modbus v2
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Channels;
public abstract class Channel
public abstract IReadOnlyList<Byte> Read(Int32 nBytes);
public abstract void Write(IReadOnlyList<Byte> bytes);
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Channels;
public abstract class ConnectionChannel<T> : Channel, IDisposable
private readonly Func<Exception, Boolean> _CloseAfterException ;
private readonly Boolean _CloseAfterSuccessfulRead ;
private readonly Boolean _CloseAfterSuccessfulWrite ;
protected abstract T Open();
protected abstract void Close(T connection);
protected abstract IReadOnlyList<Byte> Read (T connection, Int32 nBytes);
protected abstract void Write(T connection, IReadOnlyList<Byte> data);
private T? _Connection;
protected ConnectionChannel(Boolean closeAfterSuccessfulRead = false,
Boolean closeAfterSuccessfulWrite = false,
Func<Exception, Boolean>? closeAfterException = null)
_CloseAfterSuccessfulRead = closeAfterSuccessfulRead;
_CloseAfterSuccessfulWrite = closeAfterSuccessfulWrite;
_CloseAfterException = closeAfterException ?? (_ => true);
public override IReadOnlyList<Byte> Read(Int32 nBytes)
return Read(Connection, nBytes);
catch (Exception e)
if (_CloseAfterException(e))
if (_CloseAfterSuccessfulRead)
public override void Write(IReadOnlyList<Byte> data)
Write(Connection, data);
catch (Exception e)
if (_CloseAfterException(e))
if (_CloseAfterSuccessfulWrite)
private T Connection => _Connection ??= Open();
private void Close()
if (_Connection is null)
_Connection = default;
public void Dispose() => Close();
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Connections;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Channels;
public static class PushToPullHelper
@ -14,12 +14,16 @@ public static class PushToPullHelper
var nAvailable = src
.Select(_ => buffer.Count)
.Subscribe(e => e.WriteLine());
async Task<IReadOnlyList<T>> Read(Int32 n)
Console.WriteLine($"requesting {n}");
var available = buffer.Count;
if (available < n)
available = await nAvailable.FirstOrDefaultAsync(a => a >= n);
@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using CliWrap;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Channels;
public record RemoteSerialConnection
Func<Int32, IReadOnlyList<Byte>> Read,
Action<IReadOnlyList<Byte>> Write,
Action Close
// public class RemoteSerialChannel : ConnectionChannel<RemoteSerialConnection>
// {
// private readonly Command _Command;
// public RemoteSerialChannel(SshHost host,
// String tty,
// Int32 baudRate,
// Parity parity,
// Int32 stopBits,
// Int32 dataBits)
// {
// tty = tty.EnsureStartsWith("/dev/");
// var configureTty = ConfigureTty(tty, baudRate, parity, stopBits, dataBits);
// var redirectStreams = RedirectStreams(tty);
// var call = $"{configureTty}; {redirectStreams}";
// _Command = host
// .Command
// .AppendArgument(call);
// _Command.WriteLine();
// }
// protected override RemoteSerialConnection Open()
// {
// var observableProcess = new ObservableProcess(_Command);
// observableProcess.Start();
// IReadOnlyList<Byte> Read(Int32 i)
// {
// return observableProcess.Read(i).Result;
// }
// void Write(IReadOnlyList<Byte> data) => observableProcess.StdIn.OnNext(data.ToArray());
// return new RemoteSerialConnection(Read, Write, observableProcess.Interrupt);
// }
// protected override void Close(RemoteSerialConnection connection)
// {
// connection.Close();
// }
// protected override IReadOnlyList<Byte> Read(RemoteSerialConnection connection, Int32 nBytes)
// {
// return connection.Read(nBytes);
// }
// protected override void Write(RemoteSerialConnection connection, IReadOnlyList<Byte> data)
// {
// connection.Write(data);
// }
// private static String RedirectStreams(String tty)
// {
// //
// return $"exec 3<>{tty}; " +
// $"cat <&3 & cat >&3; " +
// // $"(cat <&3 | tee -a ~/read) & cat | tee -a ~/write >&3; " +
// $"kill $!";
// // var call = $"trap 'kill -HUP $(jobs -lp) 2>/dev/null || true' EXIT; " +
// // $"{configure} ; "+
// // $"dd if={tty} of=/dev/stdout bs=1 & " +
// // $"dd if=/dev/stdin of={tty} bs=1 ;"
// }
// [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "StringLiteralTypo")]
// private static String ConfigureTty(String tty, Int32 baudRate, Parity parity, Int32 stopBits, Int32 dataBits)
// {
// var oParity = parity switch
// {
// Parity.Even => "parenb -parodd",
// Parity.Odd => "parenb parodd",
// Parity.None => "-parenb",
// _ => throw new NotImplementedException()
// };
// var oStopBits = stopBits switch
// {
// 1 => "-cstopb",
// 2 => "cstopb",
// _ => throw new NotImplementedException()
// };
// var oDataBits = "cs" + dataBits;
// return $"stty -F {tty} {baudRate} {oDataBits} {oStopBits} {oParity}";
// }
// }
public class RemoteSerialChannel : ConnectionChannel<TcpChannel>
private readonly Command _Command;
private readonly TcpChannel _TcpChannel;
const String SsDir = "/opt/victronenergy/serial-starter";
const String KillTasks = "kill $!";
private CancellationTokenSource _CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
private CommandTask<CommandResult>? _CommandTask;
public RemoteSerialChannel(SshHost host,
String tty,
Int32 baudRate,
Parity parity,
Int32 stopBits,
Int32 dataBits)
const Int32 port = 6855;
tty = tty.EnsureStartsWith("/dev/");
var configureTty = ConfigureTty(tty, baudRate, parity, stopBits, dataBits);
var stopTty = $"{SsDir}/ {tty}";
var startTty = $"{SsDir}/ {tty}";
// ReSharper disable once StringLiteralTypo
var socat = $"socat TCP-LISTEN:{port},nodelay {tty},raw";
//var script = $"-n -o RemoteCommand='{stopTty}; {configureTty} && {socat} ; {startTty} ; {KillTasks}'";
var script = $"{stopTty}; {configureTty} && {socat} ; {startTty} ; {KillTasks}";
_Command = host.Command.AppendArgument(script);
_TcpChannel = new TcpChannel(host.HostName, port);
private static String ConfigureTty(String tty, Int32 baudRate, Parity parity, Int32 stopBits, Int32 dataBits)
var oParity = parity switch
Parity.Even => "parenb -parodd",
Parity.Odd => "parenb parodd",
Parity.None => "-parenb",
_ => throw new NotImplementedException()
var oStopBits = stopBits switch
1 => "-cstopb",
2 => "cstopb",
_ => throw new NotImplementedException()
var oDataBits = "cs" + dataBits;
return $"stty -F {tty} {baudRate} {oDataBits} {oStopBits} {oParity}";
protected override TcpChannel Open()
_CommandTask ??= _Command.ExecuteAsync(_CancellationTokenSource.Token);
Thread.Sleep(2000); // wait until socat is ready
return _TcpChannel;
protected override void Close(TcpChannel connection)
_CommandTask = null;
_CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
protected override IReadOnlyList<Byte> Read(TcpChannel connection, Int32 nBytes)
return connection.Read(nBytes);
protected override void Write(TcpChannel connection, IReadOnlyList<Byte> data)
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
using System.IO.Ports;
using CliWrap;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Channels;
public class SerialPortChannel : ConnectionChannel<SerialPort>
private readonly Func<SerialPort> _Open;
public SerialPortChannel(String portName,
Int32 baudRate,
Parity parity,
Int32 dataBits,
Int32 stopBits,
Boolean closeAfterSuccessfulRead = false,
Boolean closeAfterSuccessfulWrite = false)
var sb = stopBits switch
0 => StopBits.None,
1 => StopBits.One,
2 => StopBits.Two,
_ => StopBits.OnePointFive
_Open = () =>
var serialPort = new SerialPort(portName, baudRate, parity, dataBits, sb);
return serialPort;
protected override SerialPort Open() => _Open();
protected override void Close(SerialPort serialPort) => serialPort.Dispose();
protected override IReadOnlyList<Byte> Read(SerialPort serialPort, Int32 nBytes)
var buffer = new Byte[nBytes];
var bytesReceived = 0;
var received = serialPort.Read(buffer, bytesReceived, nBytes - bytesReceived);
if (received < 0)
throw new NotConnectedException("Serial Connection has been closed");
bytesReceived += received;
while (bytesReceived < nBytes);
return buffer;
protected override void Write(SerialPort serialPort, IReadOnlyList<Byte> data)
var array = data.ToArray();
serialPort.Write(array, 0, array.Length);
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
using System.Net.Sockets;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Channels;
public class TcpChannel : ConnectionChannel<TcpClient>
public TcpChannel(String hostname,
Int32 port,
Boolean closeAfterSuccessfulRead = false,
Boolean closeAfterSuccessfulWrite = false) : base(closeAfterSuccessfulRead, closeAfterSuccessfulWrite)
TcpClient Open() => new(hostname, port);
_Open = Open;
private readonly Func<TcpClient> _Open;
protected override TcpClient Open() => _Open();
protected override void Close(TcpClient tcpClient) => tcpClient.Close();
protected override IReadOnlyList<Byte> Read(TcpClient tcpClient, Int32 nToRead)
var buffer = new Byte[nToRead];
var stream = tcpClient.GetStream();
var nReceived = 0;
var nRemaining = nToRead - nReceived;
var read = stream.Read(buffer, nReceived, nRemaining);
if (read <= 0)
throw new NotConnectedException("The TCP Connection was closed");
nReceived += read;
while (nReceived < nToRead);
return buffer;
protected override void Write(TcpClient tcpClient, IReadOnlyList<Byte> data)
var array = data.ToArray();
tcpClient.GetStream().Write(array, 0, array.Length);
@ -1,35 +1,38 @@
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Connections;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Channels;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Accessors;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Clients;
using Booleans = IReadOnlyList<Boolean>;
using UInt16s = IReadOnlyList<UInt16>;
using Booleans = IReadOnlyCollection<Boolean>;
using UInt16s = IReadOnlyCollection<UInt16>;
// TODO: ModbusClient = Framer(TCP/RTU) + Connection(Serial/TCP) + Encoder(binary/ascii) + quirk(+1/0)
// Transport
public abstract class ModbusClient
internal ModbusConnection Connection { get; }
internal Byte SlaveId { get; }
internal Channel Channel { get; }
internal Byte SlaveId { get; }
internal Endian Endian { get; }
// TODO: add additional functions: coils...
