scrollToFullView.left === null ? scrollToPoint.left : scrollToFullView.left, 0),
top: Math.max( === null ? :, 0),
ScrollAutomation._getChildPointAfterScroll = function (parentDimensions, childDimensions, currentScroll, offsets) {
return AxisValues.create(childDimensions)
ScrollAutomation.prototype._isChildFullyVisible = function (parentDimensions, childDimensions, offsets) {
var childPoint = ScrollAutomation._getChildPointAfterScroll(parentDimensions, childDimensions, parentDimensions.scroll, offsets);
var zeroMargin = { left: 0, top: 0 };
var _a = this._getScrollPosition(parentDimensions, childDimensions, offsets, zeroMargin), left = _a.left, top =;
return !this._isTargetElementObscuredInPoint(childPoint) &&
left === parentDimensions.scroll.left && top ===;
ScrollAutomation.prototype._scrollToChild = function (parent, child, offsets) {
var parentDimensions = getClientDimensions(parent);
var childDimensions = getClientDimensions(child);
var windowWidth = getInnerWidth(window);
var windowHeight = getInnerHeight(window);
var scrollPos = parentDimensions.scroll;
var needScroll = !this._isChildFullyVisible(parentDimensions, childDimensions, offsets);
while (needScroll) {
scrollPos = this._getScrollPosition(parentDimensions, childDimensions, offsets, this._maxScrollMargin);
var childPoint = ScrollAutomation._getChildPointAfterScroll(parentDimensions, childDimensions, scrollPos, offsets);
var isTargetObscured = this._isTargetElementObscuredInPoint(childPoint);
this._maxScrollMargin.left += SCROLL_MARGIN_INCREASE_STEP;
if (this._maxScrollMargin.left >= windowWidth) {
needScroll = isTargetObscured && < windowHeight;
this._maxScrollMargin = { left: DEFAULT_MAX_SCROLL_MARGIN, top: DEFAULT_MAX_SCROLL_MARGIN };
return this._setScroll(parent, scrollPos);
ScrollAutomation.prototype._scrollElement = function () {
if (!hasScroll(this._element))
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve();
var elementDimensions = getClientDimensions(this._element);
var scroll = this._getScrollToPoint(elementDimensions, this._offsets, this._maxScrollMargin);
return this._setScroll(this._element, scroll);
ScrollAutomation.prototype._scrollParents = function () {
var _this = this;
var parents = getScrollableParents(this._element);
var currentChild = this._element;
var scrollLeft = getScrollLeft(currentChild);
var scrollTop = getScrollTop(currentChild);
var currentOffset = AxisValues.create(this._offsets).sub(new AxisValues(scrollLeft, scrollTop).round());
var childDimensions = null;
var parentDimensions = null;
var scrollParentsPromise = times(parents.length, function (i) {
return _this._scrollToChild(parents[i], currentChild, currentOffset)
.then(function () {
childDimensions = getClientDimensions(currentChild);
parentDimensions = getClientDimensions(parents[i]);
currentChild = parents[i];
var state = {
scrollWasPerformed: this._scrollWasPerformed,
offsetX: currentOffset.x,
offsetY: currentOffset.y,
maxScrollMargin: this._maxScrollMargin,
if (!sendRequestToFrame)
return scrollParentsPromise.then(function () { return state; });
return scrollParentsPromise
.then(function () {
if (_this._skipParentFrames || !isIframeWindow(window))
state.cmd = ScrollAutomation.SCROLL_REQUEST_CMD;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion, consistent-return
return sendRequestToFrame(state, ScrollAutomation.SCROLL_RESPONSE_CMD, window.parent);
.then(function () { return _this._scrollWasPerformed; });
ScrollAutomation._getFixedAncestorOrSelf = function (element) {
return findParent(element, true, isFixedElement);
ScrollAutomation.prototype._isTargetElementObscuredInPoint = function (point) {
var elementInPoint = getElementFromPoint(point);
if (!elementInPoint)
return false;
var fixedElement = ScrollAutomation._getFixedAncestorOrSelf(elementInPoint);
return !!fixedElement && !fixedElement.contains(this._element);
}; = function () {
var _this = this;
return this._scrollElement()
.then(function () { return _this._scrollParents(); });
ScrollAutomation.SCROLL_REQUEST_CMD = 'automation|scroll|request';
ScrollAutomation.SCROLL_RESPONSE_CMD = 'automation|scroll|response';
return ScrollAutomation;
var browserUtils$2 = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var MoveEventSequenceBase = /** @class */ (function () {
function MoveEventSequenceBase(_a) {
var moveEvent = _a.moveEvent;
this.dragAndDropMode = false;
this.dropAllowed = false;
this.moveEvent = moveEvent;
MoveEventSequenceBase.prototype.setup = function () {
this.dragAndDropMode = false;
this.dropAllowed = false;
MoveEventSequenceBase.prototype.leaveElement = function ( /* currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options */) {
MoveEventSequenceBase.prototype.move = function ( /* element, options */) {
MoveEventSequenceBase.prototype.enterElement = function ( /* currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options */) {
MoveEventSequenceBase.prototype.dragAndDrop = function ( /* dragElement, currentElement, prevElement, options, dragDataStore */) {
MoveEventSequenceBase.prototype.teardown = function ( /* currentElement, eventOptions, prevElement */) {
}; = function (currentElement, prevElement, options, dragElement, dragDataStore) {
// NOTE: if last hovered element was in an iframe that has been removed, IE
// raises an exception when we try to compare it with the current element
var prevElementInDocument = prevElement && testCafeCore.domUtils.isElementInDocument(prevElement);
var prevElementInRemovedIframe = prevElement && testCafeCore.domUtils.isElementInIframe(prevElement) &&
if (!prevElementInDocument || prevElementInRemovedIframe)
prevElement = null;
var elementChanged = currentElement !== prevElement;
var commonAncestor = elementChanged ? testCafeCore.domUtils.getCommonAncestor(currentElement, prevElement) : null;
if (elementChanged && !!prevElement)
this.leaveElement(currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options);
if (browserUtils$2.isIE)
this.move(currentElement, options);
if (elementChanged && testCafeCore.domUtils.isElementInDocument(currentElement))
this.enterElement(currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options);
if (!browserUtils$2.isIE)
this.move(currentElement, options);
this.dragAndDrop(dragElement, currentElement, prevElement, options, dragDataStore);
this.teardown(currentElement, options, prevElement);
var dragAndDropMode = this.dragAndDropMode;
var dropAllowed = this.dropAllowed;
this.dragAndDropMode = false;
this.dropAllowed = false;
return { dragAndDropMode: dragAndDropMode, dropAllowed: dropAllowed };
return MoveEventSequenceBase;
var eventSimulator = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.eventSimulator;
var extend = hammerhead__default.utils.extend;
var nativeMethods$6 = hammerhead__default.nativeMethods;
var MoveBehaviour = /** @class */ (function () {
function MoveBehaviour() {
MoveBehaviour.leaveElement = function (currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options) {
eventSimulator.mouseout(prevElement, extend({ relatedTarget: currentElement }, options));
var currentParent = prevElement;
while (currentParent && currentParent !== commonAncestor) {
eventSimulator.mouseleave(currentParent, extend({ relatedTarget: currentElement }, options));
currentParent = nativeMethods$;
MoveBehaviour.enterElement = function (currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options) {
eventSimulator.mouseover(currentElement, extend({ relatedTarget: prevElement }, options));
var currentParent = currentElement;
var mouseenterElements = [];
while (currentParent && currentParent !== commonAncestor) {
currentParent = testCafeCore.domUtils.getParentExceptShadowRoot(currentParent);
for (var i = mouseenterElements.length - 1; i > -1; i--)
eventSimulator.mouseenter(mouseenterElements[i], extend({ relatedTarget: prevElement }, options));
MoveBehaviour.move = function (moveEvent, element, options) {
eventSimulator[moveEvent](element, options);
return MoveBehaviour;
var DragAndDropBehavior = /** @class */ (function () {
function DragAndDropBehavior() {
DragAndDropBehavior.dragAndDrop = function (dragElement, currentElement, prevElement, options) {
eventSimulator.drag(dragElement, options);
var currentElementChanged = currentElement !== prevElement;
if (currentElementChanged) {
if (testCafeCore.domUtils.isElementInDocument(currentElement)) {
options.relatedTarget = prevElement;
eventSimulator.dragenter(currentElement, options);
if (prevElement) {
options.relatedTarget = currentElement;
eventSimulator.dragleave(prevElement, options);
return !eventSimulator.dragover(currentElement, options);
return DragAndDropBehavior;
var eventSimulator$1 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.eventSimulator;
var TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT_NAME = 'touchmove';
var MoveEventSequence = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(MoveEventSequence, _super);
function MoveEventSequence(options) {
var _this =, options) || this;
_this.holdLeftButton = options.holdLeftButton;
return _this;
MoveEventSequence.prototype.leaveElement = function (currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options) {
MoveBehaviour.leaveElement(currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options);
MoveEventSequence.prototype.enterElement = function (currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options) {
MoveBehaviour.enterElement(currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options);
MoveEventSequence.prototype.move = function (element, options) {
if (this._needEmulateMoveEvent())
MoveBehaviour.move(this.moveEvent, element, options);
MoveEventSequence.prototype.teardown = function (currentElement, eventOptions, prevElement) {
// NOTE: we need to add an extra 'mousemove' if the element was changed because sometimes
// the client script requires several 'mousemove' events for an element (T246904)
if (this._needEmulateMoveEvent() && testCafeCore.domUtils.isElementInDocument(currentElement) && currentElement !== prevElement)
eventSimulator$1[this.moveEvent](currentElement, eventOptions);
MoveEventSequence.prototype._needEmulateMoveEvent = function () {
return this.moveEvent !== TOUCH_MOVE_EVENT_NAME || this.holdLeftButton;
return MoveEventSequence;
var DragAndDropMoveEventSequence = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(DragAndDropMoveEventSequence, _super);
function DragAndDropMoveEventSequence() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
DragAndDropMoveEventSequence.prototype.setup = function () {;
this.dragAndDropMode = true;
DragAndDropMoveEventSequence.prototype.dragAndDrop = function (dragElement, currentElement, prevElement, options) {
this.dropAllowed = DragAndDropBehavior.dragAndDrop(dragElement, currentElement, prevElement, options);
return DragAndDropMoveEventSequence;
var eventSimulator$2 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.eventSimulator;
var DragAndDropFirstMoveEventSequence = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(DragAndDropFirstMoveEventSequence, _super);
function DragAndDropFirstMoveEventSequence() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
DragAndDropFirstMoveEventSequence.prototype.setup = function () {;
this.dragAndDropMode = true;
DragAndDropFirstMoveEventSequence.prototype.leaveElement = function (currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options) {
MoveBehaviour.leaveElement(currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options);
DragAndDropFirstMoveEventSequence.prototype.move = function (element, option) {
MoveBehaviour.move(this.moveEvent, element, option);
DragAndDropFirstMoveEventSequence.prototype.enterElement = function (currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options) {
MoveBehaviour.enterElement(currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options);
DragAndDropFirstMoveEventSequence.prototype.dragAndDrop = function (dragElement, currentElement, prevElement, options, dragDataStore) {
var dragAllowed = eventSimulator$2.dragstart(dragElement, options);
if (!dragAllowed) {
this.dragAndDropMode = false;
this.dropAllowed = DragAndDropBehavior.dragAndDrop(dragElement, currentElement, prevElement, options);
}; = function (currentElement, prevElement, options, dragElement, dragDataStore) {
return, currentElement, null, options, dragElement, dragDataStore);
return DragAndDropFirstMoveEventSequence;
function createEventSequence(dragAndDropEnabled, firstMovingStepOccured, options) {
if (!dragAndDropEnabled)
return new MoveEventSequence(options);
if (firstMovingStepOccured)
return new DragAndDropMoveEventSequence(options);
return new DragAndDropFirstMoveEventSequence(options);
var MOVE_REQUEST_CMD = 'automation|move|request';
var MOVE_RESPONSE_CMD = 'automation|move|response';
var MoveAutomation = /** @class */ (function () {
function MoveAutomation(el, offset, moveOptions, win, cursor) {
this.touchMode = hammerhead.utils.featureDetection.isTouchDevice;
this.moveEvent = this.touchMode ? 'touchmove' : 'mousemove';
this.automationSettings = new AutomationSettings(moveOptions.speed);
this.cursorSpeed = this._getCursorSpeed();
this.element = el;
this.window = win;
this.offset = offset;
this.cursor = cursor;
this.minMovingTime = moveOptions.minMovingTime || 0;
this.modifiers = moveOptions.modifiers || {};
this.skipScrolling = moveOptions.skipScrolling;
this.skipDefaultDragBehavior = moveOptions.skipDefaultDragBehavior;
this.speed = moveOptions.speed;
this.firstMovingStepOccured = false;
MoveAutomation.create = function (el, moveOptions, win, cursor) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, hammerhead.Promise, function () {
var _a, element, offset;
return __generator(this, function (_b) {
switch (_b.label) {
case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, MoveAutomation.getTarget(el, win, new AxisValues(moveOptions.offsetX, moveOptions.offsetY))];
case 1:
_a = _b.sent(), element = _a.element, offset = _a.offset;
return [2 /*return*/, new MoveAutomation(element, offset, moveOptions, win, cursor)];
MoveAutomation.getTarget = function (element, window, offset) {
// NOTE: if the target point (considering offsets) is out of
// the element change the target element to the document element
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve(containsOffset(element, offset.x, offset.y))
.then(function (containsOffset) {
if (!containsOffset) {
return hammerhead.Promise.all([
getAutomationPoint(element, offset),
.then(function (_a) {
var point = _a[0], docEl = _a[1];
return ({ element: docEl, offset: point });
return { element: element, offset: offset };
MoveAutomation.prototype._getCursorSpeed = function () {
return this.automationSettings.cursorSpeed;
MoveAutomation.prototype._getTargetClientPoint = function () {
var _this = this;
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve(getElementScroll(this.element))
.then(function (scroll) {
if (isHtmlElement(_this.element)) {
return AxisValues.create(_this.offset)
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve(getClientPosition(_this.element))
.then(function (clientPosition) {
var isDocumentBody = isBodyElement(_this.element);
// @ts-ignore
var clientPoint = AxisValues.create(clientPosition).add(_this.offset);
if (!isDocumentBody)
return clientPoint.round(Math.floor);
MoveAutomation.prototype._getEventSequenceOptions = function (currPosition) {
var button = BUTTONS_PARAMETER.noButton;
var devicePoint = getDevicePoint(currPosition);
var eventOptions = {
clientX: currPosition.x,
clientY: currPosition.y,
screenX: devicePoint === null || devicePoint === void 0 ? void 0 : devicePoint.x,
screenY: devicePoint === null || devicePoint === void 0 ? void 0 : devicePoint.y,
buttons: button,
ctrl: this.modifiers.ctrl,
alt: this.modifiers.alt,
shift: this.modifiers.shift,
meta: this.modifiers.meta,
return { eventOptions: eventOptions, eventSequenceOptions: { moveEvent: this.moveEvent } };
MoveAutomation.prototype._runEventSequence = function (currentElement, _a) {
var eventOptions = _a.eventOptions, eventSequenceOptions = _a.eventSequenceOptions;
var eventSequence = createEventSequence(false, this.firstMovingStepOccured, eventSequenceOptions);
return, lastHoveredElementHolder.get(), eventOptions, null, null);
MoveAutomation.prototype._emulateEvents = function (currentElement, currPosition) {
var options = this._getEventSequenceOptions(currPosition);
this._runEventSequence(currentElement, options);
this.firstMovingStepOccured = true;
MoveAutomation.prototype._movingStep = function (currPosition) {
var _this = this;
return this.cursor.move(currPosition)
.then(function () { return getElementFromPoint$1(_this.cursor.getPosition()); })
// NOTE: in touch mode, events are simulated for the element for which mousedown was simulated (GH-372)
.then(function (topElement) {
var currentElement = _this._getCorrectedTopElement(topElement);
// NOTE: it can be null in IE
if (!currentElement)
return null;
return _this._emulateEvents(currentElement, currPosition);
MoveAutomation.prototype._getCorrectedTopElement = function (topElement) {
return topElement;
MoveAutomation.prototype._move = function (endPoint) {
var _this = this;
var startPoint = this.cursor.getPosition();
var distance = AxisValues.create(endPoint).sub(startPoint);
var startTime = hammerhead.nativeMethods.dateNow();
var movingTime = Math.max(Math.max(Math.abs(distance.x), Math.abs(distance.y)) / this.cursorSpeed, this.minMovingTime);
var currPosition = AxisValues.create(startPoint);
var isFirstStep = true;
return whilst(function () { return !currPosition.eql(endPoint); }, function () {
if (_this._needMoveCursorImmediately())
currPosition = AxisValues.create(endPoint);
else if (isFirstStep) {
isFirstStep = false;
// NOTE: the mousemove event can't be simulated at the point where the cursor
// was located at the start. Therefore, we add a minimal distance 1 px.
