
2320 lines
77 KiB

AMQP Specification
This module implements the constants and classes that comprise AMQP protocol
level constructs. It should rarely be directly referenced outside of Pika's
own internal use.
.. note:: Auto-generated code by, do not edit directly. Pull
requests to this file without accompanying ``utils/`` changes will be
import struct
from pika import amqp_object
from pika import data
from pika.compat import str_or_bytes, unicode_type
# Python 3 support for str object
str = bytes
PORT = 5672
NO_ROUTE = 312
class Connection(amqp_object.Class):
INDEX = 0x000A # 10
NAME = 'Connection'
class Start(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x000A000A # 10, 10; 655370
NAME = 'Connection.Start'
def __init__(self, version_major=0, version_minor=9, server_properties=None, mechanisms='PLAIN', locales='en_US'):
self.version_major = version_major
self.version_minor = version_minor
self.server_properties = server_properties
self.mechanisms = mechanisms
self.locales = locales
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.version_major = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.version_minor = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
(self.server_properties, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset)
length = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 4
self.mechanisms = encoded[offset:offset + length]
self.mechanisms = str(self.mechanisms)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
offset += length
length = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 4
self.locales = encoded[offset:offset + length]
self.locales = str(self.locales)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
offset += length
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', self.version_major))
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', self.version_minor))
data.encode_table(pieces, self.server_properties)
assert isinstance(self.mechanisms, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.mechanisms'
value = self.mechanisms.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(self.mechanisms, unicode_type) else self.mechanisms
pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', len(value)))
assert isinstance(self.locales, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.locales'
value = self.locales.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(self.locales, unicode_type) else self.locales
pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', len(value)))
return pieces
class StartOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x000A000B # 10, 11; 655371
NAME = 'Connection.StartOk'
def __init__(self, client_properties=None, mechanism='PLAIN', response=None, locale='en_US'):
self.client_properties = client_properties
self.mechanism = mechanism
self.response = response
self.locale = locale
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
(self.client_properties, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset)
self.mechanism, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
length = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 4
self.response = encoded[offset:offset + length]
self.response = str(self.response)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
offset += length
self.locale, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
data.encode_table(pieces, self.client_properties)
assert isinstance(self.mechanism, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.mechanism'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.mechanism)
assert isinstance(self.response, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.response'
value = self.response.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(self.response, unicode_type) else self.response
pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', len(value)))
assert isinstance(self.locale, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.locale'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.locale)
return pieces
class Secure(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x000A0014 # 10, 20; 655380
NAME = 'Connection.Secure'
def __init__(self, challenge=None):
self.challenge = challenge
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
length = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 4
self.challenge = encoded[offset:offset + length]
self.challenge = str(self.challenge)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
offset += length
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
assert isinstance(self.challenge, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.challenge'
value = self.challenge.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(self.challenge, unicode_type) else self.challenge
pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', len(value)))
return pieces
class SecureOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x000A0015 # 10, 21; 655381
NAME = 'Connection.SecureOk'
def __init__(self, response=None):
self.response = response
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
length = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 4
self.response = encoded[offset:offset + length]
self.response = str(self.response)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
offset += length
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
assert isinstance(self.response, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.response'
value = self.response.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(self.response, unicode_type) else self.response
pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', len(value)))
return pieces
class Tune(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x000A001E # 10, 30; 655390
NAME = 'Connection.Tune'
def __init__(self, channel_max=0, frame_max=0, heartbeat=0):
self.channel_max = channel_max
self.frame_max = frame_max
self.heartbeat = heartbeat
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.channel_max = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.frame_max = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 4
self.heartbeat = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.channel_max))
pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.frame_max))