public abstract Booleans ReadCoils (UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues);
public abstract Booleans ReadDiscreteInputs (UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues);
public abstract UInt16s ReadInputRegisters (UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues);
public abstract UInt16s ReadHoldingRegisters(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues);
public abstract UInt16 WriteCoils (UInt16 writeAddress, Booleans coils);
public abstract UInt16 WriteRegisters (UInt16 writeAddress, UInt16s values);
public abstract MbData ReadCoils (UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues);
public abstract MbData ReadDiscreteInputs (UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues);
public abstract MbData ReadInputRegisters (UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues);
public abstract MbData ReadHoldingRegisters(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues);
public abstract UInt16 WriteCoils (UInt16 writeAddress, Booleans coils);
public abstract UInt16 WriteRegisters (UInt16 writeAddress, UInt16s values);
public abstract UInt16s ReadWriteRegisters (UInt16 readAddress,
UInt16 nbToRead,
UInt16 writeAddress,
UInt16s registersToWrite);
public abstract MbData ReadWriteRegisters (UInt16 readAddress,
UInt16 nbToRead,
UInt16 writeAddress,
UInt16s registersToWrite);
protected ModbusClient(ModbusConnection connection, Byte slaveId)
protected ModbusClient(Channel channel, Byte slaveId, Endian endian = Endian.Little)
Connection = connection;
SlaveId = slaveId;
Channel = channel;
SlaveId = slaveId;
Endian = endian;
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Connections;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Channels;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Accessors;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Commands;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Replies;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Util;
@ -12,73 +13,69 @@ using static System.Runtime.CompilerServices.MethodImplOptions;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Clients;
using UInt16s = IReadOnlyList<UInt16>;
using UInt16s = IReadOnlyCollection<UInt16>;
using Booleans = IReadOnlyCollection<Boolean>;
public class ModbusRtuClient : ModbusClient
private const Int32 CrcSize = 2;
public ModbusRtuClient(ModbusConnection connection, Byte slaveId) : base(connection, slaveId)
public ModbusRtuClient(Channel channel, Byte slaveId) : base(channel, slaveId)
public override IReadOnlyList<Boolean> ReadCoils(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
public override MbData ReadCoils(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override IReadOnlyList<Boolean> ReadDiscreteInputs(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
public override MbData ReadDiscreteInputs(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public override UInt16s ReadInputRegisters(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
public override MbData ReadInputRegisters(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
var cmd = new ReadInputRegistersCommandFrame(SlaveId, readAddress, nValues);
var crc = CalcCrc(cmd);
// TX
var nToRead = cmd.ExpectedResponseSize + CrcSize;
// RX
var response = nToRead
var response = Channel
.Read(cmd.ExpectedResponseSize + CrcSize)
return response.RegistersRead;
return new MbData(response.RegistersRead.RawData, readAddress, Endian);
public override UInt16s ReadHoldingRegisters(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
public override MbData ReadHoldingRegisters(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
var cmd = new ReadHoldingRegistersCommandFrame(SlaveId, readAddress, nValues);
var crc = CalcCrc(cmd.Data);
// TX
// RX
var nToRead = cmd.ExpectedResponseSize + CrcSize;
var response = nToRead
var response = Channel
.Read(cmd.ExpectedResponseSize + CrcSize)
return response.RegistersRead;
return new MbData(response.RegistersRead.RawData, readAddress, Endian);
public override UInt16 WriteCoils(UInt16 writeAddress, IReadOnlyList<Boolean> coils)
public override UInt16 WriteCoils(UInt16 writeAddress, Booleans coils)
throw new NotImplementedException();
@ -88,16 +85,13 @@ public class ModbusRtuClient : ModbusClient
var cmd = new WriteRegistersCommandFrame(SlaveId, writeAddress, values);
var crc = CalcCrc(cmd);
var nToRead = cmd.ExpectedResponseSize + CrcSize;
// TX
// RX
var response = nToRead
var response = Channel
.Read(cmd.ExpectedResponseSize + CrcSize)
@ -107,7 +101,7 @@ public class ModbusRtuClient : ModbusClient
return response.NbWritten;
public override UInt16s ReadWriteRegisters(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nbToRead, UInt16 writeAddress, UInt16s registersToWrite)
public override MbData ReadWriteRegisters(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nbToRead, UInt16 writeAddress, UInt16s registersToWrite)
var cmd = new ReadWriteRegistersCommandFrame(SlaveId,
@ -117,19 +111,18 @@ public class ModbusRtuClient : ModbusClient
var crc = CalcCrc(cmd);
// TX
// RX
var nToRead = cmd.ExpectedResponseSize + CrcSize;
var response = nToRead
return response.RegistersRead;
return new MbData(response.RegistersRead.RawData, readAddress, Endian);
public static ArraySegment<Byte> AssertCrc(ArraySegment<Byte> data)
@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection.Attributes;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Clients;
public class ModbusSlave<S, C> where S : notnull, new() where C : notnull
private readonly ModbusClient _ModbusClient;
public ModbusSlave(ModbusClient modbusClient) => _ModbusClient = modbusClient;
public S? Read()
return ReadInto(new S());
catch (Exception e)
return default; // TODO :stdErr
public Exception? Write(C controlRecord)
catch (Exception e)
return e;
return default;
public S ReadInto(S statusRecord)
Int32 holdingRegisters;
Int32 coils;
Int32 inputRegisters;
Int32 discreteInputs;
holdingRegisters = ReadHoldingRegisters(statusRecord).Count(); // force enumeration!
inputRegisters = ReadInputRegisters(statusRecord).Count();
discreteInputs = ReadDiscreteInputs(statusRecord).Count();
coils = ReadCoils(statusRecord).Count();
catch (Exception e)
var nUpdated = holdingRegisters
+ inputRegisters
+ discreteInputs
+ coils;
if (nUpdated == 0)
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(statusRecord));
return statusRecord;
// returns an enumerable of read addresses
private IEnumerable<UInt16> ReadDiscreteInputs(Object statusRecord)
return from batch in statusRecord.GetModbusBooleanBatches<DiscreteInputAttribute>()
let received = _ModbusClient.ReadDiscreteInputs(batch[0].Address, (UInt16)batch.Length)
from address in batch.SetStatusRecordMembersFromRawModbusValues(received)
select address;
// returns an enumerable of read addresses
private IEnumerable<UInt16> ReadCoils(Object statusRecord)
return from batch in statusRecord.GetModbusBooleanBatches<CoilAttribute>()
let received = _ModbusClient.ReadCoils(batch[0].Address, (UInt16)batch.Length)
from address in batch.SetStatusRecordMembersFromRawModbusValues(received)
select address;
// returns an enumerable of read addresses
private IEnumerable<UInt16> ReadInputRegisters(Object statusRecord)
return from batch in statusRecord.GetModbusRegisterBatches<InputRegisterAttribute>()
let received = _ModbusClient.ReadInputRegisters(batch[0].Address, (UInt16)batch.Length)
from address in batch.SetStatusRecordMembersFromRawModbusValues(received)
select address;
// returns an enumerable of read addresses
private IEnumerable<UInt16> ReadHoldingRegisters(Object statusRecord)
return from batch in statusRecord.GetModbusRegisterBatches<HoldingRegisterAttribute>()
let received = _ModbusClient.ReadHoldingRegisters(batch[0].Address, (UInt16)batch.Length)
from address in batch.SetStatusRecordMembersFromRawModbusValues(received)
select address;
private Int32 WriteCoils(C controlRecord)
var nBatches = 0;
foreach (var batch in controlRecord.GetModbusBooleanBatches<CoilAttribute>())
var values = batch.GetRawModbusValuesFromControlRecord();
_ModbusClient.WriteCoils(batch[0].Address, values);
return nBatches;
private Int32 WriteHoldingRegisters(C controlRecord)
var nBatches = 0;
foreach (var batch in controlRecord.GetModbusRegisterBatches<HoldingRegisterAttribute>())
var values = batch.GetRawModbusValuesFromControlRecord();
_ModbusClient.WriteRegisters(batch[0].Address, values);
return nBatches;
public class ModbusSlave<T> : ModbusSlave<T, T> where T : notnull, new()
public ModbusSlave(ModbusClient modbusClient) : base(modbusClient)
public static class ModbusSlave
public static ModbusSlave<T> Slave<T>(this ModbusClient modbusClient) where T : notnull, new()
return new ModbusSlave<T>(modbusClient);
public static ModbusSlave<S,C> Slave<S,C>(this ModbusClient modbusClient) where S : notnull, new() where C : notnull
return new ModbusSlave<S, C>(modbusClient);
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using System.Diagnostics;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Connections;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Channels;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Accessors;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Commands;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Replies;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Tcp;
@ -8,8 +9,8 @@ using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Clients;
using UInt16s = IReadOnlyList<UInt16>;
using UInt16s = IReadOnlyCollection<UInt16>;
using Booleans = IReadOnlyCollection<Boolean>;
public class ModbusTcpClient : ModbusClient
@ -20,11 +21,11 @@ public class ModbusTcpClient : ModbusClient
private UInt16 NextId() => unchecked(++_Id);
public ModbusTcpClient(ModbusConnection connection, Byte slaveId) : base(connection, slaveId)
public ModbusTcpClient(Channel channel, Byte slaveId) : base(channel, slaveId)
public override IReadOnlyList<Boolean> ReadCoils(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
public override MbData ReadCoils(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
var id = NextId(); // TODO: check response id
@ -32,19 +33,22 @@ public class ModbusTcpClient : ModbusClient
var hdr = new MbapHeader(id, cmd.Data.Count);
var frm = new ModbusTcpFrame(hdr, cmd);
var hData = Connection.Receive(MbapHeader.Size).ToArray(); // TODO: optimize .ToArray() ?