x: distance.x > 0 ? 1 : -1,
y: distance.y > 0 ? 1 : -1,
else {
var progress = Math.min((hammerhead.nativeMethods.dateNow() - startTime) / movingTime, 1);
currPosition = AxisValues.create(distance).mul(progress).add(startPoint).round(Math.floor);
return _this._movingStep(currPosition);
MoveAutomation.prototype._needMoveCursorImmediately = function () {
return this.touchMode;
MoveAutomation.prototype._scroll = function () {
if (this.skipScrolling)
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve(false);
var scrollOptions = new ScrollOptions({ offsetX: this.offset.x, offsetY: this.offset.y }, false);
var scrollAutomation = new ScrollAutomation(this.element, scrollOptions);
MoveAutomation.prototype._moveToCurrentFrame = function (endPoint) {
var _this = this;
if (this.cursor.isActive(this.window))
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve();
var _a = this.cursor.getPosition(), x = _a.x, y = _a.y;
var activeWindow = this.cursor.getActiveWindow(this.window);
var iframe = null;
var iframeUnderCursor = null;
var msg = {
startX: x,
startY: y,
endX: endPoint.x,
endY: endPoint.y,
modifiers: this.modifiers,
speed: this.speed,
shouldRender: this.cursor.shouldRender,
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve()
.then(function () {
if (activeWindow.parent === _this.window) {
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve(findIframeByWindow(activeWindow))
.then(function (frame) {
iframe = frame;
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve(getIframeClientCoordinates(frame))
.then(function (rect) {
msg.left = rect.left; =;
msg.right = rect.right;
msg.bottom = rect.bottom;
return void 0;
.then(function () {
return getElementFromPoint$1(_this.cursor.getPosition());
.then(function (topElement) {
iframeUnderCursor = topElement === iframe;
if (activeWindow.parent === _this.window)
msg.iframeUnderCursor = iframeUnderCursor;
return sendRequestToFrame(msg, MOVE_RESPONSE_CMD, activeWindow);
.then(function (message) {
if (iframeUnderCursor || hammerhead.utils.dom.isIframeWindow(_this.window))
return _this.cursor.move(message);
return void 0;
}; = function () {
var _this = this;
return this._scroll()
.then(function () { return hammerhead.Promise.all([
]); })
.then(function (_a) {
var endPoint = _a[0], boundary = _a[1];
if (!boundary.contains(endPoint))
return void 0;
return _this._moveToCurrentFrame(endPoint)
.then(function () { return _this._move(endPoint); });
return MoveAutomation;
var Cursor = /** @class */ (function () {
function Cursor(activeWin, ui) {
this._ui = ui;
// NOTE: the default position should be outside the page (GH-794)
this._x = -1;
this._y = -1;
this._activeWindow = activeWin;
Cursor.prototype._ensureActiveWindow = function (win) {
if (this._activeWindow === win || this._activeWindow === win.parent)
if (this._activeWindow.parent !== win)
this._activeWindow = win;
Cursor.prototype.isActive = function (currWin) {
return this._activeWindow === currWin;
Cursor.prototype.setActiveWindow = function (win) {
this._activeWindow = win;
Cursor.prototype.getActiveWindow = function (currWin) {
return this._activeWindow;
Cursor.prototype.getPosition = function () {
return new AxisValues(this._x, this._y);
Object.defineProperty(Cursor.prototype, "shouldRender", {
get: function () {
return this._ui.shouldRender;
set: function (val) {
this._ui.shouldRender = val;
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
Cursor.prototype.move = function (point) {
this._x = point.x;
this._y = point.y;
return this._ui.move(point);
Cursor.prototype.hide = function () {
if (this._ui.hide)
return this._ui.hide();
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve();
}; = function () {
if (
return hammerhead.Promise.resolve();
Cursor.prototype.leftButtonDown = function () {
return this._ui.leftButtonDown();
Cursor.prototype.rightButtonDown = function () {
return this._ui.rightButtonDown();
Cursor.prototype.buttonUp = function () {
return this._ui.buttonUp();
return Cursor;
var cursorUI = !isIframeWindow(window) ? testCafeUI.cursorUI : testCafeUI.iframeCursorUI;
var cursor = new Cursor(, cursorUI);
var positionUtils$1 = testCafeCore__default.positionUtils, domUtils = testCafeCore__default.domUtils, eventUtils = testCafeCore__default.eventUtils;
function ensureMouseEventAfterScroll(currentElement, element, wasScrolled) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, hammerhead__default.Promise, function () {
var elementUnderCursorContainsTarget, prevElement, commonAncestor, clientPosition, devicePoint, options;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
elementUnderCursorContainsTarget = !!currentElement && domUtils.contains(element, currentElement);
if (!elementUnderCursorContainsTarget || !wasScrolled)
return [2 /*return*/];
prevElement = lastHoveredElementHolder.get();
commonAncestor = domUtils.getCommonAncestor(currentElement, prevElement);
return [4 /*yield*/, positionUtils$1.getClientPosition(currentElement)];
case 1:
clientPosition = _a.sent();
return [4 /*yield*/, getDevicePoint(clientPosition)];
case 2:
devicePoint = _a.sent();
if (!devicePoint)
return [2 /*return*/];
options = {
clientX: clientPosition.x,
clientY: clientPosition.y,
screenX: devicePoint.x,
screenY: devicePoint.y,
ctrl: false,
alt: false,
shift: false,
meta: false,
buttons: eventUtils.BUTTONS_PARAMETER.leftButton,
MoveBehaviour.leaveElement(currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options);
MoveBehaviour.enterElement(currentElement, prevElement, commonAncestor, options);
return [2 /*return*/];
elementOverlapped: 'elementOverlapped',
var EventType;
(function (EventType) {
EventType[EventType["Mouse"] = 0] = "Mouse";
EventType[EventType["Key"] = 1] = "Key";
EventType[EventType["Touch"] = 2] = "Touch";
})(EventType || (EventType = {}));
var KeyModifierValues;
(function (KeyModifierValues) {
KeyModifierValues[KeyModifierValues["alt"] = 1] = "alt";
KeyModifierValues[KeyModifierValues["ctrl"] = 2] = "ctrl";
KeyModifierValues[KeyModifierValues["meta"] = 4] = "meta";
KeyModifierValues[KeyModifierValues["shift"] = 8] = "shift";
})(KeyModifierValues || (KeyModifierValues = {}));
function calculateKeyModifiersValue(modifiers) {
var result = 0;
if (modifiers.ctrl)
result |= KeyModifierValues.ctrl;
if (modifiers.alt)
result |= KeyModifierValues.alt;
if (modifiers.shift)
result |= KeyModifierValues.shift;
if (modifiers.meta)
result |= KeyModifierValues.meta;
return result;
function calculateMouseButtonValue(options) {
if (!options.button)
return 'left';
return 'right';
clickCount: 1,
button: 'left',
var ProxylessEventSimulator = /** @class */ (function () {
function ProxylessEventSimulator(dispatchEventFn, leftTopPoint) {
this._dispatchEventFn = dispatchEventFn;
this._leftTopPoint = leftTopPoint || new AxisValues(0, 0);
ProxylessEventSimulator.prototype._createMouseEventOptions = function (type, options) {
return hammerhead.utils.extend({
x: options.options.clientX + this._leftTopPoint.x,
y: options.options.clientY + this._leftTopPoint.y,
modifiers: calculateKeyModifiersValue(options.options),
button: calculateMouseButtonValue(options.options),
type: type,
ProxylessEventSimulator.prototype.mouseDown = function (options) {
var eventOptions = this._createMouseEventOptions('mousePressed', options);
return this._dispatchEventFn(EventType.Mouse, eventOptions);
ProxylessEventSimulator.prototype.mouseUp = function (options) {
var eventOptions = this._createMouseEventOptions('mouseReleased', options);
return this._dispatchEventFn(EventType.Mouse, eventOptions);
return ProxylessEventSimulator;
var ElementState = /** @class */ (function () {
function ElementState(_a) {
var _b = _a.element, element = _b === void 0 ? null : _b, _c = _a.clientPoint, clientPoint = _c === void 0 ? null : _c, _d = _a.screenPoint, screenPoint = _d === void 0 ? null : _d, _e = _a.isTarget, isTarget = _e === void 0 ? false : _e, _f = _a.inMoving, inMoving = _f === void 0 ? false : _f, _g = _a.devicePoint, devicePoint = _g === void 0 ? null : _g;
this.element = element;
this.clientPoint = clientPoint;
this.screenPoint = screenPoint;
this.devicePoint = devicePoint;
this.isTarget = isTarget;
this.inMoving = inMoving;
ElementState.create = function (_a) {
var element = _a.element, clientPoint = _a.clientPoint, screenPoint = _a.screenPoint, isTarget = _a.isTarget, inMoving = _a.inMoving;
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var devicePoint, state;
return __generator(this, function (_b) {
switch (_b.label) {
case 0:
devicePoint = null;
if (!clientPoint) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
return [4 /*yield*/, getDevicePoint(clientPoint)];
case 1:
devicePoint = _b.sent();
_b.label = 2;
case 2:
state = new ElementState({ element: element, clientPoint: clientPoint, screenPoint: screenPoint, isTarget: isTarget, inMoving: inMoving, devicePoint: devicePoint });
return [2 /*return*/, state];
return ElementState;
var VisibleElementAutomation = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(VisibleElementAutomation, _super);
function VisibleElementAutomation(element, offsetOptions, win, cursor, dispatchProxylessEventFn, topLeftPoint) {
var _this = || this;
_this.TARGET_ELEMENT_FOUND_EVENT = 'automation|target-element-found-event';
_this.WARNING_EVENT = 'automation|warning-event';
_this.element = element;
_this.options = offsetOptions;
_this.automationSettings = new AutomationSettings(offsetOptions.speed || 1);
_this.window = win;
_this.cursor = cursor;
_this.proxylessEventSimulator = dispatchProxylessEventFn ? new ProxylessEventSimulator(dispatchProxylessEventFn, topLeftPoint) : null;
// NOTE: only for legacy API
return _this;
VisibleElementAutomation.prototype._ensureWindowAndCursorForLegacyTests = function (automation) {
automation.window = automation.window || window; // eslint-disable-line no-undef
automation.cursor = cursor;
VisibleElementAutomation.prototype.canUseProxylessEventSimulator = function (element) {
return !!this.proxylessEventSimulator
&& !!element
&& getTagName(element) !== 'select';
VisibleElementAutomation.prototype._getElementForEvent = function (eventArgs) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var expectedElement;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
expectedElement = containsOffset(this.element, this.options.offsetX, this.options.offsetY) ? this.element : null;
return [2 /*return*/, getElementFromPoint$2(eventArgs.point, this.window, expectedElement)];
VisibleElementAutomation.prototype._moveToElement = function () {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var moveOptions, moveAutomation;
var _this = this;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
moveOptions = new MoveOptions(hammerhead.utils.extend({ skipScrolling: true }, this.options), false);
return [4 /*yield*/, MoveAutomation.create(this.element, moveOptions, this.window, this.cursor)];
case 1:
moveAutomation = _a.sent();
return [2 /*return*/, moveAutomation // eslint-disable-line consistent-return
.then(function () { return delay(_this.automationSettings.mouseActionStepDelay); })];
VisibleElementAutomation.prototype._scrollToElement = function () {
var _this = this;
var wasScrolled = false;
var scrollOptions = new ScrollOptions(this.options, false);
var scrollAutomation = new ScrollAutomation(this.element, scrollOptions);
.then(function (scrollWasPerformed) {
wasScrolled = !!scrollWasPerformed;
return delay(_this.automationSettings.mouseActionStepDelay);
.then(function () { return getElementFromPoint$2(_this.cursor.getPosition(), _this.window); })
.then(function (currentElement) {
return ensureMouseEventAfterScroll(currentElement, _this.element, wasScrolled);
.then(function () {
return wasScrolled;
VisibleElementAutomation.prototype._getElementOffset = function () {
var defaultOffsets = getOffsetOptions(this.element);
var _a = this.options, offsetX = _a.offsetX, offsetY = _a.offsetY;
var y = offsetY || offsetY === 0 ? offsetY : defaultOffsets.offsetY;
var x = offsetX || offsetX === 0 ? offsetX : defaultOffsets.offsetX;
return AxisValues.create({ x: x, y: y });
VisibleElementAutomation.prototype._isTargetElement = function (element, expectedElement) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var isTarget;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
isTarget = !expectedElement || element === expectedElement || element === this.element;
if (!(!isTarget && element)) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
return [4 /*yield*/, this._contains(this.element, element)];
case 1:
// NOTE: perform an operation with searching in dom only if necessary
isTarget = _a.sent();
_a.label = 2;
case 2: return [2 /*return*/, isTarget];
VisibleElementAutomation.prototype._getCheckedPoints = function (centerPoint) {
var points = [centerPoint];
var stepX = centerPoint.x / AVAILABLE_OFFSET_DEEP;
var stepY = centerPoint.y / AVAILABLE_OFFSET_DEEP;
var maxX = centerPoint.x * 2;
var maxY = centerPoint.y * 2;
for (var y = stepY; y < maxY; y += stepY) {
for (var x = stepX; x < maxX; x += stepX)
points.push(AxisValues.create({ x: x, y: y }));
return points;
VisibleElementAutomation.prototype._getAvailableOffset = function (expectedElement, centerPoint) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var checkedPoints, screenPoint, clientPoint, element, i;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
checkedPoints = this._getCheckedPoints(centerPoint);
screenPoint = null;
clientPoint = null;
element = null;
i = 0;
_a.label = 1;
case 1:
if (!(i < checkedPoints.length)) return [3 /*break*/, 7];
return [4 /*yield*/, getAutomationPoint(this.element, checkedPoints[i])];
case 2:
screenPoint = _a.sent();
return [4 /*yield*/, convertToClient(this.element, screenPoint)];
case 3:
clientPoint = _a.sent();
return [4 /*yield*/, getElementFromPoint$2(clientPoint, this.window, expectedElement)];
case 4:
element = _a.sent();
return [4 /*yield*/, this._isTargetElement(element, expectedElement)];
case 5:
if (_a.sent())
return [2 /*return*/, checkedPoints[i]];
_a.label = 6;
case 6:
return [3 /*break*/, 1];
case 7: return [2 /*return*/, null];
VisibleElementAutomation.prototype._wrapAction = function (action) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var elementOffset, expectedElement, screenPointBeforeAction, clientPositionBeforeAction, availableOffset, screenPointAfterAction, clientPositionAfterAction, clientPoint, element, isTarget, offsetPositionChanged, clientPositionChanged, targetElementIsMoving;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
elementOffset = this._getElementOffset();
return [4 /*yield*/, containsOffset(this.element, elementOffset.x, elementOffset.y)];
case 1:
expectedElement = (_a.sent()) ? this.element : null;
return [4 /*yield*/, getAutomationPoint(this.element, elementOffset)];
case 2:
screenPointBeforeAction = _a.sent();
return [4 /*yield*/, getClientPosition(this.element)];
case 3:
clientPositionBeforeAction = _a.sent();
return [4 /*yield*/, action()];
case 4:
if (!this.options.isDefaultOffset) return [3 /*break*/, 6];
return [4 /*yield*/, this._getAvailableOffset(expectedElement, elementOffset)];
case 5:
availableOffset = _a.sent();
elementOffset.x = (availableOffset === null || availableOffset === void 0 ? void 0 : availableOffset.x) || elementOffset.x;
elementOffset.y = (availableOffset === null || availableOffset === void 0 ? void 0 : availableOffset.y) || elementOffset.y;
this.options.offsetX = elementOffset.x;
this.options.offsetY = elementOffset.y;
_a.label = 6;
case 6: return [4 /*yield*/, getAutomationPoint(this.element, elementOffset)];
case 7:
screenPointAfterAction = _a.sent();
return [4 /*yield*/, getClientPosition(this.element)];
case 8:
clientPositionAfterAction = _a.sent();
return [4 /*yield*/, convertToClient(this.element, screenPointAfterAction)];
case 9:
clientPoint = _a.sent();
return [4 /*yield*/, getElementFromPoint$2(clientPoint, this.window, expectedElement)];
case 10:
element = _a.sent();
if (!element) {
return [2 /*return*/, ElementState.create({
element: null,
clientPoint: null,
screenPoint: null,
isTarget: false,
inMoving: false,
return [4 /*yield*/, this._isTargetElement(element, expectedElement)];
case 11:
isTarget = _a.sent();
offsetPositionChanged = screenPointBeforeAction.x !== screenPointAfterAction.x ||
screenPointBeforeAction.y !== screenPointAfterAction.y;
clientPositionChanged = clientPositionBeforeAction.x !== clientPositionAfterAction.x ||
clientPositionBeforeAction.y !== clientPositionAfterAction.y;
targetElementIsMoving = offsetPositionChanged && clientPositionChanged;
return [2 /*return*/, ElementState.create({
element: element,
clientPoint: clientPoint,
screenPoint: screenPointAfterAction,
isTarget: isTarget,
inMoving: targetElementIsMoving,
VisibleElementAutomation.prototype._checkElementState = function (state, useStrictElementCheck) {
if (!state.element) {
throw new ActionElementIsInvisibleError(null, {
reason: getElOutsideBoundsReason(this.element),
if (useStrictElementCheck && (!state.isTarget || state.inMoving))
throw new ActionElementIsNotTargetError();
return state;
VisibleElementAutomation.prototype._ensureElement = function (useStrictElementCheck, skipCheckAfterMoving, skipMoving) {
var _this = this;
if (skipCheckAfterMoving === void 0) { skipCheckAfterMoving = false; }
if (skipMoving === void 0) { skipMoving = false; }
return this
._wrapAction(function () { return _this._scrollToElement(); })
.then(function (state) { return _this._checkElementState(state, useStrictElementCheck); })
.then(function (state) {
return skipMoving ? state : _this._wrapAction(function () { return _this._moveToElement(); });
.then(function (state) {
if (!skipCheckAfterMoving)
_this._checkElementState(state, useStrictElementCheck);
return state;
.then(function (state) {
var element = state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.element;
_this.emit(_this.TARGET_ELEMENT_FOUND_EVENT, { element: element || null });
if (!useStrictElementCheck && element && !state.isTarget) {
var expectedElementStr = stringifyElement(_this.element);
var actualElementStr = stringifyElement(element);
_this.emit(_this.WARNING_EVENT, {
type: WARNING_TYPES.elementOverlapped,
args: [expectedElementStr, actualElementStr],
return {
element: (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.element) || null,
clientPoint: (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.clientPoint) || null,
screenPoint: (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.screenPoint) || null,
devicePoint: (state === null || state === void 0 ? void 0 : state.devicePoint) || null,
VisibleElementAutomation.prototype._contains = function (parent, child) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var parents, _i, parents_1, el;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, getParents(child)];
case 1:
parents = _a.sent();
for (_i = 0, parents_1 = parents; _i < parents_1.length; _i++) {
el = parents_1[_i];
if (el === parent)
return [2 /*return*/, true];
return [2 /*return*/, false];
return VisibleElementAutomation;
var Promise$3 = hammerhead__default.Promise;
function calculatePosition(el, position) {
var centerX = Math.floor(el.scrollWidth / 2 - el.clientWidth / 2);
var centerY = Math.floor(el.scrollHeight / 2 - el.clientHeight / 2);
var positions = {
'top': [centerX, 0],
'right': [el.scrollWidth, centerY],
'bottom': [centerX, el.scrollHeight],
'left': [0, centerY],
'topRight': [el.scrollWidth, 0],
'topLeft': [0, 0],
'bottomRight': [el.scrollWidth, el.scrollHeight],
'bottomLeft': [0, el.scrollHeight],
'center': [centerX, centerY],
return positions[position];
var SetScrollAutomation = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(SetScrollAutomation, _super);
function SetScrollAutomation(element, _a, offsetOptions) {
var _b;
var x = _a.x, y = _a.y, position = _a.position, byX = _a.byX, byY = _a.byY;
var _this =, element, offsetOptions, window, cursor) || this;
if (position)
_b = calculatePosition(element, position), x = _b[0], y = _b[1];
_this.scrollLeft = typeof x === 'number' ? x : element.scrollLeft;
_this.scrollTop = typeof y === 'number' ? y : element.scrollTop;
if (byX)
_this.scrollLeft += byX;
if (byY)
_this.scrollTop += byY;
return _this;
} = function (useStrictElementCheck) {
var _this = this;
var promise = Promise$3.resolve();
if (this.element !== document.scrollingElement && this.element !== document.documentElement)
promise = this._ensureElement(useStrictElementCheck, true, true);
return promise
.then(function () {
_this.element.scrollLeft = _this.scrollLeft;
_this.element.scrollTop = _this.scrollTop;
return SetScrollAutomation;
var ScrollIntoViewAutomation = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ScrollIntoViewAutomation, _super);
function ScrollIntoViewAutomation(element, offsetOptions) {
return, element, offsetOptions, window, cursor) || this;
} = function (useStrictElementCheck) {
return this._ensureElement(useStrictElementCheck, true, true);
return ScrollIntoViewAutomation;
var Promise$4 = hammerhead__default.Promise;
var nativeMethods$7 = hammerhead__default.nativeMethods;
var browserUtils$3 = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var focusBlurSandbox = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.focusBlur;
var contentEditable = testCafeCore__default.contentEditable;
var textSelection = testCafeCore__default.textSelection;
var domUtils$1 = testCafeCore__default.domUtils;
var styleUtils$1 = testCafeCore__default.styleUtils;
var messageSandbox$1 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.message;
var GET_IFRAME_REQUEST_CMD = 'automation|iframe|request';
var GET_IFRAME_RESPONSE_CMD = 'automation|iframe|response';
messageSandbox$1.on(messageSandbox$1.SERVICE_MSG_RECEIVED_EVENT, function (e) {
if (e.message.cmd === GET_IFRAME_REQUEST_CMD) {
var iframeElement = domUtils$1.findIframeByWindow(e.source);
focusBlurSandbox.focus(iframeElement, function () {
messageSandbox$1.sendServiceMsg({ cmd: GET_IFRAME_RESPONSE_CMD }, e.source);
}, false);
function setCaretPosition(element, caretPos) {
var isTextEditable = domUtils$1.isTextEditableElement(element);
var isContentEditable = domUtils$1.isContentEditableElement(element);
if (isTextEditable || isContentEditable) {
if (isContentEditable && isNaN(parseInt(caretPos, 10)))
else {
var position = isNaN(parseInt(caretPos, 10)) ? domUtils$1.getElementValue(element).length : caretPos;, position, position);
else {
// NOTE: if focus is called for a non-contentEditable element (like 'img' or 'button') inside
// a contentEditable parent, we should try to set the right window selection. Generally, we can't
// set the right window selection object because after the selection setup, the window.getSelection
// method returns a different object, which depends on the browser.
var contentEditableParent = contentEditable.findContentEditableParent(element);
if (contentEditableParent)
function focusAndSetSelection(element, simulateFocus, caretPos) {
var _this = this;
return new Promise$4(function (resolve) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var activeElement, isTextEditable, labelWithForAttr, isElementFocusable, shouldFocusByRelatedElement, isContentEditable, elementForFocus, focusWithSilentMode, focusForMouseEvent, preventScrolling, curDocument, curActiveElement, isActiveElementBody, focusableParent, elementChildOfActiveElement;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0:
if (!isIframeWindow(window)) return [3 /*break*/, 2];
return [4 /*yield*/, sendRequestToFrame({ cmd: GET_IFRAME_REQUEST_CMD }, GET_IFRAME_RESPONSE_CMD, window.parent)];
case 1:
_a.label = 2;
case 2:
activeElement = domUtils$1.getActiveElement();
isTextEditable = domUtils$1.isTextEditableElement(element);
labelWithForAttr = domUtils$1.closest(element, 'label[for]');
isElementFocusable = domUtils$1.isElementFocusable(element);
shouldFocusByRelatedElement = !isElementFocusable && labelWithForAttr;
isContentEditable = domUtils$1.isContentEditableElement(element);
elementForFocus = isContentEditable ? contentEditable.findContentEditableParent(element) : element;
// NOTE: in WebKit, if selection was never set in an input element, the focus method selects all the
// text in this element. So, we should call select before focus to set the caret to the first symbol.
if (simulateFocus && browserUtils$3.isWebKit && isTextEditable), 0, 0);
// NOTE: we should call focus for the element related with a 'label' that has the 'for' attribute
if (shouldFocusByRelatedElement) {
if (simulateFocus)
return [2 /*return*/];
focusWithSilentMode = !simulateFocus;
focusForMouseEvent = true;
preventScrolling = false;
if (!isElementFocusable && !isContentEditable) {
curDocument = domUtils$1.findDocument(elementForFocus);
curActiveElement = nativeMethods$;
isActiveElementBody = domUtils$1.isBodyElement(curActiveElement);
focusableParent = domUtils$1.isBodyElement(elementForFocus) ?
elementForFocus : domUtils$1.getFocusableParent(elementForFocus);
elementChildOfActiveElement = curActiveElement && !isActiveElementBody &&
domUtils$1.containsElement(curActiveElement, elementForFocus);
if (elementChildOfActiveElement || isActiveElementBody && domUtils$1.isBodyElement(focusableParent)) {
return [2 /*return*/];
elementForFocus = focusableParent || curDocument.body;
preventScrolling = true;
focusBlurSandbox.focus(elementForFocus, function () {
// NOTE: if a different element was focused in the focus event handler, we should not set selection
if (simulateFocus && !isContentEditable && element !== domUtils$1.getActiveElement()) {
setCaretPosition(element, caretPos);
// NOTE: we can't avoid the element being focused because the setSelection method leads to focusing.