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.heartbeat))
return pieces
class TuneOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x000A001F # 10, 31; 655391
NAME = 'Connection.TuneOk'
def __init__(self, channel_max=0, frame_max=0, heartbeat=0):
self.channel_max = channel_max
self.frame_max = frame_max
self.heartbeat = heartbeat
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.channel_max = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.frame_max = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 4
self.heartbeat = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.channel_max))
pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.frame_max))
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.heartbeat))
return pieces
class Open(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x000A0028 # 10, 40; 655400
NAME = 'Connection.Open'
def __init__(self, virtual_host='/', capabilities='', insist=False):
self.virtual_host = virtual_host
self.capabilities = capabilities
self.insist = insist
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.virtual_host, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.capabilities, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.insist = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
assert isinstance(self.virtual_host, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.virtual_host'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.virtual_host)
assert isinstance(self.capabilities, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.capabilities'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.capabilities)
bit_buffer = 0
if self.insist:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class OpenOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x000A0029 # 10, 41; 655401
NAME = 'Connection.OpenOk'
def __init__(self, known_hosts=''):
self.known_hosts = known_hosts
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.known_hosts, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
assert isinstance(self.known_hosts, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.known_hosts'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.known_hosts)
return pieces
class Close(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x000A0032 # 10, 50; 655410
NAME = 'Connection.Close'
def __init__(self, reply_code=None, reply_text='', class_id=None, method_id=None):
self.reply_code = reply_code
self.reply_text = reply_text
self.class_id = class_id
self.method_id = method_id
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.reply_code = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.reply_text, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.class_id = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.method_id = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.reply_code))
assert isinstance(self.reply_text, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.reply_text'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.reply_text)
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.class_id))
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.method_id))
return pieces
class CloseOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x000A0033 # 10, 51; 655411
NAME = 'Connection.CloseOk'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class Blocked(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x000A003C # 10, 60; 655420
NAME = 'Connection.Blocked'
def __init__(self, reason=''):
self.reason = reason
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.reason, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
assert isinstance(self.reason, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.reason'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.reason)
return pieces
class Unblocked(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x000A003D # 10, 61; 655421
NAME = 'Connection.Unblocked'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class Channel(amqp_object.Class):
INDEX = 0x0014 # 20
NAME = 'Channel'
class Open(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x0014000A # 20, 10; 1310730
NAME = 'Channel.Open'
def __init__(self, out_of_band=''):
self.out_of_band = out_of_band
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.out_of_band, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
assert isinstance(self.out_of_band, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.out_of_band'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.out_of_band)
return pieces
class OpenOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x0014000B # 20, 11; 1310731
NAME = 'Channel.OpenOk'
def __init__(self, channel_id=''):
self.channel_id = channel_id
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
length = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 4
self.channel_id = encoded[offset:offset + length]
self.channel_id = str(self.channel_id)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
offset += length
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
assert isinstance(self.channel_id, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.channel_id'
value = self.channel_id.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(self.channel_id, unicode_type) else self.channel_id
pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', len(value)))
return pieces
class Flow(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x00140014 # 20, 20; 1310740
NAME = 'Channel.Flow'
def __init__(self, active=None): = active
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1 = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
bit_buffer = 0
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class FlowOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x00140015 # 20, 21; 1310741
NAME = 'Channel.FlowOk'
def __init__(self, active=None): = active
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1 = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
bit_buffer = 0
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class Close(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x00140028 # 20, 40; 1310760
NAME = 'Channel.Close'
def __init__(self, reply_code=None, reply_text='', class_id=None, method_id=None):
self.reply_code = reply_code