var hData = Channel.Read(MbapHeader.Size).ToArray();
var rxHdr = new MbapHeader(hData);
var fData = Connection.Receive(rxHdr.FrameLength).ToArray(); // TODO: optimize .ToArray() ?
var rxFrm = ReadCoilsResponseFrame.Parse(fData);
return cmd.VerifyResponse(rxFrm).Inputs;
var rxFrm = Channel
.ToArray() // TODO: optimize .ToArray() ?
return new MbData(rxFrm.Coils.RawData, readAddress, Endian);
public override IReadOnlyList<Boolean> ReadDiscreteInputs(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
public override MbData ReadDiscreteInputs(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
var id = NextId(); // TODO: check response id
@ -52,18 +56,21 @@ public class ModbusTcpClient : ModbusClient
var hdr = new MbapHeader(id, cmd.Data.Count);
var frm = new ModbusTcpFrame(hdr, cmd);
var hData = Connection.Receive(MbapHeader.Size).ToArray(); // TODO: optimize .ToArray() ?
var hData = Channel.Read(MbapHeader.Size).ToArray(); // TODO: optimize .ToArray() ?
var rxHdr = new MbapHeader(hData);
var fData = Connection.Receive(rxHdr.FrameLength).ToArray(); // TODO: optimize .ToArray() ?
var rxFrm = ReadDiscreteInputsResponseFrame.Parse(fData);
return cmd.VerifyResponse(rxFrm).Inputs;
var rxFrm = Channel
.ToArray() // TODO: optimize .ToArray() ?
return new MbData(rxFrm.Inputs.RawData, readAddress, Endian);
public override IReadOnlyList<UInt16> ReadInputRegisters(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
public override MbData ReadInputRegisters(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
var id = NextId(); // TODO: check response id
@ -71,56 +78,62 @@ public class ModbusTcpClient : ModbusClient
var hdr = new MbapHeader(id, cmd.Data.Count);
var frm = new ModbusTcpFrame(hdr, cmd);
var hData = Connection.Receive(MbapHeader.Size).ToArray();
var hData = Channel.Read(MbapHeader.Size).ToArray();
var rxHdr = new MbapHeader(hData);
var fData = Connection.Receive(rxHdr.FrameLength).ToArray();
var rxFrm = ReadInputRegistersResponseFrame.Parse(fData);
var rxFrm = Channel
var verified = cmd.VerifyResponse(rxFrm);
return verified.RegistersRead;
return new MbData(rxFrm.RegistersRead.RawData, readAddress, Endian);
public override IReadOnlyList<UInt16> ReadHoldingRegisters(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
public override MbData ReadHoldingRegisters(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nValues)
var id = NextId(); // TODO: check response id
var cmd = new ReadHoldingRegistersCommandFrame(SlaveId, readAddress, nValues);
var hdr = new MbapHeader(id, cmd.Data.Count);
var frm = new ModbusTcpFrame(hdr, cmd);
var hData = Connection.Receive(MbapHeader.Size).ToArray(MbapHeader.Size);
var hData = Channel.Read(MbapHeader.Size).ToArray();
var rxHdr = new MbapHeader(hData);
var fData = Connection.Receive(rxHdr.FrameLength).ToArray(rxHdr.FrameLength);
var rxFrm = ReadHoldingRegistersResponseFrame.Parse(fData);
var rxFrm = Channel
var verified = cmd.VerifyResponse(rxFrm);
return verified.RegistersRead; // TODO
return new MbData(rxFrm.RegistersRead.RawData, readAddress, Endian);
public override UInt16 WriteCoils(UInt16 writeAddress, IReadOnlyList<Boolean> coils)
public override UInt16 WriteCoils(UInt16 writeAddress, Booleans coils)
var id = NextId(); // TODO: check response id
var cmd = new WriteCoilsCommandFrame(SlaveId, writeAddress, coils);
var hdr = new MbapHeader(id, cmd.Data.Count);
var frm = new ModbusTcpFrame(hdr, cmd);
var hData = Connection.Receive(MbapHeader.Size).ToArray();
var hData = Channel.Read(MbapHeader.Size).ToArray();
var rxHdr = new MbapHeader(hData);
var fData = Connection.Receive(rxHdr.FrameLength).ToArray();
var rxFrm = WriteCoilsResponseFrame.Parse(fData);
var rxFrm = Channel
return cmd.VerifyResponse(rxFrm).NbWritten;
return rxFrm.NbWritten;
@ -131,20 +144,21 @@ public class ModbusTcpClient : ModbusClient
var hdr = new MbapHeader(id, cmd.Data.Count);
var frm = new ModbusTcpFrame(hdr, cmd);
var hData = Connection.Receive(MbapHeader.Size).ToArray();
var hData = Channel.Read(MbapHeader.Size).ToArray();
var rxHdr = new MbapHeader(hData);
var fData = Connection.Receive(rxHdr.FrameLength).ToArray();
var rxFrm = WriteRegistersResponseFrame.Parse(fData);
var rxFrm = Channel
var verified = cmd.VerifyResponse(rxFrm);
return verified.NbWritten;
return rxFrm.NbWritten;
public override IReadOnlyList<UInt16> ReadWriteRegisters(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nbToRead, UInt16 writeAddress, UInt16s registersToWrite)
public override MbData ReadWriteRegisters(UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nbToRead, UInt16 writeAddress, UInt16s registersToWrite)
var id = NextId(); // TODO: check response id
@ -157,17 +171,17 @@ public class ModbusTcpClient : ModbusClient
var hdr = new MbapHeader(id, cmd.Data.Count);
var frm = new ModbusTcpFrame(hdr, cmd);
var hData = Enumerable.ToArray(Connection.Receive(MbapHeader.Size));
var hData = Enumerable.ToArray(Channel.Read(MbapHeader.Size));
var rxHdr = new MbapHeader(hData);
var fData = Enumerable.ToArray(Connection.Receive(rxHdr.FrameLength));
var rxFrm = ReadWriteRegistersResponseFrame.Parse(fData);
var fData = Enumerable.ToArray(Channel.Read(rxHdr.FrameLength));
var rxFrm = fData
var verified = cmd.VerifyResponse(rxFrm);
return verified.RegistersRead; // TODO
return new MbData(rxFrm.RegistersRead.RawData, readAddress, Endian);
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Connections;
public abstract class ModbusConnection
public abstract IReadOnlyList<Byte> Receive(UInt16 nBytes);
public abstract void Transmit(IEnumerable<Byte> bytes);
public abstract void Open(); // calls to opening an already open connection must be ignored
public abstract void Close(); // calls to closing an already closed connection must be ignored, must not throw
@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
using System.IO.Ports;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Connections;
public class ModbusSerialConnection : ModbusConnection
private String PortName { get; }
private Int32 BaudRate { get; }
private Parity Parity { get; }
private Int32 DataBits { get; }
private StopBits StopBits { get; }
private Int32 TimeoutMs { get; }
private Byte[] Buffer { get; } = new Byte[1024];
private SerialPort? _SerialPort;
public ModbusSerialConnection(String portName, Int32 baudRate, Parity parity, Int32 dataBits, StopBits stopBits, TimeSpan timeout)
PortName = portName;
BaudRate = baudRate;
Parity = parity;
DataBits = dataBits;
StopBits = stopBits;
TimeoutMs = (Int32) timeout.TotalMilliseconds;
public override IReadOnlyList<Byte> Receive(UInt16 bytesToRead)
var bytesReceived = 0;
var serialPort = SerialPort();
var received = serialPort.Read(Buffer, bytesReceived, Buffer.Length - bytesReceived);
if (received < 0)
throw new NotConnectedException("Serial Connection has been closed");