// So, we just focus the previous active element without handlers if we don't need focus here
if (!simulateFocus && domUtils$1.getActiveElement() !== activeElement)
focusBlurSandbox.focus(activeElement, resolve, true, true);
}, focusWithSilentMode, focusForMouseEvent, false, preventScrolling);
return [2 /*return*/];
}); });
function getElementBoundToLabel(element) {
var labelWithForAttr = domUtils$1.closest(element, 'label[for]');
var control = labelWithForAttr && (labelWithForAttr.control || document.getElementById(labelWithForAttr.htmlFor));
var isControlVisible = control && styleUtils$1.isElementVisible(control);
return isControlVisible ? control : null;
function focusByLabel(label) {
if (domUtils$1.isElementFocusable(label))
focusBlurSandbox.focus(label, testCafeCore__default.noop, false, true);
function focusByRelatedElement(element) {
var elementForFocus = getElementBoundToLabel(element);
if (!elementForFocus || domUtils$1.getActiveElement() === elementForFocus)
focusBlurSandbox.focus(elementForFocus, testCafeCore__default.noop, false, true);
var browserUtils$4 = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var eventSimulator$3 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.eventSimulator;
var listeners$2 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.listeners;
var nativeMethods$8 = hammerhead__default.nativeMethods;
var domUtils$2 = testCafeCore__default.domUtils;
var styleUtils$2 = testCafeCore__default.styleUtils;
var selectController = testCafeCore__default.selectController;
var selectElementUI = testCafeUI.selectElement;
var ElementClickCommand = /** @class */ (function () {
function ElementClickCommand(eventState, eventArgs) {
this.eventState = eventState;
this.eventArgs = eventArgs;
} = function () {
if (this.eventState.clickElement)
eventSimulator$, this.eventArgs.options);
if (!domUtils$2.isElementFocusable(this.eventArgs.element))
return ElementClickCommand;
var LabelElementClickCommand = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(LabelElementClickCommand, _super);
function LabelElementClickCommand(eventState, eventArgs) {
var _this =, eventState, eventArgs) || this;
_this.targetElement = _this.eventArgs.element;
_this.input = getElementBoundToLabel(_this.eventArgs.element);
return _this;
} = function () {
var _this = this;
var focusRaised = false;
var ensureFocusRaised = function (e) {
focusRaised = nativeMethods$ === _this.input;
listeners$2.addInternalEventBeforeListener(window, ['focus'], ensureFocusRaised);;
listeners$2.removeInternalEventBeforeListener(window, ['focus'], ensureFocusRaised);
if (domUtils$2.isElementFocusable(this.targetElement) && !focusRaised)
LabelElementClickCommand.prototype._ensureBoundElementFocusRaised = function () {
return LabelElementClickCommand;
var SelectElementClickCommand = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(SelectElementClickCommand, _super);
function SelectElementClickCommand(eventState, eventArgs) {
return, eventState, eventArgs) || this;
} = function () {;
SelectElementClickCommand.prototype._toggleSelectOptionList = function () {
// NOTE: Emulating the click event on the 'select' element doesn't expand the
// dropdown with options (except chrome), therefore we should emulate it.
var element = this.eventArgs.element;
var isSelectWithDropDown = styleUtils$2.getSelectElementSize(element) === 1;
if (isSelectWithDropDown && this.eventState.simulateDefaultBehavior !== false) {
if (selectController.isOptionListExpanded(element))
return SelectElementClickCommand;
var OptionElementClickCommand = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(OptionElementClickCommand, _super);
function OptionElementClickCommand(eventState, eventArgs) {
return, eventState, eventArgs) || this;
} = function () {
return this.eventArgs.element;
return OptionElementClickCommand;
var LabelledCheckboxElementClickCommand = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(LabelledCheckboxElementClickCommand, _super);
function LabelledCheckboxElementClickCommand(eventState, eventArgs) {
var _this =, eventState, eventArgs) || this;
_this.checkbox = _this.input;
return _this;
} = function () {
var changed = false;
var onChange = function () {
changed = true;
listeners$2.addInternalEventBeforeListener(window, ['change'], onChange);;
listeners$2.removeInternalEventBeforeListener(window, ['change'], onChange);
// NOTE: Two overlapping issues: and
// When label contains <a href=any> or <button> element, clicking these elements should prevent checkbox from changing checked state.
// Also, checkbox state should not be changed if it is disabled.
// We should to leave the code for fixing .focus issue and add additional check for the clickable elements inside the label:
if (browserUtils$4.isChrome && !changed && !this.checkbox.disabled && !this._isClickableElementInsideLabel(this.targetElement))
LabelledCheckboxElementClickCommand.prototype._ensureCheckboxStateChanged = function () {
this.checkbox.checked = !this.checkbox.checked;
LabelledCheckboxElementClickCommand.prototype._isClickableElementInsideLabel = function (element) {
var isClickableLink = domUtils$2.isAnchorElement(element) && element.getAttribute('href');
var isButton = domUtils$2.isButtonElement(element);
return isClickableLink || isButton;
return LabelledCheckboxElementClickCommand;
function createClickCommand (eventState, eventArgs) {
var elementBoundToLabel = getElementBoundToLabel(eventArgs.element);
var isSelectElement = domUtils$2.isSelectElement(eventArgs.element);
var isOptionElement = domUtils$2.isOptionElement(eventArgs.element);
var isLabelElement = domUtils$2.isLabelElement(eventArgs.element) && elementBoundToLabel;
var isLabelledCheckbox = elementBoundToLabel && domUtils$2.isCheckboxElement(elementBoundToLabel);
if (isSelectElement)
return new SelectElementClickCommand(eventState, eventArgs);
if (isOptionElement)
return new OptionElementClickCommand(eventState, eventArgs);
if (isLabelledCheckbox)
return new LabelledCheckboxElementClickCommand(eventState, eventArgs);
if (isLabelElement)
return new LabelElementClickCommand(eventState, eventArgs);
return new ElementClickCommand(eventState, eventArgs);
// @ts-ignore
var Promise$5 = hammerhead__default.Promise;
var browserUtils$5 = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var featureDetection = hammerhead__default.utils.featureDetection;
var eventSimulator$4 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.eventSimulator;
var listeners$3 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.listeners;
var domUtils$3 = testCafeCore__default.domUtils;
var eventUtils$1 = testCafeCore__default.eventUtils;
var arrayUtils = testCafeCore__default.arrayUtils;
function _getElementForClick(mouseDownElement, topElement, mouseDownElementParentNodes) {
var topElementParentNodes = domUtils$3.getParents(topElement);
var areElementsSame = domUtils$3.isTheSameNode(topElement, mouseDownElement);
// NOTE: Mozilla Firefox always skips click, if an element under cursor has been changed after mousedown.
if (browserUtils$5.isFirefox)
return areElementsSame ? mouseDownElement : null;
if (!areElementsSame) {
// @ts-ignore
if (mouseDownElement.contains(topElement) && !domUtils$3.isEditableFormElement(topElement))
return mouseDownElement;
// @ts-ignore
if (topElement.contains(mouseDownElement))
return topElement;
// NOTE: If elements are not in the parent-child relationships,
// non-ff browsers raise the `click` event for their common parent.
return arrayUtils.getCommonElement(topElementParentNodes, mouseDownElementParentNodes);
// NOTE: In case the target element and the top element are the same,
// non-FF browsers are dispatching the `click` event if the target
// element hasn't changed its position in the DOM after mousedown.
return arrayUtils.equals(mouseDownElementParentNodes, topElementParentNodes) ? mouseDownElement : null;
var MouseClickStrategy = /** @class */ (function () {
function MouseClickStrategy(element, caretPos) {
this.element = element;
this.caretPos = caretPos;
this.targetElementParentNodes = [];
this.activeElementBeforeMouseDown = null;
this.mouseDownElement = null;
this.eventState = {
mousedownPrevented: false,
blurRaised: false,
simulateDefaultBehavior: true,
clickElement: null,
touchStartCancelled: false,
touchEndCancelled: false,
MouseClickStrategy.prototype.mousedown = function (eventArgs) {
var _this = this;
this.targetElementParentNodes = domUtils$3.getParents(eventArgs.element);
this.mouseDownElement = eventArgs.element;
var activeElement = domUtils$3.getActiveElement();
this.activeElementBeforeMouseDown = activeElement;
// NOTE: In WebKit and IE, the mousedown event opens the select element's dropdown;
// therefore, we should prevent mousedown and hide the dropdown (B236416).
var needCloseSelectDropDown = (browserUtils$5.isWebKit || browserUtils$5.isIE) &&
if (needCloseSelectDropDown)
if (!this._isTouchEventWasCancelled())
this.eventState.simulateDefaultBehavior = eventSimulator$4.mousedown(eventArgs.element, eventArgs.options);
if (this.eventState.simulateDefaultBehavior === false)
this.eventState.simulateDefaultBehavior = needCloseSelectDropDown && !this.eventState.mousedownPrevented;
return this._ensureActiveElementBlur(activeElement)
.then(function () { return _this._focus(eventArgs); });
MouseClickStrategy.prototype.mouseup = function (element, eventArgs) {
eventArgs.element = element;
this.eventState.clickElement = _getElementForClick(this.mouseDownElement, element, this.targetElementParentNodes);
var timeStamp = {};
var getTimeStamp = function (e) {
timeStamp = e.timeStamp;
listeners$3.removeInternalEventBeforeListener(window, ['mouseup'], getTimeStamp);
if (!browserUtils$5.isIE)
listeners$3.addInternalEventBeforeListener(window, ['mouseup'], getTimeStamp);
if (!this._isTouchEventWasCancelled())
eventSimulator$4.mouseup(element, eventArgs.options);
if (eventArgs.options)
eventArgs.options.timeStamp = timeStamp;
return this._click(eventArgs);
MouseClickStrategy.prototype._click = function (eventArgs) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, hammerhead__default.Promise, function () {
var clickCommand;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
clickCommand = createClickCommand(this.eventState, eventArgs);
if (!this._isTouchEventWasCancelled());
return [2 /*return*/, eventArgs];
// NOTE:
// If `touchstart`, `touchmove`, or `touchend` are canceled, we should not dispatch any mouse event
// that would be a consequential result of the prevented touch event
MouseClickStrategy.prototype._isTouchEventWasCancelled = function () {
return this.eventState.touchStartCancelled || this.eventState.touchEndCancelled;
MouseClickStrategy.prototype._bindMousedownHandler = function () {
var _this = this;
var onmousedown = function (e) {
_this.eventState.mousedownPrevented = e.defaultPrevented;
eventUtils$1.unbind(_this.element, 'mousedown', onmousedown);
eventUtils$1.bind(this.element, 'mousedown', onmousedown);
MouseClickStrategy.prototype._bindBlurHandler = function (element) {
var _this = this;
var onblur = function () {
_this.eventState.blurRaised = true;
eventUtils$1.unbind(element, 'blur', onblur, true);
eventUtils$1.bind(element, 'blur', onblur, true);
MouseClickStrategy.prototype._ensureActiveElementBlur = function (element) {
var _this = this;
// NOTE: In some cases, mousedown may lead to active element change (browsers raise blur).
// We simulate the blur event if the active element was changed after the mousedown, and
// the blur event does not get raised automatically (B239273, B253520)
return new Promise$5(function (resolve) {
var simulateBlur = domUtils$3.getActiveElement() !== element && !_this.eventState.blurRaised;
if (!simulateBlur) {
if (browserUtils$5.isIE && browserUtils$5.version < 12) {
// NOTE: In whatever way an element is blurred from the client script, the
// blur event is raised asynchronously in IE (in MSEdge focus/blur is sync)
.then(function () {
if (!_this.eventState.blurRaised)
else {
MouseClickStrategy.prototype._focus = function (eventArgs) {
if (this.eventState.simulateDefaultBehavior === false)
return Promise$5.resolve();
// NOTE: If a target element is a contentEditable element, we need to call focusAndSetSelection directly for
// this element. Otherwise, if the element obtained by elementFromPoint is a child of the contentEditable
// element, a selection position may be calculated incorrectly (by using the caretPos option).
var elementForFocus = domUtils$3.isContentEditableElement(this.element) ? this.element : eventArgs.element;
// NOTE: IE doesn't perform focus if active element has been changed while executing mousedown
var simulateFocus = !browserUtils$5.isIE || this.activeElementBeforeMouseDown === domUtils$3.getActiveElement();
return focusAndSetSelection(elementForFocus, simulateFocus, this.caretPos);
MouseClickStrategy.prototype._raiseTouchEvents = function (eventArgs) {
if (featureDetection.isTouchDevice) {
this.eventState.touchStartCancelled = !eventSimulator$4.touchstart(eventArgs.element, eventArgs.options);
this.eventState.touchEndCancelled = !eventSimulator$4.touchend(eventArgs.element, eventArgs.options);
return MouseClickStrategy;
function createMouseClickStrategy(element, caretPos) {
return new MouseClickStrategy(element, caretPos);
var ClickAutomation = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ClickAutomation, _super);
function ClickAutomation(element, clickOptions, win, cursor, dispatchProxylessEventFn, leftTopPoint) {
var _this =, element, clickOptions, win, cursor, dispatchProxylessEventFn, leftTopPoint) || this;
_this.modifiers = clickOptions.modifiers;
_this.strategy = createMouseClickStrategy(_this.element, clickOptions.caretPos);
return _this;
ClickAutomation.prototype._mousedown = function (eventArgs) {
if (this.canUseProxylessEventSimulator(eventArgs.element))
return this.proxylessEventSimulator.mouseDown(eventArgs);
return this.strategy.mousedown(eventArgs);
ClickAutomation.prototype._mouseup = function (element, eventArgs) {
if (this.canUseProxylessEventSimulator(eventArgs.element))
return this.proxylessEventSimulator.mouseUp(eventArgs);
return this.strategy.mouseup(element, eventArgs);
}; = function (useStrictElementCheck) {
var _this = this;
var eventArgs;
return this
.then(function (_a) {
var element = _a.element, clientPoint = _a.clientPoint, screenPoint = _a.screenPoint, devicePoint = _a.devicePoint;
eventArgs = {
point: clientPoint,
screenPoint: screenPoint,
element: element,
options: hammerhead.utils.extend({
clientX: clientPoint === null || clientPoint === void 0 ? void 0 : clientPoint.x,
clientY: clientPoint === null || clientPoint === void 0 ? void 0 : clientPoint.y,
screenX: devicePoint === null || devicePoint === void 0 ? void 0 : devicePoint.x,
screenY: devicePoint === null || devicePoint === void 0 ? void 0 : devicePoint.y,
}, _this.modifiers),
// NOTE: we should raise mouseup event with 'mouseActionStepDelay' after we trigger
// mousedown event regardless of how long mousedown event handlers were executing
return hammerhead.Promise.all([delay(_this.automationSettings.mouseActionStepDelay), _this.cursor
.then(function () { return _this._mousedown(eventArgs); }),
.then(function () { return _this.cursor.buttonUp(); })
.then(function () { return _this._getElementForEvent(eventArgs); })
.then(function (element) {
return element ? _this._mouseup(element, eventArgs) : null;
return ClickAutomation;
function getLineYByXCoord(startLine, endLine, x) {
if (endLine.x === startLine.x)
return 0;
var equationSlope = (endLine.y - startLine.y) / (endLine.x - startLine.x);
var equationYIntercept = startLine.x * (startLine.y - endLine.y) / (endLine.x - startLine.x) + startLine.y;
return Math.round(equationSlope * x + equationYIntercept);
function getLineXByYCoord(startLine, endLine, y) {
if (endLine.y - startLine.y === 0)
return 0;
var equationSlope = (endLine.x - startLine.x) / (endLine.y - startLine.y);
var equationXIntercept = startLine.y * (startLine.x - endLine.x) / (endLine.y - startLine.y) + startLine.x;
return Math.round(equationSlope * y + equationXIntercept);
function findIntersectionHorizontal(startLinePoint, endLinePoint, rectSide) {
var intersectionX = getLineXByYCoord(startLinePoint, endLinePoint,;
var haveIntersectionInBounds = intersectionX && intersectionX >= rectSide.left && intersectionX <= rectSide.right;
return haveIntersectionInBounds ? new AxisValues(intersectionX, : null;
function findIntersectionVertical(startLinePoint, endLinePoint, rectSide) {
var intersectionY = getLineYByXCoord(startLinePoint, endLinePoint, rectSide.left);
var haveIntersectionInBounds = intersectionY && intersectionY >= && intersectionY <= rectSide.bottom;
return haveIntersectionInBounds ? new AxisValues(rectSide.left, intersectionY) : null;
function getLineRectIntersection (startLine, endLine, rect) {
var res = [];
var rectLines = [
{ left: rect.left, top:, right: rect.left, bottom: rect.bottom, isHorizontal: false },
{ left: rect.right, top:, right: rect.right, bottom: rect.bottom, isHorizontal: false },
{ left: rect.left, top:, right: rect.right, bottom:, isHorizontal: true },
{ left: rect.left, top: rect.bottom, right: rect.right, bottom: rect.bottom, isHorizontal: true }, // bottom-side
for (var _i = 0, rectLines_1 = rectLines; _i < rectLines_1.length; _i++) {
var rectLine = rectLines_1[_i];
var intersection = rectLine.isHorizontal
? findIntersectionHorizontal(startLine, endLine, rectLine)
: findIntersectionVertical(startLine, endLine, rectLine);
if (intersection)
if (!res.length)
return null;
if (res.length === 1)
return res[0];
// NOTE: if a line and rect have two intersection points, we return the nearest to startLinePoint
return res[0].distance(startLine) < res[1].distance(startLine) ? res[0] : res[1];
var eventSimulator$5 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.eventSimulator;
var messageSandbox$2 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.message;
var positionUtils$2 = testCafeCore__default.positionUtils;
var domUtils$4 = testCafeCore__default.domUtils;
var styleUtils$3 = testCafeCore__default.styleUtils;
var MOVE_REQUEST_CMD$1 = 'automation|move|request';
var MOVE_RESPONSE_CMD$1 = 'automation|move|response';
function onMoveToIframeRequest(e) {
var iframePoint = new AxisValues(e.message.endX, e.message.endY);
var iframeWin = e.source;
var iframe = domUtils$4.findIframeByWindow(iframeWin);
var iframeBorders = styleUtils$3.getBordersWidth(iframe);
var iframePadding = styleUtils$3.getElementPadding(iframe);
var iframeRectangle = positionUtils$2.getIframeClientCoordinates(iframe);
var iframePointRelativeToParent = positionUtils$2.getIframePointRelativeToParentFrame(iframePoint, iframeWin);
var cursorPosition = cursor.getPosition();
cursor.shouldRender = e.message.shouldRender;
var intersectionPoint = positionUtils$2.isInRectangle(cursorPosition, iframeRectangle) ? cursorPosition :
getLineRectIntersection(cursorPosition, iframePointRelativeToParent, iframeRectangle);
var intersectionRelatedToIframe = {
x: intersectionPoint.x - iframeRectangle.left,
y: intersectionPoint.y -,
var moveOptions = new MoveOptions({
modifiers: e.message.modifiers,
offsetX: intersectionRelatedToIframe.x + iframeBorders.left + iframePadding.left,
offsetY: intersectionRelatedToIframe.y + +,
speed: e.message.speed,
// NOTE: we should not perform scrolling because the active window was
// already scrolled to the target element before the request (GH-847)
skipScrolling: true,
}, false);
var responseMsg = {
x: intersectionRelatedToIframe.x,
y: intersectionRelatedToIframe.y,
if (cursor.getActiveWindow(window) !== iframeWin) {
// const moveAutomation = new MoveAutomation(iframe, moveOptions);
MoveAutomation.create(iframe, moveOptions, window, cursor)
.then(function (moveAutomation) {
.then(function () {
messageSandbox$2.sendServiceMsg(responseMsg, iframeWin);
messageSandbox$2.sendServiceMsg(responseMsg, iframeWin);
function onMoveOutRequest(e) {
var parentWin = e.source;
var iframeRectangle = {
left: e.message.left,
right: e.message.right,
bottom: e.message.bottom,
if (!e.message.iframeUnderCursor) {
var _a = e.message, startX = _a.startX, startY = _a.startY;
var clientX = startX - iframeRectangle.left;
var clientY = startY -;
// NOTE: We should not emulate mouseout and mouseleave if iframe was reloaded.
