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Read files with path relative to the current module without annoying boilerplate code

Well, I've expected @sindresorhus has a module for this, but he didn't.

What's going on?

If you have code like this:

var fs   = require('fs');
var path = require('path');

var data = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '/my-awesome-file')).toString();

Now you can replace it with:

var readSync = require('read-file-relative').readSync;

var data = readSync('/my-awesome-file');

That's it.

You want a plain buffer instead of string? No problem - just use optional second argument:

var readSync = require('read-file-relative').readSync;

var buffer = readSync('/my-awesome-file', true);

You like it the async way (didn't you 😉)? Do it this way:

var read = require('read-file-relative').read;

read('/my-awesome-file', function(err, content) {

You can pass options or encoding like for regular fs.readFile:

var read = require('read-file-relative').read;

read('/my-awesome-file', 'utf8', function(err, content) {

BTW, you can just convert given path to absolute:

var toAbsPath = require('read-file-relative').toAbsPath;

var absPath = toAbsPath('/my-awesome-file');


npm install read-file-relative


Ivan Nikulin (