bytesReceived += received;
while (bytesReceived < bytesToRead);
return new ArraySegment<Byte>(Buffer, 0, bytesToRead);
public override void Transmit(IEnumerable<Byte> data)
var array = data.ToArray();
SerialPort().Write(array, 0, array.Length);
public override void Open() => SerialPort();
private SerialPort SerialPort()
if (_SerialPort == null)
_SerialPort = new SerialPort(PortName, BaudRate, Parity, DataBits, StopBits) { ReadTimeout = TimeoutMs, WriteTimeout = TimeoutMs};
return _SerialPort;
public override void Close()
if (_SerialPort != null)
catch (Exception)
// ignored
_SerialPort = null;
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
using System.Net.Sockets;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Connections;
public class ModbusTcpConnection : ModbusConnection
private String Hostname { get; }
private Int32 Port { get; }
private Byte[] Buffer { get; } = new Byte[1024];
private TcpClient? _TcpClient;
public ModbusTcpConnection(String hostname, Int32 port = 502)
Hostname = hostname;
Port = port;
public override IReadOnlyList<Byte> Receive(UInt16 bytesToRead)
var bytesReceived = 0;
var stream = TcpClient().GetStream();
var maxBytes = Math.Min(bytesToRead, Buffer.Length) - bytesReceived;
var read = stream.Read(Buffer, bytesReceived, maxBytes);
if (read <= 0)
throw new NotConnectedException("The TCP Connection was closed");
bytesReceived += read;
while (bytesReceived < bytesToRead);
return new ArraySegment<Byte>(Buffer, 0, bytesToRead);
public override void Transmit(IEnumerable<Byte> data)
var array = data.ToArray();
TcpClient().GetStream().Write(array, 0, array.Length);
public override void Open() => TcpClient();
private TcpClient TcpClient()
return _TcpClient ??= new TcpClient(Hostname, Port);
public override void Close()
catch (Exception)
// ignored
_TcpClient = null;
@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.IO.Ports;
using System.Reactive.Linq;
using CliWrap;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Connections;
public class RemoteSerialConnection : ModbusConnection
private readonly Command _Command;
private ObservableProcess? _ObservableProcess;
private Func<Int32, Task<IReadOnlyList<Byte>>>? _Read;
public RemoteSerialConnection(SshHost host,
String tty,
Int32 baudRate,
Parity parity,
Int32 stopBits,
Int32 dataBits)
tty = tty.EnsureStartsWith("/dev/");
var configure = ConfigureTty(tty, baudRate, parity, stopBits, dataBits);
var call = $"{configure}; " +
$"exec 3<>{tty}; " +
$"cat <&3 & cat >&3; " +
$"kill $!";
_Command = host
[SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "StringLiteralTypo")]
private static String ConfigureTty(String tty, Int32 baudRate, Parity parity, Int32 stopBits, Int32 dataBits)
var oParity = parity switch
Parity.Even => "parenb -parodd",
Parity.Odd => "parenb parodd",
Parity.None => "-parenb",
_ => throw new NotImplementedException()
var oStopBits = stopBits switch
1 => "-cstopb",
2 => "cstopb",
_ => throw new NotImplementedException()
var oDataBits = "cs" + dataBits;
return $"stty -F {tty} {baudRate} {oDataBits} {oStopBits} {oParity}";
public override IReadOnlyList<Byte> Receive(UInt16 bytesToRead)
return _Read!(bytesToRead).Result;
public override void Transmit(IEnumerable<Byte> bytes)
public override void Open()
if (_ObservableProcess is not null)
_ObservableProcess = new ObservableProcess(_Command);
_Read = _ObservableProcess
.Select(b => b.ToArray())
.SelectMany(t => t)
public override void Close()
throw new NotImplementedException();
// if (_ObservableProcess is null)
// return;
Binary file not shown.
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
<ProjectReference Include="../../Utils/Utils.csproj" />
@ -18,7 +17,6 @@
<PackageReference Include="System.IO.Ports" Version="7.0.0" />
@ -6,5 +6,5 @@ public static class Accessors
public static MbWord WordAt (this ArraySegment<Byte> data, Byte i) => new MbWord(data, i);
public static MbWords WordsAt (this ArraySegment<Byte> data, Byte i) => new MbWords(data, i);
public static MbBits BitsAt (this ArraySegment<Byte> data, Byte i) => new MbBits(data, i);
public static MbByte<T> ByteAt<T>(this ArraySegment<Byte> data,Byte i) where T : struct, IConvertible => new MbByte<T>(data, i);
public static MbByte<T> ByteAt<T>(this ArraySegment<Byte> data, Byte i) where T : struct, IConvertible => new MbByte<T>(data, i);
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Accessors;
public enum Endian
@ -3,11 +3,15 @@ using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Accessors;
public readonly struct MbBits : IReadOnlyList<Boolean>
public readonly struct MbBits : IReadOnlyList<Boolean>, IReadOnlyList<IConvertible>
private readonly ArraySegment<Byte> _Data;
public readonly ArraySegment<Byte> RawData;
internal MbBits(ArraySegment<Byte> data, Byte startIndex) : this(data, startIndex, CountBits(data, startIndex))
internal MbBits(Int32 bitCount) : this(new Byte[NbRegistersFromNbBits(bitCount)])
internal MbBits(ArraySegment<Byte> data, Byte startIndex = 0) : this(data, startIndex, CountBits(data, startIndex))
@ -24,23 +28,32 @@ public readonly struct MbBits : IReadOnlyList<Boolean>
internal MbBits(Byte[] data, Byte startIndex, UInt16 bitCount)
_Data = new ArraySegment<Byte>(data, startIndex, Math.Ceiling(bitCount / 8.0).ConvertTo<UInt16>());
RawData = new ArraySegment<Byte>(data, startIndex, NbRegistersFromNbBits(bitCount));
internal void Set(IReadOnlyList<Boolean> values)
private static UInt16 NbRegistersFromNbBits(Int32 bitCount)
for (var i = 0; i < values.Count; i++)
SetBit((UInt16)i, values[i]);
return Math.Ceiling(bitCount / 8.0).ConvertTo<UInt16>();
internal void Set(IReadOnlyCollection<Boolean> values)
var i = 0;
foreach (var value in values)
SetBit((UInt16)i++, value);
public IEnumerator<Boolean> GetEnumerator() => Enumerable.Range(0, Count).Select(GetBit).GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator<IConvertible> IEnumerable<IConvertible>.GetEnumerator() => GetBits()
public IEnumerator<Boolean> GetEnumerator() => GetBits().GetEnumerator();
private IEnumerable<Boolean> GetBits() => Enumerable.Range(0, Count).Select(GetBit);
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();
public Int32 Count => _Data.Count * 8;
public Int32 Count => RawData.Count * 8;
private Boolean GetBit(Int32 index)
@ -48,10 +61,10 @@ public readonly struct MbBits : IReadOnlyList<Boolean>
var byteIndex = index / 8;
var bitIndex = index % 8;
return (_Data[byteIndex] & (1 << bitIndex)) != 0;
return (RawData[byteIndex] & (1 << bitIndex)) != 0;
private void SetBit(UInt16 index, Boolean value)
internal void SetBit(UInt16 index, Boolean value)
var byteIndex = index / 8;
var bitIndex = index % 8;
@ -59,12 +72,13 @@ public readonly struct MbBits : IReadOnlyList<Boolean>
var mask = 1 << bitIndex; // !! needs the u suffix!
