
128 lines
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using System.Reactive.Linq;
using System.Reactive.Subjects;
using System.Text;
using CliWrap.EventStream;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Victron.VictronVRM;
using static System.ConsoleColor;
using static System.StringSplitOptions;
namespace InnovEnergy.App.RemoteSupportConsole;
public static class VrmConnection
public static async Task<Int32> Open(Installation installation, IReadOnlyList<Detail> details)
var rsHost = details.RemoteSupportIp();
var rsPort = details.RemoteSupportPort();
"starting remote support connection with ".Write();
using var proxy = await OpenProxy(rsHost!, rsPort!);
"initiating SSH connection\n".WriteLine();
return await Ssh.Interactive(proxy.Host, installation.Name, proxy.User, proxy.Port);
private static async Task<VrmProxy> OpenProxy(String rsHost, String rsPort)
"contacting Victron remote support host at ".Write();
" ... ".Write();
var stdIn = new Subject<String>();
var stdInPipe = stdIn
.Select(l => l + "\n")
var stdOut = Ssh
.Command(rsHost, "ccgxsupport", "22")
.Select(e => e.Text)
var connection = stdOut.Connect();
await stdOut.FirstAsync(l => l.StartsWith("Full readline support"));
"requesting tunnel through port ".Write();
" ... ".Write();
stdIn.OnNext($"proxyport {rsPort}");
var connectMsg = await stdOut.FirstAsync(l => l.StartsWith("You can now connect"));
var portUserHost = connectMsg.Split(" ", RemoveEmptyEntries);
var userHost = portUserHost[^1].Split("@");
var user = userHost[0];
var host = userHost[1];
var port = portUserHost[^2];
return new VrmProxy(connection, user, host, port);
public static IObservable<CommandEvent> Log(this IObservable<CommandEvent> es)
return es.Do(e => Console.WriteLine(Log(e)));
private static String Log(CommandEvent e) => e switch
StandardOutputCommandEvent so => "=> " + so.Text,
StandardErrorCommandEvent se => "!! " + se.Text,
StartedCommandEvent => "START",
ExitedCommandEvent => "EXIT",
_ => "UNKNOWN MESSAGE: " + e.GetType().Name
// ReSharper disable CommentTypo
// $ ssh ccgxsupport@
// Welcome to the Victron remote support tunnel creator.
// You will given a one-time tunnel. SSH authentication to
// the Color Control is done with your SSH public key.
// *****************************************************************************
// * *
// * There are now multiple SSH support hosts. Logging in directly *
// * is not officially supported behavior, because you may end up on the wrong *
// * server. A script called 'rs' to use the new format ';45630' is *
// * available. Ask your Victron contact to supply you with it. *
// *****************************************************************************
// The proxy opened up to the CCGX will be restricted to your IP:
// Commands are:
// proxyport [port] - take color control [port] and temporarily make it available to the outside.
// iptoport [ip] - show the ports being listened on by that IP. Note, you do need to know
// which server the device is connected to. Currently, possibilites are:
// - (EU)
// - (EU)
// - (EU)
// - (EU)
// - (AUS Sydney)
// - (USA West)
// - (South Africa)
// - (South Africa)
// A good start would be the last known, as seen on the diagnostics page.
// exit - exits the shell and all tunnels you set up
// Full readline support (command history and editing) is available.
// proxyport 24337
// You can now connect to the CCGX with: ssh -o 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no' -o 'ServerAliveInterval=60' -p 4001 root@