self.reply_text = reply_text
self.class_id = class_id
self.method_id = method_id
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.reply_code = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.reply_text, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.class_id = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.method_id = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.reply_code))
assert isinstance(self.reply_text, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.reply_text'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.reply_text)
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.class_id))
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.method_id))
return pieces
class CloseOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x00140029 # 20, 41; 1310761
NAME = 'Channel.CloseOk'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class Access(amqp_object.Class):
INDEX = 0x001E # 30
NAME = 'Access'
class Request(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x001E000A # 30, 10; 1966090
NAME = 'Access.Request'
def __init__(self, realm='/data', exclusive=False, passive=True, active=True, write=True, read=True):
self.realm = realm
self.exclusive = exclusive
self.passive = passive = active
self.write = write = read
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.realm, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.exclusive = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
self.passive = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0 = (bit_buffer & (1 << 2)) != 0
self.write = (bit_buffer & (1 << 3)) != 0 = (bit_buffer & (1 << 4)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
assert isinstance(self.realm, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.realm'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.realm)
bit_buffer = 0
if self.exclusive:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
if self.passive:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 1)
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 2)
if self.write:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 3)
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 4)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class RequestOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x001E000B # 30, 11; 1966091
NAME = 'Access.RequestOk'
def __init__(self, ticket=1):
self.ticket = ticket
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket))
return pieces
class Exchange(amqp_object.Class):
INDEX = 0x0028 # 40
NAME = 'Exchange'
class Declare(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x0028000A # 40, 10; 2621450
NAME = 'Exchange.Declare'
def __init__(self, ticket=0, exchange=None, type='direct', passive=False, durable=False, auto_delete=False, internal=False, nowait=False, arguments={}):
self.ticket = ticket = exchange
self.type = type
self.passive = passive
self.durable = durable
self.auto_delete = auto_delete
self.internal = internal
self.nowait = nowait
self.arguments = arguments
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.type, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.passive = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
self.durable = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0
self.auto_delete = (bit_buffer & (1 << 2)) != 0
self.internal = (bit_buffer & (1 << 3)) != 0
self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 4)) != 0
(self.arguments, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket))
assert isinstance(, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for'
assert isinstance(self.type, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.type'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.type)
bit_buffer = 0
if self.passive:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
if self.durable:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 1)
if self.auto_delete:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 2)
if self.internal:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 3)
if self.nowait:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 4)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
data.encode_table(pieces, self.arguments)
return pieces
class DeclareOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x0028000B # 40, 11; 2621451
NAME = 'Exchange.DeclareOk'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class Delete(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x00280014 # 40, 20; 2621460
NAME = 'Exchange.Delete'
def __init__(self, ticket=0, exchange=None, if_unused=False, nowait=False):
self.ticket = ticket = exchange
self.if_unused = if_unused
self.nowait = nowait
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.if_unused = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket))
assert isinstance(, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for'
bit_buffer = 0
if self.if_unused:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
if self.nowait:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 1)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class DeleteOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x00280015 # 40, 21; 2621461
NAME = 'Exchange.DeleteOk'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class Bind(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x0028001E # 40, 30; 2621470
NAME = 'Exchange.Bind'
def __init__(self, ticket=0, destination=None, source=None, routing_key='', nowait=False, arguments={}):
self.ticket = ticket
self.destination = destination
self.source = source
self.routing_key = routing_key
self.nowait = nowait
self.arguments = arguments
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.destination, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.source, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
(self.arguments, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket))
assert isinstance(self.destination, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.destination'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.destination)
assert isinstance(self.source, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.source'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.source)
assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key)