if (value)
_Data[byteIndex] |= (Byte)mask;
RawData[byteIndex] |= (Byte)mask;
_Data[byteIndex] &= (Byte)~mask;
RawData[byteIndex] &= (Byte)~mask;
public Boolean this[Int32 index] => GetBit(index);
IConvertible IReadOnlyList<IConvertible>.this[Int32 index] => this[index];
@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Accessors;
using Float32 = Single;
using Float64 = Double;
// switch exhaustion
#pragma warning disable CS8524
public struct MbData
//TODO: use System.Buffers.Binary.BinaryPrimitives
// see Decimal class
private readonly ArraySegment<Byte> _Data;
private readonly Endian _Endian;
private readonly UInt16 _StartAddress;
public static MbData Registers(UInt16 startAddress, UInt16 nRegisters)
if (nRegisters > Constants.MaxRegs)
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(nRegisters));
var nBytes = nRegisters * 2;
var data = new Byte[nBytes];
return new MbData(data, startAddress, Endian.Big); // endian has no influence on coils
public static MbData Coils(UInt16 startAddress, UInt16 nCoils)
if (nCoils > Constants.MaxCoils)
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(nCoils));
var nBytes = Math.Ceiling(nCoils / 8.0).ConvertTo<UInt16>();
var data = new Byte[nBytes];
return new MbData(data, startAddress, Endian.Big); // endian has no influence on coils
internal MbData(ArraySegment<Byte> data, UInt16 startAddress, Endian endian)
if (endian != Endian.Big && endian != Endian.Little)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(endian), endian, null);
_Endian = endian;
_StartAddress = startAddress;
_Data = data;
#region Coils
public IReadOnlyList<Boolean> GetCoils()
IEnumerable<Boolean> GetBits(Byte b) => 1.Unfold(m => m << 1)
.Select(m => (b & m) > 0);
return _Data.SelectMany(GetBits).ToList();
public Boolean GetInput(UInt16 address) => GetCoil(address);
public Boolean GetCoil(UInt16 address)
var index = address - _StartAddress;
var byteIndex = index / 8;
var bitIndex = index % 8;
return (_Data[byteIndex] & (1 << bitIndex)) != 0;
public void SetCoil(UInt16 address, Boolean value)
var index = address - _StartAddress;
var byteIndex = index / 8;
var bitIndex = index % 8;
_Data[byteIndex] = (Byte)(_Data[byteIndex] | (1 << bitIndex)) ;
#endregion Coils
#region 16Bit
public UInt16 GetUInt16(UInt16 address)
return GetRegister((address - _StartAddress) * 2);
public Int16 GetInt16(UInt16 address)
return (Int16) GetUInt16(address);
public UInt16 SetUInt16(UInt16 address, UInt16 value)
var i = (address - _StartAddress) * 2;
_Data[i ] = (Byte)(value >> 8);
_Data[i + 1] = (Byte)(value & 0xFF);
return value;
public void SetInt16(UInt16 address, Int16 value)
SetUInt16(address, (UInt16)value);
#endregion 16Bit
#region 32Bit
public UInt32 GetUInt32(UInt16 address)
var hi = (UInt32) GetUInt16(address);
var lo = (UInt32) GetUInt16(++address);
return _Endian switch
Endian.Big => hi << 16 | lo,
Endian.Little => lo << 16 | hi,
public Int32 GetInt32(UInt16 address) => (Int32)GetUInt32(address);
public void SetUInt32(UInt16 address, UInt32 value)
var hi = (UInt16)(value >> 16);
var lo = (UInt16)(value & 0xFF_FF);
if (_Endian == Endian.Big)
SetUInt16(address, hi);
SetUInt16(++address, lo);
SetUInt16(address, lo);
SetUInt16(++address, hi);
public void SetInt32(UInt16 address, Int64 value) => SetUInt32(address, (UInt32)value);
public Float32 GetFloat32(UInt16 address)
return address
public void SetFloat32(UInt16 address, Float32 value)
SetUInt32(address, BitConverter.SingleToUInt32Bits(value));
#endregion 32Bit
#region 64Bit
public UInt64 GetUInt64(UInt16 address)
var hi = (UInt64) GetUInt32(address);
var lo = (UInt64) GetUInt32(++address);
return _Endian switch
Endian.Big => hi << 32 | lo,
Endian.Little => lo << 32 | hi,
public Int64 GetInt64(UInt16 address) => (Int32)GetUInt64(address);
public void SetUInt64(UInt16 address, UInt64 value)
var hi = (UInt32)(value >> 32);
var lo = (UInt32)(value & 0xFF_FF_FF_FF);
if (_Endian == Endian.Big)
SetUInt32(address, hi);
SetUInt32((UInt16)(address + 2), lo);
SetUInt32(address, lo);
SetUInt32((UInt16)(address + 2), hi);
public void SetInt64(UInt16 address, Int64 value) => SetUInt64(address, (UInt64)value);
public Float64 GetFloat64(UInt16 address)
return address
public void SetFloat64(UInt16 address, Float64 value)
SetUInt64(address, BitConverter.DoubleToUInt64Bits(value));
#endregion 64Bit
private UInt16 GetRegister(Int32 i)
var hi = _Data[i] << 8;
var lo = _Data[i + 1];
return (UInt16)(hi | lo);
public IReadOnlyList<UInt16> GetRegisters()
var nRegisters = _Data.Count / 2;
return Enumerable
.Range(0, nRegisters)
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
using System.Collections;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Accessors;
using Float32 = Single;
public struct MbRegisters : IReadOnlyList<UInt16>
private MbWords Words { get; }
private UInt16 StartRegister { get; }
public MbRegisters(MbWords words, UInt16 startRegister)
Words = words;
StartRegister = startRegister;
public IEnumerator<UInt16> GetEnumerator() => Words.GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();
public Int32 Count => Words.Count;
public UInt16 this[Int32 index] => Words[index];
private Byte MapIndex(UInt16 index)
var i = index - StartRegister;
if (i is < Byte.MinValue or > Byte.MaxValue)
throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
return (Byte)i;
public UInt16 GetUInt16(UInt16 index)
return index
public void SetUInt16(UInt16 index, UInt16 value)
Words.SetUInt16(MapIndex(index), value);
public Int16 GetInt16(UInt16 index)
return (Int16) GetUInt16(index);
public void SetUInt16(UInt16 index, Int16 value)
SetUInt16(index, (UInt16)value);
public UInt32 GetUInt32(UInt16 index)
var i = MapIndex(index);
var hi = (UInt32) GetUInt16(i);
var lo = (UInt32) GetUInt16(++i);
return hi << 16 | lo;
// public void SetUInt32(UInt32 index, UInt32 value)
public Int32 GetInt32(UInt16 index) => (Int32)GetUInt32(index);
// public void SetInt32(Int32 index, Int32 value)
public Float32 GetFloat32(UInt16 index)
return index
// public void SetFloat32(Float32 index, Float32 value)
@ -3,9 +3,9 @@ using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Accessors;
public readonly struct MbWords : IReadOnlyList<UInt16>
public readonly struct MbWords : IReadOnlyList<UInt16> , IReadOnlyList<IConvertible>
internal readonly ArraySegment<Byte> Data;
public readonly ArraySegment<Byte> RawData;
internal MbWords(ArraySegment<Byte> data, Byte startIndex = 0) :
this(data, startIndex, CountWords(data, startIndex))
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ public readonly struct MbWords : IReadOnlyList<UInt16>
internal MbWords(ArraySegment<Byte> data, Byte startIndex, UInt16 wordCount)
Data = new ArraySegment<Byte>(data.Array!, startIndex + data.Offset, wordCount * 2);
RawData = new ArraySegment<Byte>(data.Array!, startIndex + data.Offset, wordCount * 2);
private static UInt16 CountWords(ArraySegment<Byte> data, Byte startIndex)
@ -24,28 +24,40 @@ public readonly struct MbWords : IReadOnlyList<UInt16>
internal IReadOnlyCollection<UInt16> Set(IReadOnlyCollection<UInt16> values)
if (values.Count != Data.Count / 2)
if (values.Count != RawData.Count / 2)
throw new ArgumentException($"Expecting an list of size {values.Count}!", nameof(values));
var i = 0;
foreach (var value in values)
Data[i++] = (Byte) (value >> 8);
Data[i++] = (Byte) (value & 0xFF);
RawData[i++] = (Byte) (value >> 8);
RawData[i++] = (Byte) (value & 0xFF);
return values;
public IEnumerator<UInt16> GetEnumerator()
IEnumerator<IConvertible> IEnumerable<IConvertible>.GetEnumerator()
var end = Data.Count;
var end = RawData.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < end; )
var hi = Data[i++] << 8;
var lo = Data[i++];
var hi = RawData[i++] << 8;
var lo = RawData[i++];
yield return (UInt16) (hi | lo);
public IEnumerator<UInt16> GetEnumerator()
var end = RawData.Count;
for (var i = 0; i < end; )
var hi = RawData[i++] << 8;
var lo = RawData[i++];
yield return (UInt16) (hi | lo);
@ -53,7 +65,7 @@ public readonly struct MbWords : IReadOnlyList<UInt16>
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => GetEnumerator();
public Int32 Count => Data.Count / 2;
public Int32 Count => RawData.Count / 2;
public UInt16 this[Int32 index]
@ -63,8 +75,8 @@ public readonly struct MbWords : IReadOnlyList<UInt16>
var i = index * 2;
var hi = Data[i] << 8;
var lo = Data[i+1];
var hi = RawData[i] << 8;
var lo = RawData[i+1];
return (UInt16) (hi | lo);
@ -76,7 +88,9 @@ public readonly struct MbWords : IReadOnlyList<UInt16>
public void SetUInt16(Byte index, UInt16 value)
var i = index * 2;
Data[i + 0] = (Byte)(value >> 8);
Data[i + 1] = (Byte)(value & 0xFF);
RawData[i + 0] = (Byte)(value >> 8);
RawData[i + 1] = (Byte)(value & 0xFF);
IConvertible IReadOnlyList<IConvertible>.this[Int32 index] => this[index];
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Accessors;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Replies;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
using static InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.FunctionCode;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Commands;
@ -8,8 +9,8 @@ internal class ReadCoilsCommandFrame : ModbusFrame
private const Int32 Size = 6;
private MbWord ReadAddress => Data.WordAt(2);
private MbWord QuantityOfInputs => Data.WordAt(4);
public MbWord ReadAddress => Data.WordAt(2);
public MbWord NumberOfCoils => Data.WordAt(4);
public ReadCoilsCommandFrame(Byte slave, UInt16 readAddress, UInt16 nBits) : base(Size)
@ -17,10 +18,10 @@ internal class ReadCoilsCommandFrame : ModbusFrame
if (nBits > Constants.MaxCoils)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Maximum number of registers ({Constants.MaxCoils}) exceeeded!", nameof(nBits));