var element = lastHoveredElementHolder.get();
if (element) {
eventSimulator$5.mouseout(element, { clientX: clientX, clientY: clientY, relatedTarget: null });
eventSimulator$5.mouseleave(element, { clientX: clientX, clientY: clientY, relatedTarget: null });
messageSandbox$2.sendServiceMsg({ cmd: MOVE_RESPONSE_CMD$1 }, parentWin);
var cursorPosition = cursor.getPosition();
var startPoint = AxisValues.create(iframeRectangle).add(cursorPosition);
var endPoint = new AxisValues(e.message.endX, e.message.endY);
var intersectionPoint = getLineRectIntersection(startPoint, endPoint, iframeRectangle);
// NOTE: We should not move the cursor out of the iframe if
// the cursor path does not intersect with the iframe borders.
if (!intersectionPoint) {
x: iframeRectangle.left,
}, parentWin);
var moveOptions = new MoveOptions({
modifiers: e.message.modifiers,
offsetX: intersectionPoint.x - iframeRectangle.left,
offsetY: intersectionPoint.y -,
speed: e.message.speed,
// NOTE: we should not perform scrolling because the active window was
// already scrolled to the target element before the request (GH-847)
skipScrolling: true,
}, false);
MoveAutomation.create(document.documentElement, moveOptions, window, cursor)
.then(function (moveAutomation) {
.then(function () {
var responseMsg = {
x: intersectionPoint.x,
y: intersectionPoint.y,
messageSandbox$2.sendServiceMsg(responseMsg, parentWin);
// Setup cross-iframe interaction
messageSandbox$2.on(messageSandbox$2.SERVICE_MSG_RECEIVED_EVENT, function (e) {
if (e.message.cmd === MOVE_REQUEST_CMD$1) {
if (e.source.parent === window)
else {
hammerhead__default.on(hammerhead__default.EVENTS.beforeUnload, function () { return messageSandbox$2.sendServiceMsg({ cmd: MOVE_RESPONSE_CMD$1 }, e.source); });
var Promise$6 = hammerhead__default.Promise;
var browserUtils$6 = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var featureDetection$1 = hammerhead__default.utils.featureDetection;
var eventSimulator$6 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.eventSimulator;
var focusBlurSandbox$1 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.focusBlur;
var nativeMethods$9 = hammerhead__default.nativeMethods;
var domUtils$5 = testCafeCore__default.domUtils;
var styleUtils$4 = testCafeCore__default.styleUtils;
var delay$1 = testCafeCore__default.delay;
var selectController$1 = testCafeCore__default.selectController;
var selectElementUI$1 = testCafeUI.selectElement;
var FOCUS_DELAY = featureDetection$1.isTouchDevice ? 0 : 160;
var SelectChildClickAutomation = /** @class */ (function () {
function SelectChildClickAutomation(element, clickOptions) {
this.element = element;
this.modifiers = clickOptions.modifiers;
this.caretPos = clickOptions.caretPos;
this.offsetX = clickOptions.offsetX;
this.offsetY = clickOptions.offsetY;
this.speed = clickOptions.speed;
this.automationSettings = new AutomationSettings(clickOptions.speed);
this.parentSelect = domUtils$5.getSelectParent(this.element);
this.optionListExpanded = this.parentSelect ? selectController$1.isOptionListExpanded(this.parentSelect) : false;
this.childIndex = null;
this.clickCausesChange = false;
if (this.parentSelect) {
var isOption = domUtils$5.isOptionElement(this.element);
var selectedIndex = this.parentSelect.selectedIndex;
this.childIndex = isOption ? domUtils$5.getElementIndexInParent(this.parentSelect, this.element) :
domUtils$5.getElementIndexInParent(this.parentSelect, this.element);
var parent_1 = nativeMethods$;
var parentOptGroup = domUtils$5.isOptionGroupElement(parent_1) ? parent_1 : null;
var isDisabled = this.element.disabled || parentOptGroup && parentOptGroup.disabled;
this.clickCausesChange = isOption && !isDisabled && this.childIndex !== selectedIndex;
this.eventsArgs = {
options: this.modifiers,
element: this.element,
SelectChildClickAutomation.prototype._calculateEventArguments = function () {
var childElement = this.optionListExpanded ? selectController$1.getEmulatedChildElement(this.element) : this.element;
var parentSelectSize = styleUtils$4.getSelectElementSize(this.parentSelect) > 1;
return {
options: this.modifiers,
element: browserUtils$6.isIE && parentSelectSize ? this.parentSelect : childElement,
SelectChildClickAutomation.prototype._getMoveArguments = function () {
var element = null;
var offsetX = null;
var offsetY = null;
if (this.optionListExpanded) {
element = selectController$1.getEmulatedChildElement(this.element);
var moveActionOffsets = getDefaultAutomationOffsets(element);
offsetX = moveActionOffsets.offsetX;
offsetY = moveActionOffsets.offsetY;
else {
element = document.documentElement;
var elementCenter = selectElementUI$1.getSelectChildCenter(this.element);
offsetX = elementCenter.x;
offsetY = elementCenter.y;
return { element: element, offsetX: offsetX, offsetY: offsetY, speed: this.speed };
SelectChildClickAutomation.prototype._move = function (_a) {
var _this = this;
var element = _a.element, offsetX = _a.offsetX, offsetY = _a.offsetY, speed = _a.speed;
var moveOptions = new MoveOptions({
offsetX: offsetX,
offsetY: offsetY,
speed: speed,
modifiers: this.modifiers,
}, false);
return MoveAutomation.create(element, moveOptions, window, cursor)
.then(function (moveAutomation) {
.then(function () { return delay$1(_this.automationSettings.mouseActionStepDelay); });
SelectChildClickAutomation.prototype._mousedown = function () {
var _this = this;
if (browserUtils$6.isFirefox) {
eventSimulator$6.mousedown(this.eventsArgs.element, this.eventsArgs.options);
if (this.clickCausesChange)
this.parentSelect.selectedIndex = this.childIndex;
return this._focus();
if (browserUtils$6.isIE) {
eventSimulator$6.mousedown(this.eventsArgs.element, this.eventsArgs.options);
return this._focus();
// NOTE: In Chrome, document.activeElement is 'select' after mousedown. But we need to
// raise blur and change the event for a previously active element during focus raising.
// That's why we should change the event order and raise focus before mousedown.
return this
.then(function () { return delay$1(FOCUS_DELAY); })
.then(function () {
eventSimulator$6.mousedown(_this.eventsArgs.element, _this.eventsArgs.options);
if (_this.clickCausesChange)
_this.parentSelect.selectedIndex = _this.childIndex;
SelectChildClickAutomation.prototype._focus = function () {
var _this = this;
return new Promise$6(function (resolve) {
focusBlurSandbox$1.focus(_this.parentSelect, resolve, false, true);
SelectChildClickAutomation.prototype._mouseup = function () {
var elementForMouseupEvent = browserUtils$6.isIE ? this.parentSelect : this.eventsArgs.element;
eventSimulator$6.mouseup(elementForMouseupEvent, this.eventsArgs.options);
if (browserUtils$6.isIE && this.clickCausesChange)
this.parentSelect.selectedIndex = this.childIndex;
var simulateInputEventOnValueChange = browserUtils$6.isFirefox || browserUtils$6.isSafari ||
browserUtils$6.isChrome && browserUtils$6.version >= 53;
var simulateChangeEventOnValueChange = simulateInputEventOnValueChange || browserUtils$6.isIE;
if (simulateInputEventOnValueChange && this.clickCausesChange)
if (simulateChangeEventOnValueChange && this.clickCausesChange)
return Promise$6.resolve();
SelectChildClickAutomation.prototype._click = function () {
eventSimulator$, this.eventsArgs.options);
}; = function () {
var _this = this;
if (!this.parentSelect) {
eventSimulator$, this.eventsArgs.options);
return Promise$6.resolve();
if (!this.optionListExpanded)
var moveArguments = this._getMoveArguments();
this.eventsArgs = this._calculateEventArguments();
if (styleUtils$4.getSelectElementSize(this.parentSelect) <= 1) {
return this
.then(function () { return _this._click(); });
return this
.then(function () { return _this._mousedown(); })
.then(function () { return _this._mouseup(); })
.then(function () { return _this._click(); });
return SelectChildClickAutomation;
var featureDetection$2 = hammerhead__default.utils.featureDetection;
var browserUtils$7 = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var eventSimulator$7 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.eventSimulator;
var eventUtils$2 = testCafeCore__default.eventUtils;
var delay$2 = testCafeCore__default.delay;
var FIRST_CLICK_DELAY = featureDetection$2.isTouchDevice ? 0 : 160;
var DblClickAutomation = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(DblClickAutomation, _super);
function DblClickAutomation(element, clickOptions) {
var _this =, element, clickOptions, window, cursor) || this;
_this.modifiers = clickOptions.modifiers;
_this.caretPos = clickOptions.caretPos;
_this.speed = clickOptions.speed;
_this.automationSettings = new AutomationSettings(_this.speed);
_this.offsetX = clickOptions.offsetX;
_this.offsetY = clickOptions.offsetY;
_this.eventArgs = null;
_this.eventState = {
dblClickElement: null,
return _this;
DblClickAutomation.prototype._firstClick = function (useStrictElementCheck) {
var _this = this;
// NOTE: we should always perform click with the highest speed
var clickOptions = new ClickOptions(this.options);
clickOptions.speed = 1;
var clickAutomation = new ClickAutomation(this.element, clickOptions, window, cursor);
clickAutomation.on(clickAutomation.TARGET_ELEMENT_FOUND_EVENT, function (e) { return _this.emit(_this.TARGET_ELEMENT_FOUND_EVENT, e); });
.then(function (clickEventArgs) {
return delay$2(FIRST_CLICK_DELAY).then(function () { return clickEventArgs; });
DblClickAutomation.prototype._secondClick = function (eventArgs) {
var _this = this;
//NOTE: we should not call focus after the second mousedown (except in IE) because of the native browser behavior
if (browserUtils$7.isIE)
eventUtils$2.bind(document, 'focus', eventUtils$2.preventDefault, true);
var clickOptions = new ClickOptions({
offsetX: eventArgs.screenPoint.x,
offsetY: eventArgs.screenPoint.y,
caretPos: this.caretPos,
modifiers: this.modifiers,
speed: 1,
var clickAutomation = new ClickAutomation(document.documentElement, clickOptions, window, cursor);
.then(function (clickEventArgs) {
// NOTE: We should raise the `dblclick` event on an element that
// has been actually clicked during the second click automation.
_this.eventState.dblClickElement = clickAutomation.strategy.eventState.clickElement;
if (browserUtils$7.isIE)
eventUtils$2.unbind(document, 'focus', eventUtils$2.preventDefault, true);
return clickEventArgs;
DblClickAutomation.prototype._dblClick = function (eventArgs) {
if (this.eventState.dblClickElement)
eventSimulator$7.dblclick(this.eventState.dblClickElement, eventArgs.options);
}; = function (useStrictElementCheck) {
var _this = this;
// NOTE: If the target element is out of viewport the firstClick sub-automation raises an error
return this
.then(function (eventArgs) { return _this._secondClick(eventArgs); })
.then(function (eventArgs) { return _this._dblClick(eventArgs); });
return DblClickAutomation;
var DragAndDropState = /** @class */ (function () {
function DragAndDropState() {
this.enabled = false;
this.dropAllowed = false;
this.element = null;
this.dataTransfer = null;
this.dataStore = null;
return DragAndDropState;
var nativeMethods$a = hammerhead__default.nativeMethods;
var featureDetection$3 = hammerhead__default.utils.featureDetection;
var htmlUtils$1 = hammerhead__default.utils.html;
var urlUtils = hammerhead__default.utils.url;
var DataTransfer = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.DataTransfer;
var DragDataStore = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.DragDataStore;
var eventUtils$3 = testCafeCore__default.eventUtils;
var domUtils$6 = testCafeCore__default.domUtils;
// Utils
function findDraggableElement(element) {
var parentNode = element;
while (parentNode) {
if (parentNode.draggable)
return parentNode;
parentNode = nativeMethods$;
return null;
var DragMoveAutomation = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(DragMoveAutomation, _super);
function DragMoveAutomation(element, offset, moveOptions, win, cursor) {
var _this =, element, offset, moveOptions, win, cursor) || this;
_this.dragElement = null;
_this.dragAndDropState = new DragAndDropState();
return _this;
DragMoveAutomation.create = function (el, moveOptions, win, cursor) {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var _a, element, offset;
return __generator(this, function (_b) {
switch (_b.label) {
case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, MoveAutomation.getTarget(el, win, new AxisValues(moveOptions.offsetX, moveOptions.offsetY))];
case 1:
_a = _b.sent(), element = _a.element, offset = _a.offset;
return [2 /*return*/, new DragMoveAutomation(element, offset, moveOptions, win, cursor)];
DragMoveAutomation.prototype._getCursorSpeed = function () {
return this.automationSettings.draggingSpeed;
DragMoveAutomation.prototype._getEventSequenceOptions = function (currPosition) {
var _a =, currPosition), eventOptions = _a.eventOptions, eventSequenceOptions = _a.eventSequenceOptions;
eventOptions.dataTransfer = this.dragAndDropState.dataTransfer;
eventOptions.buttons = eventUtils$3.BUTTONS_PARAMETER.leftButton;
eventSequenceOptions.holdLeftButton = true;
return { eventOptions: eventOptions, eventSequenceOptions: eventSequenceOptions };
DragMoveAutomation.prototype._getCorrectedTopElement = function (topElement) {
return this.touchMode ? this.dragElement : topElement;
DragMoveAutomation.prototype._runEventSequence = function (currentElement, _a) {
var eventOptions = _a.eventOptions, eventSequenceOptions = _a.eventSequenceOptions;
var eventSequence = createEventSequence(this.dragAndDropState.enabled, this.firstMovingStepOccured, eventSequenceOptions);
var _b =, lastHoveredElementHolder.get(), eventOptions, this.dragElement, this.dragAndDropState.dataStore), dragAndDropMode = _b.dragAndDropMode, dropAllowed = _b.dropAllowed;
this.dragAndDropState.enabled = dragAndDropMode;
this.dragAndDropState.dropAllowed = dropAllowed;
DragMoveAutomation.prototype._needMoveCursorImmediately = function () {
return false;
}; = function () {
var _this = this;
return getElementFromPoint$2(this.cursor.getPosition())
.then(function (topElement) {
_this.dragElement = topElement;
var draggable = findDraggableElement(_this.dragElement);
// NOTE: we should skip simulating drag&drop's native behavior if the mousedown event was prevented (GH - 2529)
if (draggable && featureDetection$3.hasDataTransfer && !_this.skipDefaultDragBehavior) {
_this.dragAndDropState.enabled = true;
_this.dragElement = draggable;
_this.dragAndDropState.element = _this.dragElement;
_this.dragAndDropState.dataStore = new DragDataStore();
_this.dragAndDropState.dataTransfer = new DataTransfer(_this.dragAndDropState.dataStore);
var isLink = domUtils$6.isAnchorElement(_this.dragElement);
if (isLink || domUtils$6.isImgElement(_this.dragElement)) {
var srcAttr = isLink ? 'href' : 'src';
var parsedUrl = urlUtils.parseProxyUrl(_this.dragElement[srcAttr]);
var src = parsedUrl ? parsedUrl.destUrl : _this.dragElement[srcAttr];
var outerHTML = htmlUtils$1.cleanUpHtml(nativeMethods$;
_this.dragAndDropState.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', src);
_this.dragAndDropState.dataTransfer.setData('text/uri-list', src);
_this.dragAndDropState.dataTransfer.setData('text/html', outerHTML);
.then(function () { return _this.dragAndDropState; });
return DragMoveAutomation;
var Promise$7 = hammerhead__default.Promise;
var extend$1 = hammerhead__default.utils.extend;
var featureDetection$4 = hammerhead__default.utils.featureDetection;
var eventSimulator$8 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.eventSimulator;
var focusBlurSandbox$2 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.focusBlur;
var DragAutomationBase = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(DragAutomationBase, _super);
function DragAutomationBase(element, mouseOptions) {
var _this =, element, mouseOptions, window, cursor) || this;
_this.modifiers = mouseOptions.modifiers;
_this.speed = mouseOptions.speed;
_this.offsetX = mouseOptions.offsetX;
_this.offsetY = mouseOptions.offsetY;
_this.endPoint = null;
_this.simulateDefaultBehavior = true;
_this.downEvent = featureDetection$4.isTouchDevice ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown';
_this.upEvent = featureDetection$4.isTouchDevice ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup';
_this.dragAndDropState = null;
return _this;
DragAutomationBase.prototype._getEndPoint = function () {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
DragAutomationBase.prototype._mousedown = function (eventArgs) {
var _this = this;
return cursor
.then(function () {
_this.simulateDefaultBehavior = eventSimulator$8[_this.downEvent](eventArgs.element, eventArgs.options);
return _this._focus(eventArgs);
DragAutomationBase.prototype._focus = function (eventArgs) {
var _this = this;
return new Promise$7(function (resolve) {
// NOTE: If the target element is a child of a contentEditable element, we need to call focus for its parent
var elementForFocus = testCafeCore.domUtils.isContentEditableElement(_this.element) ?
testCafeCore.contentEditable.findContentEditableParent(_this.element) : eventArgs.element;
focusBlurSandbox$2.focus(elementForFocus, resolve, false, true);
DragAutomationBase.prototype._getDestination = function () {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
DragAutomationBase.prototype._drag = function () {
var _this = this;
return this._getDestination()
.then(function (_a) {
var element = _a.element, offsets = _a.offsets, endPoint = _a.endPoint;
_this.endPoint = endPoint;
var dragOptions = new MoveOptions({
offsetX: offsets.offsetX,
offsetY: offsets.offsetY,
modifiers: _this.modifiers,
speed: _this.speed,
minMovingTime: MIN_MOVING_TIME,
skipDefaultDragBehavior: _this.simulateDefaultBehavior === false,
}, false);
return DragMoveAutomation.create(element, dragOptions, window, cursor);
.then(function (moveAutomation) {
.then(function (dragAndDropState) {
_this.dragAndDropState = dragAndDropState;
return testCafeCore.delay(_this.automationSettings.mouseActionStepDelay);
DragAutomationBase.prototype._mouseup = function () {
var _this = this;
return cursor
.then(function () {
var point = testCafeCore.positionUtils.offsetToClientCoords(_this.endPoint);
var topElement = null;
var options = extend$1({
clientX: point.x,
clientY: point.y,
}, _this.modifiers);
return getElementFromPoint$2(point)
.then(function (element) {
topElement = element;
if (!topElement)
return topElement;
if (_this.dragAndDropState.enabled) {
options.dataTransfer = _this.dragAndDropState.dataTransfer;
if (_this.dragAndDropState.dropAllowed)
eventSimulator$8.drop(topElement, options);
eventSimulator$8.dragend(_this.dragAndDropState.element, options);
eventSimulator$8[_this.upEvent](topElement, options);
return getElementFromPoint$2(point);
.then(function (element) {
if (topElement && element === topElement && !_this.dragAndDropState.enabled)
eventSimulator$, options);
}; = function (useStrictElementCheck) {
var _this = this;
var eventArgs = null;
return this
.then(function (_a) {
var element = _a.element, clientPoint = _a.clientPoint;
eventArgs = {
point: clientPoint,
element: element,
options: extend$1({
clientX: clientPoint.x,
clientY: clientPoint.y,
}, _this.modifiers),
// NOTE: we should raise start drag with 'mouseActionStepDelay' after we trigger
// mousedown event regardless of how long mousedown event handlers were executing
return Promise$7.all([testCafeCore.delay(_this.automationSettings.mouseActionStepDelay), _this._mousedown(eventArgs)]);
.then(function () { return _this._drag(); })
.then(function () { return _this._mouseup(); });
return DragAutomationBase;
var styleUtils$5 = testCafeCore__default.styleUtils;
var DragToOffsetAutomation = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(DragToOffsetAutomation, _super);
function DragToOffsetAutomation(element, offsetX, offsetY, mouseOptions) {
var _this =, element, mouseOptions) || this;
_this.dragOffsetX = offsetX;
_this.dragOffsetY = offsetY;
return _this;
DragToOffsetAutomation.prototype._getDestination = function () {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var startPoint, maxX, maxY, endPoint, element, offsets;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
switch (_a.label) {
case 0: return [4 /*yield*/, getAutomationPoint(this.element, { x: this.offsetX, y: this.offsetY })];
case 1:
startPoint = _a.sent();
maxX = styleUtils$5.getWidth(document);
maxY = styleUtils$5.getHeight(document);
endPoint = {
x: startPoint.x + this.dragOffsetX,
y: startPoint.y + this.dragOffsetY,
endPoint = {
x: Math.min(Math.max(0, endPoint.x), maxX),
y: Math.min(Math.max(0, endPoint.y), maxY),
element = document.documentElement;
offsets = {
offsetX: endPoint.x,
offsetY: endPoint.y,
return [2 /*return*/, { element: element, offsets: offsets, endPoint: endPoint }];
return DragToOffsetAutomation;
var positionUtils$3 = testCafeCore__default.positionUtils;
var DragToElementAutomation = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(DragToElementAutomation, _super);
function DragToElementAutomation(element, destinationElement, dragToElementOptions) {
var _this =, element, dragToElementOptions) || this;
_this.destinationElement = destinationElement;
_this.destinationOffsetX = dragToElementOptions.destinationOffsetX;
_this.destinationOffsetY = dragToElementOptions.destinationOffsetY;
return _this;
DragToElementAutomation.prototype._getDestination = function () {
return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
var element, elementRect, offsets, endPoint;
return __generator(this, function (_a) {
element = this.destinationElement;
elementRect = positionUtils$3.getElementRectangle(element);
offsets = getOffsetOptions(element, this.destinationOffsetX, this.destinationOffsetY);
endPoint = {
x: elementRect.left + offsets.offsetX,
y: + offsets.offsetY,
return [2 /*return*/, { element: element, offsets: offsets, endPoint: endPoint }];
return DragToElementAutomation;
var HoverAutomation = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(HoverAutomation, _super);
function HoverAutomation(element, hoverOptions) {
return, element, hoverOptions, window, cursor) || this;
} = function (useStrictElementCheck) {
return this._ensureElement(useStrictElementCheck, true);
return HoverAutomation;
var browserUtils$8 = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var eventSandbox = hammerhead__default.sandbox.event;
var eventSimulator$9 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.eventSimulator;
var listeners$4 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.listeners;
var nativeMethods$b = hammerhead__default.nativeMethods;
var domUtils$7 = testCafeCore__default.domUtils;
var contentEditable$1 = testCafeCore__default.contentEditable;
var textSelection$1 = testCafeCore__default.textSelection;
var WHITE_SPACES_RE = / /g;
function _getSelectionInElement(element) {
var currentSelection = textSelection$1.getSelectionByElement(element);
var isInverseSelection = textSelection$1.hasInverseSelectionContentEditable(element);
if (textSelection$1.hasElementContainsSelection(element))
return contentEditable$1.getSelection(element, currentSelection, isInverseSelection);
// NOTE: if we type text to an element that doesn't contain selection we
// assume the selectionStart and selectionEnd positions are null in this
// element. So we calculate the necessary start and end nodes and offsets
return {
startPos: contentEditable$1.calculateNodeAndOffsetByPosition(element, 0),
endPos: contentEditable$1.calculateNodeAndOffsetByPosition(element, 0),
function _updateSelectionAfterDeletionContent(element, selection) {
var startNode = selection.startPos.node;
var startParent = nativeMethods$;
var hasStartParent = startParent && startNode.parentElement;
var browserRequiresSelectionUpdating = browserUtils$8.isChrome && browserUtils$8.version < 58 || browserUtils$8.isSafari;
if (browserRequiresSelectionUpdating || !hasStartParent || !domUtils$7.isElementContainsNode(element, startNode)) {
selection = _getSelectionInElement(element);
if (textSelection$1.hasInverseSelectionContentEditable(element)) {
selection = {
startPos: selection.endPos,
endPos: selection.startPos,
selection.endPos.offset = selection.startPos.offset;
return selection;
function _typeTextInElementNode(elementNode, text, offset) {
var nodeForTyping = document.createTextNode(text);
var textLength = text.length;
var selectPosition = { node: nodeForTyping, offset: textLength };
var parent = nativeMethods$;
if (domUtils$7.getTagName(elementNode) === 'br')
parent.insertBefore(nodeForTyping, elementNode);
else if (offset > 0) {
var childNodes = nativeMethods$;
elementNode.insertBefore(nodeForTyping, childNodes[offset]);
textSelection$1.selectByNodesAndOffsets(selectPosition, selectPosition);
function _typeTextInChildTextNode(element, selection, text) {
var startNode = selection.startPos.node;
// NOTE: startNode could be moved or deleted on textInput event. Need ensure startNode.