bit_buffer = 0
if self.nowait:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
data.encode_table(pieces, self.arguments)
return pieces
class BindOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x0028001F # 40, 31; 2621471
NAME = 'Exchange.BindOk'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class Unbind(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x00280028 # 40, 40; 2621480
NAME = 'Exchange.Unbind'
def __init__(self, ticket=0, destination=None, source=None, routing_key='', nowait=False, arguments={}):
self.ticket = ticket
self.destination = destination
self.source = source
self.routing_key = routing_key
self.nowait = nowait
self.arguments = arguments
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.destination, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.source, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
(self.arguments, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket))
assert isinstance(self.destination, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.destination'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.destination)
assert isinstance(self.source, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.source'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.source)
assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key)
bit_buffer = 0
if self.nowait:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
data.encode_table(pieces, self.arguments)
return pieces
class UnbindOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x00280033 # 40, 51; 2621491
NAME = 'Exchange.UnbindOk'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class Queue(amqp_object.Class):
INDEX = 0x0032 # 50
NAME = 'Queue'
class Declare(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x0032000A # 50, 10; 3276810
NAME = 'Queue.Declare'
def __init__(self, ticket=0, queue='', passive=False, durable=False, exclusive=False, auto_delete=False, nowait=False, arguments={}):
self.ticket = ticket
self.queue = queue
self.passive = passive
self.durable = durable
self.exclusive = exclusive
self.auto_delete = auto_delete
self.nowait = nowait
self.arguments = arguments
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.passive = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
self.durable = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0
self.exclusive = (bit_buffer & (1 << 2)) != 0
self.auto_delete = (bit_buffer & (1 << 3)) != 0
self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 4)) != 0
(self.arguments, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket))
assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue)
bit_buffer = 0
if self.passive:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
if self.durable:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 1)
if self.exclusive:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 2)
if self.auto_delete:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 3)
if self.nowait:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 4)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
data.encode_table(pieces, self.arguments)
return pieces
class DeclareOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x0032000B # 50, 11; 3276811
NAME = 'Queue.DeclareOk'
def __init__(self, queue=None, message_count=None, consumer_count=None):
self.queue = queue
self.message_count = message_count
self.consumer_count = consumer_count
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.message_count = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 4
self.consumer_count = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 4
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue)
pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.message_count))
pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.consumer_count))
return pieces
class Bind(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x00320014 # 50, 20; 3276820
NAME = 'Queue.Bind'
def __init__(self, ticket=0, queue='', exchange=None, routing_key='', nowait=False, arguments={}):
self.ticket = ticket
self.queue = queue = exchange
self.routing_key = routing_key
self.nowait = nowait
self.arguments = arguments
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset), offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
(self.arguments, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket))
assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue)
assert isinstance(, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for'
assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key)
bit_buffer = 0
if self.nowait:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
data.encode_table(pieces, self.arguments)
return pieces
class BindOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x00320015 # 50, 21; 3276821
NAME = 'Queue.BindOk'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class Purge(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x0032001E # 50, 30; 3276830
NAME = 'Queue.Purge'
def __init__(self, ticket=0, queue='', nowait=False):
self.ticket = ticket
self.queue = queue
self.nowait = nowait
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket))
assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue)
bit_buffer = 0
if self.nowait:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class PurgeOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x0032001F # 50, 31; 3276831
NAME = 'Queue.PurgeOk'
def __init__(self, message_count=None):
self.message_count = message_count
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.message_count = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 4
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.message_count))
return pieces
class Delete(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x00320028 # 50, 40; 3276840
NAME = 'Queue.Delete'
def __init__(self, ticket=0, queue='', if_unused=False, if_empty=False, nowait=False):
self.ticket = ticket
self.queue = queue
self.if_unused = if_unused
self.if_empty = if_empty
self.nowait = nowait
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.if_unused = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
self.if_empty = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0