SlaveAddress .Set(slave);
FunctionCode .Set(Protocol.FunctionCode.ReadCoils);
ReadAddress .Set(readAddress);
SlaveAddress .Set(slave);
FunctionCode .Set(ReadCoils);
ReadAddress .Set(readAddress);
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ internal class ReadCoilsCommandFrame : ModbusFrame
if (data.Count != Size)
throw new ArgumentException($"Expecting an array of size {Size}", nameof(data));
public ReadCoilsResponseFrame VerifyResponse(ReadCoilsResponseFrame response)
@ -37,8 +38,8 @@ internal class ReadCoilsCommandFrame : ModbusFrame
if (response.SlaveAddress != SlaveAddress)
throw new UnexpectedResponseFieldException(nameof(response.SlaveAddress), SlaveAddress.ToString(), response.SlaveAddress);
if (response.Inputs.Count != Math.Ceiling(QuantityOfInputs / 8.0).ConvertTo<Int32>() * 8)
throw new UnexpectedResponseFieldException(nameof(response.Inputs), QuantityOfInputs.ToString(), response.Inputs.Count);
if (response.Coils.Count != Math.Ceiling(NumberOfCoils / 8.0).ConvertTo<Int32>() * 8)
throw new UnexpectedResponseFieldException(nameof(response.Coils), NumberOfCoils.ToString(), response.Coils.Count);
return response;
@ -40,12 +40,10 @@ internal class ReadHoldingRegistersCommandFrame : ModbusFrame
public ReadHoldingRegistersResponseFrame VerifyResponse(ModbusFrame response)
public ReadHoldingRegistersResponseFrame VerifyResponse(ReadHoldingRegistersResponseFrame r)
if (response.SlaveAddress != SlaveAddress)
throw new UnexpectedResponseFieldException(nameof(response.SlaveAddress), SlaveAddress.ToString(), response.SlaveAddress);
var r = ReadHoldingRegistersResponseFrame.Parse(response.Data);
if (r.SlaveAddress != SlaveAddress)
throw new UnexpectedResponseFieldException(nameof(r.SlaveAddress), SlaveAddress.ToString(), r.SlaveAddress);
if (r.RegistersRead.Count != NbToRead)
throw new UnexpectedResponseFieldException(nameof(r.RegistersRead), NbToRead.ToString(), r.RegistersRead.Count);
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ internal class ReadInputRegistersCommandFrame : ModbusFrame
if (response.SlaveAddress != SlaveAddress)
throw new UnexpectedResponseFieldException(nameof(response.SlaveAddress), SlaveAddress.ToString(), response.SlaveAddress);
if (response.RegistersRead.Count != NbToRead)
throw new UnexpectedResponseFieldException(nameof(response.RegistersRead), NbToRead.ToString(), response.RegistersRead.Count);
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ using static InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.FunctionCode;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Commands;
using UInt16s = IReadOnlyList<UInt16>;
using UInt16s = IReadOnlyCollection<UInt16>;
internal class ReadWriteRegistersCommandFrame : ModbusFrame
@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ internal class ReadWriteRegistersCommandFrame : ModbusFrame
public Int32 ExpectedResponseSize => ReadWriteRegistersResponseFrame.ExpectedSize(NbToRead);
public ReadWriteRegistersCommandFrame(Byte slave,
UInt16 readAddress,
UInt16 nbToRead,
UInt16 writeAddress,
UInt16s registersToWrite) : base(MinSize + registersToWrite.Count * 2)
UInt16 readAddress,
UInt16 nbToRead,
UInt16 writeAddress,
UInt16s registersToWrite) : base(MinSize + registersToWrite.Count * 2)
if (nbToRead > MaxRegs)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Maximum number of registers ({MaxRegs}) exceeeded!", nameof(nbToRead));
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ using static InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Constants;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Commands;
using Booleans = IReadOnlyList<Boolean>;
using Booleans = IReadOnlyCollection<Boolean>;
using MbFc = MbByte<FunctionCode>;
public class WriteCoilsCommandFrame : ModbusFrame
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public class WriteCoilsCommandFrame : ModbusFrame
private MbWord WriteAddress => Data.WordAt(2);
private MbWord NbOfCoils => Data.WordAt(4);
private MbByte ByteCount => Data.ByteAt(6);
public MbBits CoilsToWrite => Data.BitsAt(7);
private MbBits CoilsToWrite => Data.BitsAt(7);
public WriteCoilsCommandFrame(Byte slave, UInt16 writeAddress, Booleans coils) : base(MinSize + NbBytes(coils))
@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ using static InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.FunctionCode;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Commands;
using UInt16s = IReadOnlyList<UInt16>;
using MbFc = MbByte<FunctionCode>;
using UInt16s = IReadOnlyCollection<UInt16>;
using MbFc = MbByte<FunctionCode>;
internal class WriteRegistersCommandFrame : ModbusFrame
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ public class ReadCoilsResponseFrame : ModbusFrame
private new const Int32 MinSize = 3;
private MbByte ByteCount => Data.ByteAt(2);
public MbBits Inputs => Data.BitsAt(3);
private MbByte ByteCount => Data.ByteAt(2);
internal MbBits Coils => Data.BitsAt(3);
public ReadCoilsResponseFrame(Byte slave, IReadOnlyList<Boolean> inputs) : base (inputs.Count)
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ public class ReadCoilsResponseFrame : ModbusFrame
SlaveAddress .Set(slave);
FunctionCode .Set(Protocol.FunctionCode.ReadCoils);
ByteCount .Set(nBytes);
Inputs .Set(inputs);
Coils .Set(inputs);
private ReadCoilsResponseFrame(Byte[] data) : this(new ArraySegment<Byte>(data))
@ -39,13 +39,7 @@ public class ReadCoilsResponseFrame : ModbusFrame
public static ReadCoilsResponseFrame Parse(ModbusFrame rawFrame)
return new ReadCoilsResponseFrame(rawFrame.Data);
public static ReadCoilsResponseFrame Parse(Byte[] data) => new(data);
public static ReadCoilsResponseFrame Parse(ArraySegment<Byte> data)
return new ReadCoilsResponseFrame(data);
public static ReadCoilsResponseFrame Parse(ArraySegment<Byte> data) => new(data);
@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ public class ReadDiscreteInputsResponseFrame : ModbusFrame
public static ReadDiscreteInputsResponseFrame Parse(ModbusFrame rawFrame)
public static ReadDiscreteInputsResponseFrame Parse(Byte[] data)
return new ReadDiscreteInputsResponseFrame(rawFrame.Data);
return new ReadDiscreteInputsResponseFrame(data);
public static ReadDiscreteInputsResponseFrame Parse(ArraySegment<Byte> data)
return new ReadDiscreteInputsResponseFrame(data);
@ -43,8 +43,7 @@ internal class ReadHoldingRegistersResponseFrame : ModbusFrame
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(RegistersRead));
public static ReadHoldingRegistersResponseFrame Parse(ModbusFrame frame) => new ReadHoldingRegistersResponseFrame(frame.Data);
public static ReadHoldingRegistersResponseFrame Parse(Byte[] data) => new ReadHoldingRegistersResponseFrame(data);
public static ReadHoldingRegistersResponseFrame Parse(ArraySegment<Byte> data) => new ReadHoldingRegistersResponseFrame(data);
@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ internal class ReadInputRegistersResponseFrame : ModbusFrame
public static ReadInputRegistersResponseFrame Parse(ModbusFrame rawFrame)
public static ReadInputRegistersResponseFrame Parse(Byte[] data)
return new ReadInputRegistersResponseFrame(rawFrame.Data);
return new ReadInputRegistersResponseFrame(data);
public static ReadInputRegistersResponseFrame Parse(ArraySegment<Byte> data)
@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ public class WriteCoilsResponseFrame : ModbusFrame
public static WriteCoilsResponseFrame Parse(ArraySegment<Byte> data) => new WriteCoilsResponseFrame(data);
public static WriteCoilsResponseFrame Parse(Byte[] data) => new WriteCoilsResponseFrame(data);
public static WriteCoilsResponseFrame Parse(ModbusFrame frame) => new WriteCoilsResponseFrame(frame.Data);
public static WriteCoilsResponseFrame Parse(Byte[] data) => new WriteCoilsResponseFrame(data);
@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ internal class WriteRegistersResponseFrame : ModbusFrame
public static WriteRegistersResponseFrame Parse(ArraySegment<Byte> data) => new WriteRegistersResponseFrame(data);
public static WriteRegistersResponseFrame Parse(Byte[] data) => new WriteRegistersResponseFrame(data);
public static WriteRegistersResponseFrame Parse(ModbusFrame frame) => new WriteRegistersResponseFrame(frame.Data);
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
using static System.AttributeTargets;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection.Attributes;
[AttributeUsage(Class | Struct)]
public class AddressOffsetAttribute : Attribute
public Int32 Offset { get; }
public AddressOffsetAttribute(Int32 offset) => Offset = offset;
@ -4,5 +4,4 @@ namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection.Attributes;
public class DiscreteInputAttribute : ModbusBooleanAttribute
public DiscreteInputAttribute(UInt16 address) : base(address) { }
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection.Attributes;
public class HoldingRegisterAttribute : ModbusRegisterAttribute
public HoldingRegisterAttribute(UInt16 address) : base(address) { }
public HoldingRegisterAttribute(UInt16 address, TypeCode modbusType = TypeCode.UInt16) : base(address, modbusType) { }
@ -3,5 +3,6 @@ namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection.Attributes;
public class InputRegisterAttribute : ModbusRegisterAttribute
public InputRegisterAttribute(UInt16 address) : base(address) { }
public InputRegisterAttribute(UInt16 address, TypeCode modbusType = TypeCode.UInt16) : base(address, modbusType) { }
@ -1,8 +1,32 @@
using static System.AttributeTargets;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection.Attributes;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Field | AttributeTargets.Property)]
public abstract class ModbusAttribute : Attribute