if (!domUtils$7.isElementContainsNode(element, startNode)) {
selection = _excludeInvisibleSymbolsFromSelection(_getSelectionInElement(element));
startNode = selection.startPos.node;
var startOffset = selection.startPos.offset;
var endOffset = selection.endPos.offset;
var nodeValue = startNode.nodeValue;
var selectPosition = { node: startNode, offset: startOffset + text.length };
startNode.nodeValue = nodeValue.substring(0, startOffset) + text +
nodeValue.substring(endOffset, nodeValue.length);
textSelection$1.selectByNodesAndOffsets(selectPosition, selectPosition);
function _excludeInvisibleSymbolsFromSelection(selection) {
var startNode = selection.startPos.node;
var startOffset = selection.startPos.offset;
var endOffset = selection.endPos.offset;
var firstNonWhitespaceSymbolIndex = contentEditable$1.getFirstNonWhitespaceSymbolIndex(startNode.nodeValue);
var lastNonWhitespaceSymbolIndex = contentEditable$1.getLastNonWhitespaceSymbolIndex(startNode.nodeValue);
if (startOffset < firstNonWhitespaceSymbolIndex && startOffset !== 0) {
selection.startPos.offset = firstNonWhitespaceSymbolIndex;
selection.endPos.offset = endOffset + firstNonWhitespaceSymbolIndex - startOffset;
else if (endOffset > lastNonWhitespaceSymbolIndex && endOffset !== startNode.nodeValue.length) {
selection.startPos.offset = startNode.nodeValue.length;
selection.endPos.offset = endOffset + startNode.nodeValue.length - startOffset;
return selection;
// NOTE:
// The `beforeInput` event is supported only in Chrome-based browsers and Safari
// The order of events differs in Chrome and Safari:
// In Chrome: `beforeinput` occurs before `textInput`
// In Safari: `beforeinput` occurs after `textInput`
function simulateBeforeInput(element, text, needSimulate) {
if (needSimulate)
return eventSimulator$9.beforeInput(element, text);
return true;
// NOTE: Typing can be prevented in Chrome/Edge but can not be prevented in IE11 or Firefox
// Firefox does not support TextInput event
// Safari supports the TextInput event but has a bug: is added to the node value.
// So in Safari we need to call preventDefault in the last textInput handler but not prevent the Input event
function simulateTextInput(element, text) {
var forceInputInSafari;
function onSafariTextInput(e) {
forceInputInSafari = true;
function onSafariPreventTextInput(e) {
if (e.type === 'textInput')
forceInputInSafari = false;
if (browserUtils$8.isSafari) {
listeners$4.addInternalEventBeforeListener(window, ['textInput'], onSafariTextInput);
eventSandbox.on(eventSandbox.EVENT_PREVENTED_EVENT, onSafariPreventTextInput);
var isInputEventRequired = browserUtils$8.isFirefox || eventSimulator$9.textInput(element, text) || forceInputInSafari;
if (browserUtils$8.isSafari) {
listeners$4.removeInternalEventBeforeListener(window, ['textInput'], onSafariTextInput);, onSafariPreventTextInput);
return isInputEventRequired || browserUtils$8.isIE11;
function _typeTextToContentEditable(element, text) {
var currentSelection = _getSelectionInElement(element);
var startNode = currentSelection.startPos.node;
var endNode = currentSelection.endPos.node;
var needProcessInput = true;
var needRaiseInputEvent = true;
var textInputData = text;
text = text.replace(WHITE_SPACES_RE, String.fromCharCode(160));
// NOTE: some browsers raise the 'input' event after the element
// content is changed, but in others we should do it manually.
var onInput = function () {
needRaiseInputEvent = false;
// NOTE: IE11 raises the 'textinput' event many times after the element changed.
// The 'textinput' should be called only once
function onTextInput(event, dispatched, preventEvent) {
// NOTE: IE11 does not raise input event when type to contenteditable
var beforeContentChanged = function () {
needProcessInput = simulateTextInput(element, textInputData);
needRaiseInputEvent = needProcessInput && !browserUtils$8.isIE11;
listeners$4.addInternalEventBeforeListener(window, ['input'], onInput);
listeners$4.addInternalEventBeforeListener(window, ['textinput'], onTextInput);
var afterContentChanged = function () {
.then(function () {
if (needRaiseInputEvent)
eventSimulator$9.input(element, text);
listeners$4.removeInternalEventBeforeListener(window, ['input'], onInput);
listeners$4.removeInternalEventBeforeListener(window, ['textinput'], onTextInput);
if (!startNode || !endNode || !domUtils$7.isContentEditableElement(startNode) ||
if (!domUtils$7.isTheSameNode(startNode, endNode)) {
// NOTE: after deleting the selection contents we should refresh the stored startNode because
// contentEditable element's content could change and we can no longer find parent elements
// of the nodes. In MSEdge, 'parentElement' for the deleted element isn't undefined
currentSelection = _updateSelectionAfterDeletionContent(element, currentSelection);
startNode = currentSelection.startPos.node;
if (!startNode || !domUtils$7.isContentEditableElement(startNode) || !domUtils$7.isRenderedNode(startNode))
if (!simulateBeforeInput(element, text, browserUtils$8.isChrome || browserUtils$8.isFirefox))
if (needProcessInput)
needProcessInput = simulateBeforeInput(element, text, browserUtils$8.isSafari);
if (needProcessInput) {
// NOTE: we can type only to the text nodes; for nodes with the 'element-node' type, we use a special behavior
if (domUtils$7.isElementNode(startNode))
_typeTextInElementNode(startNode, text);
_typeTextInChildTextNode(element, _excludeInvisibleSymbolsFromSelection(currentSelection), text);
function _typeTextToTextEditable(element, text) {
var elementValue = domUtils$7.getElementValue(element);
var textLength = text.length;
var startSelection = textSelection$1.getSelectionStart(element);
var endSelection = textSelection$1.getSelectionEnd(element);
var isInputTypeNumber = domUtils$7.isInputElement(element) && element.type === 'number';
if (!simulateBeforeInput(element, text, browserUtils$8.isChrome || browserUtils$8.isFirefox))
var needProcessInput = simulateTextInput(element, text);
if (needProcessInput)
needProcessInput = simulateBeforeInput(element, text, browserUtils$8.isSafari);
if (!needProcessInput)
// NOTE: the 'maxlength' attribute doesn't work in all browsers. IE still doesn't support input with the 'number' type
var elementMaxLength = !browserUtils$8.isIE && isInputTypeNumber ? null : parseInt(element.maxLength, 10);
if (elementMaxLength < 0)
elementMaxLength = browserUtils$8.isIE && browserUtils$8.version < 17 ? 0 : null;
var newElementValue = elementValue.substring(0, startSelection) + text + elementValue.substring(endSelection, elementValue.length);
if (elementMaxLength === null || isNaN(elementMaxLength) || elementMaxLength >= newElementValue.length) {
// NOTE: B254013
if (isInputTypeNumber && browserUtils$8.isIOS && elementValue[elementValue.length - 1] === '.') {
startSelection += 1;
endSelection += 1;
domUtils$7.setElementValue(element, newElementValue);
textSelection$, startSelection + textLength, startSelection + textLength);
// NOTE: We should simulate the 'input' event after typing a char (B253410, T138385)
eventSimulator$9.input(element, text);
function _typeTextToNonTextEditable(element, text, caretPos) {
if (caretPos !== null) {
var elementValue = domUtils$7.getElementValue(element);
domUtils$7.setElementValue(element, elementValue.substr(0, caretPos) + text + elementValue.substr(caretPos + text.length));
domUtils$7.setElementValue(element, text);
eventSimulator$9.input(element, text);
function typeText (element, text, caretPos) {
if (domUtils$7.isContentEditableElement(element))
_typeTextToContentEditable(element, text);
if (!domUtils$7.isElementReadOnly(element)) {
if (domUtils$7.isTextEditableElement(element))
_typeTextToTextEditable(element, text);
else if (domUtils$7.isInputElement(element))
_typeTextToNonTextEditable(element, text, caretPos);
function isLetterKey (key) {
return key.length === 1 && (key >= 'a' && key <= 'z' || key >= 'A' && key <= 'Z');
var nativeMethods$c = hammerhead__default.nativeMethods;
var browserUtils$9 = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var focusBlurSandbox$3 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.focusBlur;
var Promise$8 = hammerhead__default.Promise;
var isRadioButtonElement$1 = testCafeCore.domUtils.isRadioButtonElement, getActiveElement$1 = testCafeCore.domUtils.getActiveElement, getTabIndexAttributeIntValue = testCafeCore.domUtils.getTabIndexAttributeIntValue;
function changeLetterCase(letter) {
var isLowCase = letter === letter.toLowerCase();
return isLowCase ? letter.toUpperCase() : letter.toLowerCase();
function getActualKeysAndEventKeyProperties(keyArray) {
var eventKeyProperties = keyArray.slice();
//NOTE: check 'shift' modifier in keys
for (var i = 0; i < keyArray.length; i++) {
var key = keyArray[i];
if (key.toLowerCase() === 'shift') {
var nextKey = keyArray[i + 1];
if (!nextKey)
if (testCafeCore.KEY_MAPS.shiftMap[nextKey])
keyArray[i + 1] = testCafeCore.KEY_MAPS.shiftMap[nextKey];
else if (testCafeCore.KEY_MAPS.reversedShiftMap[nextKey])
eventKeyProperties[i + 1] = testCafeCore.KEY_MAPS.reversedShiftMap[nextKey];
if (testCafeCore.KEY_MAPS.shiftMap[key] && (!keyArray[i - 1] || keyArray[i - 1].toLowerCase() !== 'shift')) {
keyArray[i] = testCafeCore.KEY_MAPS.shiftMap[key];
keyArray.splice(i, 0, 'shift');
eventKeyProperties.splice(i, 0, 'shift');
return { actualKeys: keyArray, eventKeyProperties: eventKeyProperties };
function getChar(key, shiftModified) {
if (key === 'space')
return ' ';
if (shiftModified) {
if (isLetterKey(key))
return changeLetterCase(key);
if (testCafeCore.KEY_MAPS.reversedShiftMap[key])
return testCafeCore.KEY_MAPS.reversedShiftMap[key];
return key;
function getDeepActiveElement(currentDocument) {
var doc = currentDocument || document;
var activeElement = getActiveElement$1(doc);
var activeElementInIframe = null;
if (activeElement && testCafeCore.domUtils.isIframeElement(activeElement) &&
nativeMethods$ {
try {
activeElementInIframe = getDeepActiveElement(nativeMethods$;
catch (e) { // eslint-disable-line no-empty
return activeElementInIframe || activeElement;
function focusNextElement(element, reverse, skipRadioGroups) {
return new Promise$8(function (resolve) {
var nextElement = getNextFocusableElement(element, reverse, skipRadioGroups);
if (nextElement)
focusBlurSandbox$3.focus(nextElement, function () { return resolve(nextElement); });
function getFocusableElementsFilter(sourceElement, skipRadioGroups) {
var filter = null;
if (skipRadioGroups) {
// NOTE: in all browsers except Mozilla and Opera focus sets on one radio set from group only.
// in Mozilla and Opera focus sets on any radio set.
if ( !== '' && !browserUtils$9.isFirefox)
filter = function (item) { return ! || item === sourceElement || !==; };
// NOTE arrow navigations works with radio buttons in all browsers only between radio buttons with same names
// Navigation between radio buttons without name just moves focus between radio buttons in Chrome
// In other browsers navigation between radio buttons without name does not work
else if ( !== '')
filter = function (item) { return isRadioButtonElement$1(item) && ===; };
else if (browserUtils$9.isChrome)
filter = function (item) { return isRadioButtonElement$1(item) && !; };
return filter;
function filterFocusableElements(elements, sourceElement, skipRadioGroups) {
if (!isRadioButtonElement$1(sourceElement))
return elements;
if (!skipRadioGroups && ! && !browserUtils$9.isChrome)
return [sourceElement];
var filterFn = getFocusableElementsFilter(sourceElement, skipRadioGroups);
if (filterFn)
elements = testCafeCore.arrayUtils.filter(elements, filterFn);
return elements;
function correctFocusableElement(elements, element, skipRadioGroups) {
var isNotCheckedRadioButtonElement = isRadioButtonElement$1(element) && && !element.checked;
var checkedRadioButtonElementWithSameName = null;
if (skipRadioGroups && isNotCheckedRadioButtonElement) {
checkedRadioButtonElementWithSameName = testCafeCore.arrayUtils.find(elements, function (el) {
return isRadioButtonElement$1(el) && === && el.checked;
return checkedRadioButtonElementWithSameName || element;
function activeElementHasNegativeTabIndex(doc) {
var activeElement = nativeMethods$;
var activeElementTabIndex = activeElement && getTabIndexAttributeIntValue(activeElement);
return activeElement && activeElementTabIndex < 0;
function getNextFocusableElement(element, reverse, skipRadioGroups) {
var offset = reverse ? -1 : 1;
var doc = testCafeCore.domUtils.getTopSameDomainWindow(window).document;
var sort = !activeElementHasNegativeTabIndex(doc);
var allFocusable = testCafeCore.domUtils.getFocusableElements(doc, sort);
allFocusable = filterFocusableElements(allFocusable, element, skipRadioGroups);
var isRadioInput = isRadioButtonElement$1(element);
var currentIndex = testCafeCore.arrayUtils.indexOf(allFocusable, element);
var isLastElementFocused = reverse ? currentIndex === 0 : currentIndex === allFocusable.length - 1;
if (isLastElementFocused) {
if (!reverse && element.tabIndex < 0)
return testCafeCore.arrayUtils.find(allFocusable, function (el) { return el.tabIndex === 0; });
return skipRadioGroups || !isRadioInput ? document.body : allFocusable[allFocusable.length - 1 - currentIndex];
if (reverse && currentIndex === -1)
return allFocusable[allFocusable.length - 1];
return correctFocusableElement(allFocusable, allFocusable[currentIndex + offset], skipRadioGroups);
function getKeyCode (char) {
if (isLetterKey(char))
return char.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);
var res = testCafeCore.KEY_MAPS.shiftMap[char] ? testCafeCore.KEY_MAPS.shiftMap[char].charCodeAt(0) : char.charCodeAt(0);
return testCafeCore.KEY_MAPS.symbolCharCodeToKeyCode[res] || res;
capslock: 'CapsLock',
delete: 'U+007F',
end: 'End',
enter: 'Enter',
esc: 'U+001B',
home: 'Home',
ins: 'Insert',
pagedown: 'PageDown',
pageup: 'PageUp',
space: 'U+0020',
tab: 'Tab',
alt: 'Alt',
ctrl: 'Control',
meta: 'Meta',
shift: 'Shift',
a: 'U+0041',
b: 'U+0042',
c: 'U+0043',
d: 'U+0044',
e: 'U+0045',
f: 'U+0046',
g: 'U+0047',
h: 'U+0048',
i: 'U+0049',
j: 'U+004A',
k: 'U+004B',
l: 'U+004C',
m: 'U+004D',
n: 'U+004E',
o: 'U+004F',
p: 'U+0050',
q: 'U+0051',
r: 'U+0052',
s: 'U+0053',
t: 'U+0054',
u: 'U+0055',
v: 'U+0056',
w: 'U+0057',
x: 'U+0058',
y: 'U+0059',
z: 'U+005A',
'0': 'U+0030',
'1': 'U+0031',
'2': 'U+0032',
'3': 'U+0033',
'4': 'U+0034',
'5': 'U+0035',
'6': 'U+0036',
'7': 'U+0037',
'8': 'U+0038',
'9': 'U+0039',
' ': 'U+0020',
'!': 'U+0021',
'@': 'U+0040',
'#': 'U+0023',
'$': 'U+0024',
'%': 'U+0025',
'^': 'U+005E',
'*': 'U+002A',
'(': 'U+0028',
')': 'U+0029',
'_': 'U+005F',
'|': 'U+007C',
'\\': 'U+005C',
'/': 'U+002F',
'?': 'U+003F',
'.': 'U+002E',
',': 'U+002C',
'<': 'U+003C',
'>': 'U+003E',
'[': 'U+005B',
']': 'U+005D',
'{': 'U+007B',
'}': 'U+007D',
'§': 'U+00A7',
'±': 'U+00B1',
'\'': 'U+0027',
'"': 'U+0022',
':': 'U+003A',
';': 'U+003B',
'`': 'U+0060',
'~': 'U+007E',
function getKeyIdentifier(char) {
if (isLetterKey(char))
return KEY_IDENTIFIER_MAPS.LETTERS[char.toLowerCase()];
function getKeyProperties(isKeyPressEvent, key, keyIdentifier) {
var properties = {};
if ('keyIdentifier' in KeyboardEvent.prototype)
properties.keyIdentifier = isKeyPressEvent ? '' : keyIdentifier;
if ('key' in KeyboardEvent.prototype)
properties.key = key;
return properties;
var browserUtils$a = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var extend$2 = hammerhead__default.utils.extend;
var eventSimulator$a = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.eventSimulator;
var KeyPressSimulator = /** @class */ (function () {
function KeyPressSimulator(key, eventKeyProperty) {
this.isLetter = isLetterKey(key);
this.isChar = key.length === 1 || key === 'space';
this.sanitizedKey = testCafeCore.getSanitizedKey(key);
this.modifierKeyCode = testCafeCore.KEY_MAPS.modifiers[this.sanitizedKey];
this.specialKeyCode = testCafeCore.KEY_MAPS.specialKeys[this.sanitizedKey];
this.keyCode = null;
this.keyIdentifierProperty = getKeyIdentifier(eventKeyProperty);
this.topSameDomainDocument = testCafeCore.domUtils.getTopSameDomainWindow(window).document;
this.keyProperty = testCafeCore.KEY_MAPS.keyProperty[eventKeyProperty] || eventKeyProperty;
if (this.isChar && key !== 'space')
this.keyCode = getKeyCode(this.sanitizedKey);
else if (this.modifierKeyCode)
this.keyCode = this.modifierKeyCode;
else if (this.specialKeyCode)
this.keyCode = this.specialKeyCode;
this.storedActiveElement = null;
KeyPressSimulator._isKeyActivatedInputElement = function (el) {
return testCafeCore.domUtils.isInputElement(el) && /button|submit|reset|radio|checkbox/.test(el.type);
KeyPressSimulator.prototype._type = function (element, char) {
var elementChanged = element !== this.storedActiveElement;
var shouldType = !elementChanged;
var elementForTyping = element;
var isActiveElementEditable = testCafeCore.domUtils.isEditableElement(element);
var isStoredElementEditable = testCafeCore.domUtils.isEditableElement(this.storedActiveElement);
// Unnecessary typing happens if an element was changed after the keydown/keypress event (T210448)
// In IE, this error may occur when we try to determine if the removed element is in an iframe
try {
if (elementChanged) {
var isActiveElementInIframe = testCafeCore.domUtils.isElementInIframe(element);
var isStoredElementInIframe = testCafeCore.domUtils.isElementInIframe(this.storedActiveElement);
var shouldTypeInWebKit = isActiveElementInIframe === isStoredElementInIframe || isStoredElementEditable;
shouldType = (!browserUtils$a.isFirefox || isStoredElementEditable) &&
(!browserUtils$a.isWebKit || shouldTypeInWebKit);
/*eslint-disable no-empty */
catch (err) {
/*eslint-disable no-empty */
if (shouldType) {
if (!browserUtils$a.isIE && elementChanged && isStoredElementEditable && isActiveElementEditable)
elementForTyping = this.storedActiveElement;
typeText(elementForTyping, char);
KeyPressSimulator.prototype._addKeyPropertyToEventOptions = function (eventOptions) {
extend$2(eventOptions, getKeyProperties(eventOptions.type === 'keypress', this.keyProperty, this.keyIdentifierProperty));
return eventOptions;
KeyPressSimulator.prototype.down = function (modifiersState) {
this.storedActiveElement = getDeepActiveElement(this.topSameDomainDocument);
if (this.modifierKeyCode)
modifiersState[this.sanitizedKey] = true;
if (modifiersState.shift && this.isLetter)
this.keyProperty = changeLetterCase(this.keyProperty);
var eventOptions = { keyCode: this.keyCode, type: 'keydown' };
return eventSimulator$a.keydown(this.storedActiveElement, extend$2(eventOptions, modifiersState));
}; = function (modifiersState) {
if (!(this.isChar || this.specialKeyCode))
return true;
var activeElement = getDeepActiveElement(this.topSameDomainDocument);
var character = this.isChar ? getChar(this.sanitizedKey, modifiersState.shift) : null;
var charCode = this.specialKeyCode || character.charCodeAt(0);
var elementChanged = activeElement !== this.storedActiveElement;
if (browserUtils$a.isWebKit && elementChanged) {
var isActiveElementInIframe = testCafeCore.domUtils.isElementInIframe(activeElement);
var isStoredElementInIframe = testCafeCore.domUtils.isElementInIframe(this.storedActiveElement);
if (isActiveElementInIframe !== isStoredElementInIframe)
return true;
this.storedActiveElement = activeElement;
var eventOptions = { keyCode: charCode, charCode: charCode, type: 'keypress' };
var raiseDefault = browserUtils$a.isAndroid || eventSimulator$a.keypress(activeElement, extend$2(eventOptions, modifiersState));
if (!raiseDefault)
return raiseDefault;
activeElement = getDeepActiveElement(this.topSameDomainDocument);
if (character && !(modifiersState.ctrl || modifiersState.alt))
this._type(activeElement, character);
var isKeyActivatedInput = KeyPressSimulator._isKeyActivatedInputElement(activeElement);
var isButton = testCafeCore.domUtils.isButtonElement(activeElement);
var isSafariWithAutoRaisedClick = browserUtils$a.isSafari &&
browserUtils$a.compareVersions([browserUtils$a.webkitVersion, '603.1.30']) >= 0;
var raiseClickOnEnter = !isSafariWithAutoRaisedClick && (isKeyActivatedInput || isButton);
if (raiseClickOnEnter && this.sanitizedKey === 'enter');
return raiseDefault;
KeyPressSimulator.prototype.up = function (modifiersState) {
if (this.modifierKeyCode)
modifiersState[this.sanitizedKey] = false;