self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 2)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket))
assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue)
bit_buffer = 0
if self.if_unused:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
if self.if_empty:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 1)
if self.nowait:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 2)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class DeleteOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x00320029 # 50, 41; 3276841
NAME = 'Queue.DeleteOk'
def __init__(self, message_count=None):
self.message_count = message_count
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.message_count = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 4
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.message_count))
return pieces
class Unbind(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x00320032 # 50, 50; 3276850
NAME = 'Queue.Unbind'
def __init__(self, ticket=0, queue='', exchange=None, routing_key='', arguments={}):
self.ticket = ticket
self.queue = queue = exchange
self.routing_key = routing_key
self.arguments = arguments
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset), offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
(self.arguments, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket))
assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue)
assert isinstance(, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for'
assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key)
data.encode_table(pieces, self.arguments)
return pieces
class UnbindOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x00320033 # 50, 51; 3276851
NAME = 'Queue.UnbindOk'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class Basic(amqp_object.Class):
INDEX = 0x003C # 60
NAME = 'Basic'
class Qos(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C000A # 60, 10; 3932170
NAME = 'Basic.Qos'
def __init__(self, prefetch_size=0, prefetch_count=0, global_=False):
self.prefetch_size = prefetch_size
self.prefetch_count = prefetch_count
self.global_ = global_
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.prefetch_size = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 4
self.prefetch_count = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.global_ = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.prefetch_size))
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.prefetch_count))
bit_buffer = 0
if self.global_:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class QosOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C000B # 60, 11; 3932171
NAME = 'Basic.QosOk'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class Consume(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C0014 # 60, 20; 3932180
NAME = 'Basic.Consume'
def __init__(self, ticket=0, queue='', consumer_tag='', no_local=False, no_ack=False, exclusive=False, nowait=False, arguments={}):
self.ticket = ticket
self.queue = queue
self.consumer_tag = consumer_tag
self.no_local = no_local
self.no_ack = no_ack
self.exclusive = exclusive
self.nowait = nowait
self.arguments = arguments
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.consumer_tag, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.no_local = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
self.no_ack = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0
self.exclusive = (bit_buffer & (1 << 2)) != 0
self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 3)) != 0
(self.arguments, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket))
assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue)
assert isinstance(self.consumer_tag, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.consumer_tag'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.consumer_tag)
bit_buffer = 0
if self.no_local:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
if self.no_ack:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 1)
if self.exclusive:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 2)
if self.nowait:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 3)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
data.encode_table(pieces, self.arguments)
return pieces
class ConsumeOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C0015 # 60, 21; 3932181
NAME = 'Basic.ConsumeOk'
def __init__(self, consumer_tag=None):
self.consumer_tag = consumer_tag
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.consumer_tag, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
assert isinstance(self.consumer_tag, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.consumer_tag'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.consumer_tag)
return pieces
class Cancel(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C001E # 60, 30; 3932190
NAME = 'Basic.Cancel'
def __init__(self, consumer_tag=None, nowait=False):
self.consumer_tag = consumer_tag
self.nowait = nowait
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.consumer_tag, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
assert isinstance(self.consumer_tag, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.consumer_tag'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.consumer_tag)
bit_buffer = 0
if self.nowait:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class CancelOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C001F # 60, 31; 3932191
NAME = 'Basic.CancelOk'
def __init__(self, consumer_tag=None):
self.consumer_tag = consumer_tag
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.consumer_tag, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
assert isinstance(self.consumer_tag, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.consumer_tag'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.consumer_tag)
return pieces
class Publish(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C0028 # 60, 40; 3932200
NAME = 'Basic.Publish'
def __init__(self, ticket=0, exchange='', routing_key='', mandatory=False, immediate=False):
self.ticket = ticket = exchange
self.routing_key = routing_key
self.mandatory = mandatory
self.immediate = immediate
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.mandatory = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