[AttributeUsage(Field | Property)]
public class ModbusAttribute : Attribute
public UInt16 Address { get; }
protected ModbusAttribute(UInt16 address) { Address = address; }
public UInt16 Address { get; }
public UInt16 Size { get; }
public TypeCode ModbusType { get; }
protected ModbusAttribute(UInt16 address, TypeCode modbusType)
Address = address;
ModbusType = modbusType;
Size = modbusType switch
TypeCode.Boolean => 1,
TypeCode.Int16 => 1,
TypeCode.UInt16 => 1,
TypeCode.Int32 => 2,
TypeCode.UInt32 => 2,
TypeCode.Single => 2,
TypeCode.Int64 => 4,
TypeCode.UInt64 => 4,
TypeCode.Double => 4,
_ => throw new ArgumentException(nameof(modbusType))
@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection.Attributes;
public class ModbusBooleanAttribute : ModbusAttribute
protected ModbusBooleanAttribute(UInt16 address) : base(address)
protected ModbusBooleanAttribute(UInt16 address) : base(address, TypeCode.Boolean)
@ -1,11 +1,30 @@
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection.Attributes;
public abstract class ModbusRegisterAttribute : ModbusAttribute
protected ModbusRegisterAttribute(UInt16 address) : base(address)
public Double Scale { get; init; } = 1;
public Double Offset { get; init; } = 0;
protected ModbusRegisterAttribute(UInt16 address, TypeCode modbusType) : base(address, modbusType)
if (!SupportedTypes.Contains(modbusType))
throw new ArgumentException(nameof(modbusType));
internal static readonly TypeCode[] SupportedTypes =
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Clients;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Accessors;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection.Attributes;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection;
#pragma warning disable CS8509
internal record Batch<R>(Action<R> Read, Action<R> Write);
public static class Batches
internal static IEnumerable<Batch<R>> MakeBatchesFor<R>(this ModbusClient modbusClient, Int32 addressOffset)
var members = ModbusMembers
.OrderBy(m => m.Attribute.GetType().Name)
.ThenBy(m => m.StartAddress)
.ThenBy(m => m.EndAddress);
return MakeBatches<R>(modbusClient, members);
private static IEnumerable<Batch<R>> MakeBatches<R>(ModbusClient mb, IEnumerable<ModbusMember> modbusMembers)
var batchMembers = new List<ModbusMember>();
foreach (var member in modbusMembers)
if (CloseBatch(member))
yield return MakeBatch<R>(mb, batchMembers);
batchMembers = new List<ModbusMember>();
if (batchMembers.Count > 0)
yield return MakeBatch<R>(mb, batchMembers);
Boolean CloseBatch(ModbusMember m)
if (batchMembers.Count == 0)
return false;
return m.StartAddress > batchMembers[^1].EndAddress // gap between registers
|| m.EndAddress > batchMembers[0].StartAddress + Constants.MaxRegs // max batch size reached
|| m.Attribute.GetType() != batchMembers[0].Attribute.GetType(); // different ModbusType
private static Batch<R> MakeBatch<R>(ModbusClient modbusClient, IReadOnlyList<ModbusMember> members)
var startAddress = members[0].StartAddress;
var endAddress = members[^1].EndAddress;
var count = (UInt16)(endAddress - startAddress);
var attribute = members[0].Attribute;
var isWritable = attribute is HoldingRegisterAttribute or CoilAttribute;
return new Batch<R>(Read(), Write());
Action<R> Read()
Func<MbData> readModbus = attribute switch
InputRegisterAttribute => () => modbusClient.ReadInputRegisters (startAddress, count),
HoldingRegisterAttribute => () => modbusClient.ReadHoldingRegisters(startAddress, count),
DiscreteInputAttribute => () => modbusClient.ReadDiscreteInputs (startAddress, count),
CoilAttribute => () => modbusClient.ReadCoils (startAddress, count),
return record =>
foreach (var member in members)
var mbData = readModbus();
member.ModbusToRecord(mbData, record!);
Action<R> Write()
if (!isWritable)
return _ => { }; // nop
Func<MbData> createMbData = attribute switch
HoldingRegisterAttribute => () => MbData.Registers(startAddress, count),
CoilAttribute => () => MbData.Coils (startAddress, count),
Action<MbData> writeModbus = attribute switch
HoldingRegisterAttribute => d => modbusClient.WriteRegisters(startAddress, d.GetRegisters()),
CoilAttribute => d => modbusClient.WriteCoils (startAddress, d.GetCoils()),
return rec =>
foreach (var member in members)
var mbData = createMbData();
member.RecordToModbus(rec!, mbData);
@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
using System.Reflection;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection.Attributes;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
using static System.Reflection.BindingFlags;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection;
using ModbusRegisters = IReadOnlyList<ModbusRegister>;
using ModbusBooleans = IReadOnlyList<ModbusBoolean>;
using UInt16s = IReadOnlyList<UInt16>;
using Booleans = IReadOnlyList<Boolean>;
internal static class Batches
internal static IEnumerable<ModbusRegister[]> GetModbusRegisterBatches<T>(this Object statusRecord) where T : ModbusRegisterAttribute
var modbusRegisters = from mi in statusRecord.GetDataMembers()
from a in mi.GetCustomAttributes<T>()
select new ModbusRegister(a, mi, statusRecord);
return modbusRegisters.SplitIntoFrameSizedBatches();
internal static IEnumerable<ModbusBoolean[]> GetModbusBooleanBatches<T>(this Object statusRecord) where T : ModbusBooleanAttribute
var modbusBooleans = from mi in statusRecord.GetDataMembers()
from a in mi.GetCustomAttributes<T>()
select new ModbusBoolean(a, mi, statusRecord);
return modbusBooleans.SplitIntoFrameSizedBatches();
private static IEnumerable<MemberInfo> GetDataMembers(this Object statusRecord)
const BindingFlags bindingFlags = Instance
| Public
| NonPublic
| FlattenHierarchy;
var type = statusRecord.GetType();
var fields = type.GetFields(bindingFlags);
var props = type.GetProperties(bindingFlags);
return fields.Concat<MemberInfo>(props);
private static IEnumerable<T[]> SplitIntoFrameSizedBatches<T>(this IEnumerable<T> members) where T : IAddress
return members
.OrderBy(m => m.Address)
.GroupWhile((a, b) => b.Address - a.Address > 1) // split when there is a gap between consecutive addresses
.SelectMany(g => g.Chunk(Constants.MaxRegs)); // group cannot be larger than Constants.MaxRegs
public static IEnumerable<UInt16> SetStatusRecordMembersFromRawModbusValues(this ModbusRegisters modbusBooleans, UInt16s rawRegisterValues)
foreach (var modbusBoolean in modbusBooleans)
var index = modbusBoolean.Address - modbusBooleans[0].Address;
var rawRegisterValue = rawRegisterValues[index];
yield return modbusBoolean.Address;
public static UInt16[] GetRawModbusValuesFromControlRecord(this ModbusRegisters modbusBooleans)
return modbusBooleans
.Select(v => v.GetRawModbusValueFromControlRecord())
public static IEnumerable<UInt16> SetStatusRecordMembersFromRawModbusValues(this ModbusBooleans modbusBooleans, Booleans rawRegisterValues)
foreach (var modbusBoolean in modbusBooleans)
var index = modbusBoolean.Address - modbusBooleans[0].Address;
var rawRegisterValue = rawRegisterValues[index];
yield return modbusBoolean.Address;
public static Boolean[] GetRawModbusValuesFromControlRecord(this ModbusBooleans modbusBooleans)
return modbusBooleans
.Select(v => v.GetRawModbusValueFromControlRecord())
@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection;
internal interface IAddress
UInt16 Address { get; }
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
using System.Reflection;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection.Attributes;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection;
internal readonly struct ModbusBoolean : IAddress
public UInt16 Address => _Attribute.Address;
private readonly ModbusBooleanAttribute _Attribute ;
private readonly MemberInfo _MemberInfo ;
private readonly Object _Record;
[Obsolete] public ModbusBoolean() => throw new Exception("Forbidden");
public ModbusBoolean(ModbusBooleanAttribute attribute, MemberInfo memberInfo, Object record)
_Attribute = attribute;
_MemberInfo = memberInfo;
_Record = record;
public UInt16 SetStatusRecordMemberFromRawModbusValue(Boolean rawBooleanValue)
if (_MemberInfo is FieldInfo fi)
var converted = rawBooleanValue.ConvertTo(fi.FieldType);
fi.SetValue(_Record, converted);
else if (_MemberInfo is PropertyInfo pi)
var converted = rawBooleanValue.ConvertTo(pi.PropertyType);
pi.SetValue(_Record, converted);
return Address;
public Boolean GetRawModbusValueFromControlRecord()
var value = _MemberInfo switch
FieldInfo fi => fi.GetValue(_Record)!,
PropertyInfo pi => pi.GetValue(_Record)!,
_ => throw new ArgumentException(nameof(_MemberInfo))
return value
@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
using System.Reflection;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Protocol.Frames.Accessors;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection.Attributes;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
using static System.Reflection.BindingFlags;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection;
#pragma warning disable CS8509
internal record ModbusMember
UInt16 StartAddress,
UInt16 EndAddress,
ModbusAttribute Attribute,
Action<MbData, Object> ModbusToRecord,
Action<Object, MbData> RecordToModbus
internal static class ModbusMembers
private static readonly (Double scale, Double offset) NoTransform = (scale:1, offset:0);
internal static IEnumerable<ModbusMember> From<R>(Int32 addressOffset)
return GetDataMembers<R>()
.Select(m => m.CreateModbusMember(addressOffset));
private static ModbusMember CreateModbusMember(this MemberInfo info, Int32 addressOffset)
var attribute = info.GetCustomAttributes<ModbusAttribute>().Single();
var startAddress = (UInt16)(attribute.Address + addressOffset);
var endAddress = (UInt16)(startAddress + attribute.Size);