var eventOptions = { keyCode: this.keyCode, type: 'keyup' };
var raiseDefault = eventSimulator$a.keyup(getDeepActiveElement(this.topSameDomainDocument), extend$2(eventOptions, modifiersState));
var activeElement = getDeepActiveElement(this.topSameDomainDocument);
// NOTE: in some browsers we should emulate click on active input element while pressing "space" key
var emulateClick = !browserUtils$a.isFirefox && !browserUtils$a.isSafari &&
(!browserUtils$a.isChrome || browserUtils$a.version >= 53);
if (emulateClick && raiseDefault && this.sanitizedKey === 'space' &&
return raiseDefault;
Object.defineProperty(KeyPressSimulator.prototype, "key", {
get: function () {
return this.sanitizedKey;
enumerable: false,
configurable: true
return KeyPressSimulator;
ctrlA: 'ctrl+a',
backspace: 'backspace',
delete: 'delete',
left: 'left',
right: 'right',
up: 'up',
down: 'down',
shiftLeft: 'shift+left',
shiftRight: 'shift+right',
shiftUp: 'shift+up',
shiftDown: 'shift+down',
shiftHome: 'shift+home',
shiftEnd: 'shift+end',
home: 'home',
end: 'end',
enter: 'enter',
tab: 'tab',
shiftTab: 'shift+tab',
esc: 'esc',
var _a;
var Promise$9 = hammerhead__default.Promise;
var browserUtils$b = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var eventSimulator$b = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.eventSimulator;
var elementEditingWatcher = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.elementEditingWatcher;
var textSelection$2 = testCafeCore__default.textSelection;
var eventUtils$4 = testCafeCore__default.eventUtils;
var domUtils$8 = testCafeCore__default.domUtils;
var selectElement = testCafeUI.selectElement;
var currentTextarea = null;
var currentTextareaCursorIndent = null;
function onTextAreaBlur() {
currentTextarea = null;
currentTextareaCursorIndent = null;
eventUtils$4.unbind(this, 'blur', onTextAreaBlur, true);
function updateTextAreaIndent(element) {
if (domUtils$8.isTextAreaElement(element)) {
if (currentTextarea !== element) {
eventUtils$4.bind(element, 'blur', onTextAreaBlur, true);
currentTextarea = element;
currentTextareaCursorIndent = getLineIndentInTextarea(element);
function getLineIndentInTextarea(textarea) {
var inverseSelection = textSelection$2.hasInverseSelection(textarea);
var textareaValue = domUtils$8.getTextAreaValue(textarea);
var cursorPosition = inverseSelection ?
textSelection$2.getSelectionStart(textarea) :
if (!textareaValue || !cursorPosition)
return 0;
return domUtils$8.getTextareaIndentInLine(textarea, cursorPosition);
function moveTextAreaCursorUp(element, withSelection) {
var textareaValue = domUtils$8.getTextAreaValue(element);
if (!textareaValue)
var startPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionStart(element);
var endPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionEnd(element);
var hasInverseSelection = textSelection$2.hasInverseSelection(element);
var partBeforeCursor = textareaValue.substring(0, hasInverseSelection ? startPos : endPos);
var lastLineBreakIndex = partBeforeCursor.lastIndexOf('\n');
var partBeforeLastLineBreak = partBeforeCursor.substring(0, lastLineBreakIndex);
if (currentTextareaCursorIndent === null || currentTextarea !== element)
lastLineBreakIndex = partBeforeLastLineBreak.lastIndexOf('\n');
var newPosition = Math.min(lastLineBreakIndex + 1 + currentTextareaCursorIndent, partBeforeLastLineBreak.length);
moveTextAreaCursor(element, startPos, endPos, hasInverseSelection, newPosition, withSelection);
function moveTextAreaCursorDown(element, withSelection) {
var textareaValue = domUtils$8.getTextAreaValue(element);
if (!textareaValue)
var startPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionStart(element);
var endPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionEnd(element);
var hasInverseSelection = textSelection$2.hasInverseSelection(element);
var cursorPosition = hasInverseSelection ? startPos : endPos;
var partAfterCursor = textareaValue.substring(cursorPosition);
var firstLineBreakIndex = partAfterCursor.indexOf('\n');
var nextLineStartIndex = firstLineBreakIndex === -1 ? partAfterCursor.length : firstLineBreakIndex + 1;
var partAfterNewIndent = partAfterCursor.substring(nextLineStartIndex);
var newPosition = cursorPosition + nextLineStartIndex;
firstLineBreakIndex = partAfterNewIndent.indexOf('\n');
var maxIndent = firstLineBreakIndex === -1 ? partAfterNewIndent.length : firstLineBreakIndex;
if (currentTextareaCursorIndent === null || currentTextarea !== element)
newPosition = Math.min(newPosition + currentTextareaCursorIndent, newPosition + maxIndent);
moveTextAreaCursor(element, startPos, endPos, hasInverseSelection, newPosition, withSelection);
function moveTextAreaCursor(element, startPos, endPos, hasInverseSelection, newPosition, withSelection) {
var newStart = null;
var newEnd = null;
if (withSelection) {
if (startPos === endPos) {
newStart = startPos;
newEnd = newPosition;
else if (!hasInverseSelection) {
newStart = startPos;
newEnd = newPosition;
else {
newStart = endPos;
newEnd = newPosition;
newEnd = newStart = newPosition;
textSelection$, newStart, newEnd);
function setElementValue(element, value, position) {
if (domUtils$8.isInputElement(element) && element.type === 'number') {
if (value.charAt(0) === '-' && value.charAt(1) === '.')
value = value.substring(1);
if (value.charAt(value.length - 1) === '.')
value = value.substring(0, value.length - 1);
domUtils$8.setElementValue(element, value);
textSelection$, position, position);
function submitFormOnEnterPressInInput(form, inputElement) {
var buttons = form.querySelectorAll('input, button');
var submitButton = null;
var i = null;
for (i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
if (!submitButton && buttons[i].type === 'submit' && !buttons[i].disabled) {
submitButton = buttons[i];
if (submitButton)
else if (domUtils$8.blocksImplicitSubmission(inputElement)) {
var formInputs = form.getElementsByTagName('input');
var textInputs = [];
for (i = 0; i < formInputs.length; i++) {
if (domUtils$8.blocksImplicitSubmission(formInputs[i]))
// NOTE: the form is submitted on enter press if there is only one input of the following types on it
// and this input is focused (
if (textInputs.length === 1 && textInputs[0] === inputElement) {
var isInputValid = inputElement.validity.valid;
if (isInputValid && eventSimulator$b.submit(form))
function selectAll(element) {
if (domUtils$8.isEditableElement(element))
return Promise$9.resolve();
function backspace(element) {
if (domUtils$8.isTextEditableElementAndEditingAllowed(element)) {
var startPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionStart(element);
var endPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionEnd(element);
var value = domUtils$8.getElementValue(element).replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
if (endPos === startPos) {
if (startPos > 0) {
setElementValue(element, value.substring(0, startPos - 1) +
value.substring(endPos, value.length), startPos - 1);
setElementValue(element, value.substring(0, startPos) + value.substring(endPos, value.length), startPos);
if (domUtils$8.isContentEditableElement(element))
return Promise$9.resolve();
function del(element) {
if (domUtils$8.isTextEditableElementAndEditingAllowed(element)) {
var startPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionStart(element);
var endPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionEnd(element);
var value = domUtils$8.getElementValue(element).replace(/\r\n/g, '\n');
if (endPos === startPos) {
if (startPos < value.length) {
setElementValue(element, value.substring(0, startPos) +
value.substring(endPos + 1, value.length), startPos);
else {
setElementValue(element, value.substring(0, startPos) +
value.substring(endPos, value.length), startPos);
if (domUtils$8.isContentEditableElement(element))
return Promise$9.resolve();
function left(element) {
var startPosition = null;
var endPosition = null;
if (domUtils$8.isSelectElement(element))
selectElement.switchOptionsByKeys(element, 'left');
if (isRadioButtonNavigationRequired(element))
return focusAndCheckNextRadioButton(element, true);
if (domUtils$8.isTextEditableElement(element)) {
startPosition = textSelection$2.getSelectionStart(element) || 0;
endPosition = textSelection$2.getSelectionEnd(element);
var newPosition = startPosition === endPosition ? startPosition - 1 : startPosition;
textSelection$, newPosition, newPosition);
if (domUtils$8.isContentEditableElement(element)) {
startPosition = textSelection$2.getSelectionStart(element);
endPosition = textSelection$2.getSelectionEnd(element);
// NOTE: we only remove selection
if (startPosition !== endPosition) {
var selection = textSelection$2.getSelectionByElement(element);
var inverseSelection = textSelection$2.hasInverseSelectionContentEditable(element);
var startNode = inverseSelection ? selection.focusNode : selection.anchorNode;
var startOffset = inverseSelection ? selection.focusOffset : selection.anchorOffset;
var startPos = { node: startNode, offset: startOffset };
textSelection$2.selectByNodesAndOffsets(startPos, startPos, true);
return Promise$9.resolve();
function right(element) {
var startPosition = null;
var endPosition = null;
if (domUtils$8.isSelectElement(element))
selectElement.switchOptionsByKeys(element, 'right');
if (isRadioButtonNavigationRequired(element))
return focusAndCheckNextRadioButton(element, false);
if (domUtils$8.isTextEditableElement(element)) {
startPosition = textSelection$2.getSelectionStart(element);
endPosition = textSelection$2.getSelectionEnd(element);
var newPosition = startPosition === endPosition ? endPosition + 1 : endPosition;
if (startPosition === domUtils$8.getElementValue(element).length)
newPosition = startPosition;
textSelection$, newPosition, newPosition);
if (domUtils$8.isContentEditableElement(element)) {
startPosition = textSelection$2.getSelectionStart(element);
endPosition = textSelection$2.getSelectionEnd(element);
//NOTE: we only remove selection
if (startPosition !== endPosition) {
var selection = textSelection$2.getSelectionByElement(element);
var inverseSelection = textSelection$2.hasInverseSelectionContentEditable(element);
var endNode = inverseSelection ? selection.anchorNode : selection.focusNode;
var endOffset = inverseSelection ? selection.anchorOffset : selection.focusOffset;
var startPos = { node: endNode, offset: endOffset };
textSelection$2.selectByNodesAndOffsets(startPos, startPos, true);
return Promise$9.resolve();
function up(element) {
if (domUtils$8.isSelectElement(element))
selectElement.switchOptionsByKeys(element, 'up');
if (isRadioButtonNavigationRequired(element))
return focusAndCheckNextRadioButton(element, true);
if (browserUtils$b.isWebKit && domUtils$8.isInputElement(element))
return home(element);
if (domUtils$8.isTextAreaElement(element))
moveTextAreaCursorUp(element, false);
return Promise$9.resolve();
function down(element) {
if (domUtils$8.isSelectElement(element))
selectElement.switchOptionsByKeys(element, 'down');
if (isRadioButtonNavigationRequired(element))
return focusAndCheckNextRadioButton(element, false);
if (browserUtils$b.isWebKit && domUtils$8.isInputElement(element))
return end(element);
if (domUtils$8.isTextAreaElement(element))
moveTextAreaCursorDown(element, false);
return Promise$9.resolve();
function home(element, withSelection) {
if (domUtils$8.isTextEditableElement(element)) {
var startPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionStart(element);
var endPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionEnd(element);
var inverseSelection = textSelection$2.hasInverseSelection(element);
var referencePosition = null;
var isSingleLineSelection = !domUtils$8.isTextAreaElement(element) ? true :
domUtils$8.getTextareaLineNumberByPosition(element, startPos) ===
domUtils$8.getTextareaLineNumberByPosition(element, endPos);
if (isSingleLineSelection)
referencePosition = inverseSelection ? endPos : startPos;
referencePosition = inverseSelection ? startPos : endPos;
var valueBeforeCursor = domUtils$8.getElementValue(element).substring(0, referencePosition);
var lastLineBreakIndex = valueBeforeCursor.lastIndexOf('\n');
var newPosition = lastLineBreakIndex === -1 ? 0 : lastLineBreakIndex + 1;
var newStartPos = null;
var newEndPos = null;
if (isSingleLineSelection) {
newStartPos = newPosition;
newEndPos = withSelection ? referencePosition : newPosition;
textSelection$, newEndPos, newStartPos);
else if (!inverseSelection)
textSelection$, startPos, newPosition);
textSelection$, endPos, newPosition);
return Promise$9.resolve();
function end(element, withSelection) {
if (domUtils$8.isTextEditableElement(element)) {
var startPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionStart(element);
var endPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionEnd(element);
var inverseSelection = textSelection$2.hasInverseSelection(element);
var referencePosition = null;
var isSingleLineSelection = !domUtils$8.isTextAreaElement(element) ? true :
domUtils$8.getTextareaLineNumberByPosition(element, startPos) ===
domUtils$8.getTextareaLineNumberByPosition(element, endPos);
if (isSingleLineSelection)
referencePosition = inverseSelection ? endPos : startPos;
referencePosition = inverseSelection ? startPos : endPos;
var valueAsterCursor = domUtils$8.getElementValue(element).substring(referencePosition);
var firstLineBreakIndex = valueAsterCursor.indexOf('\n');
var newPosition = referencePosition;
var newStartPos = null;
var newEndPos = null;
newPosition += firstLineBreakIndex === -1 ? valueAsterCursor.length : firstLineBreakIndex;
if (isSingleLineSelection) {
newStartPos = withSelection ? referencePosition : newPosition;
newEndPos = newPosition;
textSelection$, newStartPos, newEndPos);
else if (!inverseSelection)
textSelection$, startPos, newPosition);
textSelection$, endPos, newPosition);
return Promise$9.resolve();
function esc(element) {
if (domUtils$8.isSelectElement(element))
return Promise$9.resolve();
function shiftUp(element) {
if (browserUtils$b.isWebKit && domUtils$8.isInputElement(element))
return shiftHome(element);
if (domUtils$8.isTextAreaElement(element))
moveTextAreaCursorUp(element, true);
return Promise$9.resolve();
function shiftDown(element) {
if (browserUtils$b.isWebKit && domUtils$8.isInputElement(element))
return shiftEnd(element);
if (domUtils$8.isTextAreaElement(element))
moveTextAreaCursorDown(element, true);
return Promise$9.resolve();
function shiftLeft(element) {
if (domUtils$8.isTextEditableElement(element)) {
var startPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionStart(element);
var endPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionEnd(element);
if (startPos === endPos || textSelection$2.hasInverseSelection(element))
textSelection$, endPos, Math.max(startPos - 1, 0));
textSelection$, startPos, Math.max(endPos - 1, 0));
return Promise$9.resolve();
function shiftRight(element) {
if (domUtils$8.isTextEditableElement(element)) {
var startPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionStart(element);
var endPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionEnd(element);
var valueLength = domUtils$8.getElementValue(element).length;
if (startPos === endPos || !textSelection$2.hasInverseSelection(element))
textSelection$, startPos, Math.min(endPos + 1, valueLength));
textSelection$, endPos, Math.min(startPos + 1, valueLength));
return Promise$9.resolve();
function shiftHome(element) {
return home(element, true);
function shiftEnd(element) {
return end(element, true);
function enter(element) {
if (domUtils$8.isSelectElement(element))
//submit form on enter pressed
if (domUtils$8.isInputElement(element)) {
if (!browserUtils$b.isIE)
var form = domUtils$8.getParents(element, 'form')[0];
// NOTE: if a user presses enter when a form input is focused and the form has
// a submit button, the browser sends the click event to the submit button
if (form)
submitFormOnEnterPressInInput(form, element);
else if (domUtils$8.isTextAreaElement(element)) {
var startPos = textSelection$2.getSelectionStart(element);
var value = domUtils$8.getTextAreaValue(element);
var valueBeforeCursor = value.substring(0, startPos);
var valueAfterCursor = value.substring(startPos);
var newPosition = startPos + 1;
setElementValue(element, valueBeforeCursor + String.fromCharCode(10) + valueAfterCursor, newPosition);
else if (element.tagName && domUtils$8.isAnchorElement(element))
return Promise$9.resolve();
function isRadioButtonNavigationRequired(element) {
return domUtils$8.isRadioButtonElement(element);
function focusAndCheckNextRadioButton(element, reverse) {
return focusNextElementOnNavigationButton(element, reverse, false)
.then(function (focusedElement) {
if (focusedElement)
focusedElement.checked = true;
function focusNextElementOnNavigationButton(element, reverse, skipRadioGroups) {
if (skipRadioGroups === void 0) { skipRadioGroups = true; }
if (!element)
return Promise$9.resolve();
if (domUtils$8.isSelectElement(element))
return focusNextElement(element, reverse, skipRadioGroups)
.then(function (nextElement) {
if (nextElement && domUtils$8.isTextEditableInput(nextElement))
return nextElement;
var supportedShortcutHandlers = (_a = {},
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.ctrlA] = selectAll,
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.backspace] = backspace,
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.delete] = del,
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.left] = left,
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.right] = right,
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.up] = up,
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.down] = down,
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.shiftLeft] = shiftLeft,
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.shiftRight] = shiftRight,
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.shiftUp] = shiftUp,
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.shiftDown] = shiftDown,
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.shiftHome] = shiftHome,
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.shiftEnd] = shiftEnd,
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.home] = home,
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.end] = end,
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.enter] = enter,
_a[] = function (element) { return focusNextElementOnNavigationButton(element, false); },
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.shiftTab] = function (element) { return focusNextElementOnNavigationButton(element, true); },
_a[SHORTCUT_TYPE.esc] = esc,
var Promise$a = hammerhead__default.Promise;
var browserUtils$c = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var messageSandbox$3 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.message;
var nativeMethods$d = hammerhead__default.nativeMethods;
var PRESS_REQUEST_CMD = 'automation|press|request';
var PRESS_RESPONSE_CMD = 'automation|press|response';
// Setup cross-iframe interaction
messageSandbox$3.on(messageSandbox$3.SERVICE_MSG_RECEIVED_EVENT, function (e) {
if (e.message.cmd === PRESS_REQUEST_CMD) {
hammerhead__default.on(hammerhead__default.EVENTS.beforeUnload, function () { return messageSandbox$3.sendServiceMsg({ cmd: PRESS_RESPONSE_CMD }, e.source); });
var pressAutomation = new PressAutomation(e.message.keyCombinations, e.message.options);
.then(function () { return messageSandbox$3.sendServiceMsg({ cmd: PRESS_RESPONSE_CMD }, e.source); });
var PressAutomation = /** @class */ (function () {
function PressAutomation(keyCombinations, options) {
this.keyCombinations = keyCombinations;
this.isSelectElement = false;
this.pressedKeyString = '';
this.modifiersState = null;
this.shortcutHandlers = null;
this.topSameDomainDocument = testCafeCore.domUtils.getTopSameDomainWindow(window).document;
this.automationSettings = new AutomationSettings(options.speed);
this.options = options;
PressAutomation._getKeyPressSimulators = function (keyCombination) {
var keysArray = testCafeCore.getKeyArray(keyCombination);
// NOTE: symbols may have the same keyCode, but their "event.key" will be different, so we
// need to get the "event.key" property for each key, and add the 'shift' key where needed.