self.immediate = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket))
assert isinstance(, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for'
assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key)
bit_buffer = 0
if self.mandatory:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
if self.immediate:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 1)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class Return(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C0032 # 60, 50; 3932210
NAME = 'Basic.Return'
def __init__(self, reply_code=None, reply_text='', exchange=None, routing_key=None):
self.reply_code = reply_code
self.reply_text = reply_text = exchange
self.routing_key = routing_key
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.reply_code = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.reply_text, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset), offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.reply_code))
assert isinstance(self.reply_text, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.reply_text'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.reply_text)
assert isinstance(, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for'
assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key)
return pieces
class Deliver(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C003C # 60, 60; 3932220
NAME = 'Basic.Deliver'
def __init__(self, consumer_tag=None, delivery_tag=None, redelivered=False, exchange=None, routing_key=None):
self.consumer_tag = consumer_tag
self.delivery_tag = delivery_tag
self.redelivered = redelivered = exchange
self.routing_key = routing_key
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.consumer_tag, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.delivery_tag = struct.unpack_from('>Q', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 8
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.redelivered = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
assert isinstance(self.consumer_tag, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.consumer_tag'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.consumer_tag)
pieces.append(struct.pack('>Q', self.delivery_tag))
bit_buffer = 0
if self.redelivered:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
assert isinstance(, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for'
assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key)
return pieces
class Get(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C0046 # 60, 70; 3932230
NAME = 'Basic.Get'
def __init__(self, ticket=0, queue='', no_ack=False):
self.ticket = ticket
self.queue = queue
self.no_ack = no_ack
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.ticket = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
self.queue, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.no_ack = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', self.ticket))
assert isinstance(self.queue, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.queue'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.queue)
bit_buffer = 0
if self.no_ack:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class GetOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C0047 # 60, 71; 3932231
NAME = 'Basic.GetOk'
def __init__(self, delivery_tag=None, redelivered=False, exchange=None, routing_key=None, message_count=None):
self.delivery_tag = delivery_tag
self.redelivered = redelivered = exchange
self.routing_key = routing_key
self.message_count = message_count
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.delivery_tag = struct.unpack_from('>Q', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 8
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.redelivered = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.routing_key, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.message_count = struct.unpack_from('>I', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 4
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>Q', self.delivery_tag))
bit_buffer = 0
if self.redelivered:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
assert isinstance(, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for'
assert isinstance(self.routing_key, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.routing_key'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.routing_key)
pieces.append(struct.pack('>I', self.message_count))
return pieces
class GetEmpty(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C0048 # 60, 72; 3932232
NAME = 'Basic.GetEmpty'
def __init__(self, cluster_id=''):
self.cluster_id = cluster_id
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.cluster_id, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
assert isinstance(self.cluster_id, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.cluster_id'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.cluster_id)
return pieces
class Ack(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C0050 # 60, 80; 3932240
NAME = 'Basic.Ack'
def __init__(self, delivery_tag=0, multiple=False):
self.delivery_tag = delivery_tag
self.multiple = multiple
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.delivery_tag = struct.unpack_from('>Q', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 8
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.multiple = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>Q', self.delivery_tag))
bit_buffer = 0
if self.multiple:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class Reject(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C005A # 60, 90; 3932250
NAME = 'Basic.Reject'
def __init__(self, delivery_tag=None, requeue=True):
self.delivery_tag = delivery_tag
self.requeue = requeue
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.delivery_tag = struct.unpack_from('>Q', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 8
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.requeue = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>Q', self.delivery_tag))
bit_buffer = 0
if self.requeue:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class RecoverAsync(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C0064 # 60, 100; 3932260