var modbusType = attribute.ModbusType;
var transform = attribute is ModbusRegisterAttribute mra
? (mra.Scale, mra.Offset)
: NoTransform;
var modbusToRecord = info.ModbusToRecord(startAddress, modbusType, transform);
var recordToModbus = info.RecordToModbus(startAddress, modbusType, transform);
return new ModbusMember
private static Action<MbData, Object> ModbusToRecord(this MemberInfo info, UInt16 address, TypeCode modbusType, (Double scale, Double offset) transform)
var decode = ConvertModbusToRecord(transform);
Func<MbData, IConvertible> readFromMbData = modbusType switch
TypeCode.Boolean => d => d.GetInput (address),
TypeCode.UInt16 => d => d.GetUInt16 (address),
TypeCode.Int16 => d => d.GetInt16 (address),
TypeCode.UInt32 => d => d.GetUInt32 (address),
TypeCode.Int32 => d => d.GetInt32 (address),
TypeCode.Single => d => d.GetFloat32(address),
TypeCode.UInt64 => d => d.GetUInt64 (address),
TypeCode.Int64 => d => d.GetInt64 (address),
TypeCode.Double => d => d.GetFloat64(address),
_ => throw new ArgumentException(nameof(modbusType))
Action<Object, IConvertible> set = info switch
FieldInfo fi => (rec, value) => fi.SetValue(rec, value.ConvertTo(fi.FieldType)),
PropertyInfo pi => (rec, value) => pi.SetValue(rec, value.ConvertTo(pi.PropertyType)),
return (mbData, rec) =>
var rawModbusValue = readFromMbData(mbData);
var decoded = decode(rawModbusValue);
set(rec, decoded);
private static Func<IConvertible, IConvertible> ConvertModbusToRecord((Double scale, Double offset) transform)
if (transform == NoTransform)
return Nop;
var scale = transform.scale.ConvertTo<Decimal>();
var offset = transform.offset.ConvertTo<Decimal>();
return c =>
var value = c.ConvertTo<Decimal>();
return (value + offset) * scale;
private static Action<Object, MbData> RecordToModbus(this MemberInfo info, UInt16 addr, TypeCode modbusType, (Double scale, Double offset) transform)
var encode = ConvertRecordToModbus(transform);
Func<Object, IConvertible> get = info switch
FieldInfo fi => rec => (IConvertible)fi.GetValue(rec)!,
PropertyInfo pi => rec => (IConvertible)pi.GetValue(rec)!,
Action<IConvertible, MbData> writeToMbData = modbusType switch
TypeCode.Boolean => (value, mbData) => mbData.SetCoil (addr, value.ConvertTo<Boolean>()),
TypeCode.UInt16 => (value, mbData) => mbData.SetUInt16 (addr, value.ConvertTo<UInt16>()),
TypeCode.Int16 => (value, mbData) => mbData.SetInt16 (addr, value.ConvertTo<Int16>()),
TypeCode.UInt32 => (value, mbData) => mbData.SetUInt32 (addr, value.ConvertTo<UInt32>()),
TypeCode.Int32 => (value, mbData) => mbData.SetInt32 (addr, value.ConvertTo<Int32>()),
TypeCode.Single => (value, mbData) => mbData.SetFloat32(addr, value.ConvertTo<Single>()),
TypeCode.UInt64 => (value, mbData) => mbData.SetUInt64 (addr, value.ConvertTo<UInt64>()),
TypeCode.Int64 => (value, mbData) => mbData.SetInt64 (addr, value.ConvertTo<Int64>()),
TypeCode.Double => (value, mbData) => mbData.SetFloat64(addr, value.ConvertTo<Double>()),
_ => throw new ArgumentException(nameof(modbusType))
return (rec, mbData) =>
var memberValue = get(rec);
var encoded = encode(memberValue);
writeToMbData(encoded, mbData);
private static Func<IConvertible, IConvertible> ConvertRecordToModbus((Double scale, Double offset) transform)
if (transform == NoTransform)
return Nop;
var scale = transform.scale.ConvertTo<Decimal>();
var offset = transform.offset.ConvertTo<Decimal>();
return c =>
var value = c.ConvertTo<Decimal>();
return value / scale - offset;
private static T Nop<T>(T c) => c;
private static IEnumerable<MemberInfo> GetDataMembers<R>()
var recordType = typeof(R);
const BindingFlags bindingFlags = Instance
| Public
| NonPublic
| FlattenHierarchy;
var fields = recordType.GetFields(bindingFlags);
var props = recordType.GetProperties(bindingFlags);
return fields.Concat<MemberInfo>(props);
private static Boolean HasAttribute<T>(MemberInfo i) where T : Attribute
return i.GetCustomAttributes<T>().Any();
@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
using System.Reflection;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection.Attributes;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
#pragma warning disable CS8509
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection;
internal readonly struct ModbusRegister : IAddress
public UInt16 Address => _Attribute.Address;
public Decimal Offset => (Decimal)_Attribute.Offset;
public Decimal Scale => (Decimal)_Attribute.Scale;
private readonly Object _Record;
private readonly ModbusRegisterAttribute _Attribute;
private readonly MemberInfo _MemberInfo;
private static readonly Type[] UnsignedTypes =
private Boolean IsUnsigned
var type = _MemberInfo switch
FieldInfo fi => fi.FieldType,
PropertyInfo pi => pi.PropertyType
type = type.IsEnum
? Enum.GetUnderlyingType(type)
: type;
return UnsignedTypes.Contains(type);
public ModbusRegister(ModbusRegisterAttribute attribute, MemberInfo memberInfo, Object record)
_Record = record;
_Attribute = attribute;
_MemberInfo = memberInfo;
[Obsolete] public ModbusRegister() => throw new Exception("Forbidden");
public UInt16 SetStatusRecordMemberFromRawModbusValue(UInt16 rawRegisterValue)
var raw = IsUnsigned
? (Decimal)rawRegisterValue
: (Int16)rawRegisterValue; // if it is signed we must first reinterpret cast the native UInt16 to Int16
var transformed = (raw + Offset) * Scale;
if (_MemberInfo is FieldInfo fi)
var converted = transformed.ConvertTo(fi.FieldType);
fi.SetValue(_Record, converted);
else if (_MemberInfo is PropertyInfo pi)
var converted = transformed.ConvertTo(pi.PropertyType);
pi.SetValue(_Record, converted);
return Address;
public UInt16 GetRawModbusValueFromControlRecord()
var value = _MemberInfo switch
FieldInfo fi => fi.GetValue(_Record),
PropertyInfo pi => pi.GetValue(_Record),
_ => throw new ArgumentException(nameof(_MemberInfo))
var transformed = value!
.ConvertTo<Decimal>() / Scale - Offset;
return IsUnsigned
? transformed.ConvertTo<UInt16>()
: transformed.ConvertTo<UInt16>().CastTo<UInt16>();
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
using System.Reflection;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection.Attributes;
#pragma warning disable CS8509
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection;
public static class Record
internal static Int32 GetAddressOffset<R>()
return typeof(R)
.Select(a => a.Offset)
@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Clients;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Reflection;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Slaves;
using Float32 = Single;
using Float64 = Double;
public class ModbusDevice<R> where R : notnull
private readonly IReadOnlyList<Batch<R>> _Batches;
public ModbusDevice(ModbusClient modbusClient, Int32 addressOffset = 0)
var offset = addressOffset + Record.GetAddressOffset<R>();
_Batches = modbusClient.MakeBatchesFor<R>(offset).ToList();
public R Read()
R r;
r = Activator.CreateInstance<R>();
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception
$"type {typeof(R).Name} seems to lack a parameterless constructor. " +
$"Either create one or use the other overload of{nameof(Read)} instead.",
return Read(r);
public R Read(R record)
foreach (var batch in _Batches)
return record;
public void Write(R record)
foreach (var batch in _Batches)
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Slaves;
public enum ModbusEncoding
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Slaves;
public enum ModbusProtocol
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Channels;
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Clients;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Slaves;
public static class ModbusSlave
public static Func<Byte, ModbusTcpClient> ModbusTcp(this Channel channel)
ModbusTcpClient SlaveId(Byte slaveId) => new ModbusTcpClient(channel, slaveId);
return SlaveId;
public static Func<Byte, ModbusRtuClient> ModbusRtu(this Channel channel)
ModbusRtuClient SlaveId(Byte slaveId) => new ModbusRtuClient(channel, slaveId);
return SlaveId;
public static Func<Byte, ModbusTcpClient> ModbusTcp<R>(this Channel channel) where R : notnull, new()
ModbusTcpClient SlaveId(Byte slaveId)
return new ModbusTcpClient(channel, slaveId);
return SlaveId;
public static Func<Byte, ModbusRtuClient> ModbusRtu<R>(this Channel channel) where R : notnull, new()
ModbusRtuClient SlaveId(Byte slaveId) => new ModbusRtuClient(channel, slaveId);
return SlaveId;
public static ModbusDevice<T> TcpSlave<T>(this Channel channel, Byte slaveId) where T : notnull, new()
var client = new ModbusTcpClient(channel, slaveId);
return new ModbusDevice<T>(client);
public static ModbusDevice<T> RtuSlave<T>(this Channel channel, Byte slaveId) where T : notnull, new()
var client = new ModbusRtuClient(channel, slaveId);
return new ModbusDevice<T>(client);
public static ModbusDevice<T> Slave<T>(this ModbusClient modbusClient) where T : notnull, new()
return new ModbusDevice<T>(modbusClient);
@ -1,17 +1,15 @@
using InnovEnergy.Lib.Utils;
namespace InnovEnergy.Lib.Protocols.Modbus.Util;
public static class ArraySegmentExtensions
public static ArraySegment<T> ToArraySegment<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable)
public static ArraySegment<T> ToArraySegment<T>(this IEnumerable<T> enumerable) => enumerable switch
if (enumerable is T[] array)
return new ArraySegment<T>(array);
if (enumerable is ArraySegment<T> arraySegment)
return arraySegment; // already an ArraySegment, doh!
return new ArraySegment<T>(enumerable.ToArray());
ArraySegment<T> ars => ars,
IReadOnlyList<T> rol => rol.ToArray(),
_ => enumerable.ToArray()
public static ArraySegment<T> Skip<T>(this ArraySegment<T> seg, Int32 count)
Reference in New Issue