var _a = getActualKeysAndEventKeyProperties(keysArray), actualKeys = _a.actualKeys, eventKeyProperties = _a.eventKeyProperties;
return, function (key, index) { return new KeyPressSimulator(key, eventKeyProperties[index]); });
PressAutomation._getShortcuts = function (keyCombination) {
var keys = testCafeCore.getKeyArray(keyCombination.toLowerCase());
var shortcuts = [];
var curFullCombination = [];
var curCombination = [];
for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
curCombination = curFullCombination.slice();
while (curCombination.length) {
var keyString = curCombination.join('+');
if (supportedShortcutHandlers[keyString]) {
curFullCombination = curCombination = [];
return shortcuts;
PressAutomation._getShortcutHandlers = function (keyCombination) {
var shortcuts = PressAutomation._getShortcuts(keyCombination.toLowerCase());
var shortcutHandlers = {};
var stringWithShortcut = '';
var shortcut = null;
var shortcutPosition = null;
var shortcutLength = null;
for (var i = 0; i < shortcuts.length; i++) {
shortcut = shortcuts[i];
shortcutPosition = keyCombination.indexOf(shortcut);
shortcutLength = shortcut.length;
stringWithShortcut += keyCombination.substring(0, shortcutPosition + shortcutLength);
shortcutHandlers[stringWithShortcut] = supportedShortcutHandlers[shortcut];
keyCombination = keyCombination.substring(shortcutPosition + shortcutLength);
return shortcutHandlers;
PressAutomation.prototype._down = function (keyPressSimulator) {
this.pressedKeyString += (this.pressedKeyString ? '+' : '') + keyPressSimulator.key;
var keyDownPrevented = !keyPressSimulator.down(this.modifiersState);
return Promise$a.resolve(keyDownPrevented);
PressAutomation.prototype._press = function (keyPressSimulator, keyEventPrevented) {
var _this = this;
// NOTE: preventing the 'keydown' and 'keypress' events for the select element does not
// affect the assignment of the new selectedIndex. So, we should execute a shortcut
// for the select element without taking into account that 'key' events are suppressed
if (keyEventPrevented && !this.isSelectElement)
return testCafeCore.delay(this.automationSettings.keyActionStepDelay);
var currentShortcutHandler = this.shortcutHandlers[this.pressedKeyString];
var keyPressPrevented = false;
// NOTE: B254435
if (!currentShortcutHandler || browserUtils$c.isFirefox || keyPressSimulator.key === 'enter')
keyPressPrevented = !;
if ((!keyPressPrevented || this.isSelectElement) && currentShortcutHandler) {
return currentShortcutHandler(getDeepActiveElement(this.topSameDomainDocument))
.then(function () { return testCafeCore.delay(_this.automationSettings.keyActionStepDelay); });
return testCafeCore.delay(this.automationSettings.keyActionStepDelay);
PressAutomation.prototype._up = function (keyPressSimulator) {
return testCafeCore.delay(this.automationSettings.keyActionStepDelay);
PressAutomation.prototype._runCombination = function (keyCombination) {
var _this = this;
this.modifiersState = { ctrl: false, alt: false, shift: false, meta: false };
this.isSelectElement = testCafeCore.domUtils.isSelectElement(getDeepActiveElement(this.topSameDomainDocument));
this.pressedKeyString = '';
this.shortcutHandlers = PressAutomation._getShortcutHandlers(keyCombination);
var keyPressSimulators = PressAutomation._getKeyPressSimulators(keyCombination);
return testCafeCore.promiseUtils.each(keyPressSimulators, function (keySimulator) {
return _this
.then(function (keyEventPrevented) { return _this._press(keySimulator, keyEventPrevented); });
.then(function () {
return testCafeCore.promiseUtils.each(keyPressSimulators, function (keySimulator) { return _this._up(keySimulator); });
}; = function () {
var _this = this;
var activeElement = testCafeCore.domUtils.getActiveElement();
var activeElementIsIframe = testCafeCore.domUtils.isIframeElement(activeElement);
if (!isIframeWindow(window) && activeElementIsIframe && nativeMethods$ {
var msg = {
keyCombinations: this.keyCombinations,
options: this.options,
return testCafeCore.sendRequestToFrame(msg, PRESS_RESPONSE_CMD, nativeMethods$;
return testCafeCore.promiseUtils.each(this.keyCombinations, function (combination) {
return _this
.then(function () { return testCafeCore.delay(_this.automationSettings.keyActionStepDelay); });
return PressAutomation;
var Promise$b = hammerhead__default.Promise;
var extend$3 = hammerhead__default.utils.extend;
var browserUtils$d = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var eventSimulator$c = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.eventSimulator;
var domUtils$9 = testCafeCore__default.domUtils, eventUtils$5 = testCafeCore__default.eventUtils, delay$3 = testCafeCore__default.delay;
var RClickAutomation = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(RClickAutomation, _super);
function RClickAutomation(element, clickOptions) {
var _this =, element, clickOptions, window, cursor) || this;
_this.modifiers = clickOptions.modifiers;
_this.caretPos = clickOptions.caretPos;
_this.eventState = {
simulateDefaultBehavior: true,
activeElementBeforeMouseDown: null,
return _this;
RClickAutomation.prototype._mousedown = function (eventArgs) {
var _this = this;
return cursor
.then(function () {
_this.eventState.activeElementBeforeMouseDown = domUtils$9.getActiveElement();
_this.eventState.simulateDefaultBehavior = eventSimulator$c.mousedown(eventArgs.element, eventArgs.options);
return _this._focus(eventArgs);
RClickAutomation.prototype._focus = function (eventArgs) {
if (this.simulateDefaultBehavior === false)
return nextTick();
// NOTE: If a target element is a contentEditable element, we need to call focusAndSetSelection directly for
// this element. Otherwise, if the element obtained by elementFromPoint is a child of the contentEditable
// element, a selection position may be calculated incorrectly (by using the caretPos option).
var elementForFocus = domUtils$9.isContentEditableElement(this.element) ? this.element : eventArgs.element;
// NOTE: IE doesn't perform focus if active element has been changed while executing mousedown
var simulateFocus = !browserUtils$d.isIE || this.eventState.activeElementBeforeMouseDown === domUtils$9.getActiveElement();
return focusAndSetSelection(elementForFocus, simulateFocus, this.caretPos)
.then(function () { return nextTick(); });
RClickAutomation.prototype._mouseup = function (eventArgs) {
var _this = this;
return cursor
.then(function () { return _this._getElementForEvent(eventArgs); })
.then(function (element) { return eventSimulator$c.mouseup(element, eventArgs.options); });
RClickAutomation.prototype._contextmenu = function (eventArgs) {
return this
.then(function (element) {
eventSimulator$c.contextmenu(element, eventArgs.options);
if (!domUtils$9.isElementFocusable(element))
}; = function (useStrictElementCheck) {
var _this = this;
var eventArgs = null;
return this
.then(function (_a) {
var element = _a.element, clientPoint = _a.clientPoint, devicePoint = _a.devicePoint;
eventArgs = {
point: clientPoint,
element: element,
options: extend$3({
clientX: clientPoint.x,
clientY: clientPoint.y,
screenX: devicePoint.x,
screenY: devicePoint.y,
button: eventUtils$5.BUTTON.right,
}, _this.modifiers),
// NOTE: we should raise mouseup event with 'mouseActionStepDelay' after we trigger
// mousedown event regardless of how long mousedown event handlers were executing
return Promise$b.all([delay$3(_this.automationSettings.mouseActionStepDelay), _this._mousedown(eventArgs)]);
.then(function () { return _this._mouseup(eventArgs); })
.then(function () { return _this._contextmenu(eventArgs); });
return RClickAutomation;
var browserUtils$e = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var domUtils$a = testCafeCore__default.domUtils;
var positionUtils$4 = testCafeCore__default.positionUtils;
var styleUtils$6 = testCafeCore__default.styleUtils;
var contentEditable$2 = testCafeCore__default.contentEditable;
var arrayUtils$1 = testCafeCore__default.arrayUtils;
var MODIFIERS_LIST = ['direction', 'font-family', 'font-size', 'font-size-adjust', 'font-variant', 'font-weight', 'font-style', 'letter-spacing', 'line-height', 'text-align', 'text-indent', 'text-transform', 'word-wrap', 'word-spacing', 'padding-top', 'padding-left', 'padding-right', 'padding-bottom', 'margin-top', 'margin-left', 'margin-right', 'margin-bottom', 'border-top-width', 'border-left-width', 'border-right-width', 'border-bottom-width'];
function ensureRectangleInsideElement(element, rect) {
var elementBorders = styleUtils$6.getBordersWidth(element);
var elementOffset = positionUtils$4.getOffsetPosition(element);
// NOTE: strange behavior in Chrome - for some elements (e.g., for the 'font' element)
// scrollHeight is 0, so we use getBoundingClientRect
var elementHeight = element.scrollHeight || element.getBoundingClientRect().height;
var left = Math.ceil(rect.left);
var top = Math.ceil(;
var bottom = Math.floor(rect.bottom);
if (!domUtils$a.isTextAreaElement(element)) {
var clientOffset = positionUtils$4.offsetToClientCoords({
x: elementOffset.left,
var minLeft = clientOffset.x + elementBorders.left + 1;
var minTop = clientOffset.y + + 1;
var bottomBound = clientOffset.y + + elementBorders.bottom + elementHeight;
var maxBottom = clientOffset.y + + elementHeight - 1;
left = Math.ceil(left <= clientOffset.x ? minLeft : rect.left);
top = Math.ceil(top <= clientOffset.y ? minTop :;
bottom = Math.floor(bottom >= bottomBound ? maxBottom : rect.bottom);
return {
left: left,
top: top,
bottom: bottom,
function getAbsoluteRect(rect) {
var documentScroll = styleUtils$6.getElementScroll(document);
return {
left: rect.left + documentScroll.left,
top: +,
bottom: rect.bottom +,
function getSelectionRectangleInContentEditableElement(element, position) {
var range = domUtils$a.findDocument(element).createRange();
var selectionPosition = contentEditable$2.calculateNodeAndOffsetByPosition(element, position);
range.setStart(selectionPosition.node, Math.min(selectionPosition.offset, selectionPosition.node.length));
range.setEnd(selectionPosition.node, Math.min(selectionPosition.offset, selectionPosition.node.length));
return range.getClientRects()[0];
function getTextSelectionRectangle(element, position) {
var range = element.createTextRange();
range.moveStart('character', position);
range.moveEnd('character', position);
return range.getBoundingClientRect();
function getSelectionRectangle(element, position) {
var clientRectBeforeFakeDiv = element.getBoundingClientRect();
var fakeDiv = createFakeDiv(element);
var rect = null;
var clientRectAfterFakeDiv = element.getBoundingClientRect();
var topBoundDiff = -;
var leftBoundDiff = clientRectAfterFakeDiv.left - clientRectBeforeFakeDiv.left;
var valueLength = domUtils$a.getElementValue(element).length;
try {
var range = document.createRange(); //B254723
range.setStart(, Math.min(position, valueLength));
// NOTE: The range.getClientRects function returns wrong result if range length is 0 in Safari 11
range.setEnd(, Math.min(position + 1, valueLength + 1));
if (domUtils$a.isTextAreaElement(element)) {
rect = range.getBoundingClientRect();
if (rect.width === 0 && rect.height === 0)
rect = range.getClientRects()[0];
rect = range.getClientRects()[0];
catch (err) {
rect = null;
if (!rect)
return null;
return {
width: rect.width,
height: rect.height,
top: - topBoundDiff,
bottom: rect.bottom - topBoundDiff,
left: rect.left - leftBoundDiff,
right: rect.right - leftBoundDiff,
function createFakeDiv(element) {
var body = document.body;
var elementOffset = positionUtils$4.getOffsetPosition(element);
var elementMargin = styleUtils$6.getElementMargin(element);
var elementTop = -;
var elementLeft = elementOffset.left - elementMargin.left;
var fakeDiv = document.createElement('div');
var fakeDivCssStyles = 'white-space:pre-wrap;border-style:solid;';
if (styleUtils$6.get(body, 'position') === 'absolute') {
var bodyMargin = styleUtils$6.getElementMargin(body);
var bodyLeft = styleUtils$6.get(body, 'left');
var bodyTop = styleUtils$6.get(body, 'top');
elementLeft -= bodyMargin.left + (parseInt(bodyLeft.replace('px', ''), 10) || 0);
elementTop -= + (parseInt(bodyTop.replace('px', ''), 10) || 0);
arrayUtils$1.forEach(MODIFIERS_LIST, function (modifier) {
fakeDivCssStyles += "".concat(modifier, ":").concat(styleUtils$6.get(element, modifier), ";");
styleUtils$6.set(fakeDiv, {
cssText: fakeDivCssStyles,
position: 'absolute',
left: elementLeft + 'px',
top: elementTop + 'px',
width: element.scrollWidth + 'px',
height: element.scrollHeight + 'px',
});, domUtils$a.getElementValue(element) + ' ');
return fakeDiv;
function getPositionCoordinates(element, position) {
var rect = null;
if (domUtils$a.isContentEditableElement(element))
rect = getSelectionRectangleInContentEditableElement(element, position);
else if (typeof element.createTextRange === 'function')
rect = getTextSelectionRectangle(element, position);
rect = getSelectionRectangle(element, position);
if (!rect)
return null;
rect = ensureRectangleInsideElement(element, rect);
rect = getAbsoluteRect(rect);
return {
x: rect.left,
y: Math.floor( + (rect.bottom - / 2),
function getSelectionCoordinatesByPosition(element, position) {
var isTextEditable = domUtils$a.isTextEditableElement(element);
var isContentEditable = domUtils$a.isContentEditableElement(element);
var hasText = isTextEditable && domUtils$a.getElementValue(element).length > 0 ||
isContentEditable && contentEditable$2.getContentEditableValue(element).length;
if (!hasText)
return positionUtils$4.findCenter(element);
return getPositionCoordinates(element, position);
function getSelectionCoordinatesByNodeAndOffset(element, node, offset) {
var range = domUtils$a.findDocument(element).createRange();
range.setStart(node, Math.min(offset, node.length));
range.setEnd(node, Math.min(offset, node.length));
var rect = range.getClientRects()[0];
if (!rect)
return null;
rect = ensureRectangleInsideElement(element, rect);
rect = getAbsoluteRect(rect);
return {
x: rect.left,
y: Math.floor( + (rect.bottom - / 2),
function getLastVisibleSelectionPosition(element, startPos, endPos) {
var backward = startPos > endPos;
var inc = backward ? 1 : -1;
var currentPos = endPos;
var currentPoint = null;
while (currentPos !== startPos) {
currentPos += inc;
currentPoint = getPositionCoordinates(element, currentPos);
if (currentPoint)
if (!currentPoint) {
currentPoint = getPositionCoordinates(element, startPos) ||
return currentPoint;
function scrollEditableElementByPoint(element, point) {
if (!domUtils$a.isEditableElement(element))
var isTextarea = domUtils$a.isTextAreaElement(element);
var isInputElement = domUtils$a.isInputElement(element);
// NOTE: we don't need to scroll input elements in Mozilla and
// IE > 10 because it happens automatically on selection setting
if (isInputElement && (browserUtils$e.isFirefox || browserUtils$e.isIE && browserUtils$e.version > 10))
var elementOffset = positionUtils$4.getOffsetPosition(element);
var elementBorders = styleUtils$6.getBordersWidth(element);
var elementScroll = styleUtils$6.getElementScroll(element);
var offsetX = point.x - elementOffset.left - elementBorders.left;
var offsetY = point.y - -;
var scrollValue = null;
if (isTextarea) {
if (offsetY <
scrollValue = offsetY;
if (offsetY > element.clientHeight +
scrollValue = offsetY - element.clientHeight;
if (scrollValue !== null)
styleUtils$6.setScrollTop(element, Math.round(scrollValue));
if (offsetX < elementScroll.left)
scrollValue = offsetX;
if (offsetX > element.clientWidth + elementScroll.left)
scrollValue = offsetX - element.clientWidth;
if (scrollValue !== null)
styleUtils$6.setScrollLeft(element, Math.round(scrollValue));
function excludeElementScroll(element, point) {
var isTextEditable = domUtils$a.isTextEditableElement(element);
var isInputElement = domUtils$a.isInputElement(element);
if (!(isTextEditable || domUtils$a.isContentEditableElement(element)))
return point;
var elementOffset = positionUtils$4.getOffsetPosition(element);
var elementBorders = styleUtils$6.getBordersWidth(element);
var elementScroll = styleUtils$6.getElementScroll(element);
var maxLeft = elementOffset.left + elementBorders.left + element.clientWidth;
// NOTE: we can't know input elements' scroll value in Mozilla and
// IE > 10 (
if (isInputElement && isTextEditable &&
(browserUtils$e.isFirefox || browserUtils$e.isIE && browserUtils$e.version > 10)) {
return {
x: Math.min(point.x, maxLeft),
y: point.y,
return {
x: point.x - elementScroll.left,
y: point.y -,
var Promise$c = hammerhead__default.Promise;
var browserUtils$f = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var featureDetection$5 = hammerhead__default.utils.featureDetection;
var eventSimulator$d = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.eventSimulator;
var focusBlurSandbox$4 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.focusBlur;
var contentEditable$3 = testCafeCore__default.contentEditable;
var domUtils$b = testCafeCore__default.domUtils;
var positionUtils$5 = testCafeCore__default.positionUtils;
var eventUtils$6 = testCafeCore__default.eventUtils;
var delay$4 = testCafeCore__default.delay;
var SelectBaseAutomation = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(SelectBaseAutomation, _super);
function SelectBaseAutomation(element, actionOptions) {
var _this =, element, actionOptions, window, cursor) || this;
_this.absoluteStartPoint = null;
_this.absoluteEndPoint = null;
_this.clientPoint = null;
_this.speed = actionOptions.speed;
_this.downEvent = featureDetection$5.isTouchDevice ? 'touchstart' : 'mousedown';
_this.upEvent = featureDetection$5.isTouchDevice ? 'touchend' : 'mouseup';
_this.eventArgs = {
options: null,
element: null,
_this.eventState = {
mousedownPrevented: false,
simulateDefaultBehavior: true,
return _this;
SelectBaseAutomation.prototype._calculateEventArguments = function () {
var _this = this;
var clientPoint = positionUtils$5.offsetToClientCoords(this.clientPoint);
return getElementFromPoint$2(clientPoint)
.then(function (element) {
if (!element) {
throw new ActionElementIsInvisibleError(null, {
reason: positionUtils$5.getElOutsideBoundsReason(_this.element),
return {
element: element,
options: {
clientX: clientPoint.x,
clientY: clientPoint.y,
SelectBaseAutomation.prototype._move = function (_a) {
var _this = this;
var element = _a.element, offsetX = _a.offsetX, offsetY = _a.offsetY, speed = _a.speed;
var moveOptions = new MoveOptions({ offsetX: offsetX, offsetY: offsetY, speed: speed }, false);
return MoveAutomation.create(element, moveOptions, window, cursor)
.then(function (moveAutomation) {
.then(function () { return delay$4(_this.automationSettings.mouseActionStepDelay); });
SelectBaseAutomation.prototype._bindMousedownHandler = function () {
var _this = this;
var onmousedown = function (e) {
_this.eventState.mousedownPrevented = e.defaultPrevented;
eventUtils$6.unbind(_this.element, 'mousedown', onmousedown);
eventUtils$6.bind(this.element, 'mousedown', onmousedown);
SelectBaseAutomation.prototype._calculateAbsoluteStartPoint = function () {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
SelectBaseAutomation.prototype._calculateAbsoluteEndPoint = function () {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
SelectBaseAutomation.prototype._moveToPoint = function (point) {
scrollEditableElementByPoint(this.element, point);
this.clientPoint = excludeElementScroll(this.element, point);
var moveArguments = {
element: document.documentElement,
offsetX: this.clientPoint.x,
offsetY: this.clientPoint.y,
speed: this.speed,
return this._move(moveArguments);
SelectBaseAutomation.prototype._mousedown = function () {
var _this = this;
return cursor
.then(function () { return _this._calculateEventArguments(); })
.then(function (args) {
_this.eventArgs = args;
// NOTE: In WebKit and IE, the mousedown event opens the select element's dropdown;
// therefore, we should prevent mousedown and hide the dropdown (B236416).