NAME = 'Basic.RecoverAsync'
def __init__(self, requeue=False):
self.requeue = requeue
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.requeue = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
bit_buffer = 0
if self.requeue:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class Recover(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C006E # 60, 110; 3932270
NAME = 'Basic.Recover'
def __init__(self, requeue=False):
self.requeue = requeue
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.requeue = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
bit_buffer = 0
if self.requeue:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class RecoverOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C006F # 60, 111; 3932271
NAME = 'Basic.RecoverOk'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class Nack(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x003C0078 # 60, 120; 3932280
NAME = 'Basic.Nack'
def __init__(self, delivery_tag=0, multiple=False, requeue=True):
self.delivery_tag = delivery_tag
self.multiple = multiple
self.requeue = requeue
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
self.delivery_tag = struct.unpack_from('>Q', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 8
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.multiple = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
self.requeue = (bit_buffer & (1 << 1)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
pieces.append(struct.pack('>Q', self.delivery_tag))
bit_buffer = 0
if self.multiple:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
if self.requeue:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 1)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class Tx(amqp_object.Class):
INDEX = 0x005A # 90
NAME = 'Tx'
class Select(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x005A000A # 90, 10; 5898250
NAME = 'Tx.Select'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class SelectOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x005A000B # 90, 11; 5898251
NAME = 'Tx.SelectOk'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class Commit(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x005A0014 # 90, 20; 5898260
NAME = 'Tx.Commit'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class CommitOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x005A0015 # 90, 21; 5898261
NAME = 'Tx.CommitOk'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class Rollback(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x005A001E # 90, 30; 5898270
NAME = 'Tx.Rollback'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class RollbackOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x005A001F # 90, 31; 5898271
NAME = 'Tx.RollbackOk'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class Confirm(amqp_object.Class):
INDEX = 0x0055 # 85
NAME = 'Confirm'
class Select(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x0055000A # 85, 10; 5570570
NAME = 'Confirm.Select'
def __init__(self, nowait=False):
self.nowait = nowait
def synchronous(self):
return True
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
bit_buffer = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.nowait = (bit_buffer & (1 << 0)) != 0
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
bit_buffer = 0
if self.nowait:
bit_buffer = bit_buffer | (1 << 0)
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', bit_buffer))
return pieces
class SelectOk(amqp_object.Method):
INDEX = 0x0055000B # 85, 11; 5570571
NAME = 'Confirm.SelectOk'
def __init__(self):
def synchronous(self):
return False
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
return pieces
class BasicProperties(amqp_object.Properties):
CLASS = Basic
INDEX = 0x003C # 60
NAME = 'BasicProperties'
FLAG_HEADERS = (1 << 13)
FLAG_PRIORITY = (1 << 11)
FLAG_REPLY_TO = (1 << 9)
FLAG_MESSAGE_ID = (1 << 7)
FLAG_TYPE = (1 << 5)
FLAG_USER_ID = (1 << 4)
FLAG_APP_ID = (1 << 3)
FLAG_CLUSTER_ID = (1 << 2)
def __init__(self, content_type=None, content_encoding=None, headers=None, delivery_mode=None, priority=None, correlation_id=None, reply_to=None, expiration=None, message_id=None, timestamp=None, type=None, user_id=None, app_id=None, cluster_id=None):
self.content_type = content_type
self.content_encoding = content_encoding
self.headers = headers
self.delivery_mode = delivery_mode
self.priority = priority
self.correlation_id = correlation_id
self.reply_to = reply_to
self.expiration = expiration
self.message_id = message_id
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.type = type
self.user_id = user_id
self.app_id = app_id
self.cluster_id = cluster_id
def decode(self, encoded, offset=0):
flags = 0
flagword_index = 0
while True:
partial_flags = struct.unpack_from('>H', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 2
flags = flags | (partial_flags << (flagword_index * 16))
if not (partial_flags & 1):
flagword_index += 1
if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_CONTENT_TYPE:
self.content_type, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.content_type = None
if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_CONTENT_ENCODING:
self.content_encoding, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.content_encoding = None
if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_HEADERS:
(self.headers, offset) = data.decode_table(encoded, offset)
self.headers = None
if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_DELIVERY_MODE:
self.delivery_mode = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.delivery_mode = None
if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_PRIORITY:
self.priority = struct.unpack_from('B', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 1
self.priority = None
if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_CORRELATION_ID:
self.correlation_id, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.correlation_id = None
if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_REPLY_TO:
self.reply_to, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.reply_to = None
if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_EXPIRATION:
self.expiration, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.expiration = None