var needCloseSelectDropDown = (browserUtils$f.isWebKit || browserUtils$f.isIE) &&
if (needCloseSelectDropDown)
_this.eventState.simulateDefaultBehavior = eventSimulator$d[_this.downEvent](_this.eventArgs.element, _this.eventArgs.options);
if (_this.eventState.simulateDefaultBehavior === false)
_this.eventState.simulateDefaultBehavior = needCloseSelectDropDown && !_this.eventState.mousedownPrevented;
return _this._focus();
SelectBaseAutomation.prototype._focus = function () {
var _this = this;
return new Promise$c(function (resolve) {
// NOTE: If the target element is a child of a contentEditable element, we need to call focus for its parent
var elementForFocus = domUtils$b.isContentEditableElement(_this.element) ?
contentEditable$3.findContentEditableParent(_this.element) : _this.element;
focusBlurSandbox$4.focus(elementForFocus, resolve, false, true);
SelectBaseAutomation.prototype._setSelection = function () {
throw new Error('Not implemented');
SelectBaseAutomation.prototype._mouseup = function () {
var _this = this;
return cursor
.then(function () {
return _this._calculateEventArguments();
.then(function (args) {
_this.eventArgs = args;
eventSimulator$d[_this.upEvent](_this.eventArgs.element, _this.eventArgs.options);
}; = function () {
var _this = this;
this.absoluteStartPoint = this._calculateAbsoluteStartPoint();
this.absoluteEndPoint = this._calculateAbsoluteEndPoint();
return this
.then(function () { return _this._mousedown(); })
.then(function () { return _this._moveToPoint(_this.absoluteEndPoint); })
.then(function () { return _this._mouseup(); });
return SelectBaseAutomation;
var textSelection$3 = testCafeCore__default.textSelection;
var domUtils$c = testCafeCore__default.domUtils;
var positionUtils$6 = testCafeCore__default.positionUtils;
var SelectTextAutomation = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(SelectTextAutomation, _super);
function SelectTextAutomation(element, startPos, endPos, actionOptions) {
var _this =, element, actionOptions) || this;
_this.startPos = startPos;
_this.endPos = endPos;
return _this;
SelectTextAutomation.prototype._calculateAbsoluteStartPoint = function () {
var point = getSelectionCoordinatesByPosition(this.element, this.startPos);
return point || positionUtils$6.findCenter(this.element);
SelectTextAutomation.prototype._calculateAbsoluteEndPoint = function () {
var point = getSelectionCoordinatesByPosition(this.element, this.endPos);
if (point)
return point;
// NOTE: if selection ends on an invisible symbol, we should try to find the last visible selection position
if (domUtils$c.isContentEditableElement(this.element))
return getLastVisibleSelectionPosition(this.element, this.startPos, this.endPos);
return positionUtils$6.findCenter(this.element);
SelectTextAutomation.prototype._setSelection = function () {
var isTextEditable = domUtils$c.isTextEditableElement(this.element);
var isContentEditable = domUtils$c.isContentEditableElement(this.element);
if (!(isTextEditable || isContentEditable) || this.eventState.simulateDefaultBehavior === false)
textSelection$, this.startPos, this.endPos);
}; = function (useStrictElementCheck) {
var _this = this;
return this
.then(function () { return; });
return SelectTextAutomation;
var textSelection$4 = testCafeCore__default.textSelection;
var contentEditable$4 = testCafeCore__default.contentEditable;
var positionUtils$7 = testCafeCore__default.positionUtils;
var SelectEditableContentAutomation = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(SelectEditableContentAutomation, _super);
function SelectEditableContentAutomation(startNode, endNode, actionOptions) {
var _this =, contentEditable$4.getNearestCommonAncestor(startNode, endNode), actionOptions) || this;
var startOffset = contentEditable$4.getFirstVisiblePosition(startNode);
var endOffset = contentEditable$4.getLastVisiblePosition(endNode);
var startPos = { node: startNode, offset: startOffset };
var endPos = { node: endNode, offset: endOffset };
var startPosition = contentEditable$4.calculatePositionByNodeAndOffset(_this.element, startPos);
var endPosition = contentEditable$4.calculatePositionByNodeAndOffset(_this.element, endPos);
if (startPosition > endPosition) {
startOffset = contentEditable$4.getLastVisiblePosition(startNode);
endOffset = contentEditable$4.getFirstVisiblePosition(endNode);
// NOTE: We should recalculate nodes and offsets for selection because we
// may have to select children of expectedStartNode and expectedEndNode
startPos = contentEditable$4.calculateNodeAndOffsetByPosition(startNode, startOffset);
endPos = contentEditable$4.calculateNodeAndOffsetByPosition(endNode, endOffset);
_this.startNode = startPos.node;
_this.startOffset = startPos.offset;
_this.endNode = endPos.node;
_this.endOffset = endPos.offset;
return _this;
SelectEditableContentAutomation.prototype._calculateAbsoluteStartPoint = function () {
var point = getSelectionCoordinatesByNodeAndOffset(this.element, this.startNode, this.startOffset);
return point || positionUtils$7.findCenter(this.element);
SelectEditableContentAutomation.prototype._calculateAbsoluteEndPoint = function () {
var point = getSelectionCoordinatesByNodeAndOffset(this.element, this.endNode, this.endOffset);
return point || positionUtils$7.findCenter(this.element);
SelectEditableContentAutomation.prototype._setSelection = function () {
if (this.eventState.simulateDefaultBehavior === false)
// NOTE: The same cursor position may correspond to different nodes, so, if we
// know which nodes should be selected eventually, we should select them directly.
var startPos = { node: this.startNode, offset: this.startOffset };
var endPos = { node: this.endNode, offset: this.endOffset };
textSelection$4.selectByNodesAndOffsets(startPos, endPos, true);
return SelectEditableContentAutomation;
var Promise$d = hammerhead__default.Promise;
var extend$4 = hammerhead__default.utils.extend;
var browserUtils$g = hammerhead__default.utils.browser;
var eventSimulator$e = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.eventSimulator;
var elementEditingWatcher$1 = hammerhead__default.eventSandbox.elementEditingWatcher;
var domUtils$d = testCafeCore__default.domUtils;
var promiseUtils = testCafeCore__default.promiseUtils;
var contentEditable$5 = testCafeCore__default.contentEditable;
var textSelection$5 = testCafeCore__default.textSelection;
var delay$5 = testCafeCore__default.delay;
var SPECIAL_KEYS = testCafeCore__default.KEY_MAPS.specialKeys;
var TypeAutomation = /** @class */ (function () {
function TypeAutomation(element, text, typeOptions) {
this.element = TypeAutomation.findTextEditableChild(element) || element;
this.typingText = text.toString();
this.modifiers = typeOptions.modifiers;
this.caretPos = typeOptions.caretPos;
this.replace = typeOptions.replace;
this.paste = typeOptions.paste;
this.offsetX = typeOptions.offsetX;
this.offsetY = typeOptions.offsetY;
this.speed = typeOptions.speed;
this.automationSettings = new AutomationSettings(this.speed);
this.elementChanged = element !== this.element;
this.currentPos = 0;
this.currentKeyCode = null;
this.currentCharCode = null;
this.currentKey = null;
this.currentKeyIdentifier = null;
this.ignoreChangeEvent = true;
this.eventArgs = {
options: null,
element: null,
this.eventState = {
skipType: false,
simulateKeypress: true,
simulateTypeChar: true,
TypeAutomation.findTextEditableChild = function (element) {
var innerElement = null;
if (!domUtils$d.isEditableElement(element)) {
var allChildren = element.querySelectorAll('*');
for (var i = 0; i < allChildren.length; i++) {
if (domUtils$d.isTextEditableElementAndEditingAllowed(allChildren[i])) {
innerElement = allChildren[i];
return innerElement;
TypeAutomation.prototype._calculateEventArguments = function (isPressEvent) {
var activeElement = domUtils$d.getActiveElement();
var isContentEditable = domUtils$d.isContentEditableElement(this.element);
var element = this.eventArgs.element || this.element;
// T162478: Wrong typing and keys pressing in editor
if (!isContentEditable && activeElement !== element)
element = TypeAutomation.findTextEditableChild(activeElement) || activeElement;
var options = extend$4({
keyCode: isPressEvent ? this.currentCharCode : this.currentKeyCode,
}, this.modifiers);
if (isPressEvent)
options.charCode = this.currentCharCode;
extend$4(options, getKeyProperties(isPressEvent, this.currentKey, this.currentKeyIdentifier));
return { element: element, options: options };
TypeAutomation.prototype._calculateTargetElement = function () {
var activeElement = domUtils$d.getActiveElement();
var isContentEditable = domUtils$d.isContentEditableElement(this.element);
if (isContentEditable) {
if (activeElement !== contentEditable$5.findContentEditableParent(this.element)) {
this.eventState.skipType = true;
else if (activeElement !== this.element) {
this.eventState.skipType = true;
this.element = isContentEditable ? this.element : activeElement;
TypeAutomation.prototype._click = function (useStrictElementCheck) {
var _this = this;
var activeElement = domUtils$d.getActiveElement();
var isTextEditable = domUtils$d.isTextEditableElementAndEditingAllowed(this.element);
var isContentEditable = domUtils$d.isContentEditableElement(this.element);
if (activeElement !== this.element) {
var _a = getDefaultAutomationOffsets(this.element), offsetX = _a.offsetX, offsetY = _a.offsetY;
var clickOptions = new ClickOptions({
offsetX: this.elementChanged ? offsetX : this.offsetX,
offsetY: this.elementChanged ? offsetY : this.offsetY,
speed: this.speed,
caretPos: this.caretPos,
modifiers: this.modifiers,
var clickAutomation = new ClickAutomation(this.element, clickOptions, window, cursor);
return clickAutomation
.then(function () { return delay$5(_this.automationSettings.mouseActionStepDelay); });
if (isTextEditable)
var isEditableElement = isTextEditable || isContentEditable;
if (isEditableElement) {
var selectionStart = textSelection$5.getSelectionStart(this.element);
if (!isNaN(parseInt(this.caretPos, 10)) && this.caretPos !== selectionStart)
textSelection$, this.caretPos, this.caretPos);
return Promise$d.resolve();
TypeAutomation.prototype._type = function () {
var _this = this;
if (this.eventState.skipType)
return Promise$d.resolve();
var isContentEditable = domUtils$d.isContentEditableElement(this.element);
if (this.replace) {
if (domUtils$d.isTextEditableElementAndEditingAllowed(this.element))
else if (isContentEditable)
textSelection$5.deleteSelectionContents(this.element, true);
return promiseUtils.whilst(function () { return !_this._isTypingFinished(); }, function () { return _this._typingStep(); });
TypeAutomation.prototype._isTypingFinished = function () {
return this.currentPos === this.typingText.length;
TypeAutomation.prototype._typingStep = function () {
var char = this.typingText.charAt(this.currentPos);
this.currentKeyCode = getKeyCode(char);
this.currentCharCode = this.typingText.charCodeAt(this.currentPos);
this.currentKey = this.currentKeyCode === SPECIAL_KEYS['enter'] ? 'Enter' : char;
this.currentKeyIdentifier = getKeyIdentifier(this.currentKey);
this.ignoreChangeEvent = domUtils$d.getElementValue(this.element) === elementEditingWatcher$1.getElementSavedValue(this.element);
return this._keyup();
TypeAutomation.prototype._keydown = function () {
this.eventArgs = this._calculateEventArguments();
this.eventState.simulateKeypress = eventSimulator$e.keydown(this.eventArgs.element, this.eventArgs.options);
TypeAutomation.prototype._keypress = function () {
if (this.eventState.simulateKeypress === false)
this.eventArgs = this._calculateEventArguments(true);
this.eventState.simulateTypeChar = browserUtils$g.isAndroid || eventSimulator$e.keypress(this.eventArgs.element, this.eventArgs.options);
TypeAutomation.prototype._keyup = function () {
var _this = this;
var elementForTyping = this.eventArgs.element;
this.eventArgs = this._calculateEventArguments();
var isTextEditableElement = domUtils$d.isTextEditableElement(this.element);
var isContentEditable = domUtils$d.isContentEditableElement(this.element);
var shouldTypeAllText = this.paste || !isTextEditableElement && !isContentEditable;
return Promise$d
.then(function () {
return shouldTypeAllText ? _this._typeAllText(elementForTyping) : _this._typeChar(elementForTyping);
.then(function () {
eventSimulator$e.keyup(_this.eventArgs.element, _this.eventArgs.options);
if (shouldTypeAllText)
_this.currentPos = _this.typingText.length;
TypeAutomation.prototype._typeChar = function (element) {
// NOTE: change event must not be raised after prevented keydown
// or keypress even if element value was changed (B253816)
if (this.eventState.simulateKeypress === false || this.eventState.simulateTypeChar === false) {
// NOTE: change event should still be raised if element value
// was changed before the prevented keypress or keydown (GH-4881)
if (this.ignoreChangeEvent)
return delay$5(this.automationSettings.keyActionStepDelay);
var currentChar = this.typingText.charAt(this.currentPos);
var isDigit = /^\d$/.test(currentChar);
var prevChar = this.currentPos === 0 ? null : this.typingText.charAt(this.currentPos - 1);
var isInputTypeNumber = domUtils$d.isInputElement(element) && element.type === 'number';
if (isInputTypeNumber) {
var selectionStart = textSelection$5.getSelectionStart(element);
var valueLength = domUtils$d.getInputValue(element).length;
var textHasDigits = /^\d/.test(this.typingText);
var isPermissibleSymbol = currentChar === '.' || currentChar === '-' && valueLength;
if (!isDigit && (textHasDigits || !isPermissibleSymbol || selectionStart !== 0))
return delay$5(this.automationSettings.keyActionStepDelay);
// NOTE: allow to type '.' or '-' only if it is the first symbol and the input already has
// a value, or if '.' or '-' are added to a digit. Otherwise, the value won't be set.
if (isDigit && (prevChar === '.' || prevChar === '-' && !valueLength))
currentChar = prevChar + currentChar;
typeText(element, currentChar, null);
return delay$5(this.automationSettings.keyActionStepDelay);
TypeAutomation.prototype._typeAllText = function (element) {
typeText(element, this.typingText, this.caretPos);
return delay$5(this.automationSettings.keyActionStepDelay);
}; = function (useStrictElementCheck) {
var _this = this;
return this
.then(function () { return _this._calculateTargetElement(); })
.then(function () { return _this._type(); });
return TypeAutomation;
var UploadAutomation = /** @class */ (function () {
function UploadAutomation(element, paths, createError) {
this.element = element;
this.paths = paths;
this.createError = createError;
} = function () {
var _this = this;
return hammerhead.doUpload(this.element, this.paths)
.then(function (errs) {
if (!errs.length)
var filePaths =, function (err) { return err.path; });
var scannedFilePaths = testCafeCore.arrayUtils.reduce(errs, function (prev, current) {
return prev.concat(current.resolvedPaths);
}, []);
throw _this.createError(filePaths, scannedFilePaths);
return UploadAutomation;
var domUtils$e = testCafeCore__default.domUtils;
var contentEditable$6 = testCafeCore__default.contentEditable;
function getSelectTextAreaContentArguments(element, argumentsObject) {
var value = domUtils$e.getTextAreaValue(element);
var linesArray = value && value.length ? value.split('\n') : [];
var lastLineIndex = linesArray.length - 1;
var startLineIndex = !argumentsObject.startLine ? 0 : Math.min(argumentsObject.startLine, lastLineIndex);
var startLineLength = linesArray[startLineIndex] ? linesArray[startLineIndex].length : 0;
var startPos = !argumentsObject.startPos ? 0 : Math.min(argumentsObject.startPos, startLineLength);
var endLineIndex = argumentsObject.endLine === void 0 || argumentsObject.endLine === null ?
lastLineIndex : Math.min(argumentsObject.endLine, lastLineIndex);
var endLineLength = linesArray[endLineIndex] ? linesArray[endLineIndex].length : 0;
var endPos = argumentsObject.endPos === void 0 ||
argumentsObject.endPos ===
null ? endLineLength : Math.min(argumentsObject.endPos, endLineLength);
var startLinePosition = domUtils$e.getTextareaPositionByLineAndOffset(element, startLineIndex, 0);
var endLinePosition = domUtils$e.getTextareaPositionByLineAndOffset(element, endLineIndex, 0);
return {
startPos: startLinePosition + startPos,
endPos: endLinePosition + endPos,
function calculateSelectTextArguments (element, argumentsObject) {
if (argumentsObject === void 0) { argumentsObject = {}; }
var isTextEditable = domUtils$e.isTextEditableElement(element);
var firstPos = isTextEditable ? 0 : contentEditable$6.getFirstVisiblePosition(element);
var lastPos = isTextEditable ? domUtils$e.getElementValue(element).length : contentEditable$6.getLastVisiblePosition(element);
var startPos = !argumentsObject.startPos ? firstPos : Math.min(argumentsObject.startPos, lastPos);
var endPos = argumentsObject.endPos === void 0 ||
argumentsObject.endPos === null ? lastPos : Math.min(argumentsObject.endPos, lastPos);
if (argumentsObject.offset !== void 0) {
if (argumentsObject.offset >= 0)
endPos = Math.min(argumentsObject.offset, endPos);
else {
startPos = endPos;
endPos = Math.max(0, endPos + argumentsObject.offset);
return { startPos: startPos, endPos: endPos };
if (argumentsObject.startLine !== void 0)
return getSelectTextAreaContentArguments(element, argumentsObject);
return { startPos: startPos, endPos: endPos };
var exports$1 = {};
exports$1.DispatchEvent = DispatchEventAutomation;
exports$1.SetScroll = SetScrollAutomation;
exports$1.ScrollIntoView = ScrollIntoViewAutomation;
exports$1.Click = ClickAutomation;
exports$1.SelectChildClick = SelectChildClickAutomation;
exports$1.DblClick = DblClickAutomation;
exports$1.DragToOffset = DragToOffsetAutomation;
exports$1.DragToElement = DragToElementAutomation;
exports$1.Hover = HoverAutomation;
exports$1.Press = PressAutomation;
exports$1.RClick = RClickAutomation;
exports$1.SelectText = SelectTextAutomation;
exports$1.SelectEditableContent = SelectEditableContentAutomation;
exports$1.Type = TypeAutomation;
exports$1.Upload = UploadAutomation;
exports$1.MouseOptions = MouseOptions;
exports$1.ClickOptions = ClickOptions;
exports$1.TypeOptions = TypeOptions;
exports$1.AutomationSettings = AutomationSettings;
exports$1.getOffsetOptions = getOffsetOptions;
exports$1.calculateSelectTextArguments = calculateSelectTextArguments;
exports$1.cursor = cursor;
exports$1.getNextFocusableElement = getNextFocusableElement;
exports$1.getSelectionCoordinatesByPosition = getSelectionCoordinatesByPosition;
exports$1.getElementFromPoint = getElementFromPoint$2;
// NOTE: for testing purposes
exports$1.MoveAutomation = MoveAutomation;
var nativeMethods$e = hammerhead__default.nativeMethods;
var evalIframeScript = hammerhead__default.EVENTS.evalIframeScript;
nativeMethods$e.objectDefineProperty(window, '%testCafeAutomation%', { configurable: true, value: exports$1 });
// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
hammerhead__default.on(evalIframeScript, function (e) { return initTestCafeAutomation(nativeMethods$, true); });
}(window['%hammerhead%'], window['%hammerhead%'].Promise, window['%testCafeCore%'], window['%testCafeUI%']));