if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_MESSAGE_ID:
self.message_id, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.message_id = None
if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_TIMESTAMP:
self.timestamp = struct.unpack_from('>Q', encoded, offset)[0]
offset += 8
self.timestamp = None
if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_TYPE:
self.type, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.type = None
if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_USER_ID:
self.user_id, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.user_id = None
if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_APP_ID:
self.app_id, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.app_id = None
if flags & BasicProperties.FLAG_CLUSTER_ID:
self.cluster_id, offset = data.decode_short_string(encoded, offset)
self.cluster_id = None
return self
def encode(self):
pieces = list()
flags = 0
if self.content_type is not None:
flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_CONTENT_TYPE
assert isinstance(self.content_type, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.content_type'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.content_type)
if self.content_encoding is not None:
flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_CONTENT_ENCODING
assert isinstance(self.content_encoding, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.content_encoding'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.content_encoding)
if self.headers is not None:
flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_HEADERS
data.encode_table(pieces, self.headers)
if self.delivery_mode is not None:
flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_DELIVERY_MODE
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', self.delivery_mode))
if self.priority is not None:
flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_PRIORITY
pieces.append(struct.pack('B', self.priority))
if self.correlation_id is not None:
flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_CORRELATION_ID
assert isinstance(self.correlation_id, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.correlation_id'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.correlation_id)
if self.reply_to is not None:
flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_REPLY_TO
assert isinstance(self.reply_to, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.reply_to'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.reply_to)
if self.expiration is not None:
flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_EXPIRATION
assert isinstance(self.expiration, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.expiration'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.expiration)
if self.message_id is not None:
flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_MESSAGE_ID
assert isinstance(self.message_id, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.message_id'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.message_id)
if self.timestamp is not None:
flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_TIMESTAMP
pieces.append(struct.pack('>Q', self.timestamp))
if self.type is not None:
flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_TYPE
assert isinstance(self.type, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.type'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.type)
if self.user_id is not None:
flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_USER_ID
assert isinstance(self.user_id, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.user_id'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.user_id)
if self.app_id is not None:
flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_APP_ID
assert isinstance(self.app_id, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.app_id'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.app_id)
if self.cluster_id is not None:
flags = flags | BasicProperties.FLAG_CLUSTER_ID
assert isinstance(self.cluster_id, str_or_bytes),\
'A non-string value was supplied for self.cluster_id'
data.encode_short_string(pieces, self.cluster_id)
flag_pieces = list()
while True:
remainder = flags >> 16
partial_flags = flags & 0xFFFE
if remainder != 0:
partial_flags |= 1
flag_pieces.append(struct.pack('>H', partial_flags))
flags = remainder
if not flags:
return flag_pieces + pieces
methods = {
0x000A000A: Connection.Start,
0x000A000B: Connection.StartOk,
0x000A0014: Connection.Secure,
0x000A0015: Connection.SecureOk,
0x000A001E: Connection.Tune,
0x000A001F: Connection.TuneOk,
0x000A0028: Connection.Open,
0x000A0029: Connection.OpenOk,
0x000A0032: Connection.Close,
0x000A0033: Connection.CloseOk,
0x000A003C: Connection.Blocked,
0x000A003D: Connection.Unblocked,
0x0014000A: Channel.Open,
0x0014000B: Channel.OpenOk,
0x00140014: Channel.Flow,
0x00140015: Channel.FlowOk,
0x00140028: Channel.Close,
0x00140029: Channel.CloseOk,
0x001E000A: Access.Request,
0x001E000B: Access.RequestOk,
0x0028000A: Exchange.Declare,
0x0028000B: Exchange.DeclareOk,
0x00280014: Exchange.Delete,
0x00280015: Exchange.DeleteOk,
0x0028001E: Exchange.Bind,
0x0028001F: Exchange.BindOk,
0x00280028: Exchange.Unbind,
0x00280033: Exchange.UnbindOk,
0x0032000A: Queue.Declare,
0x0032000B: Queue.DeclareOk,
0x00320014: Queue.Bind,
0x00320015: Queue.BindOk,
0x0032001E: Queue.Purge,
0x0032001F: Queue.PurgeOk,
0x00320028: Queue.Delete,
0x00320029: Queue.DeleteOk,
0x00320032: Queue.Unbind,
0x00320033: Queue.UnbindOk,
0x003C000A: Basic.Qos,
0x003C000B: Basic.QosOk,
0x003C0014: Basic.Consume,
0x003C0015: Basic.ConsumeOk,
0x003C001E: Basic.Cancel,
0x003C001F: Basic.CancelOk,
0x003C0028: Basic.Publish,
0x003C0032: Basic.Return,
0x003C003C: Basic.Deliver,
0x003C0046: Basic.Get,
0x003C0047: Basic.GetOk,
0x003C0048: Basic.GetEmpty,
0x003C0050: Basic.Ack,
0x003C005A: Basic.Reject,
0x003C0064: Basic.RecoverAsync,
0x003C006E: Basic.Recover,
0x003C006F: Basic.RecoverOk,
0x003C0078: Basic.Nack,
0x005A000A: Tx.Select,
0x005A000B: Tx.SelectOk,
0x005A0014: Tx.Commit,
0x005A0015: Tx.CommitOk,
0x005A001E: Tx.Rollback,
0x005A001F: Tx.RollbackOk,
0x0055000A: Confirm.Select,
0x0055000B: Confirm.SelectOk
props = {
0x003C: BasicProperties
def has_content(methodNumber):
return methodNumber in (